244918 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �����j� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. ��' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7,zc!�;.�rsE co���rrr� COU I SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JUZY 17. 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF , i?ESOLVEll; That ap,�lication for the transfer of Ck� Sale I,iquor and Sunday-f}.-Sale-Liq�or licenses, is sued to T arry Eugene Hoye at l�b0-6 I'lorth I,exington Avenue, be and the same are hereby transferred to Geor�e P•�. Dorle at the s ame address and his application for Restaurant� Off Sale Malt �evera�e, Cigarette� and �owling (12 alleys) licenses at the same location, be and. the s ame are hereby granted on the condi.tion that within lD �7 days of this date sa�d George M. Dprle shall c omply with al.l require��lents of the ]3ureaus of Firey Health, and Police, and the Lic�:nse Inspector pursuant. to the St. Pau.l Le�islative Code and all other apn7_icable ordinances and 13ws. ��� � 7 1�69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays ��4 � � �� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— � Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafku J Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ������ ��� 19 1969 � � CITY OF SAIl�T PAUL �����p Capital of Minnesota (� . �e a�t�e�t a a��ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PBOTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, CoRIMISS101tBi POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depaty Commiutoner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieensc In�peetor Ju�y 15, 1969 Honorable I�Iayor and City Council Saint Pau1, t7innesota Gentlemen: Geor�e M. Dorle is joined b�r I�arry �Z;;ene Hoye in makin�; a�plication for the transfer o� Qn �a1e I��o,uor License �10. 76a9 and Sunda„T-On-Sale-Liruor L9.cense P1o. 7733, botr expirin� January 31, 1970, from Larr�T Eu�;ene Hoye at !}60-6 ilorth Lexin�ton Avenue to George A1. Dorle at the same address. Nir. Do�^le also rr� kes applica.tion for �est�.�rant, Off Sa�e �1alt 13everaoe� Ci;;arette, and BoiaZin� (12 alleys) licenses for the saa�ie location. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 191�0. The oresent licensee, Zarrrr E. Hoye, held t,��e licenses from 4u�.st 1967 until the present. The applicant also preiovsl�T hel�. the licenses at this loc� tion from 1952 L-ntil they ?aere transferred to i•1r. T-ioye� in 1967. Fro m August 1967 until now I•�r. Dorle has been eMnloyed at tl:e Corunerce Liq,.:or Store on Ford Parkwa;�. Prior to t?:is he was licensee at the l�60-6 N, I,exington Avenue loca�ion. Very trul�r yours� � � � ,: �.. " � - � � ,r` .� �, .. �,� . �. r ,� �,� �:� F;� ��'`�,;; License Inspector O " WILLIAM J. D!1NN ATT❑RNEY AT LAW ST. PAUL GUILDING ST. PAUL 2, MINN. . 222-2789 July �`�, 1969 Nor.orable 2��ayor and Council o� '�he City of Saint Paul �our� House St. P�ul, i�inne so�a 5�102 At'�er�'tio�: riro Dw.n3el P. d�:cLwughlin, License Inspecto� �lease be advis�d that I r�nresent George 3i. �orle who ma..�es �p-- plicat�.on for transfer of an-sale 13n,.uor license at �60 No. L�xing- ton Park�:ay, St. P�.ul, ��Iinnesata presently in the name af Larry Eugene Hoy�, and request 'the transfer of said license from said Larry Eugene Hoye to George ��. Dorle. �:���.� _ rm. J. DU.nn . Request is hereby made for the tranefer oP �he above on-sale liquor � license ,from Larry,Eugene Hoqe t�o me. , �---�t � � �y��>� ,..�--i�/jy�— �—�.-}-�,c� , — _. . George "1��. Dor e _. I here�y request the transfer of the above on—sale 13.quor 13.cense from me to George M. D�rle. v` .; � �-�� � � �! � arr� E. �koye , , � ,. .,. . . . ��. �:.. ... � � � � . . - .. .. � . � .�� �i � . ,. :�.. �. . , . - . . . � , � . ..� ;I .. l CITy fl� SAINT PAtIL , �R , DEPART�NT �' P�TTBLIC SAFSTY � � LiCENSE DIVZSIdN �' . � Date 1�oTe�abs� 1.3,� 19 b8 , 1. l�pplioat�.a�, f4r tfA—Sale L�Qu@! Lieer�e '. �'� 2, ga�e of appliaant t�e0rge l�f. DOPl/ 3. Buaiaees addreaa 460 P�. L��c�ngton A�rage�idenae 2��,'9 Startfo�d Avs�, � :t 4. 2re►de name, if any t"�org� M. Dorl� t�,/bjs Lorenee �RiOrea�lon� ' __ . _ _ � � 5. Retail Beer Federal T�x 3tamp Retsa,l Liquor Federal Tax Stamp � �rill"be used. � ` ba+remefi�"7� _ . _ � r 6. t� �rhat floor located first 41ooP Au�»ber of rocans used� � � � _ _ _ 11a�rc�ra snfl _ _ 7. Be�w�text �at croa� streeta II�yer�,,���. � iihich side of streat �d�� __ Ctrf-9ale : 8. ;,�,re premieee no�ar Qocupied �s��Phat businese ��4��, � , How lor�.g�����' , ; ......_� . _ 9. �Are premisea now unoaaupied How long vaaaAt � Previous uae • _..,. _ —..;' ���oseeaaed prem�,ess _ . 10. Ardj you a new owner�H�ve yau been 3.n a s3.milar buaineas before���� ' � 'Ilb;ere �+6c9 �t. �,e�in��oA Ave. W�,.en lg 2 to i9�i� 11. Are you going to operate thia buainess personally �e• `� � If �qt, aho wi11 operate it 12. &re you in any other business at the present time Nf� 13. 8ave there been an.y complaints against your oparation of this �ype of p]ace jj0 ylhea Rhere 14. 8ave you evar had any liQense revolaad�rllhat reason arut date .,_.. . 15. �re �ybu a citizen of the United Statea�Nativ�e X Naturalized ....,.__.�..,. 16. l�ex� ware you bora �It.Pi�tl. Mi�lris8a�� Date of birth� �sb��'1� 1�,_ 17, I am��maxried. My {wife's) (husband�s� name and addres� i� ; Aath�rinf Dorls � 20iq Stantcrd Ave �� Pa 18. (If m�rried femsle) my maiden name is . 19. Ho�v long have you lived in St. Paul 1� ��,,,Aarf•. 2 g��,�h�_ 20, Bav�a you ev�er been arre$tad II� Vio].ation �P what criminal la�r or ordinancse�� . 21, Are you a regi�tered voter in the City o� St, Pl�ul ��� Ye� No, _ ..... . (Anawer fu11Y and cam.pletel . Theae a �lioatior�a are thorou hl chealflod ax�d an f a a�f iQeti an will be cause for enial. _ ,_..,... .. _ �.� . �. ..,_ a ;, � . � 22, �umber oP 3.2 p]aaes within t�vo blooks� I�f�AA ��, - ` _ . _ . ,� . 23. Closeat, intoaiaating liquor plaoe. Cd� Sals $ �).p�s 4ff �ale �` .. ^, .- 1 bl+oslc--- � , -- �,_ 24. Ne�rest Churah f1�s blomlr.� Nearest Sehooi fi�e bl0ok• ' 25s Number of bootha Tablea � Chairail�' Stools �1 26. Wh�t oacupe�tian have you follow�ad for �he paa� five yaars. (Give names oP emplo�er� and datea ao employed.) x . �lerk �►� Rosen Lic�uor store on �'ord parkwa�r frc�m Augue� 1967 fi�o �i�r�. 19 . and pricr tbereLo aper�.tor of Loronoe Rearea�loa _ _ ._ _ _ . . . ` � , 27+ Givoa� x�etmes and addrees�es of two persons, reaidenta of 3t8 A�ul, I�[i.nne, �vho can gi�e �� in�orme►t3on ooacerning you, � �al�er F. Do�le Pres. !�wrtht�+�stern �t�.te Bsnl� �'�, P�tl Name • Addr�es �' �..i�R l�ame �iili�t J. Dunn �►ddress �Ol St. Paul Bld�. r g�. Psul� l�ttnrl,, . _ 6%s'L, � - Signature of pp 1Qant Ge4�g� M,� DOi' State of Min.r:a aota ss County of F�amsey ! L bein firat duly aw�rn, 8epoaes ami saya upon �ath tahe�"*1�� read t e fore�"�goi g atatement bearing his sign�ature and ks�owa the contenta thereoP, and that the eam� i� �i�ue- uf hia mRn l�awledge eacept `as �o those matters therein s�ated upon infora�tion and belief and as to thoae m�tter�� he believ�sa t2sam to be true. ` . �%� ' `j��. Signature o� �ppiicant �or�e M. D4�1� � Subaaribed and eworn to before me ' \F \'t �� thie 1�'�h day oP 1�o4eobAr� ].9 �i$ M � � �UNN �n�l�M g��. WI�. J• �Li �N►. a�.,sey ��t,26,1 '\;,, N-o� blic, Ramaey Coun � i�neeota pu,��c,��,���res `�r � � ,•�t'acy ��55��-. � 1 My Ccmntnisaion eapires �. 26` l�'�. ' ;,y��`� ,,� 4.' ;��, : . ` . '��, �� � (Notes These statem�nt forms are in duplicateo �Both csopies must be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the License Divis ion0�— AF'FID/1,VIT BY APPLICANT ` . g�. • RET/1TL BEPR OR LIQUDR LICENBE . • Re: AA SaTe- - - L1Qli0],' Lioex�se _...____ � Naine of applioant a41'g• 1d. DOl1� Bu�ines� a8dreas 460 No. LeaCl on Ave p bre you the sole o�ro.er of this buainess4�e*. Tf not, 3.�a it a pe►rtner�hip4 0 orpore,t ion.4 , other3 �thers intereated in buainesa, include thoae by loan of mpney, property or other�iaes Name Addre s a Hc�v If a aorporation� give its name . Are you interested in any w�ty in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor buaiz�a ss? NO ` ds eole aa�ner? Partner4 Stoekholder? Otherwise? (Through loan of money, eto. E�plair�) Addresa of auch buaineas and nature of interest in sama � `:%� f _ _ _ ` , V ture appiicant �}eorge M. DoPl� State of Mianesota) ' )ss Cocmty of Re►maey ) a being first_duly aworn, depqees and says upo�n. oath that he hsa �read the foregoing a fidavit bear�.g his signature and k�nows the coa�Qnta thereof; that the sam� ia true of hie own Irnorrledge, eaaept aa to those �tters therein stated�upon infor�tion and belief and as to those mattera he be- lieves them to be true. �':�� , S gnature uP applicant (�dorgr l�t. D01��� Subaoribed and a�rorn. to before � ` thia ��ay o�No�sobsr 19 6� �m.,�.7_ � � " - ._ ..._ Notary Public Rs►msey Couaty, Minneso$e ,,,,h , • , ;o�n±y,r'�!. A�y Ct9m]miselo7l expil'98 �Oti. Si6� 19 ?�• � r -.. ar�s _�. 26, ,.= �• r r • .. • STATE OF MINNI�IIESOTA � ) SS CO�TNTY AF �dS�Y � . _ aeorge M_ Darle being firat duly swoans, doth depo$� r.,..-�_ ._ _. and say that he makea this affidavit in. aonnection with appiioatioa for " On Sale" liquor Iiaense (" Sale" malt be�erage lic�enee) in the City o� . .__.,,,�-_ _ _ Sta�e of Yinnesotet Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your aff�iant ia a resident of the __ _ . and has reeided therein for 1( y�ears, , � montha, and is St�te now and ha s been for the ti.me ab ove menti oned a b ona f ide re s ide nt oP ea id � ' and tY�at he nv�v reaides at N0. z019 StanPord Avenu�, St. Paul, �L#1C�Zs Minne s ota. �' � George M. Dorl� y Subsoribed and s�orn to before me this 13th day of�ovember 1� , 68 ,,,1�liri. . D� M���' Notart�r Publia, �mseY '�Y, Minnesota �•o����°�a�6���"j3� Bdy cammisaion expires Oct. 26. 19?3 Q�a oR�`��eSG t 2 • �ataH�m�SS` 0 4y G . s