244904 ORIGINAL'TO CITY C � �� +(J V� , . - , ITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. FI F THE CITY CLERK U C Ot1JTION— ENE L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE D (� y� � C._-" REA , the Counci o the City of Saint Paul has been informed of the proposed discontinuance of Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company passenger trains Nos . 17 and 18 between Minneapolis and Kansas City, Missouri, pursuant to petition therefor filed by said railroad company with the Interstate Commerce Commission; and WHEREAS, this Council feels that granting of such relief by the Interstate Commerce Commission to said Railroad Company would be contrary to the interests of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul and of the citizens of the metropolitan area generally, Now, Therefore , be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to the provisions of the Interstate Com�erce Act, and in response to the aforesaid information relative to the petition for discontinuance of the aforesaid passenger trains , the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby protests to the Inter– state Commerce Commission against the relief requested by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company relative to dis– continuance of passenger trains Nos . 17 and 18, and asserts that the granting of such relief would be contrary to public convenience and necessity and contrary to the interests of the citizens of this � City; be it -n � , d FURTHER RESOLVED� That this Council hereby requests the �i Interstate Commerce Commission to set the aforesaid matter for � � hearing at appropriate places within the �tate of Minnesota; � -p be it � � c FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is authorized and p directed to transmit forthwith copies of this Resolution to the � Interstate Commerce Commission and to the Public Service Commission � . � of the State of Minnesota. JUL 1 b 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays J U L 1 b Carlson 1969 Dalglish proved 19— Meredith �1n Favor Peterstm ' Sprafka ayor � �A gainst Tedesco �����"� '�;W.; �u�t.�sttE� .IUL 19 1969 n�. v.�+.. �x�•�,�� F�e��R,��� O � DUPLICAY�E,TO PRINTER C{TY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �(���'�L� • " F,�E NO. _ OFCiGE O�F THE C!�"Y CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOIV—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEp BY COMMISS�ONER DATF '4+Tii��,�AS, the Council of trie City o� �3nint P��,uI has been informed of the �rolrosed discontiniaance o� Chica�o, i?,ocl� Islaiid And I'aeiric I�ailroac: Cor�pa��y pas�enger trains Nos. 17 and 18 ��ettaeen P-iinneapola� and I�ail�as Ci��ty, T�iissouri, pursuant to petition th�refor 1:�led by �aid railroad corap�.ny wit�l the. Interst�te Commerce Commission; and ��'�I�I;AS, thi5 Council �eels that gr�n.tin� of such relief 1�y the l;�tef state Ca,:��erec `;arilr�iss�on �o sald l�.ailroa� Cou�i���.ny would be coiz�rary �ic� the iTi�eres�s o� the catizen� o�P the City af :'aint Paul an�i af �;��e cit�.zens o� tile metropoZitar� �.rea ger�eraZly, No��, There�ore , be it ItL�OLV�D, T���.�t purs�.ar�t to the previ:�ions of tEze Inter�st�te Con,neree I�.c1;, a.nd in xesnc�?�c��: to tl:� a�ore��Lid iil�arr��tion rel.ati.ve to tl2e PP'GI.��io�i �or disec�nt:i�3zaance or ttze atore��ic� p�sse�h�r tr�i�s, the Council o� the :`ity oS ::�ain� 1'aial Yaeret��� pro�te�s�L� to tne T�ter— st�ate Co?r,1-�.e.rce Co��;::z�sz.on �rfa�ins�; �t;�te relie� recj�zev�ted by ti�e; Ct�.ica�;o, I�oct; I�la��.cl �„ad i'�:cz�'ac �tailroac� Co;:��?�$�z� rela�Q;ive to c�:'c:�� eonf�inua�.�ce c�f p�ssen.�er t��.3���z3 i�Ta�s. �'� �r,.t� 1�s, a�i:e �ssert� �d;fz�.t t?�,e �;r�:lf;ir�; oi s�zcs�z relie;' cvould b� eont.�4�ry �to �tzl�lic conve,zience a�.d ncce y��.4y and c���ra�•y tc tt�e intere�ts oF �t�c: citizex�s of th3� C3.�y; be it FUi�TI�ER Tt,����LVLD, i��.�.t tt�is Council lzereby reqitests t33e • In�er.st�te Coi.i�nez ce Coni�i� �a_on to set �t:x�e ��-:�oresaid ir.atter ior he��ring at a�pro�ri�te piac�s wit��ii� tile State af �iinnesota; t�e i t FI'��1LLY R�50LV:,ll, T.iut the C3ty C`lerl� is auttinrized �.izd directed to LIuLI.a;�lit for�Lii=:�itta co�i�s of t.�i: P�esoluiian to t�ie Ixit�rstate Cor�mez ce Co�*�is:�iun anci to the Pu�Iic Service Co{:�i�ission of t;ie State o� :-iire��esota. ���� � ;� Z���� COUNCIL:IZEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays E . : '.`�`��`� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— 14ieredith _ �' Tn Favor Petersorr- Mayor � Sprafku c' Tedesco A�ainst . :��1"�i*,;�'resid�nt;�Bv�ne :�:: . .,. �•. ... . ..... ��1x. �'tr. . �<-.�i:iurxi l:'.,_i':,,�-�) .: ��J airman Secretary-Trearurer Trustee Trustee Trustee � � �/ 1 F.J.Axanxa E.E.B�taLUrm F.R.Nstsox Leo R.Joanerr MAHVIN E.OSTLUND( ` Ch 'r2nan,Brotherhood Chairman,Brotherhood Chairman,Brotherhood Chairman,Brotherhood Chairman,Order of ' of�ailway and Steam- of Railroad Trainmen of Locomotive Firemen of Maintenance of Way Railway Conductors ship Clerka,Freight 743 Upper Midwest Bldg. and Enginemen Employees and Brakemen Handlera,Express and M9nneapolis,Minn.55401 1226 Cherokee Avenue 5131 Queen Ave.No. 1221 Quincy Avenue Statlon Bmployees Weat St.Paul,Minn.53118 Minneapolis,M�nn.55430 Willmar,l�Lnn.56201 650 Lafond Avenue St.Paul,Minn.55104 Railroad Brotherhoods Legislative Board Vict Chairman R.B.Wsiaax chairman,Brottierbood S T A T E O F M I N N E S O T A of Locomotiva Engineers 1646 Iglehart Avenue i o St.Paul,Minnesota 55104 July � , 19E9 f?onorable Jar;es Dalglish Corunissioner of Finance 113 City Hall St. Paul , '°iinnesota 55102 iiy dear Commissiorier �alglish : Proposed c�iscontinuance of Chicago, rock Island and Pacific Railroad Cornpany passenger trains r?os. 17-13 uetween iiinnEapolis and Yar_sas City, r2issouri. F .D . 25751 The Chicago, Rock Islanc� anc� Pacific �?ailroac' Cor^pany has peti-• tionec� the Interstate Commerce Comm�_ssion r.elative to the ahove 7natt�r. The various �tayors , Chan��ers of Comr�Prce, husinessmen, shippers , etc. , have been, or will be , requested to ���rite letters of pro- test to the Interstate Commerce Go.-nrtission ok,jecting to this proposed discontinuance . Unless the I .C.C . receives a suffi- cient numher of protests from people I have mentione� , and from you, the d a hearing! The �ublic is entitled to a hearin n this very im�artant , r�e reauest that you, on k�ehalf of the City Council , u�rite a letter of protest immediately to H. �Ieil Garson, Secretary, Interstate Commerce Commission, [^7ashington, D.C. 20423 , ohjecting to this proposed discontinu- ance. Letters of protest should be received by the I .C.C. in [t]ashington, D.C. , just as soon as possible. I wish to further state these are th.e last trains along this route which serve many of tl^se comm.unities in n�?.innesota and they do provide valuable service to students attending the various Colleges along the line , state institutions , the husiness community, and further, they carry a great num.ber of tourists . These trains have dining and sleeping facilities and do handle mail, baggage, etc. This office will appreciate your sending a copy of your letter to the Minnesota Public Service Corimission Chairman, P.onal�. L �': Anderson, State Office Building, St. Paul , N[innesota 55101 . �'"�`�`'�-� f� � ' Very sincerely, � �` ./ / 1 �� j �`��!{....t. � • > �, �� E. E. �erglund, Sec. Treas . - July 9, ��6g Mr. Joseph F. Summers, Corporatis�n Caunse.l. Deax Sir: /� ; At toda,y's Cauncil me�ng Comm's ioner Dal;Iish requested th�,t you prepare a � lution Council actian opposing the prop�sed discontin e hica;o, �ack Island a.nd Pacific Railroaci Company pass �,, trains Nas. 17-Y£i between Minn:�ap�lis an a . a City, ssouri, as more fully set out in the attac copy o let of the Ra3.lroad. Brotherhoads Z,egisla 've Board. `� ! J��y truly yours, ;--� / , ��--� _f..-i / City Clerk AO�hp � \�`�_j 0 .'.�� ,�,f' �; �-���t�' �' �u.ly '�� 19�9 Int�rsta�e Commerc� Commission, � 12th. St. €�nd. Con.stitution Ave. Pd.�d. , �_� 47ashington, D. C. �0�+23. � C,e nt leme n: / Attached is a resalu of th� ' int Pa.ul City Council protestin�; ta the IntP te C ce Commission against th.e relief' requested by C �o, Rxk Island and Pacif�c Railr;�ad Compan r.elat v� � the disccn�inu�nce of Pa.ssen�e.r Trt�ins T�S �a. , 18, d requestin�; th�,t the L�mmission set �t : atter . hear �z at a�propriate places within tt�� St e of Miniae o a. V ry truly yaurs, /�—,i � City �;�.erk At?�hp � �.__._.._. r �,' ,:` �� �,� � «TulY 1.6, 1969 � State �'ublic S-r.rvice Commission, ` State Off ice �3uild��n�;, ~��� St, x'�'aul, i�i�.nn, \�� � G�.�ntlemen: � Attachecl is a r.�so�.0 � af th int �ul City Council prot�st�n�� to the Inters e C rce Commiss�.on t���.inst th� rel�_cf' requested by th 'c�.�o, ;?vcl� Island and P�.ci.fic R�,ilroad Co a a.ta.�.rc� o the discontinu�.z�ce of Passen4Jer `C'r�zins �? s 17 �n� , �.n °equestin� th�.t the Commzs�ion we�L t e r:��tter fo e�rit;; at �.���ro�ria,te pl�,re� within the St e of Minnes a. ,�✓ �/ Very truly yours, � � City Cl.erk AO�hp � � �_ / \��--.�__.�--�