244888 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK � 24488g CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON E DATF RESOLVED, That upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by Northwestern State Bank, owner of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul and described as : Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, Block 3, Hill� s Addition; that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are deter- mined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor and the buffer requirements for said premises are hereby relaxed so as to accommodate a remodeled drive-in banking facility and parking lot , subject to the condition that said , appellant, and its successors and assigns, otherwise, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of �� municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regula- tions of public authorities having cognizance. FQR�1 APPRO�EQ '.��. � AsaL�Ccrporstion Cou J U L 16 1�69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays '�U L 2 6 1'69 Carlson �h pprove 19— Meredith � rn Favor gete�se� � Sprafk� � Mayor Tedesco A gainst ' � �u�.rsw�� JUL 19 1969 �o -� ,. s � . � BO�ARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL • 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 ���� July 1, 1969 (�8 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This letter refers to the appeal of Northwestern State Bank to relax the buffer requirements on a property located on the north side of Minnehaha Avenue, between Arcade and Mendota Streets. This property is further described as follows: Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, Block 3, Hill's Addition. This matter was considered at the June 5, 1969, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff summarized its report, stating that this facility has been expanding westward and that a previous waiver of buffer requirements had been granted; however, the buffer requirement is reasonable and could be provided. After discussing the negative aspects of the proposed parking lot without buffer, adjacent to a residential use, it was the recommendation of the Board of Zoning that this appeal be denied by a 3-1 vote, as per the amended minutes of the June l9, 1969, Board of Zoning meeting. Very truly yours, / ;i � ,_ / � �� A�er J. M i tta ' Secretary, oard of Zoning PJM:gap DLW Z.F.��6757 �.__.._.._ � ��:� � `� . eo i t > , • . ' � BOARD OF 7ANING REPORT AND ACTSON June 5, 1969 nlat Map 35 � t , � �Actins; und�r Le�islati w Code Chapter 60 thru 64 � passscl August 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 1968 6758 . 1. AP:�LICAt�I''S NA'•1E : NorthWestern State Bank 5� � S�i��i�4, 2. CL.ASSIFICATION : u Am�ndmant �•=.IAppeal ❑ ?ermit t_JOther �� ' 689-90 3. °URPOSE ; Relax buffer requiree�ents 3744 4. LOCATION ; North aide of Minaeahaha Avenue between Arcade and Mendota Streets S. LEC,IIL DESCRIPTION s Lota 23, 24, 25, 26, Block 3, Hill's Addition. 6. PRESENT ZA NINGs Light Industry ��. PtlfiSUANT 't'� Zoning Cod� Chspt�r� 64 S�ation: .03 ParaQraph: i S. STAFF INVESTIGATION E REPORTt Utt�s 5/26/69 Bys CLS A. ZOMI�IG ADl�IINISTRATOR: No Action. B. flI RY: A parkiag lot was appraved for Lot 27 and•an appeal to waiv.e the 8 foot baffer r�quire�eat Waa appraved on A2/26/57. A permit was graated for a drfve- , ia bsakiag facility �on Lota 27 6 28 on 7/14/62. Aa appeal to waive the 8 foot buffer anLot 24 waa granted on 9/11/65. A petmit for a 10 car parkiag lot ca � . LoC 25 waa granted on 6/17/61. An appeal to Wsive the 8 foot buffer re quire- � aeat on Lot 25 wu graated on 6/17/61. Pl�s were approved for an administra- ' ti�e parkiag lot on Lots 24 � 25 oa 9/17/65. All lot descriptions 4re in Block � 3, Rill's Additioa. � C. PRi0Y06ED U8B: A�dd one parce� of Land and re�odel the drive-in banking facility � aad parkiag lot. :,� D: PRBSSlIT STA�TDJIRDS: Tbs exiatiag standards require aa 8 foot buffer area bet�eea opaa ar�a parkiag apacea �aad residential land nse. k E. VAitI,�CE: T6e proposed parl�int lot aad driveway facility deaign utilises the r entir� site area providiitg �wci�n parking apac�s aa�d efficient trafffc fld�r. F. AREA Z,QlIII1G: Sfie area to tlu �ast, �outh and wMt i• zoned Light Industrq. Ad- ; joinin� to the aorth i• �d Heavy Industry. r_. G. SITS COI�ITI0N3: The site is dweloped in part With a parting lot and drive-ia ; facility. The weat�rly 40 fe�t is wcant aad approxi�ttely 3 feet sbave the ` eaciating facility. A retaining vall Mtll ba req�tired. �� . H. AREA CODIDITIaiS: North acr�s aa alley �� a lasss !� p�rting lot. Weat are res- � idential usee and �outb ia �is�d ca�rcial aad industrial usea. � ' Council L�tter �� 9. BOARD ACTIONs To R�c��nd D Approval �1lsnial ���d 7/1/69 F_ '�ov�d byt Gadler Y�ss � Nays Dat• of Nearing x �� 7/3/69 S�cond�d by:Gauger Cob�n • Danna (Alt) Council Action � x Gsdl�r � x Gau��r ! Sacrstary's r�marks s x Mlai�tta D�ste � 'i McPartlin (Alt) i Manaur (A1t) i r LEGAL I�DTICES ON TFtE HACK O£ THIS SHEET . �:.:._ .a,.,.�.....� .... ,.. ......,_ . _ �-------�-.�- -�------ _ _ �. :.�via. ..�...t � _..,x.�:6_.. .. ..a.-: � � t,::.��.:. s'Parr.:..�.:,.���- , .r:. _. ..-� rf.�i.:�:,. _ � _�. __ .. . ,, «.......-•r-w,., .. �, �� .,• .:., � ,�,.;, ,.. � • '.. .. ._.•..�..... _..�-..�.---�"� . �:.3.+ �,. .. �.,.,,�.. _._ --�- �• �.,, �.. „^. �++ •-•�.. �r° -��_ .�� -r - r' � �� �'j• � ;a.� ..� � j ; i_ ��� �' • ' �� .( f � � ' . 1 �1 � ' 1 j . . , . i � , . . � , i 1 1 J � � , � .�.N. � � f- . � I� � � + � < � i . . 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MA RG�1 RE T �4YE. �, ��a� "'�RTH'"IESTERN STATE �iArTK L.FGEND , �POS� 1• Relax parkin� lot buffer reqiiirements � �� 2. Perr.iit f'or an. addition to an existin� • parkin�- lot. 0 Q�I�E—R��LY ; P�SENT Z��6 Li�ht Industr,y .¢ TWO-F�LY ' PETITQN � � TH�E-FAIN�#.Y a -�- FOUR-lqIAAiLY . 6 K • �n �COiMI�RqAL y F�.E No 7.7 N�rM � 6758 n ^ t1�f0UST�t1AL . � 1A4CANt ' a�,.�.�„ ��,.�.. � . ' �� ��' � ���� �• �9V 77 ��� ^�►r�J_ �. i . � . . . � � ���� NC�tiy s��y � ���� � ' �� ' ���'�� `�� ��� `� � State Bank� re,,.ms.� E E �P �r . ��i'� r � F. g I �rc�� _�`� MINNEHAHA AT EAST SEVENTH STREET • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55106 • 771-5555 March 28, 1969 The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386 City Hall and Court House St. Pau1, Minnesota Gentl emen: 1 I n support of our application for increased parking space and drive-way space for additional drive-in tellers, we submit the following: a. Name of Applicant - Northwestern State Bank,St. Paul, Minnesota b. Telephone number - 771-5555 c. Legal description - Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26, Block 3, Hi11's Addition d. 5treet location - North side of Minnehaha Street between Arcade and 1vl��adota e. Present use of prope'��,y - parking and vacant � f. Proposed use of property - parking and drive-ways g. Purpose of appeal - waive requirements of 60. 23 of the legislative zoning code h. Need of appeal - space required for comfortable parking area k. Cite section of Ordinanqe appealing under - Legislative code chapter 64, section 03, paragraph i We do plan to construct two additional drive-in tellers, one of which wi11 be a combination drive-in and walkup teller on the North end of part of Lot 25, and allof Lot 26, as shown on the plans enclosed in duplicate. Your favorable and early consideration of thi s request wi11 be appreciated. Sinc e rely, �_ 1 'c`�.�� � ,�;`�� -, Uij �� �7 �'' '� � �.� I U , �i ,..---' Walter V. Dor1e, APR � I�h� President CITY PLAiVN�id� i�vi��D Saint Pau�, Minnesc' WVD/mlf . , __..,_ . i �� ' �' F�� i �.� ��� Enclosures ' -==' `�r'�`W � u `� 'cyUf d � ,��� •----o.� 1�IINtTTBS OF THE PUBY,,IC HEABING B�UR� T�38 B�QE�RA OF ZODtIN� ON TIiURSDAY, JUI� 5, 1969 at 2 P,MQ r�s$N�,: Measra, A�es, Gadler� Gaugere Maietta� McPartlia af the 13osrd; and Measrs, Sotensou setid Wilkerson and Mxs. Irieh of the sta�f. (Mt. Mc Parglia leift �he meeeia�g after cogsid$zaCton of th�: Bellgoate Compaay nu�t t�r a) NOR�HWSS1',�RN S�BANR: Aa �ppeal t� selax ls�ffer requirements and an applicat3.on iEar a pexmit �o remod�! art�l s�onservct aa ex�.�ting paskl�glo� ou property loeated oa tiv� nor�h side o� Minaehal�a Av�nuuaee b�twieen Ar�ade sad M�eadoga Str�etsa M�e Snreason said tha� this £aci3.itp ha,s beQU e�cp�.ndix� w�esi:wa�cd9 sad that waivsr af �e buffRr zo�e has ba�a g$aated to previous parkiag fa�iliCi.ese The staf! has dLscussed the proposal wi�h the Traf#ic Brxgic�eeY and based on hia canmsata has wor�ked out a diffs�ces�t aa�se�g�n� �or tr.� ��raffic� floco, , �� �ep�esea�aeive f��ssa tlar� baak said he csou�d 1.i1r,� to discuss the mattt�r with hi� a�hfte�to Mxo H�Itzks who sta�ed he wa� the araaer of soa�r� rantal pYOpm�ty ad joiaix�g tiie sub'ec� �►�op�trt� on ghe wes�a said he was opposecl to ehe granting of Che appeal �o waive �he sequi�ed muf#er �oaea � as��ti.au+�d that the exhauat €ro� cars was offeaasive to �enan�s aad aoCed �hat with th�a 3M parking Iqt aeross tha aZZ@ya cares wer� �oa�sta�.�I3� caa►ic�g and goiug� bix, Sox+eaaon said ehat the sta$� was of the opia�oa that tiae buffsx requiremaat was reasomab�e aad coulc� ba st�pZied, A�te� same dis�assio�s tYee lgaaxd membsrs feXt it wue�Id be b�8t �o d�spose of the appe�I �t this tfu� aad 1ay ovex �h� pa�ckin,g pQx�Ce Cousequen�Ip I�r.Gadler �roved for deni�l ef the appeai� m4+tion Beconded by i�i�c,. Gaoger 3 — � H=. Gadler moved ehatc th� m�t��r of the par�Cia�g 1c�t h+� lsid ov�r for two w�aske �, go pe�tmi.t Che bank to cons�rlt with its architecfi; �tioa seconded by M�r, Hsistta aad c�r�ied unanimoua��, �- m ' Snbcaftted }�: Colo�ael l�, Soresnsoa �obert Lo A�ss Chaira�an CIoS:gGI 6/I3/69 -7- 3 ' City Clerk � , • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Nouse 55102 June 20, 1969 I�ile %72p, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on July 3, 1969 on the appeal of the Northwestern State Bank to relax buffer requirements on Lote 23, 24 25 aad 26, Block 3, Hill's Addition to St. Paul. The property is located on the aorth side of Minnehaha Avenue betweea Arcade and Mendota Streets. For further information contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Coam�erce Building or telephone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Caamissfoner of Finaace O � � *��� � � �� r . � � *� � s`� � ' �,� r �; �,�x� � ° � ... ., � �'-�� �"��� �� � ., . ���� �.,,. , � �� _ x� ��.: � .,. . . �.. � ' �tICHARD A. SCHNARR ` " � A1�tTH � ,�� CIT1� �� SAINT P� UL � , ' �_- � CHIEF ENGINEER , � � �DBpF1TY� t ,�:' , • . - . .. : . „ : . ,� i' ily''�'.�' . , �'�rpita) of Minnesota „ � � , �� ��e DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC MfQRKS �� �� ,�,��: �� , 23�4;�Fy He�ll & Coia� Ho�ae 55E�2 ; ,� ���,,;y�� ,��, � , ;. -, ' ��� '�.�.:ti:: � ��` �.!�.�r��� ,����,v <r. . � � . �� .� , �:� � s > �`i011'IRlif510fl@� � , � � k � � . = ' ri �,.'` . . �:'�' . .... ...,._.. ,.. . . . ' �,i '��l%ri a �' ,.. �,F'.`"`_.. _. , '.: :. : ` ��' ..'.� h a �b4JA' : '�� . . . . ... . , � . �� �F . ... .. -' 'x D .:W:i{G L .. � ��z.a."��v:h<i�F e.�1.,- . ,, � �� r �. .. ,.,. . _ ,,:. . � ..,.. �. � � � �� ,.. _ .1une 24, 1969 Honorable James J. Dalglish Commissioner of Finance 113 City Hall Dear Commissioner Dalglish: Re: Proposed expansion of the Northwestern Bank parking lot on the north side of Minnehaha Ave. between Mendota St. and Arcade St We reviewed the above referenced lot and made one s ig ecommenda- tion involving the traffic operation. The plan involves one parking bay with angle parking oriented for northbound traffic in the lot. The origi- nal plan required that if there is no space in this bay, a maneuver into the alley proceeding south on the next bay was necessary. We requested the removal of a few spaces adjacent to the alley in order that maneuver- ing would be confined to the lot. No mention was made of any setback situation. Yours very tr�ul� � ���/ Ul� Robert G. Peterson City Traffic Engineer RGP:bjh 1 ����� % j _�� i�,� � , _ . ��,�� ��� ' , � � .�� � � � � � �- �� , ` �