03-989Return copy to: (e.c.) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Committee: Date coun�a Fae # 03 - qS�� Green Sheet # a0�11 i 2 BE IT RESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the accompanying UtiliTy Easement 3 Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Corporation, Northern States Power 4 Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy, District Energy St. Paul, Inc. and District Cooling St. Paul, Inc., MCI Network 5 Services, Inc., Comcast of Saint Paul, Inc., Saint Paul Regional Water Services and the Department of Public 6 Works, made a part heieof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for 7 itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated 8 area described as: 9 that part of Petit Street, a.k.a. the aliey in Block 6, Brunson's Addition, lying easterly of a line 70 feet 10 easterly of and parallel to Payne Avenue and westerly of the west tine of the Ramsey County Regional 11 Railroad, which was vacated by the Council as CF# 225327 and filed as Ramsey County Document No. 12 0660944. 13 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chagter 130, codified Mazch 1, 1981, of the Saint 14 Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 15 1. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall pay, as an administrative fee for this release of 16 easements, $300.00, which sTi�ll be due and payable on receipt of a certified copy of this resolution. 17 2. That the easements d8scribediabove shall not be released, nor shall this resolution be filed in the office of 18 Revenue and Records for Ramsey County, Minnesota, until new easements, as required to service the 19 new development and any other customers currently served, have been platted or dedicated; 20 3. That, for as long as they shall be required to service customers currently served, existing facilities shall 21 remain in place, operations shall not be impeded and access by utilities to operate, maintain and repair 22 the said facilifies shall not be restricted; 23 4. That the developer shall assume all costs of relocating, from the easements to be released to the newly platted or dedicated easements, any facilities currently installed. 03-9�9 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �reen Sheet�� � �� Departrnentloffice/council: ' Date Initiated: 1 v � TE — TechnologyandManagementServ I 1SOCT-03 � Green Sheet NO: 204175 CoMact Person 8 Phone: u� 0 Technolo2v and Manaaement S' ' 1 C5ri Attornev Meehau Rilev L�-. � 2 TechnoloevandMana¢eme ' DeoarfinentDirector 3 2Ylavor's �ce i Mavor/Assistant � 4 Council � 5 Ciri Cierk Ciri Clerk y Assign Number For Routing Order Tota1 # of Signature Pages _(Cfip All locatio� fw Signature) To release easements in vacated Perit Street, as requued for the Phalen Corridor-Railroad Island Phase I housing development. itlaGOns: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIS Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? � Yes No 6cplain a11 yes answen on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): It was discovered that easements in this part of Petit Street, which had been vacated in 1969, had not yet been released. -_. _��.,����. AdvaMapes IfApproved: The housing development would proceed as planned. ..�.7.�'�s': i.� d _ �-�. 6 f��' ) � f��T V"+1 2 __ t ... , ��, E �'�. Disadvanhaqes If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: The plan would have to be revised. Total Amount of 300 Trensaction: Fundinp Source: N/A Activity Number: N/q Financial Information: This represents the administraUVe fee for release of easements. (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: �f�°�=? �iti�°"iC`:? � :. 3° � � ' 0 3 - 9$9 `-- - � �, � � 0 Q a � � z z w � � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE D3'9�9 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TfIE COi3NCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacafion File # 03-C-06 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: that part of Petit Street, a.k.a. the aliey in Block 6, Brunson's Addition, lying easterly of a line 70 feet easterly of and parallel to Payne Avenue and westerly of the west line of the Ramsey County Regional Raikoad, which was vacated by the Council as CF# 225327 , and filed as Ramsey County Document No. 0660944. except as here noted: a... ,.s:\� � �`t '� '� .�a�''JC� -.t.'�� 'c�s� r-�.-e�--- = �-�tt`f Ji_ v�.\���lT-� �CO�.r^� 9`�l i�` � �LZI tr�L FJY�1� L�b�LS \� �l �f �\ ,S.rL� �i..-C- '-��0�� 4��� �r�rp- a.?:\� �'a�...-.G`.-.- �-. {� a�b �4� er_ y�\\ Lr �+�-�'� �- � �r' "'� S!.-Yr L �� ' 'Cb-L`�.'�'G �� S ��� � D✓,r� S�r'"�'= f'� , Qwest Communications Its MIlVNESOTA � i�kSNrn�C�n� .,,��� + �µ9 NcFG`�,� /1 The forkgoin� st was aclmowiedged before me this � � day of J��/Y7 C��✓L , 2003 b K11� � f 1��Jb� .i6e �i�f(Ili��C1�' �Ai�iNC'c��IJG of �[t7�S i 11h.Q-���ft110n� . a C o LLi /L.f1 �0 l-c ��6 ��G,c/ -s� - . . , � . - - under the 1'aws ofthe State 2f Minnesota. -� . _ _. ,- � ._ . _-� _ _ _ - . - � _ - - - _ ��. �.` _ ' /-�--'%- : �L A.Lc_c�tci-�� � 11NDAA: 3UEL{GH • otacyPublic,RamseyCoun ,, M'}nnesota. NOTARY PItBLIC - �✓ � � My Commission �pires 1 31 2006 �. � My commission expires ✓' J�� - o�(�',S 2 � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employer ._ ��c� ��, �.� � :.:< CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE V G �, ., �� ��� ;` 03-9�9 �_=.� GS?�': � ��q�crn� � THE HONOI2ABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COLTNCIL OF THE _ In the Matter of CITl' OF SAINT PAi3L - Vacation File # 03-C-06 The undezsigned hezeby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: . that part of Petit Sireet, a.k.a. the alley in Block 6, Brunson's Addition, lying easterly of a line 70 feet easterly of and parallel to Payne Avenue and westerly of the west line of the Ramsey County Regional Railroad, which was vacated by the Council as CF# 225327 and filed as Ra.msey County Document No. 0660944. exceptas here noted: Xcel Energy will cease to exercise its utility rights i� the above described property when existing buildings are demolished and electric service is no longer required to said property. P�t�S� ���� (�. �?�� oF T(+� qDbPi:�.P n��LU��o� Xcel Energy - Siting & Land Rights i � , � y �,. a„ MINNESO"TA HENNEPIN ) � . �_►a'% "� .�, � ��E/-� B� The toregoing instrnment was acknowtedged before me this � f _ day of . 2003 b K �. 73�-o/�IQ1�o�r .��Pt/�ftT—�� vt/A�,Q �nl� �. _ _ SHANON � ICE '��: M � � �My Cammrssion Exp"ua Jan 91.20p5 ' 4 �'���� �� �.,� NotaryP b1ic,HennepinCounty,MinnesMa. My commission expireY, ** Please return this original copy ta`' 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employer CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE O3 - 989 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TIIE G'OUNCIL OF TfiE CITY Ok' SAINT PAUL that part of Petit Street, a.k.a. the ailey in Block 6, Bnxnson's Addition, lying easterly of a line 70 feet easterly of and pazallel to Payne Avenue and westerly of the west line of the Ramsey County Regional Raikoad, wluch was vacated by the Council as CF# 225327 and filed as Ramsey County Document No. 0660944. The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: except as here noted: Xcel E nergy - Gas Division Its Senior Specialty Engineer MINNESOTA RAMSEY by of ►J � ' �i.. r In the Matter of Vacafion File # 03-C-06 The foregoing ins[rument was acknowledged betore me this 27th day oS Nick J. Boosalis, PE *,,, Northem States Power Company under the laws of the State otM,iunesota. , .......` '. - .�ss�sa iesuE wiNit� . . ..l1da�Y�PUWic �� " _ ARMlf0�8 MY Camm. Expbes Jan 37�.2006 AU9USf Senior Specialty Engineer Energy, a Public Utility � � � �� No ry Public, Ramsey Cou Min�esota. My commission expires .I�GIJ/l J r, rJtJ( J Ilj ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hail, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employer D3- Rg9 __ �. 11�C1$ MCI Network Services, Inc. 09/03/2003 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Eari Carlson Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 { �t�G��v�T' JC� r? S7 .nn '�`'�� cSTA7E DfVt$��, OSP National Support / Im�estigaTi�s n�r a2ssa � ia� 2400 North Glenville Ric7�erdsaq TX 75052 RE: VACATIpN FILE #03-C-06 — WAIVER OF EASEMENT REQUEST — PETTTSTREET, EAST OF RAILROAD — Sais►t Paui, Ramsey, Minnesota MCI ID: �491-20(13 Dear Sir or Madam: MCI has been norified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For yow records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCI does not haue facilities within your project area. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 honrs prior to any construcfion. You should address correspondenee concerning any future gro}ects to the attemion of OSP Nafional SupportiInvestigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with ttris project, please do not hesitate to ca11 me. Sincerely, John Bachelder OSP National Support / Investigations (972)729-601b No Facilities.doc CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE D� 989 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 03-C-06 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: that part of Petit Street, a.k.a. the alley in Block 6, Brunson's Addition, lying easterly of a line 70 feet easterly of and parallel to Payne Avenue and westerly of the west line of the Ramsey County Regional Railroad, which was vacated by the Council as CF# 225327 and filed as Ramsey County Document No. 0660944. exceptas here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. MINNESOTA RAMSEY l IYS v' G�. 4 V`es ��+..�' � a.t� s+II' °F' Fr. I h.eQ-r �h U `YY�a.-�C..�- s+r�.� �'°�-'�y Ca�'µt",...�. ���, � gnature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me t6is a�a day of �.4 sei�t , 2003 bY !I I .c-�aaQ J . �� .the U�c� � VeS��-^-f �a_.l��n'lSq+ of �'1�k..� .3TYevl 111eXSV�-�N4M�! -S��Anese�C IfM�7�C-�i4��CaM+A1.f�u_�V� J [_.�` under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ' �� �, TRUDY l. SHERWOOD N07ARY Pf 1BIIC - \IhNNESOTA ': .�, y .• � MYCOMMIS9pDN EXPIRE3 JAN. 37.2005 �_..�. �. . 5��..��� Notary Public, Ramsey Coi Ty, Minnesota. My commission expires �.1 4in+.�a�.�,� 31 aoo 5 1 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employer CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE �� `�/ THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND OF THE COUNCII.OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacafion File # 03-C-06 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated deparnnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: that part of Petit Street, a.k.a. the alley in Block 6, Brunson's Addition, lying easteriy of a line 70 feet easterly of and pazallel to Payne Avenue and westerly of the west line of the Ramsey County Regional Railroad, which was vacated by the Council as CF# 225327 and filed as Ramsey County Document No. 0660944. except as here noted: Comcast will release its easement in the above described part of the alley provided the proposed improvements do not interfere with its existing facilities ar interfere with Comcast's access to the said facilities to maintain, repair or upgrade them. Should the said improvement in anyway interfere with or prevent access to the said facilities, the petitioners or their successors shall provide new easements as required and the petitioners or their successors shall assume all costs of relocating facilities to the new easements. SCOTT CHARLESRl Notary Public Minnesota � ���p� �xpires Ja�er/ 31, 2008 Comcast Its a/15�IZCG77GYI d�/ar/aavr' MINNESOTA /�/ �/'yivv`��- ��,(���i j� � Signature Rarnsey The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J� day of �Q�tn (l�[f . 2003 by of uoder the laws of the State of Minnesota. � � . Notary Publiq Ramsey Couu ' nesota. / My commission expires V�/ t7� /�v�l �. f ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employer : CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE o3 � � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF'I'HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 03-C-06 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: that part of Petit Street, a.k.a. the alley in Block 6, Brunson's Addition, lying easterly of a line 70 feet easterly of and pazallel to Payne Avenue and westerly of the west line of the Ramsey County Regionai Railroad, which was vacated by the Council as CF# 225327 and filed as Ramsey County Document No. 0660944. except as here noted: Department of Public Works Its t�mvivESO�rn RAMSEY � The foregoing iustrument was acknowledged befo� m� �Z � day of �E� , 2003 b �oHn� � MAc z Ka V .the G��r�' EiUG��rE�',� o£ a5% . f�fl (JL �Uf'�L / [9 1�9/0�2iC' S , a _ /�U/lf I �l f�% L �O�JAO/�'� �/�� under the laws of the State of Minuesota. �-trn�'��.ia-- ��n-t� �@�� Nota Public, Ramsey CounTy, Minnesota. My commissioo expires `YWY�' � .3 �. �-�� � 1 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employer CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE o3 - 989 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COTINCIL OF TFIE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacafion File # 03-C-06 The undetsigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, tl�at it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: that part of Petit Street,_ a.k.a. the alley in Block 6, Brunson's Addition, lying easterly of a line 70 feet easterly of and pazallel to P.ayne Avenue and westerly of the west line of the Ramsey County Regional Railroad; which was vacated by the Council as CF# 225327 and filed as Ramsey County Document I�o. 0660944. except as here noted: ;��GE'tVE� r �� � ?� nRL'] � w RgfiL ESTATE DtVl5l6t: St. Paul Regional Water Services Its General Manager MINNESOTA �,GG�(i(itl I( • � Signature RAMSEY Theforegoinginsirumentwasacknowtedgedbeforemethis 3Td dayof SeptembeT , 2003 by Bernie R. Bullert ,Ihe General Manager ot Saint Paul Regional Water Services Corporation of the City of Saint Paul u�der the laws of the State of Minnesota. � �r ��'i° A .�3P� 6 t ,;, �SOTA � .i �,Y�� .�ti;�-:� ,� •.� E}we.2eS.b3Pa.39. $ s�o. ar A� My commission 3/. �o ° � return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employer �