244881 ` 244881 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`E COUN LUTIO ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RObert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE DATF WFiEREAS, Paragraph 1.63 of Section 1 of tl�e 6eneral Specifications �+pplicable to all local iaaprove�aents aaarded by this Gauncil , unless expressly waived provides for the purposes of e�forcing the provisions of all guara�tees inccaab+eRt upon the contractor the retention of a Reserve a�ount for the period of one year from the date of the Final Estirnate, a�d MHEREAS, The eqtire physical �rork on the folirnrring contract was c.o�apleted well over one year ago, although the one year,, period froa� the date of the fi�al esti�ate has as yet, not axpired and cw a�aour�t has been expended by the City for any aiaintenence repairs thereto, RESOLYED, That the Qeserve a�unt withl�eld on the follcwing listed project be released at this ti�e, Improve- �en_t No_._ Gescr i pt ion A�unt Ccm . L-6695-16 Grade � Pave Shepard Romd $S,DOA.00 June 28, 1968 Randolph St. latersection and Pave Shepard Road f r�a �tto to I.S. 35E Ft1RTHER RES�LdED, That the contractor for the above listed pro,ject be and he is finaily released fran this contract. � �'-�v' J U L 1 5 1969 Ado ted b the Council 19— COUNCILMEN P Y Yeas Nays J U L 1 5 1969 carlson Dalglish A proved 19— Meredith n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafk2, �Against Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISNES JUL 19 196� 0 � �44��1 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL courtci� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Robert F. Pstmrson PRESENTED BY DATF COMMISSIONE MHERffAg, �arrgraph 1.63 of $s�tton 1 of thei 6en�r�� S�OCIfIi"AtlOhs applicabls to •ii local taAprovenaents �ra�rde�d by this Councll, untea►s exp�e��ly waived provid�s gor ths purpos�� of anforctng tMs provisions of �eil gu+�r�ntees incumbant upon tt� cv�tr�ctor tho re►tantton of a Reserva �anount for tho perir�d of onei ymar frc�a tha date o� the� Blnal Estimat�, and MNEREAB, Thes antire� ,phy��cal rr�rk an ths foliaMi� co�tr��t rras c�plet�d weii over on� year �tgc►, �#tho�gh th� one year, period fran th�► d��e mf th� �inai esttmata h�rs aa yet� not oxpired and no a�ount has b�en e�cponded by tha Ctty for sny maintsn�n�+ rspair� thareto, RE�Oi.VED, Thafi the Reserv�e +�a�u�t aithheld on tha+ fai lowing l lst�d proJact ba reis�d �t thia tim�, . , Improva- �n,t! ��s,,,,,,,c,r Iy�t f�n M��ou�n,t„ Can . L-669S-16 Grada �. Pavs S�spard Ro+�d $5.��.�0, dune 2$, 1968 Ra�r�doiph 8�. lntsrs�ctlon and Psvs $k�p+�rd Ro�d f'raa Otto to 1.5. 35� FWtTHBR RESQLVEO, Th�t tbm cc�ntractor ,for t!w ebova 1lsted pro,ject be and h� i� f i na i t y re 1 eased f�rww�a tht s' contract. 1 C.��. � :^ �,�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �_�{����. �, , :�,�:-, Carlson Dalglish ` Approved 19— Meredith ?�n Favor � Peterson Mayor Sprafku '� A gginat Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O