244871 / OR161NAL TO CITY CLERR 244�`�1 - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. Z�.c����SE COMI�IITT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (_,,,, cTl11.y 15, 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF V�I3ERFAS; Arels �old Chapter 1'10. 5� IZilitary 9rder of the Purple Heart has made application for permission to conduct �1'ag �ativs on Thursda;;r and F�id�y, ,�umzst 7th and 8th, 1969, �Ettiaeen 6=00 a.m. and 6:0(i p.m. on the streets of the �ity of St. Paul, therefore, be it R�SOLVED; That permissior. be anc? the same is hereb;;T grantsd to the Nels Wold "hapter A1o. 5� iSilitary Orc?er of the f'urple Heart to conduct such solic;tations on the days� date�and between the hours designated. R E N E W A L Informally approved by �ounc�1 Jul�r 10� 1969 > . J U L 15 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �U L 1 5 1�69 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor son '> Sprafku �� �� Mayor Tedesco A gainst III��` �!�i� 11[�, �1c� Pr�id�at (Petarson) rU�.�sF{ES JUL 19 1969 � , - • . CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � . Capital oP Minnesota • �z`�� �7 �LJe a�t�e�t o ablic �a et / � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commluionet DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN. Lieenee Inspector Ju1a� 10� 1�69 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint, Paul, 1�Iinxiesota Gentlenez: The Nels Wold C�apter No. 5� Military Order of the Rtrple Heart makes app.lication for permission to conductTa� Da�s onThursday and Friday .4ugust 7, and 8� 1969, between the hours of 6sW a.m. and b:00 p.r�. `?'hey have complied with Ordinar.ce AIo. 13338, amending Chapter Pjo. I�50.00 of the �t. I'aul Legislative Code and �rdinance which deals with the solic3.tation of funds. The application is made by the Commander� E].mer Hegland. Very t�a.ly yours� �� ��c �s.�.. I.icense Inspect�r O . � • . . C�TY �F' ST. PAT3I, 4ffice of Liesnse Inspector 202 Public Safety Building St. P�ul, It2�.nnesota 55101 Application for permiasion to solicit funda, or to conduct tag days, upen the streets o� the City of St. Paul, �inn.esota, Date of Application �„�_���19� 1. Name of organization 10 Heai' �,ddress of organization A�� 2. Ghief officer of organization 5�03 3. Secretary of organisation 4. Na,�e of peraon ar persons rasponsibla for �he distribution of eollseted funds. s'�-""'�-�-�g;�d —�;�� '_„__..._L. 5. Purpoae or object for w�.ich soliQitation is to be made ,�� patisnts at ths Y�tsrana Aoapil�al aa� T�i�aa �1�1�r hospital�, Als� 6. Use to be m�de of funds collected it�ls w3��hin �tinns sota 7o Solicitation v�.11 be ma s on_ ������� i� dates, bet�sreen the hours af [, and L������ --...ljlA-�..#t. 8. .L�oation �vhere aolicitation will take placse 9a List the amounts of any �agea9 fses, com�►issions, coe�s or exp�tnses paid or whieh are expacted to be psid in eonnection with solicitatione Also list names of persana to �hom pQymente have been msde ar will be ,made a�.d �he amounts af such ymer�tso (A financial stateu�nt inoluding �his inform�tion may be attachecia� gir� t2�n is a �ail snask ab rneh tia�s. (��°) July 10, 1969 r----� Hon. S�hn. E. Carlsvn `�--��--- - Comsr. of Public Safety k'Z.ibZic Safety Buildin� j'- T�ear Sir: Att on: . Daniel McLaughlin The City Council today inform app d the application of Nels Wold Cha�ter N�. 5, N!�-1't der of the Puxple Hea,rt �or perm3ssion to uct , ays on Thursda,y and �'riday, Au�ust 7th a. �.��� 9, b t �era the h�urs �f � A."�t. anci F 1'.P�. !;Ti 11 yratz please pr are the nec sary resolution coverin�; this m�.tte�? _ j /�j--�7 " Very truly yours, , � City C].erk � ��.,��