244861 . ;. ., . , . . , :.. , , � . � . ' : i �» ,-T � Y � `. . . � - fr . . � . � - ,� t� � . �, ..'� , . . r � . � . � � ��,,��� . • � COUNCIL k'ILE NO. fll'�IAL ORDER ` By File Na �'�� In the Matter of l+MMMt�ntti+� tiM si�+iwwlir �r�► RM rat tf�a �!` � �t. !�s �l �*t� srKt� ts tlaR a#L�► �rswr. �f it. a� y i�ias a� �rr srbek x�� �. �Y� i�r � �! !asl�1� �er �rl� +�s#�! 3���ww�t. �;: .._ � w � � 1 . �, �- € '-� ��. . . . . . .. � . . � . . .. �� � . . ',4 � under Preliminary Order �''�� aPProv� � �* �`� � � Intermediary Order approved , A public hearing having been had upan the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council � having heard a11 peraons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise na.ture, extent and kind of im- � provement to be made by the said City is � w xw.�.s�..s tttir •i+ir�.'�#� .� t�M. .�.c a3�is .� s.s+rt�a st. &�. i� A�s* ��� +�t�ICM ra � s1L�t,�s« �3 !t. a�M ig► i►� a11 �at �weit�i► �s-�a�rirr�r. _ �� � < ait l�r�tal a► �►� r� �r�t. �. . � � � ,� � � �� e �. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiasioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and d�irected to prepare plans and specifications for sa.id improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN �V�' 1 5 1�69 Adopted by the Council Y� Car{son Nays �L 1 5 196� Dalgiish App�,� Meredith Pe#�seA-- ��', � Sprafka - Tn Favor ;��"'����.��s C� ` p�6fi� Mayor Mr. Vice Prceideat (Yeterson) A$'A1II8t PU�LISI'�E� y�� 1 �7 �JLiJ . 8-86-?�[ �'� 8-1 r Dist. No. 2 � ' � ' � � E.S. Saratoga St. - Laurel Ave. south to the alley �����. .��. 24�8,�1 ���"L���23?�`�`�b�' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF P1JBLIC WORKS 244�p1 /�, �` o� rs' �� P 1a� `�� � ��G����� ��', REEORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1� ��,�.� p�� � � � �_, : � �i� '? � �-;;` �'a"� -`'��.r�, µ� $ ��� �� � � � May 20th. lq 69 To the Com�issioner of Finance of the City of St, Pauls The Comanissioner of Public Works, having had nnder con�ideration the preliminary order of the Council known sa Couacil File No, 24388$ approved 1rlay 14th. 19 69 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on the east side of Saratoga St. from Laurel Ave. south to the alley approximately 145 ft. and by doing all other work which fs necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, aad having investigated the mstters and things referred to therein9 hereby reportst la 2he estimated cost thereof is $3.50 per lin. ft> for standard sidewalk 5. fto wide and $4>20 per line ft, for staadard sidewalk 6 ft, widee 2o A plan, profile or sketch of ssid improvement. is hereto attached and made a part thereofo 3e Initiat�d by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4d Improvement is asked for upon petitioa X ComanissioQer Pu },b i Wo ��� '�'� .