244853 . � y � i 1g�� COUNCIL F LE NU. BY '"'�' FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter or 4�n, widen and eactend ARUNDEL ST. creating a cc�l-de-sac for street purposas north of Hoyt AveAUe by condemni�q and taking that part of Lot� 13, 14 �d t�, Blk. 1 , Idaho A�d i t i on and Lot 4, B 1 k. 6 of Edw i n M. Wars's C�r�a�d A+�it. Ptat 1, 1 y i e�g w i th i n the arc of a circie having a 50-ft. radius, tAe.�1��� 'said cir¢ie bei�g on the centerline , of Arundel St. and 161 .82 ft. north of th8 north property line of Hoyt Avenue. ALSO, Open, rviden and extend COHANSEY ST. creating a cul-de-sac for street purposes north of Hoyt Ave. by copd�ni�g a�d taking that part of Lots 4 and 5, Blk. 5, and Lots 4 and 5, Bic�ck 6, ai i in Edrvi� M. Wsre's Cunberiand Additior�, Plat i , lyi�g within tt�e arc of a circle having a 50 ft. radius� the center of satd circle lying on the centerline of Coh�nsey St. and 155 feet north of the north property line of Hoyt Ave. ALSO, change the grade of IDAHO AVE, f ran Mackubin St. to Cwnberland St. to conform to the grade as shown aa the profile on f11e in the Depart�ent of Pablic �lorks. ALSO� condemn a�d tske ease�ents in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fiils, inciuding right of r�oval of lateral support fron+ subject land or ranainder thsreof, occasioned by excavations thereof or constructton of siopes in the grading and surfacing of ARUNDEL ST. frem the proposed cul-de-sac north of Hoyt to Idafio Ave. � (6-1885); of Cohansey St. f rc�a the proposed cul-de-sac north of Hoyt Ave. to Lsrpenteur Ave., (G-1883); and of idaho Ave. fran Msckubin St. to Cumberland St. (6-1882). rrv�c rs�v��vv v7 ws�vwnsa���y v�a� ca���� �t�v�. Pv� � v� �v�.� .�� ' - ^-- r —'•-� - s •-^•••� Addition and Lot 4, Bik. 6 of E�in M. Mare's Cu�berland Add. Pist 1 , lying within the arc of a circie having a 50-ft. rari�, the ce�ter of said ctrcle bstng on the ceaterline of Arundel St. and 161 .82 ft. north"c�f the north property line of tloyt Avenu•. ` ALSO, Open, widen and pctend COMAKSEY ST. creating a cul•de-sac for str�at purposes •� - north of Hoyt Ave. by condemniag and taking that part of Lots 4 and 5, Blk. 5, and Lots 4 and 5, Block 6, all i� EdNi�+ M. Wara'a Cumberlar�d Addition, Plat l , lying Kithin the arc of a circie having a 50 ft. radius, the center of said circle lyi�g on the ce�terline of Cohanse� St. and 155 feet north of the north property line of Hoyt Ave. ALSO, chs�ge the grade of IDAHO AV�. from Mackubin St. to Cu�nberiand St. to coe�form to the grsde as showA on the profile on file in the Oepertment of Public Works. ALSO, condemn and take ease�ents in th� land necessary for the slopes, cuts and f i 11 s, i nci ud i ng �i ght of r�aova 1 of 1 atera l support fraa sub j ect 1 and or ra�a3:rid�r thereof, c�ccssion�d by sxcavations tMereof or constr�ction of siop�s in the grading and ;,� surfacir�g of ARUNDEL ST, from the proposed cul-de-sac north of Hoyt to Idaho Ave. aho (G-1885j; of Cohansey St. frca� the proposed cu1-�+e-�s� -�-•'- -.r �►,...* e�.. .� �.C���aur ' Ave. 6-1883)i a�d of I dsho Ave. f ra*=... r �;> r•, . .�:�; .�,; ;��� :�r_� t�.. a;;E,< : - ( ..yA ttia� pa"rt o�`�Lots �+ and 5, B1 k. 5, and Lots 4 ana �, a�acrc o, air- in Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 1 , lying within the arc of a circle having a 50 ft. radius, the center of said circle lying on the centerline of ' Coha�sey St. and 155 feet north of the north property line of Hoyt Ave. ALSO, change the grade of IDAHO AVE. fran Mackubin St. to Cumberiand St. to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in tfie Department of Publtc Works. ALSO, condemn and take easements in the land necessary for the slopes, cats and filis, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or rexna�nder thereof, occasioned by excavattons thereof or construction of slopes tn th� grading and surfacing of ARUNDEL ST, from the proposed cul-de-sac north of Hoyt to Idaho Ave. Id�ho (G-1885); of Cohansey St. fran the proposed cui-de-sac north of Hoyt Ave. to Ea�pelftavtr Ave., (G-1883); a�d of Idaho Ave. from Mackubin St. to C�nberland St. (G-1882). C ncil en: _ _ �'°'�'— 1Rtd[IS�� JUL 19 1969 Dalglish lB�JIX76�6m( S praf ka Meredith � , �ettrsen— � " . �l�i�' � , _ _, � -� Mz. Vic� Pr�a (�����) � • / �� �� , • r� ��� -� , ,.��i�4ss � 244���� � � � � � /�l�R� �� !.;?.� /f . � .'. _ ., .. (:?. IQF �� Ig69 �.OFF ICE OF THE COMM I SS I ONER OF PUBL IC WORKS ,.1 ��cF�� � 24�i�.--`. _ F -. �,'�^�,�O�� „``"' RE PORT TO COMM 1 SS IONER OF F 1 PIANCE : r, C'� ` ..`; � -.-��yL�?�lg►, �' February 4, 19 69 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paui : The Comcnissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary orde� of the Council known as Council File No. 241760 approved January 16, �g 69 relative to -. __. - ----- -- - - _- -- _ Open� widen and extend ARUNDEL ST. creating a cul-de-sac for street purposes north of Hoyt Avenue by condemning and taking that part of Lots 13, 14 and 15 ' Blk. l , Idaho Addition and Lot 4, Blk. 6 of Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Add. Plat 1 � lying within the arc of a circle having a 50-ft. radius, tha center of said circle being on the centerline of Arundel St. and 161 .82 ft. north of the north property line of Hoyt .Avenue. • ALSO condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of laterai support from � subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacin9 with bituminous material , � and construct concrete curb and gutter on ARUNDEL ST. from the proposed cul-de-sac j north of Hoyt to i daho Ave. (G-1885) �;" _ 1 . The estiroated cost the�eof is $ 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Comrnissioner of Public Works 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X C ssio�er of ubi ic Worlcs ��:� � . � � � � �� ��� � j�� �,�, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS �'�`� � ,\o,�� !IQ � ��/ �N ���G�C.-� ��^� ,� RE PORT TO COMM I SS IONER OF F I NANCE r ,n ��� ��w � ��J -.�b-,,�, ,� ��;,L '��?�✓,�� February 4, �g 69 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paui : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under conside�ation the preliminary order of the Council known as Councii File No. 2'�1758 approved January 16, �g 69 relative to _._.__ � Changing the grade of iDAHO AVE. from Mackubin St.to Cumberland St. to � conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of � Public Works. �' AL50, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes� � cuts and fills, including right of removai of lateral support from subject � land or remainder thereof; occasioned by excavations thereof, or co�struction � of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material idaho Ave. f rom Mackubin St. to Cumberland St. (G-1882) ✓ . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Cammissioner of Public Works 4. (mprove�nt i s aslced for upon pet i t ion X C issioner of Publ ic Worlc�s� � •�y� ~;; ;�.��. � ,�a � � . � . ���3 �3 � 5 OFFICE OF 7HE COMMISSIONER Of PUBLIC WORKS -� 56�� , �� � ,�`'� � - T' R F� l;ry ',`REPORT TO COMMI5SIONER OF FINANCE ��,�x� E������ ;� , _ DEp�� ti �. ; p� ,� ,�� �� � t�4 \� C� ���, `�c'Z��z �b` ` ' February 4, �g 69 To the CommiSStoner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under conside�ation the preliminary order of the Council known as Councii File No. 24��62 approved Jannary 16. 19 69 relative to - _ ---__ _ _ Open, widen and extend COHANSEY 57. creating a cul-de-sac for street purposes north of Hoyt Ave. by condemning and taking that part of Lots 4 and 5, Block ^ 5, and lots 4 and 5, Block 6, all in Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat I , lying a�ithin the arc of a circle having a 5� ft. radius, the center of safd � circle lying on the centerline of Cohansey St. and 155 feet north of the � north property line of Noyt Ave. ' ALSO condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary For the slopes, �� cuts and fills, including right of removai of lateral support from subjact land ' � or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construc•tion of ; slopes in the grading and surfacing of Cohansey St. from the proposed cul-de-sac� an� north of Hoyt Ave. to La�penteur Ava. (G-1883) ✓ " 1 . The estimated cost the�eof is � 2. A plan. profile or sketch of said tmprovement is hereto attached and ma de a pa r t he reof. 3. Initiated by the Comrnissioner of Public Works 4. Improve�nt is asked for upon petition X Cortm ssio�er of Pub ic Worlc✓ s` ' �v � �.� q� ;�� q yeK� � E.aa( qa.. �� � ��:, . t y�'.,� ,. r�� y # � �"� � ^l� ,�• "� q` � i t'� ��"h� �"'� �" ��y ''�.: �` n,� �i �' ;:+�;4.1,+� �F.w 't4' �'�,� rr�� b� wk .� et� t�� £�.F� �?��,�.3c �1� ,�ri 9r' y H .. . � , �{ �v" �'p�, ; k`�^� � W ��4' ,iA �" 'M�, : ,�yl� j+ � fi�s��.- ro YW fi: $ i.� M � .. n � ���' �#.g, r, �, kC� '��." ��.ar �'� �FP�Z` "# r �4�R�C,�r „,� P'r},�'�, . 4 �-0 t' `��,'w � � ' ? �7 v�'�"�' �•+��v y� j �,y � " r � ''^ �v y =a 4S�°K"" f z �4 �` i+ � �: �. e�� -�. �l��L�F� �;r,1�,� �t�� �'*4� .�' . .ri�. „� C�. a� w�{' i,t L t ;; � , ,- �,� #� Y �°.} .�s �vi::k4 �. . . . ' 1"Gy�p I ! � t i . . . '� !��� � � I r Y' � ���*t�T1w�x � � �. � �. 4 j 3"+)Y� ����e�F ��'� '.. ,- . • � . ` R: Iy W iJ � �f}� . �� ! M t� } � � .. . � ., � tAfQ.3A,t�'..�_�; �f�. .1' . . . . �¢ �� i �';�jXa1 :t- .� , � - ' . . ' � . . � ,. ��l � . . . 'j�' '�`.'� ` � . . , . .. .. . A "� . ' . . . �.:� _ ,, J�zne 9, l�-1�9 r,. �`�� - � j, . � �` � ��� ; 1�t, Grege Beckat� ;' Loca.t xmproveatQnts E�in�er . L Departmtr�L af Public �l�rks BIIILDII�3 D�ex Mr. Beck�tt. Se� torth herefn i� informatic�n �er�eine.nt t4 the property asses�ment tcr th! propcsefl �ublic improuemeb� describsd ass f3rade and surface m�nd construct concrete curb �e,nd gutter on Tdaho Ave. f'r��m Mac�-xbin �t, t� Car;�berlard St., on COHANSEY ST. Prc� �rQposed cul-dc--s�c north :;f ii�yt ta Larnenteur, r�nd cn N. A3?U^L�EL ��. Prom progo�ed cul-de-s�c ncrth �P Hoyt l�ve. t� Ida,:�a Ave, t'4L:s0 construc� be��er f�r stor�► �aLer puxpcses and construct water ser,rice cvnn�ctions und�r P.O. 2�+1''157, ?_41759 and 2�I7Ei1, �.�;�rc4��d J$r.. 16,1969. The total estfr±ia.ted ar�ou.�t recc��rexabl� b;r F:.usessment is $�2,950.C�0 based c�n �Fze f:.11cwin�: Eatir�.a�ed gra8in� cost (�er P.W. rep�_.ri: �-E:-�69) �$1,075.00 Valuation and Assessr�ents S�r�✓ice �,(25.pp Est. publicatic:n, Cr`i13'ty P�stage �, r�zsc. ccs-cs 2�O.OU Esti.n��.ted °rot�,l .^,mcu�t to be tlssessed �'2��"'�p;�'j I�eti.m�,ted Rate per ass�seable Foot ���•1�8 Ba�ed on the �bove, t�e he�ring en the �,d;risa�ility will bt �chedul.ed Pcr July 25, 1�69. The improvement oP these three Rtra�ts were i.��ro�tuced aeparatel.y and ara being cc�mbined as one prc,��et. Y�ry truly yotu�a�, � ' Roy E. Bredah]., Jr. � � Aa�•t. Ye,luation Sugineer RE8:�8 cc; R. Wheeler F. Crawley