244850 ��-�. 244�50
�$�� c���xo.........._..
� Theunderei�nedherebv nronoeeethemal�in�cof thefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the City of t3aint Pe►ul,vis.:
co�struct public storna sewer in STANFOR� AVE.-Hamline to 6riggs; in JEFFERSON AYE,-
Griggs to Ed��nbe-Rd.; in JtlLIET AVE.-Syndicate to 6riggs and Edgc�be Rd. to 150'
E�st of Edgcu�nbe Rd.; in l�ML1NE AVE.-Stanford to Berkel�y; in SYNRICATE ST.- _
�I�ellesley� to Stanford and Randolph to Juleet; in ED6CUMBE RD.-Randolpb to Jefferson;
i n GRl&6S ST.�Ra�do�ph to StaAford; a l so i n an a�11 ey i n BLOCK 3, LEX�ti6T�N PARK PLAT
8 and in an alley in BLOCK 4 LEXINGTON PARK PLAT 6; also, construct tbe outlet f rqr�
the STANFORD-GRIGGS intersactian, northeasterly to an existing sev+er at the Short
Line Rd. All to be krwwn as the 6R166S-STANFA.RD RELIEF SYSTEN. S-992.
•.............. ....... . ...� ..............
WHEftEAB, A written propoeal for the mslring of tbe following i�provement, vis,s
construct publ ic stornn sewer in STANFORO AdE.-Naml ine to 6riggs; in JEFfEiF$qi:AYCw.�
Griggs to Edgcuabe Rd.; in JULIET AYE.-Syndicete to 6riggs erd �efgcisnbe Rd.�to- 1S4!
East of, Edgcu�be Rd.; in HAMLINE AYE.-Stanfard te Berkeley; in SYNDICATE ST-..•� -....-... -
Vet�esley to Stanford a�d Randolph to Juliet; in ED6CUMBE R�.�r�ndar�p� to Jeffecsan•
-l�;��ii1� .�*Rsndaiph to Stanfo��; also in� an ailey�..1n .�LOC`!�`3�,�'�I:�XtM6T4�l�PAttK,PLAT
8 and in ar� alle�► in BL4CK 4 LEXIN6TON PAt�K PlAT 6; also, co�struct tF� o�tlet frc�
the STANFGRD-6R16GS intersection, northeaste�ly to an existing sewer at the Short
Line Rd. Ali to be known as the 6R166S-STAIiFORO RELIEF SYSTEM. S-992.
therefore, be it _
RE$OLVED, That the Commisaioner of Publio Worke be and ia herebq ordered and direoted:
1. To inveetigate the neoeeeity for, or deairability of,,the making of esid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the totsl eoet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. •
4. To sta�e whether or not eaid improvement ie aeked for on�,L,he petition of three or more owners.
b. To report upon all of 4,he foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of�nsnce.
Adopted by the Connail..._.............................._�.....J U L..�.�..1969'
Councilman .Carlson �U�" L 1 1969
Da l g l i s h �lpprovecfi......................._.................................---.......
���� Me�r�ed�ith
Tedesco ........... .... .......... ...............
Mr. President B�rrrre MgYor•
�oo0 9-�a � �
�U�1.ISHEt JUL 19 19G9