244832 . �y ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �)A� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. '� �c���sE co��rT�r, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL SOLU ION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE DATF Ju'� 1�! 1969 RESOLVED; That applicG.tion for Restaurant, On �d Off Sale �ia1t Bevera�e, Tavern, and Gi�arette licenses applied for by Bernard Keene and Vera Keller at �,79 St. Peter �treet be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that ��ithin 7 � days of. this date said ?�ernard Keene and Vera Keller shall comply with all requ�.rements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health and P�lice, and the Zicense 2nspect�r pursuant to the �t. Paul Legislative Code and all other ap�licable ordinances and laws. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�!U L 10 1969 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson pp OVe� J U L 1 �9 1969 19— Dalglish � r Meredith Tn Favor � Sprafku Mayor `� Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne '!l�LISI�E� JUL 12 1969 �� , CITY.OF SAINT PAUL 2448�2 Capital of Minnesota �e a�ti�e�t o k�`ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,Depoty Commisrtoner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inepector Julrr 10� 1969 :ionorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Bernard Keane and Vera Keller make application for Restaurant, On and Off Sa1e Nlalt Beverage, Tavern, and Cigarett� licenses for 1�79 St. Peter Street which is on the West side of the street between Ninth and �xchan�e Streets. This location was license� for a similar business between 1933 �d 1936. Prior to that there was a licensed C,rocery and Restaurant business for a few years. From 19�t0 to 191�3 there was a licensed Second Hand Dealer (Gener.al) and Auctioneer business at this address. Since that time no licensed business occupied the premises. There are two 3.2 establishments within two blocks. The nearest On Sale Liquor business is across the street and the nearest Off Sale Lic;uor place is atnut two ancl one-half blocks awa;�. Z'he nearest church and sch.00l are around the corner from th?s location. Until recently the applicants were licensees of a similax business at 2b `�est Tenth �treet, which premises were recently involved in a fire at the Glendale Annex� 28 West Tenth Street which is scheduled for demolition. Ver�,,► truly ��ours� . ' `-C //c► F,3:��nse Inspector �O � , _ � � _ , r'n r"� � , . � � 1 ��+ � � - \ -' � . _ _ _ _ __._ _ ___ _ ____ — ___✓r�,.-�_--�.;,,___ _�_�j�----- -�- -- _ _ _ _ _ ____ . :--;--�,, _ . � . ._ ���...,C� ��-ti-yu-z.�=-t'<<�._ �''/'��C�� �L �-z�—,...�� _ _., .. ._._. - . , ' --`?L��;...J ./'�_.�.-�-v..--� -��-_1���__ . , . , , R .,, � � '`� : ,�,. /, 2..�:��.:%� ..rZ�t'�r"��_ __c:�. _ � �, � ��-------- , ' . _ . Gt.J ✓ _ ' � i�� cv _ �..�LcJ_. � _. . /✓-�_____ ': �..1�_ �-/ �y- __�7���.__�'-T ._ _ ,�9� �.,z„ _ ._ , �___ _._.___._...__ . , , n � , �� .� ��--�.� _ ,� . 1,�.�T-_ �n_ � _ _ . , , , � , _ ,.��:�..✓_ � _ - _..��a _ � __�.�C�..e., . � , . . _ - - - , _ ��/_ � _,t�"''_..wi-�.J— � _ ,,-Cv__ ----- _ ��.------ , , ^ jj- � Q ✓'�L<--C-�._!'✓f-'��:`ZZ�Gc�s�CZ!_ _4� _ • . �� !YC�t.c''tJ__...___._,.__.._____.�..... -� �'11 C/ / p � �� � - �''�-'� ✓��c�-y�,a..cv' �'7�.J (3�cv�-G-yc..C:Z-__ G� �,T�✓_ __�-- � . � _ - _.�_._. / . _ ---- �� ,,�J!/ � ..�� / '_ __ �,C�-%....'vy�-4.��_ •�i�c�_.�'�`C�J _�.__ _ �. J _ . � _ � � (� ,� �^_- �� . _ ^ . ���--�.� - (.'*-�.ri __.�' _ _ __�_ - � (.!'G-L;� � y. r v (:*- (�.3---r�-��/ �-"-t.u� r , ��,, • �...� � - - -�. __._. _ _--- _._ _--. _. . _ _.._. __ _ ' � � - _----- —��..=-��-c.�.� ��'__�?.-r��__��__ _ G`�'L�?v__ _ _ � � _ � � �� � - . � � � .�-��.it.��� �% / •�, ' , , „ �l�-L-�l� c � .._��. , . . _ _.__ _ _ ^ � , (x' / 9 ' . i : ✓/.�7) / ' � , � / ' ��., � ._" _ ......________ -{s/ .. ... .. . .� � . . _.._.._ . ...__"___.__._._.__�_�.._..� _ _� � / l '� . .... . 1 � f/ . / . . ' � � , _ __. __ ------__--- - _z�-,�...� ,�-� . _� ___.__ ..___ . , ..._._._ .. ���"��c�c.x�YL��, ...,.._... . ....._...-_ . ._._ .. ..; r � � � � � �. � . ._.. .,� ` .: . . . . �. � . . � � . -�_ . . . ._�.__ _..... ..__._.. � ,. � ' , . . . - . � . _. . _ - ___._—' �. ,� � . . � . . . . ' . � � . ,�� � � � ..� , . , . . • � . . .i � . . - . . � . �. . , . � . . . . , . . � . . . . , � � ' � . '. , ;�ir� ' . . � . I , . . . . �� . .. . . ;� / ' . . . ' � . - . � ' . ,�I , .. � � � _ � � • �. �` . ' . • • . . . i • � . . . i I .� . . . . . � • C ITY i1F SA INT PAUI� DEPARTN�NT {�' P�TTBLIC SAFLTY LICENSE D]�VISIdN !' / Date ff. �7.9 C 1 l 1. ,A,ppli.oati.a� Por � � Liaense 2. Ne►�e of applic�►at F 3. -Buainees addreoa " � � /��Residenae ' 4, Tre�de xiame, if aay � _ _ _ _ _ _ � C 5. Retail Beer Federal Taa 3tamp � Retail Liquur Federal Tax Stam.p �rill be uaed. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ �.._. 6. C�i �rl�►t floor looated�� Nuraber of ro�ana used-< /� __ _ . � 'c7'"" ?:. Betv�sen w�at crosa �treets��-� iPhich aide of �treet „_. _ _ _ ��.� - - ��.�' . $. �re premisee now oacsupied� �Phat bu�inesa Hrnr long 9. �re premiaes now ua000upied,M y,Haw long 4acaat P`revious use 10, wre you a aew wm.e�v' Have you been ixi a sim.ilar buaiaess bePure �,✓� . 'I�hers Rhen � � < < 11. Are you going to operate this businesa personally If not, who wi11 operate i� 12, Are you in any other busiriess a� the gresent time��, �i 13. Have thsx�e been any csomplainta againat your oparatian of this type oP pl,ace �.e�t 1Rhe re 14. B�ve you e�visr had an�r lioen�� revoksd+ '►��fhat rsasoa a�t date 15. Are qou a aitisan of the United States�y��Natiro+� Naturalized �� 16. lk�ere wai*e you bort� �� . - =� x ��,!�I�te of birth �� ' 17, I am�`married* ldy (wife's) (huaband t s j name and addresa is , ...__.-.,,. 18. (If married female) a�y �aaiden name ie /��� 19. Ho�r long hRVra you li4ed in St t Paul , �c. �0, Ha�v�s you ev+er bsen srreete��9iolation of what oriminal l.a�er or ordiriance��. ---;r+a • ^, 't'� �'-" � - ��`'��.� - - -- 21. ,Are you a registered vQt�r in the City of $t, Paul_!'��� Yes No. _ i (Ans�r fu11 a� com letel . �he�� a �licsationa are thorou hl ohecked a�d an fs► eifio�f,ian wf. 1 be cauae for en.ial.- , , � 22, Number of 3,2 p]aces withi.n two bloaka 23. Cloaeat intoocioating liquor pl.aoe. �, Sale �'1�,� G�C.��� Sale - ,� 24. Nee,rest Churoh Neareat Sch�ol 25e Nt�mber of bootha M � , Tablee _�_ Chaira�� Stoola �/�� ��� .r-�. ,...-- 26. lihat oacupatiun have you followed for the past five y�sar$. (Give r�amee of employ�ers and datea so emploq�ed.) - Ar?°� . 27. Give� mmea ancl addres�e� nf t�ro psrsan$, reaidenta of 3t� Pl�ul, �.nne, �rho can gi�e informe►tioa eonaerning you;, rrasr►e �'� aaare e s ��j�,�� C� Name � f7�p��t �ddreas ' � `, �,-,� ��i��--�_-�._ '�gnature��pplican� $tate of M3nn�s sota� �a� C ounty of �uaaeq e. ,� � `�e/(/�-� bei.ng firat duly avrorn, deposes amd says upon oath � he ha� ea the forego ng stat�ement bearing his aignature and knowe the conteata th�rreof, and tha,t �he aama 3.s �rue� of his o�n lrnowledgs except aa to thoee mwttera` therein ste�ted upon infoimstian and balief and as to those matters he believ�es tham to be true. .� �' ✓ _ _ . , � - z�`�-- Signature of A�pplicant ' Slzbsaribed and swrorn to before �a ' this day of 19� , No c, ounty, e sote► GH STINE VUJOVICI� My Ccnmmisaion expires � p�,�c, Dakota County, Mi�+�. NIy �ommission Expires April 29, 197� (Note� These statement forma are 7.n duplioate. �Both oopies muat be fully filled outa notarized, and returaed to the Lic�nse Divis ionor- • AFFID.�,VIT BY APPLICANT FOR RETAIL BEER flR LIQUOR LICENSE 2 Re s '� ' Sale '. � �.�, ;.�, ,,. ... , Licenae Name of appiicant . ` �� �- -� _-,_.-�. Business address � � Are you the sole owner of' this business2✓1'�,.-c If not9 is it a �rtnership?i ,,,� corporatian� , o:bher� Others interested in business, include thoae by loan of' rioney, property or otherwises � �Tame . � ;'�, .a, Addre ss � r- � �, �•^ �� . � Hovsr �c � z.+ ��.. �:��-� - '�«, '~„- `s.<� G If a o orporation, give its name Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? .As sole aumer? Par�ner? Stockholder? Otherarise? (Through loan of money, etcs Explain) Address of such buainess and na�ure of interest in same /' 7 7 ��� v �Signature of applican State of Minnesota� �ss C ounty of �msey ) _��.�N��CL �] ��E' N � being first duly sv�orn, deposes aMd says upon oa�h that he has rea� f�regoing affidavit bearing his signature and lrno�ers the contents thereoP; that the same is true of his awn lairnrvledge9 except a� to those matters therein ata�ed upon infoxmation and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be trus. �� , �Signature of applicant Subsoribed and s�vorn to before me � this day of 19�� � N ary Public, &� o , Minnesota �dy o aranu s s i on e�cpire e �HRISTINF€gVUJOVICH `�""A'�'Vako'fa�'ounty, Minn. �MY Commission Expires Aprfl 29, 1974 s�a� � �n�so�a) ) ss CL7UNTY OF RAMSEY � � / a _�(J, J��,�= �? _ _ being first duly snvorn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit i.n conneetioa with application f or "��, Sale" liquor license (" /^ �, Sa1s�' malt beverage iicenae) in the City of - � .�- Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a resi8ent of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for � yeara, months, and is naw and has bsen for the time above mentioned Q bona fide rsaident of said State and that he now resides at r� �` � ` Addre a s , , Minnes�ta, City or To�rn �'��� � /r�-Y-z-.-�- � Subsaribed and sworn to before me this day of 19� 1//�� t AA%% V�.y o ry b1ic, �y Co , B�innesota My csommisaion expirea „�„�,'�R��o�BviCH , Dakota County, IN�nn, �'�xhlssion F.xpires qp� 2� ��74 ' CITY flF S�INT PAUL DSPART�TT {,�' P�LIC SAF&TY LiCENSE DIVISIt7N Date . 19� 1. Applioati,oara. f'or L�.aense 2, Name oP applias►n�t °.f. 4 � � 4= . 3. Buaineeal addr�soe � Y '�:R'� '��/�8esidenae � � !`lf��+b , �l�.,.��- • , � 4. Tretde z�me, if any �„ r 5. 8etail Bser Federal Taa 3tamp��Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp �rill be used. 6. C� 7r�t flcor lcaated � Number of ro� used'- y _. _. _ _ . _ . . ?. Between �at arosa etreets�� ,� f.��,�,,,,,_ � 1lhich side oP �treet 8. Are premise� nme oaeupied �Phat buainesa� Ho�r long � _. _ _ 9. �re premiaee na� un000upi�d,/1�N Haw long Qa�ant Previous use 10, �re yuu a new rnmer Ha�ve you been in a aimilar busi.ne�s befoz� .�t=i��r �iher� " � SRhen �� 11. Are you goirsg �o operate thia buainess per�anally _ . _ � If nct, �ho will operate it 12. Are you in any other buainess at the preaent time ���, _ .._ r.._.:.... e 1�. Have thsre been any Qompl.ainta again�t your operati.am of thi� type of place�/ 1Phea �ihe re 14. Bave qou ev�er had ar�y lioenae re�rolaBd���lhat rea,�on and date 15, dre you a aitisan of tha IInited Statea��Nativ�e Naturalized �, �..,._..�.�.._.... . 16. 1Qiere w�are you b oraJ��� �_�te of birth �.�,� /��� 17: I am��married. My (xiPe's) (husband�sj nam� and addreas is � 0/ l8. (If married female) n�y maiden name is ��� - 19,. Ho� long have you lived 3n 3t. Paul 20, Hava you ev�ar bsen arrested_`��_Violatioa uP what criminal la'r or ordinanoe� �.. � 21. Are ycu a regist�red vo�er in the City of 3t. Pat�l Yes No. (Aaa.sro�r Pul1y ar�d Qomplately. 2'hese a �Iieations ara tMorou hl ahea�d and an fa ei�icai�.ar� will be cause for denialo ,;% _ _. _ _ • / 22, Number oP 3.2 p]aoes �rithin ttro bluaks �c- '� � �r 23• Cloaeat intao�iaating liquor plaoe, t'k� Sale �ff S�le , 24. Nearest Churah���r$vM � � o Nearest Seh�ol �� � M � c 25. Number oP boothe Tables�� ^ Chaira .�, b`toola �.5 " 26. 1�t oacup�tian have you follow�ad for the pa8t five years. (Give namea of empla�ars and date a a o employ�ed.) , � `/ �. 27, Giv�e� �mea and addresaea of two paraons, reaidents of 8te A�ul, Minnes whu can gi�e i.aPot'me►tion tsoztoex•ning youe Name Add re e e � Na�s ' ' .Address „ ,i , � 3ignature o p ioan State of �in.nsgota� �sa C ounty of Ramaey e bei.ng firat duly as�rrorn, deposes and says upon o$ h rea the forego ng sta�ement bearing hi.a signature and l�tow�a �he oaaitent� "thereof, and that-the aam� ia �rue� of his o�rn. lrnawledgs e�cept aa to thoee mattera therein s'F,�ted upon inforn�tion and belief and as to thoae mstters he believ�ea them ta be true. Signature o pp icant b�Zbsoribed a� sworn tu before ms ' thia day oP - 19� . � No ry blics, $a�ey County , esota CHRISTlNE VUJOVICI-I �T C0�.88�021 @Spr1T@8 Netil,s.0 Dutix�• n��.,�e n.... RtY� �Nimi: (Note� These statement formamare��iriX�d�up icate':97Both copies muat be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lio�nae Divi�iono�— �._-,�_ . ' AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR I,ICENSE Ret s�;�, Sale�_�� 'cense Name of appiicant � Busineas addz^ess �� ,��_ , Are �rou the sole ov�raer of this businessR� IP nota is it a �rtnership?__�_ corporation� , o:bher? Others interested in business, inelude those by loan oP mone , property or otherwissa .�'_. �� ' Nam� , �e' Address . : p'_' �;���'� �'a6�� �' Haw r�.-�°, � �t�.,S�.�r�. _�: � �° t� . �,�,,. �c`•1 If a c orporation, give ita na� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buaineas? �-�� As sols oamer� Partner?��� Stoekholder? (?thera�'ise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) Address u£ such business and nature of interest in same Signature of ap Iicant State of' Minne a ota ss �ounty of I�tmsey �C,y � ��e ���� bei.ng firat duly sworn, deposes and says upon oa`�h that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and knows the contents thereoP; that the same ia true of his owm lrnowledge, except as to those mattera therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be trus. �_ S ture of applicant Subsoribed and sworn o hefore me thia day of 19� � - No ary Public, �+y unty, Idinnesota CHRISTINE VUJOVICH �y a�ssion expires ��► Pubnc, D��ta County, Mlnn. � om�miss�on Explres Aprii 29, 1974 T STATE � �:INNESOTA) Cf�UNTY 4F RAMSEY � �S IQ, � � l I� t�/ being f irst duly sworn� d oth depose and say that he makes thia �ffidavi� in connection with applioation for " Seile" liquor licanse (" c�„�, Sale" malt beverage license) iri the �ity of Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a resident of ths 5tate of Minnesota and hae resided therein f'or yeara, months, and ia n� and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bo� fide rssident of aaid State and that he now residea at • �. .-. .": �.f�`. C� 4�'"�., "�'` �� ` Addreas r � , ,d;�,.� F ,! r �' ?�,f�� � �7.11119 3 0'�&e � G it y or T �+m Subsaribed and sworn to before me this �' da of 19 �j� _�,_ , ` �, �y� N ry blia, � Co y, Minnesota Idl�r oommisaion expires CHRISTINE VUJOVICH , unty, Mlnn. IVIy Corrimission Expl!es April 29, 1974