244830 ORIfe1NAL TO CITY CLERK 244$30. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� NO. LICEiVSE C(��ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE DATF July 1'O� I.�69 RESOLVED; That application for Restaurant� On a.nd 4ff �ale Malt �everage and Ci�arette licenses� ap�lied for by Lorraine r4. Meringdol at 7.021 arcade Street be and the same axe hereby granted on the condi.tion that within lo� days of th.is date s aid I,orraine I�I. Mera.ngdol shall comply with a11 requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Nealth, and Police, and the L�cense Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislat�.ve Crxie and all other applicable ordinances and laws. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ��L � o i96 9_ Yeas Nays �U� 1 0 1�69 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— / Meredith ' � Tn Favor �� �er�oxi � Sprafku U Mayor A gainst =i'ecteses Mr. President, Byrne �ei�s�� JUL 12 )y69 0 � . CITY OF $AIIOT PAUL ���� Capital of Minnesota �e a�ti�e�t o kblic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets H��Lrx FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Dcputy Commissioner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspeetor July 10� 1969 'ionorable Mayor and City Council Saa.nt Paul� P4innesota Gentlemen: (Nirs.) I,orraine P4. I�eringdol makes applicat,ion for Restaurant, � and Off Sale T.alt �evera�;e and C�.garette licenses for 1021 Arcade Street which is on the '+Jest side of the street between Lawson and Cook Avenues. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1933. The present licensee� T�Irs. t7arie I�Z. j�elson, has held the licenses since January 1968. There are no other 3.2 places tiai+�hin two blocks. `rhe closest On Sale Liquor place is one block arni t�e closest Off Sa1e Li;uor place is also one blocl; awav. The nearest churchuas well as school are each two blocks away. Mrs. Merin?dol during t,he past, five years has been employed by Willards �atering of Minneapolis� i'inch Coffee Shpp� and currently at � Gentile�s at L�99 Pa;jne ��enue. Very truly yoLrs� �����.` . License Inspector O a�� -i�I L . yh�, h�.�°a.�;'�{,.,�. � C ITY �F SA IIdT PA�JL DEPART�NT {�' P[T$I,IC SJ�FSTY LIC�NSE DNISICIN _ Date � 19� 1. dpplioation f or --, ,��•. LiQer�e 2, Name of applicant (� rt `2 � �h � 3. Buainess addaroea �O �� /'Cct,q�e �Residenoe 4, Trade aaame, if e►x�► eL�' . 5. Retail Beer Faderal Taac $tamp L/l�etail Liquor Federal Tax S�amp��w�ill be uaed. _ . . 6, C.�. x2�t floor Yooated /.�� Number of roa� u$ed° �L __ _ � t�'�d�e. . .�.� ?. Bet�reen �at aroas streeta('o1��x � ���a�, 'Whiah aide of street ' '1,,�,) e S 7'�"" �c�/� 8. �re pr�m3aes nrnr oaoupied.,�(�llRiat bu�inese � �cp /� Hanr l�ng / _.. _ _. _ 9. �re premiaee naw uaoacsupied�Haw long vacant Previoua use 10, Are you a new omrne��Hr�ve you been in a sami.].�r busineea beforer�� 'Nihers �,��L�� I'G.V ?j, � ,��''�.When / ��' � _. ( ``"j�;p �C.. T` .� �_ r. 11. A�re you going tQ operate thia businesa person,ally �1°,S If not, who �ri11 op�ra�e it 12. Are �ou ia any other buaine�s at the p�esent ti�a �Q 13. Ha've there boen any Qomp].aints a�;ainet your oparatian, of thi� type of p]mae��+ Nhe� ilhe re 14. B�ve you ev�er had ar�y lioenae revolfled���hat reason and date��;: � �-- , - 15. Are you a aitizen oP thd IInited Statea_l �Q Nati�v�eT '���Natur�lized _ � . _ 16. �e� t1�re you bqrn �Gi r �-11'�ats of bir'�h l�:�C�'- � °2 "-����` 17. I �_married. MY (ro�iPe's) (husb� alnd's� name and addresa is ,�OL� ,����"1�1. � � � � /��S � Y8. (If married femals) my maiden name i� � h, 6t- !� 19. Hvrr long have yo� lived in St. Paul -e /' ' �0, Bav�e you ev�ar baen erreeted (1 Yiolation of what criminal ]a�r cr mr�dinanc�e �� b _ 21, Are qou a registered voter in tha City of St. Paul Yea �/ Ao, (Ans�r �'ull a�+ct aam letel . These a �lic3ations are thorou hl checlflad anci aa f�leif Qatiaa �ri.l1 be cauae for en alo 22, �umber oP 3.2 plaaes �rithin ttvo bloak� a/�nj y� �� . 2�. Cloaeat intox3:aating liquor plaoe. t� Sale� ���� ��f Sale / C� � 24, Neareat Church � ��G�G/�,� Nearest 3ahoo�.__ °� ����_ _ � � 25• Ntunber of b�otha l�b`�l,P ,Tablea Chaira� S`tools 2--- _ _ ..,...... 26. iPhat oocupeition have you follovred for the p�et five y�sars. (Give r�ame� of emplo�ez� and da�te s so employ�ed.) - - � •�� ,QjJ���,/y�e , � �� � � , ' �� `/ �� � `n � - �� _ . _ . . th 27, Givej r�mea and addreesee of tRO persons, reaidents of 3ta Phul, �di.nn,, �rho oan g�.ve � information oo�cserning you, Nama � a�p �Addreaa ��� -�'1 I/ -lJGT .SU�. � . Namey�.j��,,d�l' �(ol.sa � Addrsss -..__ • � � �na ure ef pp Zcan $tate oF Yinne aota� �ss C ount of Ramsey O � . being first duly aworn, depoaee �mi say� u on o�th �ha ha� read oragoing ata��en.t bearing hia signature and lrno�rs the aonteate th�sreof, and t t the aam� is �iue- of his a�rn lrnawledgs except aa to tho�e me►ttera therein stated upon informat3.on and beliaf end as �Go thoae me�tters he believ�so tliem to be true. . � �.. Si ture of �pplicant b�bsaribed ar�d ewrorn to before ma ' thie �day of 19 (p � /� No ry blio, ey Count , , so RONALD .1(AMPSER Notary Public, msey CountyR A1IFlDb �T �!0�88�OT1 AXP1I'98 My Comm��alon Expires Q�c:'10,�1975� (Note� Theee statement forma are in duplioate. -Both copie$ must be £ully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lioense Diviaionor— . � AFF IDAV I`T B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Re a �. � Sa1e •�c-�'� �-t. .�� , I,icen�e ft � Name of applicant Businesa addx^eas �� Are you the sole oumer of this business? �:�� If' n.ot, is it a partnership� c�rporation? �Z� , o�har? Others,�.nterested in bu�ineas, include those by loan of money, property or otheru+riaea Name Add re s s Haw ��i c'`�3��L�i�,�-�j�.. If a c orporation, give its name Are you interested in any way in any o�her Retail Beer or Liqu�r business? ��� ,A,s sole oamer? Partner3 Stoekholder? � Other°vvise? (Through loan of money, eteg Explain) Address of such buainess and nature of interest in same � - � � ' nature of applicant State of Minns s ota� ss C our�,ty �f l�msey � 'J �� �n� bei.ng first duly aworn, deposes and says upon oath t t he has read the foreg ng affidavit bearing his signature and l�ows the contents thereofg that the same is rue of his awm l�owledge9 except a� to those matters therein �tated upon information and belisf and as to those matters he believea them to be true. + � �� �� �� Signa . e of applicant Subsoribe sworn b ore me this,i da of 9� f. �� NO U �.].C' I�&II18@�T OUIl y 21�.��KAMPS�R ary Public,Ramsey Counly,lA1Rlb �� (S O�I1TIll3 51021 expires My�omYTl�s{qn Explr�s D�c:10�197� J s�A� � b2�soTA) ) ss COTJNTY OF RA�SEY � v � being Pirst duly aworn, doth depose and aay that� he makea this a idavit i.n connection with applica�ion for 3-Z f�w "Q�� Se�le"��r license (" Sale" malt beverage licex�se) 5.n the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the 3ta�te of Minnesota and has resided therein for � Q years, � monthsa and is n�a and has been for the time abpve mentioned � bona fide rasident of said State / r and that he now residea at (� � ` Add ss S , Minnesota, City or Town i�s:� ' • f.�-sZ. � Subsaribed and s�rrorn to before me this day of 19� � y 1ia, Ramaey Count 9 Mi sQta RON p;�pglR 1 Notary PuD , Ramsey Counfy��►� � COICRIt18310i1 expires MY Commission Ex�es Dee:'10,'197�Si