244827 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL�RK CI� OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 244�2'7 . - � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL SOLUT N GENERAL FORM PRESENLED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, the Federal Meat Inspection Act (34 Stat. 1260, as amended by the Wholesome Meat Act, 81 Stat. 584) and the Minnesota Meat Inspection Act (Laws of Minnesota for ig6g, Chapter 225) provide for State-Municipal coopera- tion in developing, administering and enforcing the State Meat Inspection Program; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid statutes , the City of Saint Paul , through the Department of Agriculture of the State of Minnesota, qualifies for and is entitled to a federal subsidy of 50 percent of the cost of such meat inspection program; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul , Bureau of Health, may participate in such meat inspection program an.d thereby receive Federal funds without expenditure of any City funds beyond those already budgeted for such meat inspection program, Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proper City officials _are hereby authorized and directed to enter into such agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Agriculture , copy of which agree- ment is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference . FORM APPR�VE Ass� CorP�tation Caunset JUL 9 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19, Yeas Nays JUL 91��� Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith v Tn Favor Sprafka J . Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne ���, JUL 1� 1969 � . . . �44� COOP�.ItATIVI� AG:t�F,MENT �� betr�ean the �CITY OF SAINT PAUL � _� MINNESOTA . and the MINNBSOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE � � NaME OF PROJECT . . . . . . .State-Municipal Cooperative Meat Inspection. LEADERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Deputy Administrator, Consumer Protection, � . Consumer and 2•tark�ting Service, United States Department of Agriculture (hereinafter called the Federal Agency) , Gommissinnpr of the ldinnes�ta DQpart�.en_t of Agriculture (hereinaf�er called the Stato Agency) , . . and the Director of Environmental H,ygiene, _ 5t. Paul �Bureau of Health. � � � LOCATIOH. . . . . . . . . . . . . �Points thr.ougho�t the City of Saint Paul , HEADQUARTERS, , . . . . . . � .State Agency fisadquArters - 510 State Offica � � Buildin�, St . Paul, tiinnesots, and _ � Municipal Agency Headc,,uarters - 55o Cedar St. , . ' St. Paul , Minnesota � DATE EFFECTIVE. . . . . . . . July 1, sg69. I,EGAL AUIHORITY. . . . . . .The Federal Meat Inspection Act (3k S�at. 1260, as amended by the Wholesome rieat Act� 81 Stat. . � 58k) (hereinafter called the Federal Heat Inspec- tion Act) ; and the '�iinnesota Meat Ins ectian - Act (Chap. 225 Laws of Minnesota 1969�• � OBJFCT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To provide for State-Municipal Cooperation in � dc+v��loping, administering and enforcing the .StatQ �ieat Inspection Program. ORGANIZATION. . . � . � . � . .The organization for carrying on this ��ork wil.l consist of the� leaders and their authorized � • representatives. _ METHOD OF PROCEDURE Part I � State Agency. . . . . . . . . . (1) will furnish advisory assistance in planning and otherwise developing an adequate State- Municipal Cooperativ� Ateat Inspection Program � as 'may be determined appropriate by the leaders. . �+� . . . � - • � •. � .. � . � � � • . . f , .. � -�- , MF:"THOD OF PHOCEllURE Yart I State Agency (Con. ) . . . (2) ti•rill furnist► techr�ical and laboratcry � assistance as may be determined appropriate ' by Lhe laaders, . � - . (3) will, after consultation rrith the 2•SunicipaZ Agency, prascribe the manner in which annual ' . budgets covering the tnunicipal meat inspection . program will be subma.tted to the United States Department of agriculture by the State Agency. . �4) ��11 for�rard. to the United States Depart-- men�- cf Agriculture invoices and vouchers received frora the 2•iunicipal :.gency relating to , ap�roved costs of not to exceed 50 per centum � of the estimated total cast of the municipal meat inspectian program and upon receipt oi" reir�bursement for such costs will relay the amount received to the Municipal Agency. . (5) wi11 be responsible for the revie4� of �he � work conducted under this agreement . Such revi,eFr wil•1 be carried out in cooperation with � representatives of the Afunicipal Agency. � (6) for purposes of Ssction 301( c) of the Act, . aill accredit the Municipal Meat Inspection � Pro�ram cn a plant-by-plant basis upon a de- • - termination that it enforces requirenents at least equal to those impesed under Titles I and IV of the E�ct . (7) will enforce the licensing and . other pro- . vision� of Minnosota Statutes 19b9, Sections 31. 51 through 31. 58 assisted by the Municipal Agency. . � METHOD OF PROCEDURE Part ?I ' . Municipal Agency. . . . . . (1) will be responsible for recruiting, select- .ing, �nd employing municipal pPrsonnel to be . assigned under this agreement and will compsn- sate its employees in accordance with the legal . entitlements of the hiunicipality. Only monies � available from public funds (i. e. , appropria- . - tions out of general revenue funds) of the Municipality or from funds obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture through the State Agency will be used for the purposes . � of this agreement. ' � � . . ^y • •. ' , , � � -3- � ° MET�iOD OF YROCEDURE Part II . - Hunicipal Agency (Con. ) . . . . . . (2) will be responsible for assign�.ng and super- � � � vising such nu�bers of municipally employed . ' personnol as ara needed to conduct inspection _ . and othar neces�ary services in accordance �rith the applicable provisions of this a�reement. . ' (3) Vrill keep a complete accountin3 of the cost of developing and operating the State inspection progra�; and riill submit an itenized statement monthly to the S�ate Agency. For�s and proce- . dure�s meeting the requirements of �� the Uni�ted States Department of Agriculture, the State Agency and the ��lunicipal Agency �rill be . developed for the purpose of reflecting the total , costs and expendi�,ures under this agreenent . Any Federal furids remaining unexpended for the fiscal year will be refunde� to the Federal Agency through the State Agency at the ti�e of . subr�is3ior. of tne State Agency itenized s�ate- ment for June. In the event of ternination of the agreement, a final accounting rrill be made � and any unused Federal funds will be returned � to i:he Federal A�ency through the State Agency. ,- (t�} will arrange for an audit of the reeords � pertaining to this agreement annually or other- . " wise as provided by applicable State law or regulations . (A certified public accountant audit will be acceptable if performeci according to principles published by the American Insti- tute of Certified Public Accountants . ) A copy � of each audit rEport will be furnished the State Agency. These reports shall be based on generally accepted audit practices and shall � contain the necessary explanations and financial statements to permit the .State Agency to deter- , mine co�+gliance �rith the agreement . CompletQ acccunting records under this agree�ent shall .be available to the State Agency and to authorized � representatives of the Secretary of the United ' States Department o£ Agriculture . Such records . shall be retained for a period of three years • subsequent to the. fiscal year to which they � pertain. � � (5} assures that it will camply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all require- � . ments i�nposed by or pursuant to Part 15 of Title ' � 7 of the Regulations of the Department of Agri- • � • culture (7 CFR Part 15) , to the end that no .. � . . � . MFTHOD OI� PROCEDURE � � Part II Municipal Agency (Con . ) � . . . . . person in the Unj.ted Statas shall, on the ground . . � . � of � race, color, or national ori�;in, bo excluded . from partici�ation• in, bo denied the benefits of, or be other«ise subjecl:ed to discrir�ina- - � tion in the coopera�ive meat inspection program. • This assurance is given in consideration of � and �'or thQ purpo�e of obtaini.ng any and all a].lotr�ents of Federal funds or other assistance extended after the date hereof to the Munici.- .pal Agency and the State Agency by the United � States Depart�ent of Agriculture for the coopera-- tive meat inspection prog,ra�. This assurance . is binding on the t�unicipal AgQncy and the � State Agency, its successors, transferrees, and assignees. Zt is intended that the United States Department of Agricu]_ture may rely on this assurance in providing such assistance, ana that the United States shall have the righ� to seek its 3udicial enforcem.ent. �iETHOD OF PROCEDURE . � • � Part III " ' Other Terms and Con- ditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) Periodic reviews of State programs (inclu- �• ding subordinate municipal or county inspection . pro�rams ) will be conducted by Federal officials - and State personr►eI. Copies of all revie�� reports, including deficiencies and recommenda- tions, will be forrrarded to the Federal Agency District Director, and to the State Agency meat inspection official in charge of the prograr�. Correction of deficienc�.es in the t•iunicipal program shall be the responsibili.ty of the kiun- icipal Agency. Reports of action taken r'elative to the correction of deficiencies shall bo made . � periodically by the 2•iunicipal Agency to the . �tata Aganc�. • (2) The Federal Age.r+cy and the State Agency will � . conduct such in-plant surveys a� each establish- ment granted inspection under this agreement � (and perform such other functions) as it d.eems � necessary to assure that the facilities and � operations and the conduct of inspections at snch establishments are in accord with provisions : of the �iinnesota Meat Inspection Act, the Meat Inspection Regulations, and supplementarq instruc- _ tions of the State Agency. . � � • _ . � -5- � � M!�'.THOD UF YROCEUiIRE P�rt III � Other Tera3 and Con- , ditions. . . , , . . . . . . � . . . (3) Any employ�e engap,ed in activities under � this 3greement shall be rer.►ovcd from tha pro�ram . upon written request of either party hereto • � . stating the reasons for requesting such action, and after mutual agreement of tho State Agency . and the A�unicipal A�ency. NONUISCRII�I?dATION IN ' E�iPLOYI�iENT. . . . . . . . . � , . In connection rrith the perform�nce of work under this agreement, ttie attached Idondiscrimination � Provisions prescribed b�� Executive Order 1124b are herebjr made a part ef this agreem,ent . MEMBER OF COP�GRESS � CLAUSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .No member of Congre�s or resident commissioner shall be ad�itted to any share or part of this agreement or to any benefit to arise therefrom, unless i� be made with a corporation for its . general benefit. DURAT?ON. . � . . . . , , . , � . .This agreement shall co�tinue in force until " July 30, 19b9, and as long thereafter as Congress, , the State and the Municipality shall provida the � � necessar;� authority and funds therefor, subject - � to annual confir�:ation by a du?y authori;ed . ofi'icer of the Ur,?ted States Department of A�ri- FQRM APP VE cul�ure ; Provided, howe•rer, That this agreernent may be terminated at any time by nutual consent, � or by either party he:eto by giving written Ass� Corporation Counsel notice to the other party 30 days in advance of and specifying the date of termination. AiDV►wad aa to lorm and a+o�eoratoa . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • thfa__..__�Y ot_---------19 • By: __��e�c�4is4»c�s�i M � . . Cor�r�issioner�of Public Safety . Attest: � City Clerk Countersigned: � � � � City Comptroller MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE . By • , . . . , . . DUPLICKTE TO PRINTER ���(�� f CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCi� `�'�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 11'I�:i-t�:.�.;�, tti�: �'ederal iwYe�it Inspectioxa. Act (34 Stat. 1�6G� as amend�d i�y the Wholesome P�Ieat Act� 81 Stat. 584) and tize Minnesota P�ieat Inspeetion Aet (Laws o� Minnesota for 1g69, C�zapter 22�) provide for 5tate–Ni�nicig�al coopera– tion in developing, administering and eglforci�g the State I�ieat Inspection i'rogr�m; and WH.�i�.�AS, pursuant to the aforesaid statutes, the City of Saint �a,ul , ttirc�ugh tl�e �?e�artmerit of .�gricultur� of the atate o� i^��innesota, qualiSies �or and i� entitled to a #ederal su'asidy oi 50 }�e�cant o� the cost o:i such rueat in��,ection �robrar;i; ancl �drHs:,:��a�S, taie City o� a�.iilt i'aul , �3ureau o� :Iealth, �say participate in sc�c�i mea1; ins��ection �xo�;ra�n and tiiere7�y receive F��deral funds wit�iout expenditure o� a�y City funds ��eyonci those alre€xdy budgetecl for suela �eat in��eetian progran�, 2doca, 3'h�refore� be it RESULVED, by tize Council of' tlie, City oi Sai�it .�aul, that th� proper City oF�'icials are hereb3- aiitYiori zed aizd directed to enter in�to such agreement wit�� the 5tate of Minnesota, Department of ,griculture, copy of. whicti agree– rn�nt is a�tached hereto and tnade a part hereof Uy re�erence. � 1�6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit���" 19— Yeas Nays � r �� �, s ��,_, ,; �.�� Carlson Dalglish �i Approved 19— Meredith 7n Favor p �,. Sprafka` ^ /� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O