246298 «. � � 24629g oR�o�w�t ro errv e�e�eK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO „ ] + C NCIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y /�/l COMMISSIONE V" DATF �AS, Saint Paul�s neighboring governmental units and their citizen� may be influenced by changes in land use within the City of Sain� Paul; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul and her �itizens may be influeneed b� changes within ad�acent munieipalities; and WHEREAS, the Yillage of Maplewood ad�ninistration has requested that it be notified of p�blic hearings on zoning matters that are within 200 �feet of its limits; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the City Council �ause sueh notification; NOW, �.'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Finance Department of the �ity of Saint Paul include on the rolls that it prepares for zoning matters �he names and addresses of ad�acent govern- mental units when they are wi�hin 200 feet of the site to be considered and that the responsible department mail written notices of a publie hearing when such names are provided . BE IT �'URTHER RESOL�ED that Saifit Paulis neighboring municipalities be requested to likewise notify the City of Saint Paul when similar zoning ma�ters oecur near the City�s boundaries . � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be directed to � mail eopies of this resolution to all ad�acent municipalities . '�' c � � Q. � �, � 0 v .� �. � NOV 14 19&9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya ��l 1 4 1969 Carlson Dalgliah � pproved 19__ Meredith Tn Favor T � Sprafka ;J Mayor Tedesco A8'ainst Mr.President, Byrne 't!�[.�s�t NOV 2 2 1969�. �o ,. : � � � 4� � ��� . r.. . �. • A t BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1CIY0 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101' • PHONE: 223-4151 � November 5 , 1969 . Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the action of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning on September 18, 1969 at which time they voted S-0 to recommend that the City Council adopt the attached proposed resolution. This resolution provides for the notification of governmental units adjoin- ing the City when zoning matters occur within 200 feet of the City's cor- porate limits. This matter has� been of concern to the Zoning Board in the naGt ancl rP�.antl y tha pl annin� RpaYC� s*_aff l�a� infor*�a?ly noti.fi�d �a���^.- ing municipaiities. The intent of this resolution is to cause the names and addresses of adjoin- • ing governmental units to appear on the roles prepared by the Finance Depart- ment in the same manner as a City property owner, when lpcated within 200 feet of a zoning matter. The adjoining governmental unit would then automatically be notified of public hearings to be held by the Zoning Board or City Coun- cil. The resolution would also request that the City of Saint Paul be like- wise notified of zoning matters in other municipalities when they occur near the City's boundaries. It should be noted that only the governmental units would be notified under this provision. The City would not, by this resolution, have the responsi- bility of notifying individual property owners outside of the corporate limits. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Very truly yours, '� � �_�.,.. f ;�, ,/ -'��16l,. ` !�n;) r % ',c't/ ,/,. :�✓�f � 1/ Peter . l�aietta Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:jld CLS L � ,� � '�� ��., �� t.t:..,.,, �h�,.: ,t !, Q � �tx..,��.. , .Y�,4,,,s�,..�, v � 4- F• �:J i'e�. :' , � �;;a � w . ' / Y ,B�JARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL • ,1�10 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 � ������':� . November 5 , 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the action of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning on September 18, 1969 at which time they voted 5-0 to recommend that the City Council adopt the attached proposed resolution. This resolution provides for the notification of governmental units adjoin- ing the City when zoning matters occur within 200 feet of the City's cor- porate limits. This matter has� been of concern to the Zoning Board in the past and recently the Planning Board staff has informally notified adjoin- ing municipalities. The intent of this resolution is to cause the names and addresses of adjoin- ing governmental units to appear on the roles prepared by the Finance Depart- ment in the same manner as a City property owner, when located within 200 feet of a zoning matter. The adjoining governmental unit would then automatically be notified of public hearings to be held by the Zoning Board or City Coun- cil. The resolution would also request that the City of Saint Paul be like- wise notified of zoning matters in other municipalities when they occur near the City's boundaries. It should be noted that only the governmental units would be notified under this provision. The City would not, by this resolution, have the responsi- bility of notifying individual property owners outside of the corporate limits. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Very truly yours, �.--� , ���i ��,, ,- � , Peter , ietta Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:j 1 d �� CLS � �� " F�'+ „ , �;�� ,��.�,, _ i''-k ��� ' " s e,z,, i _..a: . �'' ; � a ;:�1 � � �:-� � � e r � ! • •• • . . . .. - ,. .!_.. . ' . . � . _ . . _ � . • ; ' ` i,• : • • l. ,.. , , .� . . , ?s;__°;:: � �....., �,� , ..,, . t, , . , . , . � .. �. , ,... r .„ - r . , . ... .,.�r. .. ... • .'.'k l) . . . .. . .4_� . a. . � ' .�� � ..� . . .�.t�_ . . .� � . .. . . � . ..." ... �� i'}' �N.r' �.�l� r ��S ' �1��?'�" '1 �t G �►i� � � Gi,�rl( b�c cL•1r���s.�1 i o � �-� L �� P� � S o -� -� 4�s r �cs.l o R-c.L.. . �' ♦ � • �• 1�t a ,� a��?w��� �� � S � Harry E. Marshall w��T�" oF Albert B. Olsoe � • City Clerk and ���y� Counoi.l Recorder Com.missioner of Reeistrafiion. `� „ -°��=��=3 .� t�SI h� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 November lq, 1969 ��City of Minneapolis �lillage of Mendota Heights �Village of Falcon Hei�hts Village of Newport Village of Lauderdale � �ViLl.age of Rosev�.11e Village of LiZyda.le City of South St. Paul Village of Ma,plewood �City of West St. Paul Enclosed is a resolution of the St. Paul City Council, C. F. No. 246298, adopted November 1�+, 1969, ordering that ad�acent goverrmiental units be notified of hearings on zoning matters in St. Paul when they are within 200 feet of the site to be considered. The resolution also requests that St. Paul's neighboring municipalities be requested to likewise notit"y the City of Saint Paul when similar zoning matters occur neax the City's boundaxies. We would appreciate your response to this request. Please direct replies to Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall, St. Paul� 55102. � V�ry trul yo s, ., � City Clerk AO�ng � � V I L L � G � O 1' r il L C O N T1 � I G ?1 I S RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA VILLAG� HALL 1644 WEST LARPENTEUR FALCON HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 55113 Phone: 644-5050 Decee�ber 2� 1969 Aarry E. Marsh�ll, Citp Clerk Hurea.0 cf &ecords 38b city ga�� Sb. Pat�l.' Mi.�essota 55ZO2 Dear Sirs Please be iaf'o�med that the V3llage af Falaoa He3ghta, Falcaon He�.ghts� Minnesc�ta� has a�reed. to y+our request of Hc�veabe�' 19' 1969. On all �"atnre zoaing matters that are �wi.thin �t'�0 f eet of the Cit�r of St. Panl� not3.f3c.ati,oa �r.I1l be forvarded to t�e apprapr3ate perscm. If y+ou have ax�� fu,rt�her queestions regardit�g �his �atter, please feea. free to coatacst me. S3naeralY� --_,= � C t , - ,.Ld c/�.C.r �� , /`_ ,�itX� / - J�ilri@8 W. TByloT V3llage Clerk �hb VILLAGE OF ROS � UI 'LLE MINNESOTA Uecemi�er 9, 1969 Mr. Harry E. �larshall City Clerk, Bureau of Records City o£ St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, i�innesota Dear D9r. Marshall: Your communication of Vovember 19, 1969, re Council Fi1e 246298 has been received. Ylease be advised that the Village of Roseville h�s been £ollowing this policy for the nast six or seven years. � -'"? Sin�ely, ` % r,;,.,,/ '' j , / . I, ,��� JJ� ��.�`yr � � �:, Burke M. �ond Villa�e Mana�er `/� BRgt/mp 2701 NORTH LEXINGTON ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA, 55113 484-3371 ``�,�0:MIN,yE' �� ���r � k, :_ w � • C lty of �� ��`° = M lnne ap ol�s ���~ ..0� ap.`�.._� . 01 q���D JuMt 5�' DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS DONALD A. ERICKSON, DIRECTOR 220 GRAIN EXCHANGE 330-2642 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55415 December 17, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Legal Notice Dear Mr. Marshall: In response to your request relative to the above referred to subject, the following information is submitted: The Minneapolis Planning Commission requested that the Zoning Office adopt a policy of notification to various adjoining governmental municipalities when they are located within 200 ft. of a proposed zoning change. The Zoning Administration Office has sent notice to adjoining municipalities for the past five years and will continue to do so in the future. Yo s truly, D n d A. Erickson Z Administrato � �.Ca''ti�� �yr� __ William Nordrum Zoning Supervisor Environmental Control.: Division WN:jf � � ° . � t�°r _ , �-'�� � - q�# E, {;k f «� � '„�`� � - � �-� `°` = t- � � , . � � . „ ,_ e � ,��-�>. �� -. � , ,... �! - . ,: � �� � "� � W�i "'� � � ���' ,,.,E"�.>.:"«�?°�i �����.���a a�_y , � � : +� , r� ., . ;:F .������1L � � . ...L. 4 i � �S.: ;�_ . t - * � l/i��a�e o� /�endota �ei�h� 4010 LEXINGTON AVENUE SOUTH • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55118 TELEPHONE (614) 454-1850 December 19 , 1969 mr. Harry E . marshall , City Clerk P,00m 3g6 , City Ha11 St . �aul , Pi1inn. 55102 Dear. Sir : The Uilla�e of (t1endota Heirhts Council , at its meetin� of DecembEr 1E� , 1969 , �dooted the follouainn resolution No , 286 , "Resolutian Pro— vidin� that Adjacent Governmental Units be notified of hearings on zonino matters in �1endot� Heights oroperty �uithin 200 feet of their boundry . " � ':!e are also sendinc a copy of this resolutio� to our neighboring municipalities for consic�eration . The Vi11a�P Council appreciates the o;�partunity to be of assistance on intercovernmental aroblFms . l';e �!.►ish you a {�1erry Christmas and a Happy New Year. s t ul , m. Radaba h, lerk—Trea er Gf�R/cc enc. i k ° ;� -. , _ . ' Village of Mendota H�ights � Dakota Count,y, Minnes�ta 42ESOLUi IOP� P70•�Q� d�Q�� 0 RESOLUTION PROVIDING THAT ADJACENT GOVERNMENTAL tJI�FITS BE NOTIFIED OF HEARINGS ON ZONING �MATTERS IN MENDOTA HEIGHTS INVOLVING PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FEET OF TYiEIR BOUNDARY WHEREAS, the neiqhborinq qovernmental units and their citizens may be influenced by changes in land use and zoning within the village of Mendota Heiqhts, and WHEREAS, Mendota Heiqhts and th�ir citisens may be influenced by � � such chanqes in land use and zoning within adjacent municipalities, � and 'i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has requested that it be notified � of public hearings on zoninq matters that are within 200 feet of j its boundaries, and ' , , WHEREAS,. the Villaqe Council of the Village of Mendota Heiqhte deems � ' it to be in the best interests of this Village, that such noti fica- � tion be qiven fio any ad�acent governmental units situat�d within 200 ' feet of property within this Villaqe considered for. rezoning. � NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RE50LVED by the Vilinge Council of the ; Village of Menc�ota Heights as follows: 1. That in all hearings on requested rezonir�g of property within ;; this Village situated within 200 feet of an adjacent governmental ; unit said adja�erit governrnental unit shall be qiven notice of said � ; public hearing. 2. That all neighborinq municipalities of this Village be requested to likewi�e nc�tify Mendota Heights when similar zoning matters occur ; involvinq property located in close proximity to the boundaries of � the Villaqe of Mendota Heights. � 3. That the Village Clerk be and is her�by directed to mail copies of this . resolution to all municipalitie$ located adjacent to this ; Village. Adopted by the 'Village Council of the Village of Mendota K�ights this 16th day of December, 1969. . VILLAGE COUNCIL ATT ST: VILLAGE OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS ;r ` ,, B � �� ��,�`�,�. Y _�� '� �`"-_"��_._ Gilbert M. �baug Donald L. Hu er Village Cle / Ma�or ;�/ r . City of West Saint Paul, Minnesota . REGULAR MEETING December 11, 1969 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N On motion of Ald. Russell Seconded by Ald. Clausen WHEREAS, the neighboring governmental units and their citi- � zens may be influenced by chang�s in land use within the City of West Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, West Saint Paul and• its citizens may be influenced by changes within adjacent municipalities; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has requested that it be notified of public llearings on zoning matters that are within 200 feet of its limits; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Manager of � the City of West Saint Paul cause to be included on the rolls that are received for zoning matters the names and addresses of adjacent governmental units when they are within 200 feet of `the site to be considered and that the responsible department mail written notices of a public hearing when such names are provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that West Saint Paul's neighboring municipalities be requested to likewise notify the City of West Saint Paul when similar zoning matters occur near the City's boundaries. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be directed to mail copies of this resolution to all adjacent municipalities . Adopted by the City Council this llth day of December, 1969 . Ayes : 6 Nays : 0 �s/ Rollin H. Crawford, Mayor Attest, '�s/ Elaine E. Zehndex, Acting City Clexk I, Elaine E. Zehnder, Acting City Clerk, hereby certify � that the above resolution is a true and correct copy as adopted by the City Council at the Regular Meeting held December 11, 1969 , and as recorded in the minute book. t .� �__ � i .C-�-s�%riC� � ting City C1 November 6, 1.96� �� � Mr. Robert E. 0'Connell �``��,� Corpoxation Counsel � Building /,� � r �� Dear Sir: '��� \ The City Council request that y epa.re a resolut�,on for their coneideration -� no aation to �overnmental units ad�oin3.ng tY� ity when ning tters occur within 200 feet of the Ci 's corpora. limits, and also requesting that other munici ities noti the City an sim�lar zoning matters, all as more fu11y lained in e attached letter of the 7.,oning Board, alon with a oposed oP resalution. �~4 Ve trul ours z`Y Y Y � �''�----''� G•ity Clerk AO;�ng � � v� � � November 19, 1969 City af Minneapoli's Vi21 a Heights Villa�e oP Falcon Heights Vil].a Villa.ge of Lauderdale Village of Roae Village of Lilydale South St. Village of Ma,plewood y lest St. Pau]. Enclosed is a resolution of the St. Pa, ouncil, C. F. PTo. 2�+62g8, adopted November 1�+, 1969, orde that d acent governmental units be notified of hearings an zo in . Pa.ul when they are within 200 feet oP the s�.te �a b� nsidered. The resolution also reques that St. 's neighborir� municipalities be requested to likewise n fy the Ci of Saint Paul when �imilar zoning matters occu ar t e City's arlea. We woul.d appreciate r�our res�ronse to `�uest. direct replies to Mr. Harry �. Marshall, City erk, Roam��, City Hall, St. Paul, 55102. Very truly yo�r�, City Clerk AO f ng DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTfiR ����,t�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, Saint Paulte nEi�hborin� gcavernmental units and their ci�izens may be influenced by chan�es in land u�e within the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul and her citizena may b� influenced by chan$ea within ad�acent municipalitiee; and WHEREAS, the Villag� of Maplewood adminis�ratian ha� requested that it be notif'i,ed of public hearings on zonin� mattera that are wi�hin 200 feet of ite limits; and WHEREAS, the Zonin� Board of �he City of Saint Paul has requested that the C�.ty Cauncil cause su�h notlfication; N(3W, T�iEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED �hat the Finance Department of the City oS' Saint Paul include on �he ro11,� that it prepares for zoning matters the names and addr�sse� of ad�acent govern- mental un3.ts when they are within 200 fest �f the site to be � considered and that the responeible department mail wri�ten notices of a publie hearing when sut�h names are pravided . BE IT �'URTHER RESOLVED that Saint Pau�.'s neighboring municipa7.ities be requested to likewis� noi:lfy the City of Saint Paul when similar zoning mattere oceur near the City�a boundar3ea . '� HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be direated ta mail copiea of this r�aalu�lon �to all ad�acent munieipaliti�s . , . ta'c•�', �'�k'�1E� .� � .��.�bk�- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �,.�ht� � ,�;<,>n� Carlson Dalgliah � Approverl 19__ Meredith Tn Favor 'P Pr A��~ Mayor Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne SS