246295 ORIGINAL TO CITY�CLBRK � ������ �,, • � CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� , N�,. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I S UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, The final costs for the construction of the Saint Clair- Saint Albans Sewer Relocation - Contract "B", Comptroller's Contract L-7090, have been determined; and WHEREAS, Upon final allocation of funds from which the above improvement was to be paid, it was found that the amount originally set up for its financing is insufficient to meet the final costs and that an additional a�aount of $126.44 will be required, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the amount of $126.44 be financed from the City's share of Local Improvement Fund 0920-701 , to finance the additional cost of the above improvement. S-1329 ���� NOV 14 1969 ` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas �vays NOV i 4 1969 Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Po���..ann ' prafka-�� � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ��5�� ��V � 2 ���� O DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER ry 1�` .19(� CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�N��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER Robert R. N�tersan DATF �Ot�6t€A�, The flna,t �Q�ts €�r� th� constructf a�n of the S�li�t �t�ri rw S�int Albans ��ear li��,�c+�tic�e • Contract •'t���. �r�aptrolier's C�otr�ct L�709�, hive beae� d�ter�tn�d; �nd �dl�E�EAS. dpan fitna� i1lc�at�on c►f �ut�ds froa� whtch thNe �bove' tmpr�rr�nt wis to be patd, 1t r�a� f�cwnd tt►�t ths �wnt ort+gtnai#y ��t �pr for its fln+rncir�g i� #r���af�'Ic�ent to �aat th� ft�al co�ta anai th+et an addition�! +�wnt �af �126.� wi 11 ba �req�l��d; thar:ef`a�re� b�e �t R.ESiiX.lfEli, '�h�� �he �u�t af ����i.4�e b�� financad fr� the Ci�y'a� shore of Loca# li�rm�nt �und 0924l�7►��, to f f�a�c�e t h� add l t�a►�s i cos t of the •bove� i�r�vrea�nt. �-1329 N�i�� �. � ����" COUNCILMEN Adopt.ed by the Council 19� Yeas Nays Carlson i�„`�(��' �� �, ,`fi,`�t� Dalglish � Approver� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor �o���------� Sprafka f� Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O