246292 , . ' 246�q2 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL N�,. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � UNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by Embers, Inc. , owner of the sub�ect real estate, si�uate in the �ity of Saint Paul and described ass Lots �+ - g, Bloek 1, Rogers Second Addition to Saint Paul, Minnesota; that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are deterrnined and varied as and to �he extent necessary therefor and the 8 foot buffer requirement between residentially-used propert� and open- space parking lo�s is hereby waived so as to aecommodate a 50-car parking lot; be it FURTHER RES4LVED, That Embers, Inc. be and hereby is granted a permit to install and operate a 50-car parkin� 1ot facility in con�unction with a restaurant on property located at the southwest corner of West Seventh Street and Hathaway Street, all in aecordanee with plans attached hereto; sub�ect to the condition that a redwood fence be constructed as a screen; further sub�ect to the condition that 1 parking space be deleted ad�acent to the driveway on Hathaway Street; further sub�ect to the condition that said applican�-permittee, and its sueeessors and assi$ns, shall make due eompliance with all appli�able provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of publie au�horities having eognizance . � �, c (:1 � � �3 0 � a- O L3 � � �- N�',� 1 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays NO°� 14 1969 Carlson Dalglish / pprove� 19— Meredith V Tn Favor D..L.t � Sprafku � � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �-��� N�V 2 2 1969 0 • / J � . � � N BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 November 5, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk �4�''���,r,. Room 386 City Hall '�'c �k Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the appeal of Embers, Inc. to waive the required 8-foot buffer area between residentially-used property and open-space parking lots and their application to install a 50-car parking lot on property located on the southwest corner of West Seventh Street and Hathaway Street. This property is further described as: Lots 4 - 9, Block 1, Rogers 2nd Addition. These matters were considered by the Board of Zoning at its regular meeting on October 2, 1969. The staff reported that providing the 8-foot buffer area on this irregularly-shaped site would appreciably reduce the number of parking spaces. It was noted the plan provided a 6-foot redwood screen fence to screen the parking area from all properties to the west. It was noted t'hat tk�i.s matter had been reviewed by the West Seventh Street Association for Neighborhood Development, and a letter from that group was read, recommending denial. The staff reported the parking lot plan has the approval of the Traffic Engineer and meets the design standards for this type of facility. It was also noted, however, that a hedge adjacent to the West Seventh Street parking would be desirable to block headlights from shining onto the street. The representative from Embers, Inc. said it is highly difficult to maintain greenery and shrubs because of rock salt used on the streets and sidewalks . Subsequently, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that the substitution of the screening redwood fence for the 8-foot buffer area would satisfy the intent of the Zoning Code and, therefore, recommends approval of the appeal by a 5-0 vote. The Board also found that the parking lot plans meet the design standards and have the approval of the Traffic Engineer and, therefore, also recommends approval of the application by a 5-0 vote, subject to the condition that an acceptable form of screening approved by the Zoning Staff be installed. Subsequent to the Zoning Board consideration, a report was received from the Traffic and Accident Section of the Department of Public Safety recommending that one parking space be deleted to eliminate a potential traffic hazard. e Very truly yours, � " �� ,�,'� i i /' �/� . �%; �'l,,`f�g,�,�-.�f�� ,�� 7 PETER J. NI�TETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:ga f ATB Z,F. �k6859 and �k6860 ��� r� ,�� � �� ao • � ; � ��� �6 c-e J / . . R - ,�a..�7� , f)� b , City of Saint Paul, l�innesota APPLICATION FOft SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE Ii�ONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to' install and operate a new (cross one out) a FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) ( (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 50 To be used in connection with:_Embers Restaurant � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Bef reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking ares: *Location :SW corner - W. 7th St. & Hathaway St. Legal Description : Lots 4,5,6,7,8, & 9 Block 1 Addition Rogers 2nd addition Applicant's Name : Embers, Inc. or As�igns Home or Office Address: 1664 University Ave. , St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Phone Number � 646-7966 FOR/BY THS APPLICANT, . Em�� nc. o s si ns �'av Sign ture) (date Henry S. Kristal Address : 1855 Pinehurst Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 Phone No.: 699-7262 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � r � . • ' ' +�� �� �� � � ' ' • ' 7�-b`! . . � . � RESTAURANTS 1664 UNIVERSITY AVENUE - ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 PHON E: 646-7966 ,�. August 14, 1969 The Honorable Mayor and City Council C/O City Clerk Room 386, City Hall & Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: Embers, Inc. , or assigns, hereby requests that the 8' buffer strip normally required between commercially zoned and adjacent com- mercially zoned property with a residence (Legislative Code: Chapter 64, Section 03, paragraph i) be relaxed in favor of a Redwood Screening fence 6' in height which is to be placed along the most Westerly property line. The legal description of this property is: Lots 4, 5, 6 , 7 , 8 & 9, Block 1 , Rogers 2 nd addition. The above described property is located on the southwest corner of W. 7th St. and Hathaway St. Currently this property is vacant and Embers , Inc. , or assigns, proposes to build and operate a standard Embers Restaurant here. Because the basic lot is irregularly shaped, the relaxation of the 8' buffer strip and fhe installation of a 6' high screening fence provides room for up to ten additional parking stalls along the westerly and easterly property lines. The need for this relaxation becomes apparent due to the irregularity of the shape of this lot and especially due to the extFeme narrowness which occurs toward the south end. Without this relaxation, Embers, Inc. , or assigns, is unable to design a parking layout which pro- vides more than marginal offstreet parking for its needs. Further, Embers , Inc. , or assigns, feels that the granting of its request will in no way cause any harm to the adjoining residences and, in fact will even be a• superior method of screening in this particualr situation. (See attached plot plan.) zo���� ���.� � ��-��. M • . . � • • � / ' . . + � ` , � � RESTAURANTS 1664 UNIVERSITY AVENUE - ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 PHON E: 646-7966 Thank you�ery much for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, � Henry S. Kristal, President Business address: 1664 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Phone: 646-7966 Home address: 1855 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 Phone: 699-7262 HSK:na ���� Zt�N�W� F1 LE �--- • � � � r , � � City of Saint Paul, A4innesota � � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT • (Please print or type) TO THE I�ONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to'install and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of t�nks and capacity: ); PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot $(� To be used in connection with: ��; jt����pt � MISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Clean3ng Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location ;SW �orn� - V�. 7'th St. 6� H�ttha'��►y �t. Legal Description : Lot� 4,5,��7�8, � 9 Block 1 Addition ROQ�S 3nd addition Applicant's Name : E�r��t�, I�iC. c�c As�iqttg Home or Office Address: ��a� �a=��iiy A:ve. , St. Paul, Min�acita SSIt3! Phone Number : �i�6_qgg6 FOR/BY TRE APPLICANT, �MbltS� . S1QAi S` 2� G i ture (da e H �ry a�, l�is�l Address : 2855 F1�AusSt Ave., St. P�ul, IUil�uue�pt� SSllft Pbone No.: ����7?.$� When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminarq lay-out plaus of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386� City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of A�ain St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � "� „�i:o.��"... ZO���G �1 �': � D�ARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION October 2, 1969 '.'lat Ma�_ �g � ` • i � . . '�` � 9ctint? under Le�?islative Code Chapt�r 60 thru 64 ' .��,� . , �ssecl Au�;ust 22, 1922 as amended to April 6� 19G3 . : . l�.?.'',i':�",It'i'S r�A'tE . �mbel^s, I:1c. 6800 6637 ?. "_L1�SI''IC��'1'I�N : � Amsndrrwnt � Appaal ❑ Permit u c�ther 6610 325'1 ;t. ' ,�R:'�;l: ; itelax 8 foot buffer strip X"7`�.� ; 4 . 1���,4TI�1� s �outhxest coraer of Hathaway and West 7th Streets ,'`: 5. LE!;�L nL,CRIPTION : Lots 4� 5, 6� 7, 8, and 9, Bloc.k 1, Ro�;ers 2nd Addition �. P:��SL'"�T 7,�t�IN;; �omm�rc.ial � , ?URSUAMT 1'� Zoning Code Chaptars 64 S�ctions .03 P�srap,raph: i 3 . ;'!'AI'F INV�STICATION � REPORTs Uat�s 9/22/69 Bys CLS and ATB > A. Z0:1I�JG AllMI;�ISTRATUR: No Actian , + � +� �s. t{I�TOk'f: Appli�ation for a 29-car parkiag lot in coujunction with a Country �`�� hit—' cn�n Restaurant withdrawn on 8/12/69.--A 55-car narking lot permit r+as with- : dra.m on 10.�11/60. C. PROPOS�:ll USE: 50-�ar parkiag lot ia coajunction aith an Embers Rsstaurant ;�. ;'RE5E:�T �TA:��ARD: Sec. 60.23 of tho Lej�islative Zoning Code requiros an 8 foot buffar between residantial property and apea area parking fa�ilities i.. ti��ll E'UR APPEAL: Providing th� eiaht foot Duffer ar�a will rsdu�.e tha numbar � " o ��iarc?�iny spa�es radic.ally b�cause of the irregular shape of tha sit� .' . � . . }� E'. AREA ZONIiJG: North aad wost ie zonad Commerc.ial, oast and south is zoatd - !f±av� �n u3try G. �ITE COYDITIO;JS: �its slo�es dam from West 7th Str�et to Adrian Street aad is � approximately st�re�t grade � , � :i. AkE� CG:�i�ITIONS: Ar: oil tank farm is located south ar:d east ftesidsntial to the � west and Coim�erc.ial use to the north Council Letter 9� DOARD ACTION; To Recomnsnd LJ Approval L..1Denial �ted 11/5/69 "�ovod by; Gauger Yeas Nays Date of H�arinfl x Ames Second�d bys Cohen x Cohen 11/G/69 Danna (A.lt) Council Action ` X Gadler x Gauger Secretary' s ramarkss x Maietta Date McPartlin (Alt) Mansur (Alt) LE�'.,AL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET WEST 7TH STREET ASSOCIATION FOR NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD OCTOBER 2, 1969 RE: EMBERS RESTAURANT PETITION FOR RELAXATION OF 8-FOOT BUFFER STRIP FOR 50-CAR PARKING LOT Mr. Peter Maietta, Secretary Board of Zoning 1010 Cananerce Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Maietta: In response to your letter which is in line with the City Council resolution requiring a review procedure for basic change in land use affecting the Neighborhood Development Pro�ect area for which we are planning, we have attempted to investigate and review this matter in time to present our re- commendation before the hearing, rather than requesting the allowed 30-day review period. The neighborhood representatives in the area affected have conducted an in- vestigation. The site-office staff of the Housing Authority also looked into the matter. The combined Administrative Board and Planning Task Force of the Association took the following action: It was moved and seconded that the Association recammend that the 8-foot buffer strip be retained. Ayes, 30, Nayes, 0. Sincerely, ���� � '� �' � Thomas A. Schaenzer President TAS:mal � � � 'v ��` �� e��' °I ` b ,� Q � � � 1 l ��� � � . �� � , � �1 c 9 � . V/ . . .. :.� ., �l 1 !1' . T , ; � � � t `�-�r-? .-rr' ! . � � .. .� . . � � _� _..� � - __ � �.. � .._ { ��. � , � 4 . � � + �� ! S i �/! �i' i I . I O � � O;U '��C��Cy;C3'��t�� �C7 C� `1 1 `> +, r ��� � �"; , << , � , ,��� � � 'T � ` �� `��J � . ... . � ' ' L - � AVE ... . . Q-r--�'Q __ . G�_�_._ __._f- . _ . _ . �e , + ��Y;G'�'� :►� O� G O ;; 9 - , Q , ��q , ,, � f � � � / w\ O/ , .,� � � + � �` \ _ _ .�1. ,",. . ' � •.. V r.`.`-' , , �. _ �, u ,; . o � � . .� , I`1 �J '.J Q ��`� � f .. Q ! � � �O G �� � ` �� '� . �1�v �' � ,. � . • r,�� ���. `'.: �,� Q` '� -{r � . � � Q' ,`\ � �\ � � .,C,_ � � �'�� , o s , ; , , 2�1 o ,k u , � � ,�' �`� \ ,� `\' '•�_' � `\ _ ,\5 , ., � � �v .� �� O �" ` . ��� ' � �• � � � 1�~ . v \` �' � S� ' �' . � a ' ' y � , � � �' � ��` �� ,� + �� � PJ � . w• e-,P G `� �� y a� .� � o , ' , v ._ _______ ___ , ,. � ,� �J `z _ �J � �j � \ r � � ` � � �� \O � \ s ` Q �, � � � d�� � �� . - � � � �� � � � ��� i o O � � � ���° _� ` �� ��"-�� , ��` . Cj� ,,,�� d'� ��`'� '� ' , � �� . � ` a �� �o � .� , � � // \� � � �' ' "� �� ��' � ,� �. � `� -"" /\ ) �. ;, . �/�_ `� r. �..�, .t \ / . . . �\ .�,. � � .. \.� a o . ,, � , 1 ,_ , .� ��. �0 \ _ G^`' , , �O , . . r � � ► � '� . 6� � � � � _ � .� , �a . . . .� �, ,{ _ ,..1 a �n r� .� � �'. � . '' � `C� . �, � , Q fi„^ ,�' ,. : .: . , .. ,��` ., . , .� __ : ` � APPLICANT EMAERS INC. LEGEND PURPOSEl� R�l�X g, ?�uffer l�rea LAND USE 2) Install a KO car parkinp� lot O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZOiViNG Commercial 'Q" TWO-FAMILY PETITON SIGNERS � T�iREE-FAh�ILY �- FOUR-FANiILY %Q MULTf-FA!��JLY FILE No� �8�9 �� � o � CO���ERCIAL 68�0 . NORr'� � � INQUSTRIAL u VACANT r St. Pau I planning Boord, Date�sept, 2t,, i969 Property Under Consideration U�AttD Or 70NfNG REPORT AND ACTION October 2, 1969 nlit I�ap ;1� . . � . 4ctinn under Legislative Code Chaptar 60 thru 64 �• irassecl Au�;ust 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 196� 686u 'v853 _. '•.?,�i,[C�f�IT'S NA'�1E : ::r.uars„ Ir.�. 6637 E:610 . �:L�1SSIf'ICA'fION : 0 Aw�ndt�nt � � App�al �?ernlit �Oth�r 3257 :i. .':lR�.)SE ; Ir.stall 50-car �arki7g lat � . L'X.��;'IOTd ; ':�outlYa@st �orr.er of Hathaway and ;iF;;t 7tt► �Lre�ts �. :.Cc�A:. ��SCRIPTION ; Lots �►� 5� b, ?, 8, and �, Blo�k 1, Itagers 2r.�1 Additior. �. P:;L51;!�T ZOtdIN(;: CcmmErr.ial � . �,�:<SUANT 'I'� 7,onin� Coda Chapt�ri GO S�ction; 23 P�rap,raph: �� . �Tti['P INV�STIGATION t R�PORT� Dat�i �/22/69 Bys �� and ti'F� P.. :;I`,TJRY: S•�e attached 7..F. #6859 (Appeal) �. A;:L;t, Li�'�i,iC: :lortii ar:d ��!st is xonid Cortx�ercial, soutn and east i:; zci:ed !e �vy L::�,,i�tr�� ^. ::T�SI.(:l S'1'AVur�KDS: The parkin.� lot plan s�ts ail t:�e design staTd�rds far t:ii:. t;,.��• �a��ilit� ex�e�,T �;rovision for a buffer area. T;�i.a r,rquirr��r.t is bein;; a,�,�ealed. Urain:��,� to b� us required by the Bufldii��; D�partn�ent �r:��i ti�e c;a�►pr J���:rt�.�:�t � �i. i k:):1Tr�C,:.; A'�D A'ru:P.: 36 fe�t alon� A�iriar. Strept and 196 ftct 310:.^ ,dest 7ti� .�tr��t r�,u ti::F ir, a<: ar��a of �pnz•oximatrly 26,600 squar? E�zt , i:. ii�:AFt'IC 1::lGI.IE;�i:; '?i�� Traffi� En�inerr ha,� revie�wed tne plan a::d r•_��o�:�:nend� �l;)i'ovd�,. i. �I'1':. AtJU ARc:A CU;VBITIO;�S: See atta�hed Z.F. �6859 (A�pwal) Council Letter 9. �OARD ACTION; To Recomatend LJ Approval L..�Denial Datsd 11/5/69 `4oved by: Gauger Ysas Nays Date of Hearin� x Art►es Seconded bys Gadler x Cohen 11/6/69 Danna (Alt) Council Action x C',adlor x Gaug�r Secretary' s remarkss x Maietta Date McPartLin (Alt) Mansur (Alt) LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET • . ' � , ' MINUTES OF THE P'UB�.IC 'HEARING BEF�RE THE BOAF�IU OF ZONING on Thursday, actober 2, 19b9, at 2:t10 PoM, PRESENT: MESSrs, l�mes, Cohen, Gadler, Gs�uger, �icPartlins and Maiett� ef the Board and 1Messrs. Brawn snd SUr.enson at�d Mrs. �rantzen of the st�ff. Mr. A4cPzarrclin �;�oted on th� Dykema, Spannaus, H�.rt�, Cukier, and �mrvn matters �iec�u�e Mr. �auger t�md not yet ar�ivE=:i. EN�BERS, INC, : An �ppeal to x�el.sx the 8�foot buf£er �trip �end an applicatio�� for a permit to fnstall a 50-c�x cust:omer park�.ng lot oa property located ox� the southwest coraer af Iiath��a�y and WesC 3�venth Street�. APP�AL: Mr. SorensQn su�ariz�d ��re staff report st��fng th�t provision �o� an $-focrt bu�fer r�rea will reduce the number of p�r�sing spaces because of the irregular sh�pe o£ �lae sit�. P�3or�h �nd west is zo�ed �or�erciel; east and south is zoaae.d Heavy IndusCry. The site s1o��s down from �Test Seventh Street to Adrian Stree�t a�nd is �rppro�eimately nt street grade. He conc�.ud�d tha� a 6-foot r.�dwoad femce is ind9cated ta replace ttx� 8-foot buf£er ares�. A represen�ative of Emb�rs, Znc.. fee�.s ehe redwood �e�.ce �ac�uld be just as appronria�e; the fence raat�ld i�e �l.l. ralc►ng WQ�t Seventh -- � 6-faot sc�een�ng fence. The fex�ce wocatd be hd�jacent t� i:lte propexty line. l�,r. Sorenson nated �h��: � �ntter �ror� �k�e West: Seventh S�reet Association for Neighbarhar�d Develo�msk�� indicat�d �t�ey �ere in o�p�sitivn to the b�affer rela�p�ion. A Iett�� f�o� a n:ei.gk:�o�tzo�d resid�nt sfiowed no eappasiCic�n. Mr. Gaiiger mnv�d for �pprc�v�1 of �he �ppeal c�i�h the condit�.on �ehae said redwo+�d fence be ereciced nn t�ie sir_e; �ir. Cohe� sec�r.dec3 th� motiora, which carried un�mi�aausly. P'�RMIT: The sraff a-eport ��a� su�sr�.�ed noting cox�fvr�nce to desi,�n� standards ar�d approv�?. of the '�rsfrfi� lEng�nE�r. Pir, Sorensore �t���d th�t eorne type of a hedge woctld be desixable to block thN c�r headl�g'nt$ f.xom glaring onr� the ad jacen� s�reet, The repres�nLative f.rr�m k�rabersA Tn�c, said it i5 �ii�hly diff�cult to m�in���n gg�enery mnd silru�s because of rocie salt used o�a �he sidewalk. A�teY som� discussina� 2viro GQ���re sn4ved for appreaval af t�ae �ermi� apl�lic�tian with t�ae c+��sd�t:Loa� �har nn �ccept�ible fo�-rri of_ sc�e��ai.��a.�, as�pt-^�red E�q tkae �a�ing Staff be install�d; Ntxm Gadler s�cond�d ti�e r�otioz, whi�•'�s c•e�rr��c1 un�ninic�us�y. 5ubmit��d i�y: �Colorae�. �.a Soaeres�n Ro�sr�z•t�� i,,� �;�es, �Gi���rman dl�- , City Clerk J CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf Nouse 55102 October 24, 1969 File X795, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers o£ the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. oa Novembex 6, 1964, on the application of Embers, Inc. for (1). a permit to install a 50-car parking lot for c:istomers aad employees, and (2). an appeal to relaa the 8-foot buffer strip oa Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 1, Rogers 2nd Addition lacated oa the southwest corner of Iiathaway and West 7th 3treete. For further informatioa contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 C�merce Building or telephone 223-4151. JAMBS J. DALGLISH Commissioaer of Finance O