246271 OR161N1dL TO CITY CLERK 246�'7�
COMM SS�IONE DATF November 13� 19b�
I�ESOLVED: That application for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License issued to
Ha.rold A. Daniels at 400 North Western Avenue to Applebaum's Food Markets,
Inc. at the same address and their applic�tion for Foodstuff-Original
Container� Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigare�tte Licenses for the same
location, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within
� O days of this date said Applebaum's �'ood Markets, Inc, shall comply
with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police, and the
License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other
applicable ordinances and laws.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� No�/ '� � a96919_
Yeas Nays
Carlson � 1 � 1959
Dalglish Approve 19—
Meredith �In Favor
Peterson '
Sprafku � Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne
�rrS�� �IOV 15 1���
� Capital oP Minnesota
�e a�tizce�t a k��ic �a et
� �
POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH
ROGER M. CONWAY, Depaty Commlesioner
DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieen�e Inspeetor
November 13, 196g
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Applebaum's Food Markets� Inc. is joined by Harold A. Daniels
in making applic�tion for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License
No. 2332, expiring January 31,1970, issued to I3arold A. Daniels, 400
North Western Avenue to Applebaum's Food Markets, Inc. at the same
Apple�aum's Food Maxkets, Inc. also makes applicatian for
Foodstuff-Original Container, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigaxette
licenses for the same location.
The officers of the corpora�ion are Sam Singer, President;
Sidney Applebaum, Secretaxy; and Abe Apple�aum� Treasurer.
This location has been licensed for a similar business since
November 1965 and Harold A. Daniels, the present licensee� has been �
operatirig the business since that time.
Attached are supporting papers to this application for the
transfer of the Off Sale Liquor License.
Currently Applebaum's Food Aqarkets� Inc. are operators of a
chain of grocery stores in this axea.
ry truly yours,
. � L _ �
/yL •
License Inspector
. �
To The �ionorable Mayor
and Clty Council
Ramsey County Court Houae
Saint Paul, Minnmsota 55102
Attsntion: Daniel McLauqhltr�,
License Inspector
W� hereby request transfer of the Off-Sale Liquor Ltc�rue
and any and all other llcenaea now lssued for the premiaea at 400
North W��tern Avenue, 3t. Paul, Minn�e:ota, to Applebaums' Food
Markets, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation.
Your� very truly,
Harold A. Daniels �
. , .
Date November 4 lg 69
1, Appl3.oat3�on �or "OFF-SALE" Lictuor L,.,�icense � LiQen�e
2. N� oP appliaant Hy Applebaum for Applebaums' Food Markets, Inc.
3. Buai.nees addreas�0 North Western_ Residenae 290 Woodlawn Avenue, 3t. P�ul
4. Trsde r�ame, if a�y Biq Apple Ltquor Store
5o Retail Beer Faderal Tax 3tamp Ret�il i�iquor Federal Tax Stamp �rill be usedo
6. t� arhat Ploor loQated First PTumber of roo�s used�. Ong
7. Between what arosa etree�s Central & Fuller 1�►hich side of strest East
8, $ro premiaee now �QOUpied�at businesa p��-gale LiQyo� H� �ong Stnce 1965
9. Are premisea naw unocsoupied No Ho� long 4acant Previous use
_ __..... . _ _
10, �re� you �Q new rnnler Yes Have you been in a similar buainees befure iNo
'�herm 'V�hen
11. dre you goin.g to operate this buainesa pereonally No
If not, uho will oparate it Leona�'d $peCtor
12. Are yau in any �ther buainess at the present time Ye� - Food market
1:3• Have thare been any csomaplaints againat your opsrstian of this type of place No
yihen ilhe z�e
14. Bave you ev�er had a�y lieen�e revoked No Rhat rea�on and date
15. Are you a citi�e�n of the IIn�.ted Statea Yes Aati�re �,16aturalize�d
16. Where w�are you borr� St. Paul Date of birth 9-- �— /g�'�S�
_ ��
17. I am. married. My (wiPeBs) (�� nam� and addre$s is
J n�iee �4r,n1�h�Lm��9!] Wenr�l�jy�v�a uQ� 4t. Pa13�
I8. (If marri�ed fem�le) my maiden name i�
19. Ho� long have you li�ed in St e Paul��l m_y�jfe _
20. Have you ev+er besn �rreated�_Violatioa of what criminal lavr or ordinanoe
21. Are you a regiatered voter in the Ci�r of 8te Ii�u1 y@S Yes Nod
(Anetwer fully ar�d Qompletely, These a �3.ications are tMorou hl checlaad axxi aa
falsifioation �rill be oauae for enialo
Z2. Aumber oP 3.2 p]aaes withia ttivo blooks
23. Cloees� intmc3.oating liquor plaoe, t� Sale �ff S�le
24. Neareet �hurch Five clty blocks Nearest 8chool Tackson Grade 8chool
25. Number oP b�otha � Table� � - Chairs - � � 3`toola ��-��
26. lA�a� occupe�,tion have you t'ollowad for the paet fi�re y�aars. (Give namea of employ�er�
and datea so employ�►d.)
president, Applebauma' Food Markets, Inc.
27. Giv+e� ae►mes ancl addreaea$ of two persona, reaidente oP 3t„ Pb►u1, Minne, vrho can gia�e
3.n.�orn�atian ooncern3.ng youe
��e Mllton H. Altman bddreae 707 DeQree of Honcu Bldq. , St. Paul
Na�s Tudd S. Mulally dddresa 707 Deflree of Honor Bldg. , St. Paul
$��$U2'e Of p C9ri `
State of Min.r�a sota� Hy App lebaum
Coun�Gy of Rameey
HY APPLEBAUM b��,i,g firat du].y avrorn, deposea and say�
upon oe►th he h�� read the forego ng ata�ement bearing his signature and l�o�rs
the Qar,ttenta thereof, and that�the aam9 ia �rtxe- of his m�n l�o9vledge axcept aa to
thone mattera therein atated upon inforn�tion and beli.ef and as to thoae matters
he believ�ab them to be true.
_ Signature � � �
Subsaribed �nci $tvarn to ore aea '
this day of lg 69
No rq c, Rt�m.sey ounty, e uta
C 88�021 97C 1 t ry Public, Ramsey County, Mlnn. ,
MY p _���PaCaua�izcioo.,EacNresJaa25w1�D _ .
(Noteo These statement forms are in duplioate. �Both copies muet be fally filled outa
notarized, and returned to the Liaonse Divis ionor-
Re: Off Sale L Lioense
Name of applicant_ �y_��ebaum for Acnlebaums' Food Markets, Inc.
Business address___ 400 North Western Avgnue. St. P$ul
Are you the sole owner of this buainess? NQ If no�, is it a partnership?
corporation? Corporatlon , o:bher?
Othera intereated in businesa, include those by loan of �oney, property or otherwiaes
Various stockholders of Applebaums' Food Markets, Inc.
Naa� Addre sa Ho�ur
If a a orporation, give its name _Applebaums' Food Matkets, Inc.
Are you interested in any vray in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business? No
As sole rn,raer? Partner? Stockholder?
Otherwise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain)
Addreas of suah buaineas and nature of interest in same
Signatu �f a licant
�iy App��baum
Sta te of Minne s ota)
County of Ramsey ) �
Hy Appleb8um being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and lrnovrs the contents
� thereof; that the same is true of his awn �rnrrledge, except as to those matters therein
atatad upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true.
Signature Ya�c�� .
Subsari and sworn efore me
thia day of 19 G �
Notary blic, Ramsey County, Mi esota
?�y aammission expir�tary f�ubiic, Ramsey �c�;nty, r,°;�-,_
• J8'''�2'S, �<;j•�:
� � ss
uY �APT.FR�jM being first duly sworn, doth depose
and say that he makea this affidavit ir_ connection with application for
" nff Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) i.n the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a resident of the State of �Iinnesota
and has resided therein for �'i� years, months, and is
� nou�r and has been #'or the time above mentioned a bona fide rasident of said State
and that he no,nr resides at
� Address
, �innesota.
City�or Town
/'� `7 '
Hy Applebaum
Subsaribed and sworn to before me
this day of 19�
Notary ia, Ramsey oun y, �Ilinn sota
i N�y counnission expirea
Nofary Pubiic, Ramsey County, Minn�
My Commission Expires Jan.25, 13��
Date November 4 19 69
1. Application for ��nff_S�p�� i,,14t�nr T.�,�ie,aQO License
2. I�Tame of applicant Sidnev Aonlebaum of Anolebaums' Food Markets. Inc_ //� �/4.Q
3. Business address 400 N. Western AvenueResidence 1g2g MontrPml AvPmir�� �t� Pm,�i
4. Trade name, if any Bicr A���llpr�,torP
6. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp will be uaed.
_......... _ . .. _ . _
6. C�i what floor Iooated First Number oP rooms used� pnp
?. Betw�aen what cross streets �p„tr�1 „�, p„1�p� ti'�hich side of street �x
8. Are premisea now oaoupied�Y�What businesa nf -SAtP T.lniinr How long+�incQ_l•�?6•5
9. Are premises now unoccupied�Hotiv long vacant Previous use
10. Are you a new osnmer���Have you been in a similar busi.ness bafore
�'Yhere When
11. Are you going to operate this business personally No
If not, who will oparate it .�nnA� �,��
12. Are you i.n any other business a� the present time Ves _ Food Markets
13. Have thsrs been any complaints againat your operation of this type of place N�
l�lhen Y'lhe re
14. Eave you ever had any license revoked � No ti'9hat reason and date
15. Are you a aitizen of the United States y�g Native x Naturalized
16. �Ifhere w�are you born St. Pau1,..Iltiiriizesc�t� Date of bir�h� �.— � 8� �--�,�
17. I am married. My (tivife's) (h„���*^� °Q 1 �Qme and address is- - --A - -_--
T nrr nl,s ,.,, �$Z$ �0i��rE'va� i�rref�L��-s�� n_..� —
18. (If married fem�le) my maiden n,ame is _ _ _ __
19. Haw long have you lived in St. Paul A11 rn� t ifp
20. Hav�e you ever been arrested No Violation of what criminal law or ordinance�
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. P�ul yeS Yes Noe
(Ansv�or full� and completel,y, Thase a �3ications are thorou.hl checked and an
falsifiaation will be cause for denialo
22. Number of 3.2 p].aoes within two blooks
23. Closest intaxioating liquor plaoe. � Sale Off Srxle
24. Nearest Cliurah Five clty blocks Nearest School Jackson Grade School
25. Niunber of booths ----- Tables ----- Chairs ----- Stools -----
26. lYhat oocupation have you followed for the past five years. (Give namea of emplo;�ara
and dates ao employed.)
Secretary, Applebaums' Food Markets, Inc.
27. Give� n�mea and addresses of two persons, residents o£ Ste Pau7., Minne, who oan give
information ooncerning you,
NamerMllEon�i. �ltmsn _ Address �p� Dearee of H�nnr Bldq,i, S�_ P�t,t
Nam�a judd S. lt/Iu1811 Aadress �07 DeQree o� Honor B�L1dLnq, St_ PA»t
- . i�nature o pp icant
State of �Qinnesota) Sidn y Applebaum
C ounty of �msey _
tieing first duly sworn, deposes and says
upon oath t t e s rea t e foregoing statement bearing his signature and l�awa
the contenta tl�sreof, and�that�the sama is ti�ue- �f his own l�irn�ledge except as to
those me►ttera therein stated upon informgtion and belief and as to those matters
he believea them to be true.
Signature f App i ant .
Sidney Applebaum
S�zbscribed and sworn to before '
. �
this day of 19 69
Notaz°y lio, Ramsey Coun�eD •
NotaN Public,
Rarr�seY County, M�nn.
�y Commi58i0ri expir63�3ommission Expires Jan.25, 1970
(Note� Theae statemsnt forms are �in dupliaate. 'Both oopies must be fully filled outo
notarized, and returaed to the Lioense Divia ionor— �
R9 2 n ff $a19 T Im�nr �+].C@T1�8
Name of applicant �
Business eddz^e�s 400 North Western Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota
Are y�ou the sole owner of this buainess?��. If not, ia it a p�rtnership?
corporatz.on?��tipration , o:bher?
Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, proparty or otherariaes
Na��ious stockholders of Appl�����' Food Markets, Inc. x�
If a aorporation, give its name�A��phat,ms' Eoec�1 MArkE+tS IT1C
. +
�re you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor businesa? Np
Aa aole owx�er4 Partner? Stockholder?
Othervriae? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain)
Addresa of such buainess and nature of interest in same
Si nature of pplican
State of Minnesota Sidney Applebaum
C ounty of �msey
being firat duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has rea e oregoing affidavit bearing hia signature and lm.ows the contents
thereof; that the same is true of his o�m l�owledge, except as t� those matters there3.n
stated upon inforn�tion and belief and as to those rriat�ers he believes them to be true.
$ignature applicant
Subsori ed and sworn afore me Si ney Applebaum
this�da of 19�_
Notary Pub ' , Ramsey ounty, Minneso
bd�r tst3mm1931ori expirea N��Public, Rams� County, Minn.
,��,�CpiFe�p,25, 197d
� .
) SS
S,II�NEY APPT.F.R� iM being f�2'St Eiuly' sworrn, doth depose
and say that he makea this affidavit in oonneetio� with application f ar
"��Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license� in the Citq of
3aint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the State of Minnesota
and has resided therein for year�, months' and is
n� and has been �or the time above mentioned a bona fide r�aident of said State
and that he now residea at 2
Addre a s
S i t P , Minnes ota.
City or Town
Sid y App ebaum
Subsoribed and sworn to fore me
this day of 19i�_
Nota b1io, Ramsey County, 1�inn sota
My eom�isaion expirea
'.lUDU �, NiULA�L�
Notary H�h!ic, Ramsey C:o�nty, h".L --�
My Commissica �xr9res�ar:.Z�, k'-�..
(�Zt�tuop .zo� osnB� eq tjtra uoz�.�oz3zst�,�
.-z� T-.z� ��_-��:jo 1.��;.�nc.zou�. o.�t� suot�.�ot�� � osou� °.�1Zo�.ot uro� pu� Lttn3 .za,:s�zY�
""=y �`'11 Sa� �,"`�, "=rJ .��
^�rt':! `�''�l=r '^� =�=r��= t'E.zC^.rSt�O.I � ;�C!�, ^-'�'St ��7i
eo��uzp.c �� r.1� Z��zz.z� �.�vr,� �o uot�.�oi�, aN pe�.se.z.ze ueeq .zeae no1S eb�g •02
a31t �� TTt� Zngd '�S �z pa.e.zt no.� ea� �uot mog '6Z
, sz euz�a uept�.¢ �uz (ett�ue3 pet.z.z�a �I) •8L
e�osauujy� �ined •�g •poon�y�aag L£8i '�o3�adg iaq33
�r �s�.r��� pu� cr,��u��'vu��a,sn�u,) (5s9�'Clit� �pQ •peZ.z�eaz � I. •Lt
�GL 'Q ',� , u��zq �o e�BQ '��'� ' u.zoq no� e.ze� e.zec�d. '9'L
S�zzTg.zn�.�l� x a�z�.aN sa� se���S Pe�?�Il eu� 3o uezz�.za g no�S e.z� •5Z
eT�p �t� uos�o.z T�v►, . Pe�Io�s.z esua�zt �zB p� aebe no� ea�H 'i�t
e.z eu1�1 uetV,r►
o j�
ao�d ,-.c ed��. sz��;. �e �o-;�.�K�c'o .zno� �.sutgsg s�ut�dtao� �u� ueeq e.zeq� ebeg 'gt
's�ax.rQy� poo3 �swnqEaidd� dq padoidcug °�`"�� ��ese.zd eu�. �.B ssoutsnq .zsk�.o �Su� uz no� e.�-� •Zt
Tz e�.g.zedo tttr,� ou�s °�o� vI
Litt�uos.zed s�suzsnq stu�. aTg.zedv o�. �uto� ro�C e��t •tt
sa� "
ue� e�atil�t
ax ��o�eq sse�snq .z�tzu�s � ut ueeq no�S en� sa� .zeu�o hieu e no� aL� 'OZ
esn snozae.za �.ueogn �uoZ �so� petdna�oun m.ou sest�ze.zd a.zy •g
S96i a�uTS �T:�t rwHionb�Z atES-3�0 8seutsnq �.Bt.�,tisa� petdn�oo Mou sesttue.zd e.i� •g
;sg3 �.00.z�.s �o opts qott.�,�� .rattn3 � ip�ua� s�.ee.x�.s sso.z� �.�ura uean��.eg •L
eUp ,Posn cuwo.z �o .zec�:mK �g�3 pe�.aoot .zoot3 4�� � '9
°pean eq, ttzrs dtz�rTs xCs Zt�.zopn,� .zonbtZ Zzg�.eg .ducv�.g xey tB.zepe,� .zeeg Zt��.eg •g
a.�o�g .zonbjZ atdd� 5�g �� �s •suz�ra ePcuy '�
Tn d '3S 'P u S L£8I °OUOpzsog � ssazpp� sseutsng •g
e ooev► aaa anuan ura�saM 'H 006
•�uI 's3ax�y� poo3 �scuneqajdd� �o� �o�aads p�uoeZ
�.uB�ttdd� �o e�z�,� 'Z
osaoozZ asUaajZ sonbj'I at�S-3�0 '�o� uot�.gottddy •I
o_ �
69 sZ � �aqtuanoH �' Q
I�'OISI112Q uSP���2'I
I.S�,I�'S �I'I£IP.d 3Q Zi�IW'�2��Td�Q
^�flyd Zi�VS .IO �ZI�
220 ::u.:�3r o: 3.2 pl.acos zrithin ��,v� bloc�.i:
23. ViJS3�'t intaxicati�� liquo: placoo J;. ;;:;,lo �ii'i ��'�c
24. :�'oarest Church Five city blocks R'oarost sc:�oo;: Jackson Grade School
25. I�u..�er of b�oths ------- �Ab1QS ------- Cj;ai: ------�-,.col� -------
20. ;I::at occul.�ation hAVO you �ollo��oc: :�r ::no �:.s� ���� ;��w:.:,, :.v� r.a��:� c.:,' �r.:p�:,;�:.. :.
and datos so employod.)
Emaloved bv Aonlebaums' Food Markets, Inc.
27. Give� z�mos and addresses of two persc..s, resido�ts of St„ �aul, �:in.z,, vrho c:Hn biva
inforznation ooncornin� you,
Name MLlfon H. Altman Addrass 707 Degree of Honor Buildinq
Na�e Judd S. Mulallv �ad 707 De e of o
� S ��wro o�� :, licant
State of �inne sota) Leonard Spector
County of �snsey
LEONARD 3PECTOR being �'y:�� d�J srrorn, c,:.,cse;: �.�� _.:
upon oath -that he ht�s reAd the fore�oing stat�:a�r.� a�:arin� '.:is sign����re �:::: �. _
�i:e co;.�ents �:x3reof9 and �ti�t�the sam�� is �:ae� of his rn�.� l�:oti�rled�4 exce- .. .
those �atters -therein stated upon infors�ti and balio a-r.c ws to �:zose �. -;:�.:: _
he believes them to be true.
Signa ar .�pplicant
e nard Spector
S�zbscribed �,nd sworn to bef e me '
%�� 9 69
this � d�y of 1
N�ta z°y � c, Rams e y C ountX��} • Y
Ram ey County, Minr. .
2;;�/ Co�liSSiOri expires Mv Commission Expires Jan.25, 197U
(�lotea These statement forms are •iri d�}plicate.� 'Both copias �us� be full��� ��liad ou
notarized, and returned to the Lioensa Divisiono��
Re: p�Sale Liquor Lioenae
Name of applicant__ L�onard Snector for AQ�lebaums' Food j,���, Lnc.
Business address_ 40Q North Western, venue� St. p�y1
Are you the sole owner of this businoss?�. If not, is it a partnorship?
0 orporAti on? Corporation , o:bha r?
Othera intereated in busineas, include those by loan of r,ioney, property or otherwises
Various stockholders of Applebaums' Food Markets, Inc.
Nams pddre ss How
If a a orporation, give its nama ApPlebaums' Foc�d M�rkets, Inc.
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor busineas? Nn
As sole ocrner? Partner? Stoekholder?
. � . .
Otherwise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain)
Address of such business and nature of intereat in same
Signatu e of pplicant
State of Minnesota Leonard Spector
County of �msey
being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read e oregoing affidavit bearing his signature and lmov�rs the contents
thereoP; that the same is true of his own knowledge, except a to thosa matters therei.n
stated upon information and belief and as to th e matters believas them to ba true.
gnat e of plicant
Subsaribed and aworn t efore me
Leonard Spector
this�da of 19�_
s .�,;
Notary Publ' , Ramsey Coun�ll�i.i�4�$ ,,,��� Minn,�
Pubiic, Rams=;'
My aammission expire��o mission Exv�r�g'a"' Z°' 19�i
. . .
� SS �
T F�NA&LLSRFC.T�•1R being first duly sworn, doth depose
and say that he makes this affidavit in conneotion with application for
" (�ff Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt bevera�e license) in trhe �ity of
Saint Pau1, Minnesota; that your af£iant is a resident of the State of 1�Iinnesota
and has reaided therein for �� years9 months, and is
naw and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide rasident of said State
and that he now residea at
� A dress
�� , Miiznesota.
City or Town -
� L n d Spector
Subscribed �nd sworn to fore me
this � day of 19 69
�� S. �
N�tary io, Ramsey County, 3Rinn sota
My aommission expirea
3UDD �. NIU�;�.`_;.'�'
"S��'a!'�F��k�ii� riar.�sev Co�r°'�� .`,"` .
� 'y' �;, m�;-,� gvGn..,X�.,� .�.,_ _...� a:'.. ._,