03-977Council File # �J ' %7 / Presented Referred 10 l:Ommlttee llate To Co-name Old Kellogg Boulevard in Honor of Mother Teresa of Calcutta 2 WHEREAS, Mother Teresa of Calcutta is recognized the world over as having provided uncommon service to 3 the poor in her native India and around the world; and WHEREAS, The Ancient Order of Hibernians, a group of distinguished Saint Paul citizens, has requested that her contributions be memorialized and recognized by the City of Saint Paul through the naming of Old Kellogg Boulevard in her honor; and 7 WHEREAS, Old Kellogg Boulevazd is a two-block street that begins within view of the front door of the 8 Cathedral of Saint Paul and runs between the Ambrose Hayden Center and the Archdiocesan Chancery; 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Old Kellogg Boulevard between Summit and College Avenues is 10 hereby co-named Mother Teresa of Calcutta Boulevard, and that appropriate street signage should be placed by the 11 Department of Public Works at the Summit and College Avenue intersections. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav �/ Blakey ,/ Bostrom � Coleman � Harris ,/ Lantry � Adopted by Council: Date /j"� '� ,°,� ��d3 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Appt � Requested by Deparhnent of. � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] ^---- rt__.0 Gln ��71� _ - n� _ 4��7 v.� - � � i DEPARTMENTlOFFICElCOUNCIL: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 40270 Councilmember Chris Coleman 10/29/03 ' � llVITIAVDATE INITIAL/DATE _DEPAR'CMENT DiR. CITY COUNCII. ASSIGN _CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK M[IST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) Nplylggg FINANCTAL SERV DIli. FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CIVII. SERVICE COMNIISSION ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES J (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'C[JRE) ncnoN �QUES�n: Approve resolution co-naining Old Kellogg Blvd in honoz of Mother Teresa of Calcutta RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACCS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING . . QUESTIONS:� � � PLANNING COMIvIISSION 1. Has this pecsonlficm ever woAced under a contmufor this depactment? CIB COMMI11'EE Yes No CNII. SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has this person/finn ever been a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does Yhis person/fvm possess a skill not notmally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet TNTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'[JNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Ancient Order of Hibernians recommended the street naming as a way to honor the significant world wide contributions made by the late Mother Teresa. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , DISADVAN'LAGES IR NOT APPROVED_ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: 3 � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FfJNDING SOURCE: ACTIVTTY NUMBER: FINANCTAL IlYFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) c �os�wornwsMrc�e �si�a D3 - 9�� RESOLUTION WHERAS: The City of St Paul, Minnesota sealed off Old Kellogg Blvd. during road reconstruction, and this street direcring traffic into downtown St. Paul for a number of years is still sealed off, and presently named Old Kellogg Blvd; and, WI-IEREAS: Oid Kellogg Blvd. is a two block street located between Summit Avenue on the North and College Avenue on the South. The rerouted Kellogg Blvd. presently runs North and Sauth From Sununit Avenue to Downtown St. Paul; and, WHEREAS: The two block street currently called Old Kellogg Blvd. lies directly between the Ambrose Hayden Center on the East and the Archdiocesan Chancery Building on the West, and sits approximately 125 yazds from the front door of the Cathedral Of Saint Paul, one of the largest church edifices in the North American Continent; and, WHEREAS: The current arrangement of this designated area would indeed call for renaming Old Kellogg Blvd. to make it consistent with the immediate surrounding area; and, WHEREAS: Mother Teresa Of Calcutta was recognized throughout the world as a champion of the poor and undexprivileged; NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED that The Ancient Order of Hibernians requests the Honorabie Council of the City of St. Paul to rename Old Kellogg Blvd. previously designated by its location to: Mother Teresa of Caicutta Bivd. Dated At St. Paul, MN, This 30` Day of September, 2003. Ancient Order of Hibernians � J. E. Donohue, Honorable Thomas R. Division #4 A.O.H. President & Chairman St. Paul ision #4 A.O.H., St. Paul Mayor of City of St. Paul