03-975Council File # �J� ' � 7 � .-_..__ r.......u'�Cf� Presented Referred T., �.�imau«cc Law WF�REAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 0017557) for a Dance Hall or Rental Hall License by Jan M. Nelson, Manager, St. Paul College Club AAUW, dba St. Paul College Club, 990 Summit Avenue, be approved with the following condition: The licensee shall be responsible for cleanup of the outside area ixnxnediately adjacent to the hail on a daily basis; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license �� application with the afarementioned condition. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav ,� Blakey � Bostrom ,� Coleman � Harris � Lanhy ,/ �iYe,� Adopted by Council: Date /(/�//, � ��0�3 Adoption Br• Approved By: Requested by Department oE � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council : _ 0 3 - 975' � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmerWOfficeleouncii: Datelnitiated: co -���il 2&OCT-03 Green Sheet NO: 3007221 Contact Person 8 Phone• Deoarhnent SeM To Person Initial/Date Marcia Mcemwnd � 0 n il 2 ��� Assign 1 o ncil De a e t ire to Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): Number Z i Cierk FM Routing 3 Order 4 5 7ota1 # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signaturej Action Requested: W�� C[ri+d���o� �c4� LttO � Approving applicarion�for a Dance Hall or Rental Hall License by Jan M. Nelson, Manager, St. Paul College Club AAOW, dba St. Paul College Club, 990 Summit Avenue, Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service ContracTS Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1, Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contrad for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a city employee? . Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city empbyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWges If ADProved: � Disadvantanes If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of ��Revenue Budgeted: Tronsaction: Funding Source: Activity Number. Financial Irrformation: (Explain) O�-��5 ��� �1 MINIJTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING ST. PALTL COLLEGE CLUB - 990 Summit Avenue Thursday, October 16, 2003 Room 330 Courthouse Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer The hearina was called to order at 334 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: 7effHawkins, License, Inspections, Environmental Protect9on (LIEP); Kristine Schweinler, LIEP Marcia Moermond explained that tlus hearing is being held today to consider objectians to an application for a rental or dance hall license. The application is from the St. Paul College Club AAUW. She has two letters of objection or concem and two lelters in support of the license application. When licenses of this type aze objected to, a legislative hearing process is triggered. There will be one of three recommendations: grant the license, grant the license with conditions that aze aa eed upon by the applicant, refer the license applicafion to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). The City Council gets the recommendarion on license matters in resolution form. It will be placed on the Consent Agenda, which means this is the kind of thing they do not usually talk about. It would be rare for them to pull it off the Consent Agenda for discussion, and rarer still for them to change her recommendation. The ALJ process would be used if Ms. Moetmond feels the license shouid not be granted or the applicant does not agree to conditions that she thinks will make it an appropriate use to the neighborhood. The ALJ process is costly and lengthy; it can take a few months to process. The ALJ holds a public hearing and there is also a public hearing when the recommendation comes back to the City Council. Krist3ne Schweinler reported this is an application for the St. Paul College Club AAUW for a dance haillrental halllicense. It has been reviewed by fire, licensing, and zoning with appropriate approvais by all; therefore, LIEP is recommending approval of the license. Jan Nelson, applicant, address of 900 Suinniit Avenue, appeared and stated this is a historic mansion on Summit and it was converted into an event facility. The majority of activities are wedding receptions. They hold about three to four events a weekend. They hold special events throughout the week, lunches, dinner meetings, etc. Mary Jo Skaggs, 1160 Josephine Road, Roseville, appeazed and stated the building was purchased in 1949 and has been used as a rental facility since 1950. Ms. Moermond asked is there a difference in the kind of activities they are undertaking with this license than what they were doing without the license. Ms. Nelson responded there will be no change in what they do. Ms. Moermond stated the letters in support seems to address the letters that had concems. A letter in objection was received from Steve Anderson who is concerned with increased traffic congestion, late night noise, and semi-trucks which unload from Suuunit and block tra�c. v�-�►1 S MINUTES FOR ST. PAUL COLLEGE CLUB, October 16, 2003 Page 2 Steve Anderson, 985 Suinmit Avenue, appeared and stated that he is concerned about increased traffic, peopie loitering, car doors shutting. He lives on the other side of the street where there is more parking. People have to cross the street to get to the club, and there is no crosswalk. He wonders about elderly peopie going across the street. When he is trying to go to sleep, there aze people outside making noise. Sometimes, there is a birthday pariy that causes noise. The food service trucks block the street about two or three times a week, but Summit Avenue is not a truck route. Both lanes have to stop for the unloading trucks. Ms. Moermond stated there were two letters received today in support of the license application from Hubert Renckun, 986 Sutrunit Avenue, and Deidre Kronschnabel, 986 Summit Avenue. Deidre Kronschnabel, 986 Stumnit Avenue, appeazed and stated that the College C1ub does not contribute to the issues mentioned in the objection letters. The Covernor's residence has events. Jimmie John's (sandwich shop), Chatsworth and Grand Avenue, is open until 3:00 a.m. on the weekend, and the police go there often. Parking is not a big issue. Also, if there is an issue with the College Club, a person can just call and they take care of it. They aze very easy to work with. She does not see semi trucks there very often and she is at home during the day. Jimmie John's and Ben and Jerry's (ice cream shop) is a biock away from the College Club. It is not fair to say that the College Club is not good for the area because there are lots of other things a block away. As for the crosswalk, if people cross where they aze supposed to, it should not be an issue. Lori Hayne, Police Officer, 100 Eleventh Street, appeared and stated she is the security connection with the St. Paul College Club. About three years ago, Ms. Nelson contacted the police department to set up security at the club. Officer Hayne has worked the majority of the events or she will schedule another police o�cer. The officers assist with alcohol-related laws, checking identification, making sure underage people are not drinking, making sure people are not overserved, calling cabs if needed, closing down the bar at the scheduled time, making sure the music ends when it is supposed to, and making sure people leave the building as scheduled. She stands in front of the building frequently and does not allow people to leaue the property with drinks. Even standing in the front, she does not hear the music inside the club. Perhaps there were one ar two rare occasions where the neighbors have heard it. She parks by Grand and Chatsworth and she noticed that when she leaves the ciub, there are a lot of people going in and out of the area by Jimmie John's. There are a lot of loud people in the azea that aze not connected to the College Club. Overall, the College Club is well organized, run professionally, and they would be cooperative in working with problems in the neighborhood. Officer Hayne would be able to help out with any problems. She is willing to give neighbors her pager or cell phone numbers. (No one else wished to speak.) Ms. Moermond asked Ellen Biales have there been any probiems with the St. Paul College C1ub. Bllen Biales, 5umrnit Hill Association, 860 St. Clair Avenue, appeared and stated she is not here to o�cially testify one way or another. The Suxmnit Hill Associauon decided not to make comment on this particulaz license because they have not had a lot of complaints about the St. U� � MINLTTES FOR ST. PALTL COLLEGE CLUB, October 16, 2003 Page 3 Paul Coilege Club. It came as a surprise that there were concerns from neighbors. As far as she knows, the club has been operating under the same procedure. There has been some history from the Grand Avenue side of that lot. Ms. Moermond stated that neighbors should have the right contact information for the St. Paul College Club, police, and district councils if anything comes up. Ms. Biales responded that she is willing to work with anybody to get things resolved, and that is why she is here today. Ms. Moermond asked about parking requirements for this kind of license. Jeff Hawkins responded that this property was grandfathered in. This club has been owned for 30 to 40 years. Social clubs were allowed in a residenrial neighborhood at that time. Ms. Moermond asked is there information about dance or rental halls increasing vehicle tr�c. Mr. Hawkins responded the license is catching up to a use that has been there the whole time. The only thing new is that it is being licensed as it should have been. Ms. Moermond asked about late night noise, talking, music, and would these be covered under the noise violafion in the City code. Ms. Schweinler responded that is correct. Ms. Moermond stated she sees problems that the neighbors are experiencing, but she does not think she can attribute them to the St. Paul College Club. William Mitchell College of Law is in the area and generates a lot of pedestrian and vehicle traffic, there aze a number of lazge churches and synagogues in the area, and Grand Avenue is the biggest influence of all. There is nothing particular about this use as a dance or rentai hall that would make this situation worse. She does not think she can fairly engage a discussion of issues on the license; however, one small concern has to do with making st�re litter on the property—and associated with an event—is picked up. Ms. Moermond asked would that condition be okay. Ms. Nelson responded in the affirmative. Ms. Moermond will recommend to the City Council that the license be approved with the following condition: The licensee shali be responsible for cleanup of the outside area immediately adjacent to the ha11 on a daily basis. The heazing was adjourned at 3:57 p.m. .i""'Ul