246215 " 246�15 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL U ION—GEN L FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson �. COMMISSIONE pqTF WHBRBAS, In the matter of Co�troller's Contract L-4045 for the 1968 EXTRA ORDINARY MAINTENANCE t�ONTRACT on University Avenue fron Emereld Street (City Li�its) to Lexington parkway, Sixth Street from Sibley Street to Broadway Street, Fifth Street from Robert Street to Broadway Street,Sibley Street from Sixth Street to Eighth and Jackson Streets,and Broadway Street from Kellogg Boulevard to Siuth Street, Project No. 68-P-421, Armor-Coat Company, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of completion is July 1, 1969, and WHEREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the �ork diligently but due to circumstances beyond the Contractor's control he �as unable to f inish the project by said date of completion, therefore be it �/ 1 � RSSOLV�`D, That the proper City Officials be and they are hereby � authorized and directed to egecute an amendment to said contract extending the time of completfon b July 16, 1969, provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated dawages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. NOV 6 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays ���,,,I :� �9s� Carlson Dalglish � proved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne Nl1�I.�SI'IE, NQV $ 19�� O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL � cooNC�� r'�/���� Y � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F1LE N�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c MM SS�IONErt F.obert F'. �'eterson DATF WHFREAS, In the matter of Cvmptraller's Contract L-4045 for the I968 I::XTRA ORDIN�IRY M[�Ih'TENtiNCE COb'TRACI' on University ,�venue from Fmerald Street (City Limits) to �,exington Perkwey, Sixth Street from 5ibley 5treet to Esx�oedway Street, Fifth Street from Robert Street to Eroadway Street,Sibley Street from Sixth Street to Lighth and Jeck�on Streets,and Braadway Strect from Kellogg Boulevard to Sixth 5trest, T�roject No. 68-'�-421, ��rmor•Coat Company, Ine., Contractor, the specified date of completion is July 1, 1969, and ti'HEItF;A�, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently but due r_o circumstances beyond the Contractar's control he was unable ta finish the projeck by s�id date of comple�ian, there£ore be it F:T:�OLVE�, That the proper City t�ffiMals be and they sre hereby authnrized and ciirect�d to execute an amendment to said contract extendin� the time o£ completion b s�,iy 16, 1969, provid�d however, that this resolution shall have na force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractar's bond consent thereto and file such consen� in writing; wi.th the City Comptroller, �nd k�e 1t FUkI'HP:r: PFS(iLVaU, That th� i^ity o£ Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liyuidated d�mages and that no �ngineerin� and inspection costs on this proj�et will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. ��t�'�� a��a;"!' � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approver� 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka �-�-� Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O