246213 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK -- � 24��� �
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,. ...
RESOLVED, That upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal,
under the Zoning Code, by Geraldine Bergstrorn, owner of the
sub�ect real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul and
described as :
Lot 9, Bloek 3, Kippts College Park,
St . Paul, Minn. ;
that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined
and varied as and to the extent necessary theref'or and the
density and lot frontage requirements for said premises are
hereby relaxed so as to permit continued use of a duplex,
sub�ect to the condition that said appellant, her successors
and assigns, otherwise, shall make due compliance with all
applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes
and rules and regulations of publie authorities having
� co�nizance .
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COUNCILMEN < y� Adopted by the Counci� 19_
ocr�o�+r fs. �eP: �
Yeas Nays � �"'�B1x i' ""�'' �OV 6 1969
� �, ���. ,
Carlson ; to�o�'r.�a>
Dalglish Approved 19�_
Meredith �In Favor
Peterson �
Sprafka � Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne p����s}�EO ��V 8 1��'�
. t �
. . _ . + � Z���..��
October 29, 1969
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Mr. Marshall:
This is written in response to the appeal of Mrs. Geraldine Bergstrom to relax the
density and lot frontage requirements of the Zoning Code as they apply to property located
on the north side of Watson Avenue between Davern and Macalester Streets. This property
is further described as:
Lot 9, Block 3, Kipp's College Park.
This matter was considered at the September 18, 1969, Board of Zoning meeting. The
purpose of this appeal is to allow a structure to be used as a duplex. The staff reported
that there was no zoning history although the property adjoining to the west had three
unsuccessful appeals to duplexes in 1963, 1964, and 1965. The staff explained that the lot
has a frontage of 45 feet, 5 feet or 10% short of the 50-foot requirement. In addition, the
lot area of 5,733 square feet is 1,767 square feet or 23.6% short of the 7,500 square foot
area requirement for a duplex in "A" Residence. It was noted that the site is occupied by
an older structure which appears to be a duplex and is located in an area of single-family
residences just east of the St. Paul Academy. Staff conclusions noted that: 1) this
structure was moved to this site over 40 years ago apparently with the understanding that
it was not a duplex nor would be converted to one; 2) the appellant states that the property
originally had a frontage of 95 feet. This appeal, therefore, would not be necessary if the
adjoining lot to the west had not been sold; 3) an appeal to allow a duplex on adjacent
property with a smaller variance was consistently denied several years ago; and 4) the area
has been maintained almost entirely single-family.
Mr. Rosenblom, representing the appellant, stated that the house had been moved from
Snelling and Montreal in June of 1925 and the only description on the permit was a two-story
house; it was not possible to get any definite description of the property until a field
report of a Ramsey County Representative in May, 1926, which indicated the property was a
duplex, and a map in the office indicates a duplex. He felt it was probably remodeled to a
duplex in 1925 and the owner has always used it as a duplex. In 1962, without knowledge of
the density requirements, Mr. Bergstrom sold the adjoining SO-foot lot, leaving only 45-foot
frontage. Mr. Rosenblom said that there are separate front and rear interior entrances;
fireplaces, kitchens, garages, and dining rooms with built-in buffets. He said it would be
extremely costly to change the structure back to a single-family dwelling. Since the death
of both Mr. Bergstrom Sr. and Mr. Bergstrom Jr. the two widows have been living in the two
apartments, but it is too expensive and difficult for them to keep up. They want to sell
the property and move to an apartment. The buyer of the property wants to continue the
two-family use with her mother living in the upper duplex, but she wants proper authority
to do so, hence the appeal for relaxations.
Several neighbors spoke in opposition to the appeals to allow the duplex and one letter
noting no opposition was submitted and is attached.
Subsequently, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that the relaxations requested
are excessive and, therefore, recommends denial of the appeals by a 3-1 vote.
Very t�ly yours, ,
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P�ETER .�. �A��TTA
Secretar�, Board of Zoning t
PJM:gaf � .d � �:� d 3 :<^;�
CLS �;�
Z.F. ��6844 � '� ,�
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t ' . . � •
�./\ E C
'710 SOUTN RO�ERT Bl_DG. � �
ST. rAUL, MINNCfOTA �310�7
� � ��
August 4, 1969
Honorable Mayor and City Council
City Hall,
St. Pau1, Minnesota
RE: Appeal af densi�y rules
on 1693 watson Avenue
��: !�- , ,- ; �`��
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Gentlemen: �}�� � ���s�
cirY ��i������u �U,��o
SAint Paul, Minne�,��
Herewith enclosed and a�tached please find petition
of Mrs. Geraldine Bergstrom, a widow, to relax the density rules
on the continued use of her duplex at 1693 Watson Avenue.
As I understand, the building has alwaye been used a.s a
duplex, in fact having been rented Por a period of approximately
17 y�.rs, and occupied by 2 families. From 1942 until the present,
the property has been occupied by 2 fam3.lies , however they have
been related, and therefore no rents have been charged.
I have personally examined the property, and it has all
the fe�.tures of a regular duplex, a nl not a. converted
zoN��� ��L� ����� :
Your courteous conaideration will be appreciated.
S erely
� Gene H. Rosenblum
Attorney at Law.
attachementaP I
. .r
i • r a
i3�A2D 'JI' 7�NING REPORT AND ACTION September 18, 1969 n ,
. lat Map ��13 �
Actinn, under Le�islative Code Ch�pter 60 thru 64
. n�ssA�cl Aunust 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 1�6A b844 .
_ __._ 5755 ,
. . '�t . .,1'i''', h�'il; . Mrs. (;eraldine Bergstrom — SS95
: .,, .;:>�:'�'.A`;'I�;d . � Amend � Appeal l__J �tne 5250
ment ❑ i'ermit r
;, , � ;i�.;:;;;t; : 1)Relax density requirements to permit
contin ed se of a du lgx
2)Relax �ot �rontaqe r.e�uirement
�{ � �'��"'" `��' • North side of Watson Avenue between Davern and Macalester �
, . ., 'I.,. ")G���Z1pTI��1 •
I.ot 9, Block 3, Kipp's Coilege Park
. . i':�Sl:,�i' 7��1;I"1:;: "A" Residence
, � "';�fSi,,?NT T�� 7onin� Code Chapters 64 Soctions .03 Parac�raph: :
s . :;TAI E' INVc,STI�ATION � RCPORT; Date; 9/10/69 GNB �
�y: .
B. HISTORY: None for the subject site, but the owner of the adjacent lot to the ,
west was denied an appeal to use the house on his lot as a duplex on 4/15/65. ,
C. PROPOSED iISE: To continue to use the house on the subject site as a duplex. �
D. PRESENT STANDAP.D: Being a lot of record as of April, 1914, the required lot ;
wicltfi at the legal setback line is 50 feet and the required lot area is �
7,5Q0 square feet.
E. NEED FOR APPEAL: The subject property presently has a lot width at the setback ;
line of 45 feet and an area of 5,733 square feet. There is a shortage of 5 '
feet (10%) at the setback width, and 1,767 square feet (23.56%) of the needed
lot area. �
F. AREA ZONING: The land surrounding the subject property is all zoned "A" Residence
except for the land to the weat which is zoned "B" Residence. ,
G. SITE CONDITIONS: The property is about 3 to 4 feet above the street grade of �
Watson Street. The lot and house are well-maintained. The house has 2 attached +
porcties in front and a double garage in the rear.
}{, AREA CONDI'TIONS: The subject property is surrounded by aingle-family reaidences
on all sicies. The neighboring houses are well-maintained and the streets,
alleys, and curbs are all in good shape. •
Council Letter
�. '�OARD ACTION; To Recomm�nd �Approval �Denial Dated
'4oved by; Maietta Yeas Nays Date of Neari��
Seconded by; Gadler �eS X 10 30 69
Cohen � /
Danna (Alt) Council Action
X Gadler
Secretary' s remarkss X Gauqer I
X Maietta Date
McPartlin (Alt)
Mansur (A],t)
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� APPLiCANT Mrs. Geraldine B�rgBtr�, LEGEND �
� ;� PUi�P�,7E Relax density requirtments to ��it LAND USE
continued use as a duplex
a-, , _... 4 ONE-FAMILY
`� . PRESENT ZC)NING "A" Residenc� -0-�TWO-FAMILY
, �,
� FILE No. � 6844 No{ZTM • •���MERCIAL
St. Paul P!;anning Board, Date= Sept. is, 1969 � property �de� ��g�tb�
► - .
. .
� �
, _ .__ _ � �__., _. ._.. . .
Zhnreday, Septeml�s 18, 1969 at 2 P,M.
Ysesent: Messrs. , Ames, Gavger, Gadler and Maietta of ttte Boix+d aad
Mesers. Bru�t aad Sorensoa an,d Mrs. Isish of the staff.
��GSTR�is An appaal Co relau the density requireaoeats and the lot fsoata� re-
quixemeaC ta petmit tbe c�atinu�ed use of the house ao the site as a duplex.
The property is loeated oa the aosth side of Watsoa Aveaue betweea Davera auci
Macalestes SCreets. Mr. Soaenson sunmaarized the sraff report noting the� ths
eite has a shortaga of 5 feet or 10� at the setback width, and 1,767 sq. ft. or 23+X
defiaien�cp in ares.
He said thst the structuse wss taoved to the site ov�s 40 years ago, appareatly
wiCh the uaderstandiag �hat i� was not a duplex, aor would it be coaverted to
oae. However, appas�eatl�y,- it has beea an illegal use for a nwnber of year$.
TheY+a was an appeal to permiL a duplex on adjace�nt property eo the weat which
was den3.ed in 19b5. The area is almo�t Aolidly siagle-family.
Mr. Roseab�am spoke i.a behalf of the appeal. H�a said thaC the house hed be�a
moved froan Saelliag and Mootreal ia June of 1925 aad the only descriptioa on
the permit wa8 a two-atory house; it was not pcssible to get aay defite.fts
description of the ptoperty until a field raport of a Rsnnsey Couaty R�epresent-
ative in May 26, 1926 which iadicated the p�operty ��as a duplex, sud a map in
the offi�$ iadicates a duplex. He felt it was psobably remodeltd Co a duq�Iex
ia 1925 aad t�ae _�wner has Blroay� used it as a duplex.
in 1962. wiChout kaawledge of the deaeiCy reqc�irements, Mr. Bergstram sold the
sd�oinln.g SU foot lat, leaving only 45 faot frontage. Mr. 8oseablam said thaC
there are separste froat and rear iater3�or eatxamees; fireplaces, kitchens,
garages amd dining Yoa�s with buflt-ia bu£fezs. Ae said it would be extremelq
ccstly to change the strueture back �o a single-famiiy dwelling.
Si�ce the desth ofr both Mr. &srgstrom Sr. and Mr.B�rgstrom Jr. the two widaws
have beea liviag � the two apartments, but �.t is too exp�usive and difficult
for them to keap up, They want to sell ,the property aad move to aa apar�nte
1'h� bupsr of the property waatcs to contiau� the t�io-family use with her m��ther
livia�g ia Lhe npp�t �uples�s h�a+t Rh� :w�Jt��� �+s�*+e� as��hnri�r �� dn s�a, hen�a Cht
appeal for relaxatiaaRSS.
A aumb�er of the aeighbors (approximate2y six) appeared ia support of the appe�l.
ffics. Michael, Ifi92 Watson, spoke ia opposition and said she thought it was a
hom�es�ead, and the questioa of homest.�ads was discussed t�riefly. Ie was
aoted that the owner of a dnplex may homestead th� porttoa that he r�eides iao
Statiag ehat he considered �hs realaxaCion requ�s��d excessive, I�ra Hai�eeta
mov�d for deaial, motioa seconded by Mr. Gadl�er a�d caxried 3 - 1 with 2ire
Am�sa voting in oppositioa.
5ubmiCted by: Colon�el Soreason Robert L. Ames,Chairmaa
City Clerk � � � � "
113 Court House 55102
October 17, 1969
File X782, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held
in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Aouse fn
the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on October 30, 1969, on
the application of Mrs. Geraldine Bergstrom to relax density
requirements to permit continued use of a duplex on LoC 9,
Block 3, Kipp's College Park, St. Paul, Minnesota. The
property is located on the north side of Watson Avenue
between Davern Street and Macalester Street.
For further information contact �`:� Planning Board, Room 1010
Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151.
Coa�n►issioner of Finance
Pursuant �o an appeal by l�rs. Geraldine F�ergstrom to permit the
rel�xatlon of the density requirements on L�ot 9, Block 3, �ippts
Colle�e Park ( 1.693 �aatson Avenue ) to permit the contint�ed use .
o: the property as a duplex, in Zoned A residential property;
Z�le, the undersigned property owners , V�it�iir 20C feet of said property
a��prove �r.d support N:rs. GeraZdine Ber�stromt s application:
The undersi�ned understand that th3.s property has been used as a . ,
d�,pZex �or t1�e Iast 44 years, and will continued to be used only
a� 8 duplex, or if the owner chooses , as a single resldential unit;
The undersi�ned further 'understand that Mrs. Eergstrornr :� a.�plic�.t�on .
does not contE;mplate thQ remova.l of s�.id buildin�, the recon::truc�ion
of said buildi.n�;, the placi.ng of new buildi.n�� on said pro�erty, and
in no way will permit� the prcperty West of Mr�. Bergstrom � s property �
at 1697 Watson, to be converted lnto a duplex, by the approval of
this application: . .
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2'urruFr:t to t::: u,�paf�l by l�i-r�. Ge��µlc��nL B��^�r�tror� i,� »er�it tho
re',:�::�tion c� s:h: a�ns1.ty Y'�c�lli T',P.I;1�-:r��3 04: ',ot 9, B�oc'-: 3, ui};n� s
Col?c�.e P::r:ti ( 16a3 ��l�tscn .�vznue ) �o ��A,�::i� thu co^ti::z�:��r ur� -
of the pro;�erty us a dup].ex, ir. Zoned A resSd�ntl�l pro��rtg;
I�te, tha und�rsig!:ed �ro�erty oUrners , wi�"i;� 200 ��;et o�' �kid �ro��erty
�:1�rrove ar.d �u�port �rs. Gera�ci�L�� Be,��tro;,�� s tg.pplic�'�ion:
�.�P. I.l.^.G��=?T'5��.'1^iP�3 un�ier^t�::Ci u���.t tzZi.s. �re���rty_hf?$ �t3:'.?"s L?SGC�. L�� :^.. �
d�iple-�- :or t!-:� 7.�st 4� ya�.rs, �zr.d wi1'?. con��r,uc�c to b? us�d only
�s a c�u},leY j or if thr� ot�rner choo3ea, «s rt ain'�1� re;ider.t12.1. �1?^.{t,j
The u°�.der�ik7n�a further undtr�tand �hF� :`r^ . B�rn�t�^^;n� � ��;�2i.er-�tior. �
does no t c��nt�:-�pl�zte thc r�mcval o�' s�id bu�lda ng, t�c� ��cons�ruction
o. s.��d buildi n", the �l�ci r.;� o� n�t� bu':_�.dl:aa on ca.1d p�op�rty, s�nd _
in no :=��y �i..l �e:mit �h� p?^op�z't;r k�'e�t ai :��^:� . Ber�strorn� s p:^o�ner�ty
.�t _597 t��;:taon, to 'be converted int� a du;�lex, b� the a�prov�.l of
tY�.f.s ap;�I�cation: .
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Pursu�nt to an appeAl bv Mrs. Geraldine Ber��trom to permit the
relaxatlon of the density re�uirements on L�ot 9, Block 3, Kipp� s
College Park ( 1.693 taatson nvenue ) to permit the continued use
oP the pro��er�y as a duplex, in Zoned A residential property;
t�le, the unde;signed property owners , wit�iin 200 feet of sa.icl property
a��prove �nd support N:rs. Geraldine Bergstrom� s application:
The undersi�ned understand tha.t this property has been used as a ;
duplek ;or tl-:e iast 44 years, and will continued to be used only
a� a duplex, or if the owner chooses , as a single residential unit;
The under�i�ned further understand that N�rs. Bergstrom�� �pplica.tion :
does not contE;r.;plate thQ rem�va.l of s�.id buildir.g, the recon�truc�ion
of said buildi.ng, the placing of new buiZding� on said property, and
in no wn,y wi11 permit the property West of Nirs. Bergstrom� s property �
at 1697 watson, to be converted �nto a duplex, by the approval of
this application: _
�U�%• G C� �G i �6�9 �!/�rL�rr. G
�` ! 4 ,J, r,", `� �
� _ ` � r',,_ -t'',-�t %_:'�l/ ��>> (; �f �^%"/:�, .; ,' �-�!J -
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ll�. 1:TT T���*���:,BT,� rilt�i�Ci:.w �"z m,R.. v'�r,.�•,r Q:'' �j/,.�nl�" i��,L��
Pursucr:t to ._� ::��p�:a1. by I�i-rs . Gzr�.ld;.ne B�:^�;tro� i,o r,es�it tho
Y`i:�1:X:.ti.021 Gi r�"i� QCT2Fi�.ty T`�C(t�i7'P.i;l"?"i�3 O1: ',Ot 9� B�OG�: 3� u�;)r!� S
L'OZ_(;"'t :�F:Y':� ( 16g3 �'r:�,80I1 n"V�ilUG � 1;0 1��;?"?P.�.� t4;�� Cp�Yi^t2Pr Ll�ir't �.
of the �ro;�erty as � duplex, in Zoned l-� residential property;
'-le� t!�a und°rsig!?P,Ct propert;l a�3r;ers , within 20t� f��t o�' ��1d �ro�erty
%�.;�t;i 0Vr'- �r:d gu;�po-�t :�':rs. Gera�c:ine Ber��tro;�° s s.prli.c��'tion;
+��18 L2_^.G�?T'S�.p.'21('."� Ll21LE;T'St'i'.�ZiCi v�c t �i�l�.�. '�:0:.3L;�`t'i,t,T..Yl�u �3£'nlna :j;c;e� �+,,c� 4 .
dup3e-�: �or �!�:e l�st �%w yeurs, �nd v�ll? cont�.nued to bp used cnly
�s a au��lex, c_� if the own�r chooses, �s � �in�l� resider.�la.7. un�t;
mhe u�:c?�;r�ir-:.1�c: 2'urther und�rstand th�:t :`��. B�r��tr^mo s Q��>li.c��tSor: �
does not c��:�L:ryplat� th� rVmcvAl o�' said bui1c11ng, the r�cons�ruction •
o; ^�,i d build{n=,, �he �l�ci a�� o�' neta bu'.�.di.r.�s an �aid z�:^o��ertv, flnd . .
in no `v1aV w1,.2 ne:rnit �h� �ropert�T T�1�(3 y OS :�i�s. Ber�s'trom � s propc�r�y
at �fi97 Z���tson,� to be eonvarted into a du�lex, b� the �pproval af '
t'r.Zs Ap;�Iic��tion; .
����:� .Dr�-���;� � '
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PursuanL to an appeal b,y Mrs. Geraldine Bergstrom to permit the �
rel�xatlon of the density renuirements on I,ot 9, Block 3, Xipp� s
College Park t 1693 taatson Avenue ) to permit the continued use •
of the prot�ert�� as a duplex, in Zoned A residential property; �
t�Te, the undersigned pro�erty o�rners , witliin 200 feet of saic� property
r���prove and supp�rt Mrs. Geraldine Ber�strom� s application:
The undersi�ned understand tha.t this property has been USEC� AS a .
ciuple� �or the iast �4� years, and will continued to be used only
aa a duplex, or if the owner chooses , as a single re;;idential unit;
The underai�ned further understand that Mrs. Bergstrom� � �.pplict�.tion .
does no� conternpla�e thQ remova.7. of said buildin�, the recUnetruction
of said build�.ng, the placing o�f new buildir.g� on said pro�-.,erty, and
in no w�,y will permit the property West of Mrs. Bergstrom � s property �
at 1697 Watson, to be_ converted into a duplex, by the approval of
this application: _
.l��-� e. G' ��- jG 89 �l��o-n �
'���iN/ !/1.�4��'�i�.�. '7�-�1�,{i<C'.�.'�`� . � /� ii t.��%�.�r< �`i 'i +"l�� �
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Tl� ji:i:.. .'"I^T:'(i�1BT�u V�I�l�C1�'a Q,r+ rt':ti' (+I�f Or g�T:�J�:: �h�i.� --
r urru�:r:t to :�:: r�ppa�.l by hi-rs. Ger�lclin� Br�:�r�tror� �o ner�lt tho
rcl,�.�:..ation oi rhe den�1.ty rehuirem�n�� on �ot 9, B�OC�: �, I�1�;-�� e
Coli c>�.e n�.r:� ( 16a3 ��J�tson �veau� ) to pArrr,i� the contlr.�z�=r ur��r �
oP the property as a duplex, in Zoned A r�s2dentSal property;
t�lo, t!�a und�raigned proper'ty o��ners , wit�^.in 20� f�et o�' ��id �roPerty
�;�rrove and gupz�ort ;�irs. Ger���ine Ber�stro;n� s applic��ion:
��'�Q u.^.darsl�n�,d underst�n� t,��t �hi.s_ prox,ir.ty_has b�en 'used �� �: �
duple�: Por tl:e lpst 4w ye�rs, �nd will. cont�.nued to b� us�d only �
as � du�:Ie�cj cr iP the owner choosee, r�� n sin�l.� residentia.l. un�t;
'�r,e ur�dersi�:�::d furthcr und�rstand th�t :•`r�. B�I�C�itrom� a ��Y�li.c��tlon �
�oes not c,�n�a��lata thc re�ncval oP a�id building, the� ��oonstruation •
o; ^.�id buildin2, the ;>l�cia�� of new bu°.�.din�a an ��i.d �ropert,y, r�nd . ,
1?1 220 YlIIV L71�.1 t-:e:Di1t ��I2 �2"O'�J' 2.r`1'i,ti,7 YNe9� �i ��rg. Ber�strom.� s p�'OjJBY'Ci3T
at 1697 t+atson, �o be convarted into a du�lex, by the approval of
thi.s ap;�Zic��tion: -
*�r:��r ,:,D���^��` '
�� ` _ / ... / , ff�� /� �,v(J �`✓�-/
,�. C� �' _ s �� ,� .��J�` /i�;y��.-�-�• ��'�=
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+. ? .
Pursuant to nn �ppet�l b,y hirs. Geraldine Bergstrom to permit the �
relaxatton of the density re�uirements on I,ot 9, B1ock 3, I�ippts
Colle�e Park ( 1.693 jaatson Avenue ) to permit the conti.n��ed use
o: the prot�erty as a duplex, in Zoned A residential property;
l�le, the undersigned property oymer� , wit��in 20C feet of said property
at�prove and �upnort N:rs. Geraldine Ber�stromt s applicatlon:
The undersi�ned understand tha.t this property has been used a� a
duple�: :or ��ie iast 44 years, and will continued to be used only
�F a duplex, or if the owner chooses , as a singla residential unit;
The undersigned further under�tand that Mrs. Ber�strom� � �.pplic�.ti.on
does no� conter.;plate thQ remova.l of s�.id building, the recon�:truction'
of said building, the placin� of new building� on said property, and
in no way will permit the praperty West of N:rs. Bergstrom� s property �
at 1697 Watson, to be converted into a duplex, by the approv�l of
this application: .
•V�9 G C-� �i ��6�/ CU�rLO�n GLvY?�
'�/'�_•:1/ /� �' j." � l�-?,.. ! ' �l:'�/ ''�'� � �j,C/ /,';i' :1 .' ;�/��
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10 ��=� �� T'r? .B::� Ct!?711CI:� 0� "� CT"", 0_ g. ?:�t; � �J':�
�ur�u�.r�t to t�:: ::;�pr��l by i�:_^�. Ger�ia�.n£ B;��;tron i,� ne�it tho
2'C:,' t:.?:.iti0:7 Gi r:1� acnc1.ty rec�uireM`'-i`c,� OY: '�Ot 9� B�CiC.�: 3� u�.;:�;�� 8
Col�c;ae P�:r:c ( 1693 ':r�tscn :,venu� ) vo �;:�;.�r;:i� th� co^t��u�=n ur� -
af the pro,�erty as a dup2e;:, in Zoned � r�;.�identlGl �rorerty;
Z�le, t!�z und�-rsi�!:ed pro�ert;� c��ners , z�rit";in 20� feet a," n�id �ro��erty �
�:;�r..rov� �.r.d su�z;o�t :�frs. Gerul�ir.e Ber�stro;n� s �_prlic��ion:
i�ae und�r 1Fn�d un�ers t�n� �,���t tzzi.^ �rc: � rt�r _ha�- b�^?^ u�<c? �s � �
. . S � ,� � ;�� � s ...
d�i;�le�-� �or �!-:e 1Fst 4'i yeU.rs, �nd will. contyr,ued to be us!�d nnly
as t� duplex, ar if th� owner cr�o�ses, �s A singlz re;i der.ti�.]. �an�t;
�`he u�.der���i��c�. Y'urth.^-.r und�rstand '�h�t :�`�::. B�iC�it�^em� s ���?Y�lic�tior. �
doea not c�n���ry�lzt� tha r�mcval oY' aaid building, the r�cons�ruction •
of s.�id buildi:�.r,, th� �lacin� c�f ne�a bu'.1�.f,nQa on �z.id t�iO��.'2°t�J� �nd ,
in no �1ay wi'..I �e:�it th� �ro�ert�� Y«eat o� ?�rs. Ber�strorn � s pro1.�er�y
at '697 I•rotaon, to be converted into a du;�lex, b� th� approval of
tY�.i.s ap;�Iic�ation: -
tT�'• �D�,-?,�'�'' .
.� .�,.
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, . � .
Pursu<�n� to an appeal b,y Nlrs. Geraldine Aergstrom to perrnit the
rel�;xatlon of the density rec�uirements on L,ot 9, IIlock 3, Kippt s
Co11e�,e P�rk ( 16g3 �aatson Avenue ) to permit the continued use •
of the pro��ert�� as a duplex, in Zoned A residential property;
t9e, the unde�rsigned property oymere , witliin 200 feet of sa.id property
a���;rcve �,r:d support Mrs. Geraldine BergStrom� s application:
The undersi�ned understand that thi.s property has been uned as a ;
dl:pZek �or tl,e iast 44 ye�rs, and will continued to be used only
�c a duplex, or if the owner chooses , as a single residential unit;
The undersi�nea further under�tand that Mrs. Ber�strom� � applic�.tion .
does not contemplate the remova.l of s�.id buildln�, the reconstruction
of said building, the placir.g of new buildings on said pro�erty, and
in no wa,y will permit the praperty West of Mrs. Bergstrom� s property �
at 1697 Watson, to be converted into a duplex, by the approval of
this application; _
, . .
_ •�.��� C' ��- /6 d 9 �1��0�.� �'�,.� � �
,� �/ �-- ,; � ' ,{;�'
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TO ^:;:� �^''���.B'_�� Ci!','NCI� Q�' rt,;.� ��m�r' 0�, �"I^?"' �al`L�
�urcu.::r:t to .:r. fppr�al by :•�i-rs. G�r�lc�inL B,:,:^�,;t-ro� tc� r,es^�it tho
7'C:�F:.�:._iti021 Ci �:"i� Q�I2�1.tS' T`�c�U�1"P.i;t�:?1�S O1: ':.,Ot 9� B�OG�: 3� u�^;�t S
Col�c;�e Pr:r�c ( 1693 ?�1:�sen �venue ) �o k;:;,���i� th� co^t�:�;z:-r ure -
of the pro;�erLy as a duple�:, in Zor,ed :� �^esidentl�l �ropert�;
Z-te, �!:a und�-rsigr.ed propert;l ctlners � W�.�,:Z�fl ZOC! 2'�et os�' �s�ld �ro��erty , '
�.; �-rov�. r:r:d sur�z;ort �rs. Gcra�c:i.�e 3e,��tro;n' s �.prllc.,�ion:
�h� u::darsl�ncd unierstan� :t���t whi.�. �r�,,�rty-_h��� b�e�^; °�!�ec �s w �
d�i,�le:�: ;or th4 lart �:� ye�rs, �nc� w�.31_ con�yr�ued to b� us�:d anly
�;a � duf:3.ex, cl� if the oianer chooses, �s �� sin�l� re^3.dE;r.t1�.1. ar��t;
`:.`he u�'.r.?ersi�n,=:r. iurther und�ratand �ht�t :�`rs. B�res��^�n,� � ���Y�l'E.c��ior: .
�oes not c��;�t��~��1�zCe th� r�rncval oP eaid building, thc� r�aonstruction �
o� ^;,id build�n��,, th� �laoia�� ot' net-a bu'•_�.dln�e on �ald pz�operty, and .
in no L1£,�;V wi�.l ;�errnit �he propert�r YNe�t oi �rs . Bergstrorn.� s pro�er'�y
.�t ?69? t�;�taon, to be convarted into a du;�l�x, b� the approval af
thi.s ap;,Iict+tion: -
.��.,,-r !=.j)�`-?��°� .
. . . ,
�? � _��r J'ti"''"7 /f rl �� `"�� �''���'
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e Z y Q � �`6 .M'. 'r,l,�.f ,:�r�% 7.� ";!�� Pi � ��� .
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,�.� g:. �'+'' � +n�a+a, �... y.�iy�s, �
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.. � N� � ��1�� •
• , _ � ' �
Pursuant to an appeal by I�rs. �Geraldine Aergstrom to permit the
relaxation of the density re�uirements on I,ot 9, Block 3, kippts
College Park ( 1693 14atson Avenue ) to permit the continued use •
of the property as a duplex, in Zoned A residential property;
t7e, . the undersigned property owners , within 200 feet of sa.1d property
a�,�,rove �nd support Mrs. Geraldine Ber�stromts application;
The undersi�ned understand that this property has been used a� a ,
duple}: �or �lie iast %�4 years, and will continued to be used only
�r a duplex, or if the owner chooses , as a single re�idential unit;
The undersi�ned further understand that Mrs. Eergstrom�a applica.tion
does not conter.;plate thQ remova.l of s�.id building, the reconstruction
of said building, the placing of new buildings on said property, and
in no way will permit the praperty West of Nrs. Bergstromt � property �
at 1697 Watson, to be converted into a duplex, by the approval of �
this application; _
�1 � G' ��- /6 B 9 �l��o-� �
��'J/ i�� y''/! i � „C��.l%7..{i�1,�'�l/ '7 �> r�� /I��rL��(i �l :1 � _'-"+'�-�
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21�i ri:", .''��T��:aiB:�.T`� Cl1�ji���.� n,�+ m;n� n�tmr 0?� ��T:1�^ P�z�.a.�
:�urru^r.t to ::r. ::��pa�.l by tirs. Ger..lcline Ber�;�trota i,� ner�it tho
rc�,x>::.�tlon ci r:�� a�n�1.ty requlrer�:�nt� on �,ot 9, B�pC�= 3, ?�i�:'� 8
CoI'c;�..e P�:r:t ( �6g3 tJ;tscn �,venue ) �o p�;°r,;i� th� co�tinzz:�d u�� •
af the pror��rty as a duplex, ir. Zoned A resldentia.l pro�e:ty;
t���, thz und�rsigr.Pd propert;� oti�nera , wi��:in 20(� f�et o�' ��id �roperty
�;�r.rov� <<r.d su�po�t :�:rs. Gir���i.ne Ber�stro;n' s aprli.cation; �
j.'�e u:id,�rslsnFd under^tar.� �,��t _�hi.s �ror:,vrty_ has b�ers `eas�d �� �. •
du,��e��- �or t�:e l�st �:'� ye�,rs, and wi11. eont�nued to be used only
as a nu}�le;�, or if th� otaner chooses, r.s � singl� reslder.tia.]. a:�1t;
`�'he u��dersi7..<:d further und�rstand t�t�t :i�^s. B�r�st�^em� s �:�.r,li.cF�tior: •
�oes not c�,nt�,_:plata th� r�mcval oP ��id building, the ��.cons�ruction •
o� ^���d buildin�,, the �laain� �P ne•�� bu`_Idir.�a on �ald property, �nd ,
in no �lay wi�.l �er�nit �he propertv �±�eat o�' ?dr�. Ber�strom� s proper�y
t�t '!F97 t���:taon, ta be converted into a du�lex, b� the approval oP
tY�.ls ap;�lication: _
..- ,Dr ��, .
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Pur.suant to an Appeal by Mrs. Geraldine Bergstrom to permit the �
relaxation of the density requirements on Lot 9, Block 3, Kippts
Colle�Ze Park ( 1693 t,tatson Avenue ) to permit the continued use •
of the pro��erty As a duplex, in Zoned A residenti�l property;
Sle, the undersigned property owners , within 20C feet of said property
a���.rove nnd support Mrs. Geraldine Ber�stromts application:
The undersi�ned understand that thj.s property has been used as a
d�:�,lex �or �iie Iast 44 years, and will continued to .be used only
a�; ,a duplex, or if the owner chooses , as a single residential unit;
The undersi�ned �urther understand that Mrs. Bergstron� � �.pplica.tion
does not conter.:plate the remova.l of s�.id building, the reconetruction
of said building, the placin� of new buildir.gs on said property, and
in no way wi11 permit the property West of N�rs. Bergstrom= s property �
at 1697 V�atson, to be converted into a duplex, by the approval of
this application; _
. ,
.�/.c.v � G� ��- ��c�9 ll�t��L0-n �
� �� �--- i� �'� '
� i il � �
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�lf'�!��_��i�'�r '�'' ������. „�r -�Lc��'"� / � %��C% �'lt�� _�� lc�����E_--
�' �. r —
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w.'a. ���:I !�\'i 1,�, �� �. lC�'� JGL.��.. �1_�I%%�� /l,'� ' ..
'��t ���� �` , � � � . .
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l:t �
:urcu�r:t to ._:: ,�,�paF�.l b5* I�irs. Geralcline B�:^��tron 'co nes�it tho
re�,�:�::.�t�.on c�' rh:; dcr.s1.ty T`�c�U1T`P.iTi^!1`t,5 og� T,Ot 9, B�oc'_-: 3, u�,�;-�ra
�'i0�.�C::c:.c; :�z:Y':i. � �6Q3 �'j:�SCI1 .`aV�i.7L1C: � �',O �i:'_"?i:�� �i t? CO^�',�f`.i!;'r li6Ci '
of the property as � du;ale�:, ir. Zonr:d A ��sidenti�l prorertg;
t-le, thz ur�d�r�igr.Pd propert,l c��ners , wit"�n 24^ fG�t of' ��id �roj�erty
�;•��:rovt Fnd su�?z;o,t ::rs. �erulGir.e 3er��tro;�� s �.p�lic�tion;
. �he u.^.darsl�r�r,d un�erstan� ��:�t �hi.�_ �ro�crty_h�as beer; 'u�ec' �.s �. :
dti,�3.e�- Por th:e last 4's ye�.rs, �r.d wi11 cant!nued to be used �,r1y ,
�a r� duplex, cr if the o'++inar cho�aea, r.� �z singl� re:,�der.tla.l. uni'G; �
`�`he u-�dersir;ii�:d further und�ratar.d ���,� :-'�^�. B�r�:�t�^om� A ��;�1�.c��tior, �
does not c��nt,��1�tQ thc r�mcval of a�id building, the r�construct3on •
o; ::���d b�.zild�n�,, the �lacing of new bu'.1din�� on s�id pMo�ert.y, and ,
in no ���y wi�.l re:mit tr.� pro�ertv Y�est oi �irs. Ber�strom� s �rover�y
at 169? ti��atson, to be converted into a duplex, by the approval of
thf.s Ap,Iic�tion: -
rr�..:r +'-.D��=?'�'�n
a�.� � .:�J�J� � ��
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i �,( t��
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8 � .
Pursuant to an appeal by Mrs. Geraldine Bergstrom to permit the
relaxation of the density rec�uirements on Lot g, Block 3, Kipp� s
College Park ( 1693 Wataon Avenue � to permit the continued use
of the property as a du�lex, in Zoned A residentia.l property;
Vle, the undersigned property owners , within 2'd0 feet af said property
approve and support Mrs. Geraldine Bergstromts application,
The undersigned understand that this property has been used as a
duplex .°or �the last 44 years', and will con�inued to be used only
a� a duplex, or if the owner chooses , as a single res�dential unit;
The undersigned fur�her understand that Mrs. Bergstrom4o a.pplica�ion
does no� contemplate the removal of said building, the reconstruction
of said building, the placing of new buildinga on said property, and
in no way w�,ll permit the property West of Mrs. Bergstrom� s property
at 1697 Watson, to be converted into a duplex, by the approval of
this applic�tion;
<1 .� G' � /6�9 Gl�,�-�an �
---��� � � _�v�s� ,�:`,l�.r.r oh�,�r� ��
/ W ( ,.'Y �4WY'CJC�C� .
...,, ..� .�� .
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TU TH� fi�N{1RAB�E ;�fl,'��I-� :t3`F TH�.. .�:t� t3Fw:�:��AS,T I���
I'ur�u�.nt to �m appeal. ,by ��r�. 4�raldin� Ber.��tr�om '�o �ermit the
reaaxatSon o� th� c1en�:�.t'y rec�u�rem�nt� o�► Lot 9, Block '3, ��-���,�'
�oll�,�e F�r�. { 16�}3 �tatson' �v�enu� );h to. p�E'i�1.'� �he ca�'G�:'nu.ed ug�.
of the pro�er�y as a �'�a�a].ex, '�in Zo,ned A �esi:d.en''�3a]. �rop�rty;
��Je, the :und�rsigned pr,oper�y,. awner�, w�.thi.n 2�� f�et of' ��id' p�raperty
a���,rov� and �t�p��rt P�rs. -�er�"d�ne B�rgetrom�'s �.PPl�:�catiQn:
The u�nder�i�n�d,:,ur�cc�e�'stan�<:.���.�..����:,...�r4���.t�c_ha.�.�=�8��us,�adr;.�=� _... .. _.
duple_��'�'or.:the 3.�s� �4 years., `a�c�.'w�.11 oanti�ued .to be ue,�d ari1y:
as �: duplext, ar if th.� owt�er chop.se�s, a� a �i��l-e re�id�ht�.�.l. i��3L;
�he uz��lersi���d ��rtt��r unde�r�tand. �h�z� �rs. B�rggtrom!�s` ��pl�.a�.:t�:pn,'
a��$ �o� �or�����i�.t� �he remonal o�'. �,�,id laui�d2ng, �'the reaar�s.t'ru'o�ia�°
of ��aic� build�ng, '�l�e pl�c�.�� 'o�' n��r but1.�.3:°��;e� o��,sai�d �raper�ty,�: �nc�.
in Mo vaav wi�:3.- �ermi�� th� propert�r �e��: of :�i'±^s . ' Be?�s'�rom� s' prt�pe��y
at 1�9'� '��iataon, to ne conve `rted inta a du�1:e�, �y tt�e �.Pproval. af
thf�s aprlic��ic�n;
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Auguat 4, 1969
The Honorable Mayor and City Council
RoomCi86 �lerk i j',� �i�, ', , �' ir�
3 � � , �z:
City Hall and Court House
St, Paul, Minnegota ,�'�;;� � �`.�:�.'
����`�" ��..};�ti=�k„t� i,���1��
Gentlemen. ��:;�x� ��,,,,;� rt�,r,;,�
Pursuant to Chapter 6�,03 (i� , r the undersigned owner
of 1693 Watson Avenue , hereby appeal the present zoning of my
property and pra.y for a relaxation of the density standards for
2-»f�.mily dwell.ings in an "A" resi.denti.al area as it apnlies to
my present dwelling, which is and alw�ys has been �. duplex. T
submi'� the fo].lowing information:
NAME: Mrs Geraldine Bergstram, widow PHONE: 6g8«�'�229
LEGAL DESCRIPTIO�T: "Lot nine(9� in Black �hree (3)
in Kipp�s College Park "
STREET LOCATTON: Watson Avenue, 2 doors East of Davern
FURPOSE OF APPEAL: relax density requirements to permit
continued uae as a duplex, and permit the rental of
NEED OF APPEAL: This appe�l is necessary because I desire
to sell my property and move i.nto an apartment. At
present I am advised that T am not allowed to use this
as a duplex, nor am I allowed to sell it ae a duplex
becG.use the lot size does ndt presently eonform to
density requirements, either as to fronta.ge ar as ta
aquare feet.
Thie property has always been used as a.
duplex. The building was moved onto the 1ot, which
� originally had a 95 foot frontage. The interior has
always been a duplex including separate fireplaces,
separate diningrooms with built in buft'ets, separate
kitchens with separate sinks, a double garage , and
separate frant and rear interior entrancesM
From 192,� until approximately 1942, this;
`�.'`� property w�LS rented out by my step--father, until
� I moved into the upper apartment with my husl�and.
�� In 1959, the property �ras conveyed to my husband �nd
myself, reserving to my atep-father and his wife, a
� lif er»e s tate. Shortly thereaf ter my s tep�-.father di ed,
� and my mather and myself each occupy a separate
,�.�. apartment in the duplex.
• #,� In 1963, the 50 foot lot was sold by my
mother and �yself, without being aware of the density
�;� requirements . T presently have a sale of the pr�perty,
,� and the new purchaser desires to use 3.t as it was
designed for, that is ,a duplex.
� � If my appeal is denied, I wi11 be unable to
i k sell the property to anyone withou� making extensi.ve
� � � arid very expensive altera�iong, which 'I cannot afford,
�,` �.-;�': and would further require me to continue ta reside in
�„�� the duplex without being able to take care of it proper�y,
` would require my mather, who is ill and elderly, and msself,
to forego the opportunity to move into an apartment, and
in the death of my mother, would prohibit me from en�joy�.ng
the benefits of said property, requiring me to live in the
nronertv al1 alone. __,�.
�lhere is presently suPficient space between and from the
ad�oining properties, both east and west of my building.
My property is in excellent condition.
Across the rear of my property there is a.n easment
running westerly permi�ting me to have use of my garages,
making the rear of the property wider than the front of
the pro�erty.
In any event, the square footage of my property is
not sufficient to conform to Section 60.02 (b� and thus
my appeal to rel�x the density requirements as required
in said section.
Your prompt consideration and favora.ble approval,
will be greatly apprecia�ed.
Very Sincerely,
,,� ,r`� .�_
.'`^�-C-.:.-t�:-�C t riG� ✓�"""_-�%'�.� ,{i¢—a�y�-L
(Mrs. ) Ger�.ldine E. Bergs"trom
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