246211 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK 246��1 , , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENGL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � - COMMISSIONE � � °� DATF RESOLUED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in the action taken by its Boaxd of Water Ccunmissioners allowing the idational Checking Carnpany to construct a concrete block building in lieu of a metal clad strueture and to raise the spur track serving said building, represented by its resolution rnunbered 2181 informa.11p approved November 4, 1969, a eopy of which is a�tached hereto; and BE TT FURTIiER RESOLYED, That the proper City officers axe hereby aut�horized and directed to exeeute the amended agre�anent on beha7.f of the City. � NOV 6 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19_ Yeas Nays � 6 1,s� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peteraon ' Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne PiI6LISHEP �Q� 8 1969 O � .o . . ..._ _. .. . ..: -,.. 2181 , ; CiTY OF ST. PAI.�L No. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRFSENTED BY N048DL�I' e;� lyv9 COMMISSICNER_.------- ---- ---- --- ---- __ ------- DATE_-.._ _. _ Wf�REAS� The National Checking Canpar�y having entered into an agreement �rith the City oi Saint P�ul f� tdie Board of Water C�maniasioners dated 19 June �969 for the purpose oP leasing a small area in the Water Depa�tinent Storeyard; and, WHE�tEAS� ltational Qiecking Co:apar�y wishes to amend abave agare�ent by aa addendum, to bnild a concrete block building in lieu of a metal clad building, and to raiae the spur t,raak serving this proposed building so that freight car doors and receiving d�oak will be at the sazne ele�ation, a11 xork to b4 done at the eo�pense of Aational Ch�ckin8 Con�anqf and, W'HE �RL'A3� The Qreaeral Manager, Mr. ClifYard W. Hamblin, after dns i�estigation, hss detezYnined that such change waild not be detriiaental to ths Board's property, NOW, TFIE�F+ORE� BE IT RESOLYED, That the Board authori$es and directs ita o�ticsre to execute said addendum to agreecnent on behali oY the Board, and llu�thea�, that the City Council shal.l concur in the action of the Board and ehall execute said addendua on behalf o� the Ci ty of Sain t Paul. �talc• uf Minnesota • C_�unty� of Remse}� � ss. � City of Saint Paul !. P. J. Clari.e, Assistant Secrc�tar5 uf•lFe li� ar;{ ;( R'at<�r Crm�missionors of the City ot Saint Yaul, do herehy� cc:rtify that I h�+�:e cvr;�{�f/rrd th�� h�.e� c��E��� uf } rft�"���ution of thc said I3oard as infomiallY aPProc�cd hy thc I3�ard on•J / '�±� . ,��r , ����il/ ;� «ith thc• original then•o[ on file +n my office and that �aid ri��y is ,+ tnia• an�: �uri��E�t ,� �py ef sa�� i . -igin.il end the ��h��le th creo f. �^ �11'�tn ,s the seal �t e�[3o it�i �.,f W'atc•r C mr.is i �n � .�.r,t {',���' this da)' of �' � �% �f` - - :� . � . i. L '� ; � i� � � � �_�J.f � .�.►� ._ __.. \�. . ,3t ...�__ �... � . Watei• Commissioners Informally appx�oved �ooember !t� 1969 �cl<���ted b�- the L'�ai•ci of «'.itet• C��mmissiot�ers Yeas Navs - --- _- - ----- ._ _ _ : . 19G _ In fa��or------ Opposed-----. ----- .-- ----------- - ----- __ - ---- - � �. � � � • � � ASST. SECY. 1M DUPLICATE TO"r�RINTER �y���� CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CGUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOL�F�, That the Counc3l o� the City af Saint Paul does hereb�r conaur in t,he action take� by its BQard of Water Comunissioners alla�wi.zsg the Na�ionaZ Checking Company t,o construct a concrete block hu3ldi.ng in lieu of a metal. alad str�xcta�re and to raise the spur t,rack servin;� said, b�uilding, represented by its resolution rnzmbered 21$1 informally approved Novamber 1�, 1969, a copy of which is attached hereto; and BE IT FUftTHFR RESOI,QED, That the proper C3ty officer� are her�by autl�or3zed and di.rec�ed to exeaute the amended agreement on bahalf of the City. Ado ted b the Council '��� �� ''���19— COUNCILMEN P Y Yea�s Nays i1�t;�(;',`�; Caxlson Dalglish - Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor �- Tedesco A Sainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne �