246210 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 24��,� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COU�IC L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B � � " � � COMMISSIONE DAT � �F�S� (�rdinnar�ce No. 3250 authorizes and prcvicles, � ; Por payment of overtime work� and 1�IH�tE�S, the C�.ssioner of Pub]3c Utilities has authorised overtime work isi hia departmeut duri�g the period from November 1� 1969 tbrough RTc�e�ber 1l�� 1969� tberefcre� be it R�3QLYED� that t,he proper Ci�y 4ffi�csrs sr�e hereby authori�ed to pa�y the employees who perfox�ared sneh ovet�t3.�e �rork in aca�rdaAee with the provisiona of t'�rdinances No. 6!�lE6 and No. 3250. NOV 6 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 61969 Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith ' Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco �gainst Mr. President, Byrne �t►a-�st�� NQV 8 1969 0 J ` . _ . , GRAND AVENUE DEVELOPMENT C OMPANY 1633 Hillcrest St.Pau1, �innesota, 55116 Saint Paul, Minnesota December 22, 1969 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 246208, being Ordi- nance No. 14333, adopted November 21, 1969, which amended Ordinance No. 13017, for permission to Grand Avenue Development Co. to �rade and surface the turn-around axea and alley in Block l, Stinson's Boulevaxd Addition, the amendatory ordinance extending the time of completion to on or bePore July 15, 1970. Fp� GRAND AVENUE DEVELOPI�NT COMP BY � ��O FIDERAL I SURANCE COMP .�.., f � , � �� Surety on the nd '�, Harry Sarbach, Attorney-in-Fact - _F�D�$AL INSURANCE COMPANY � LOUIS PEILEN & SARBACH COMPANY Inarpontad Under Tha Liws Ot New l�rsey � �� � 605 PIONEER BUILDING a � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 s e � � TELEPHONE: 227•8324 0 0 Q�d• MANAGER December 29� 1969 Llt�7' Of S't•�3U1. �epartment of Public �Jorks 234 City Ha11 & Court House St.Paul, Minnesota, 55102 Attention: i�r. Richard J. Ha�kins, �ffice Engineer Dear n7r. Hawkins: Re: Federal Bond #8026 79 19 - Grand �venue vevelopment Co. �ond for Engineering, �onstruction & Inspection of Proposed Alle�r as Defined by Council �esolution C. F. 223848, Approved Jul�r 6, 1965 I am enclosing herewith the original letter of Grand Avenue Development Company dated Pecember 22, 1969. ��e will look forward to receiving a release on their bond on or about July 15, 1970. Thanking you, we remain Yours very truly, LOUIS PEILEN & SARBACH C0. � s��� HS/mh Harry sarbach enclo December l, 1�h9 Grand Avenue Development Company ��---4--�--.___� .. 6�+0 Grand �v�. �� St. Paul, 2�innesota �.----.,, ,� j.. Gentlemen: j% J Enclosed is a copy �f Ordinan��AT�o. 1�+ , amendin{� Ordinance No. 13017, whi.ch granted yaa permiss�o� c�r�uth�r3ty to grade anc7 surPace the turn-araund area 7d�]�l�y zn �1 k 1, Stinson's Boulevard l�ddition. The amendatory ordina �.���e��'�es t a t�e w�rk is t� be completed on or before Ju1y 15, 1 ,k�: � �,ve call ,your s}�ecia ��r�ttention t �ecti�n 2 of the or.dinance k=hieh requires the filin� o an accept ce by the principal and surety ot' the bond filed purs�.� � to Ord � ce No. 13017, the acceptance to b� made in�t�e..-f.�m o �a �fi lettex and approved as t� form by the Corp ion Counsel,w�hin THIRTY DAYS af°ter passa.�;e af th3�s ordinan . � � Very truly yours , �,,� � `� ..��i�, City Clerk ng