246208 Orl�lnal to Clty Clerk � • - � ORDINANCE 246�pg � COUNCIL FILE NO / PRESENTED BY �f�� ORDINANCE NO ��� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13U17, C.F. 223848, approved July 6, 1965, granting permissian a.nd anthority to Grand Avenu.e Develo�ent Company to grade and surface the t�ucn-araund area and alley in Block 1, StltiSO�i�S B�Ille1T'Srt� AL1d1.t3.0A• THE COER+ICIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN'i' PAIJL DOES URDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Ordinance No. 13017� C.F. 223848, approved July 6, 1965, be and the sa�e is hereby amended by deleting frm� Section 1 th�reof Subsection S and substituting the fallowing in lie� thereaf: "5. Said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute the same contirn�.ously, with diligence, and complete said work on or before July 15, 1970." Section 2. This �menda�ary ordinance sha.11 be condition�d upon its acceptance by the principal and seirety of the bond filed p�irsuant to Urdinance No. 13017, the acceptance to be �arde in the forn of a written letter and approved as to farm by the Corporaxion Counsel, and, fi�rther, upon rec�iving �aritten acceptance to the ter�s hereof within thirty days a.fter passage of this ordin�:nce on behalf of Grand Avem:2e Developm�ent Ccmpany. Section 3. Th� re�ta.ining terms and co�itions of Clydi�aancc No. 13017, except as modified in Section 1 above, shall contirnne in ftill force attd effect. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days f�-o� and a£'t�r its pa.ssage, apprcwal, and p�blicatimn. N0� ;� ' 1969 Yeas Co�zncilmen Naya Passed by the Council MerB ed�_ `� Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka v Against Tedesco � � 1969 -- �i:Pieslilent Byrne)„'; . / NOV �� . � c��'/ APPrO _ tt�st: - _ . . C Clerk Mayo �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Pu�us�+Ea NOV 2 9 1969 � / � � /I st �� — .. 2nd �� Laid over to 3rd end app � —Adopted � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �-- Dalglish �y�",�:— Meredifh ������ `Meredith Peferson �Peterson r'`� Sprafka � �Sprafka \ V Tedesco desco Mr. President Byrne ��J�i�i�"'�!n� �,� �O Mr. �'icc �'r: �t�:nt� .' �, .���l"'�s�, plicate to Printer O1� DINANCE �46�08 COUNCIL FILE NO .ESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13Q17 C.F. 223848, approv�d July 6, 1965, �ranting permission and Authority to Grand Avernie DevelopTnent Company to grade anc3 surface the turn-around area and alley in Block 1, Stinson's Boulevard Addition. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY �F SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINs Section 1. That Ordinance No. 13017 C.F. 2Z3848, approved July 6, 19b5, be and the same is hereby amended by deleting from Section 1 tliereof Subsection 5 and substituting ttze following in lieu thereof: 'r5. Said permittee, aftex the inception o� said work, shall prosecute tne s�.rne continuously, wa.th dili�ence, and co��alete said work on or before �Tuly 15, 1970." S�ction 2. This amendatory ordinance shall be conditioned upon its accentance by the principal and surety of the bond filed pursuant to Ordinance No. 13017, the acceptance to be made in the form of a written lettex and apgroved as to form by the Corparation CounseZ, and, fur�her, u�on receiving written acceptance to the terms hereof within thirty days gfter �assage of this ordina.nce on behalf of Grand Avenue Development Company. Section 3. Th.e. re�naining terms and conditians of Ordinance No. 13017, except as modified in Section 1 above, shall continue in full force anc3 effect. 3ect3on 4. This ordinance shall take ef£ect and be in force thirty days from and �.fter its passage, approval, and puhlication. t',,d��}'l,' . '.�..�s��' s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ^6�°�- �j� Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka � Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) ., .;. . ___ , �(3�� ;x �"��;�t'