246207 . � ORf61NAL TO CITY CLBRK 246 20� y CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ ( �. OUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -v COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed pro- perties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals at the meeting of September 10, 1969, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT '��° , is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Case No. Address 41 �835 Grand Avenue (Raymond J. Plumbo) 45 461 Holly (Stuart Dittbrenner) , ?''-�F�M APP VED Assf. � rpQratiQn Counse! ; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciiVOV 5 � 19— Yeas Nays �V, Carlson 5 lss9 Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �n Favor ,�e�ers�xr-- Sprafka �i �fttily ayor Tedesco A gainat , �.�:�':�� �.ts�o NOV � ��� tvlr. V#+ea Pre�ident (Peter4on) � '� ��/ � u/c,�� ' Me�t iii�; N� . l b . ,. ' .24s� MINUTES OF TI-IE MEETTNG �� ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, September 10 , 1969 Bureau of Health Library, 555 Cedar St . - 1 : 30 p .m. i�Iembers present : Lawrence D. Cohen, Chairman Estyr Peake Norma Sommerdorf Arthur Tieso James Voigt Others present : Dr. Paul Cox Henry Streich Sam Blue Glenn Erickson Loretta Moss for Erma Iiusdickcr A. C. Kavli Harold Yannarelly Raymond J. Plumbo Russell Hallerbach Solomon Miller Arthur Murray Stuart Dittbrenner Mr. F� Mrs . Peter Kaiser The minutes of the meeting of Au�ust 27 , 1969 were approvccl as read. - 837 YORK (Erma Busdicker) Loretta Moss , on behalf of her mother, Erma Busdicker c:ontinuecl the appeal of the letter of the Bureau of Health, datecl tilarch 10 , 1969 requesting that certain improvement be done to 837 York . Mrs . Moss had been informed by Mr. Plumbo of the Welfare llepartment t}iat her mother, Mrs . Busdicker, was not eligible for olcl-a�e assistance at this time . Mr. Cohen moved that a 45 day extension of time be grantccl to install a hand rail in the stairwell from the first floor to tl�c basement , to install a new hot water heater, to point up thc c},i_mncy aiid to install a hand rail on the front exterior steps t}iat l.c<�cl to the walk, on the condition that immediate steps be t�akcii to seal tlie exposed wiring and that Mr. Anderson be inl�ormea oi� such steps . The committee agreed to recommend suc}i moti.c�ii to tlie full Board . EXHIBIT "A" ' J/ I 0/6�) Mect ir►g Nu . I (i 1172-1182 ARCAllL (A. C. Kavli) A. C. Kavli continued the appeal of the March 25, 1969 lettcr ol� the Building Department and the April 8 , 1969 Inspector ' s 7'cam Report of the Phalen Area Neighborhood Improvemerit Pro�ram re- garding liousing and Building Code deficiencies at 1172 -1182 �rcacle . Mr. Blue stated the results , related to him by one of his inspectoY•s , of the inspection requested by the Board. Mr. Kavli abrceci to conform with all requirements of the two letters except t}ie re- quirement of the Building Department letter statiiig that cac}i apartment is required to have its own bathroom. Estyr Peake arrived. Mr. Cohen moved that the following portions of the St . Paul Le�;is- lative Code be waived for 1172-1182 Arcade until such time as 1172-1182 Arcade be sold or the ownership be transferred, at which time all Housing and Building Code standards be conlormecl with: Chapter 54 . 11 paragraph 1 . "Every dwellinb uriit shall contain within its walls a room, separatc from the habitable rooms , which affords privacy and which is equipped with a water closet. " Chapter 54 . 11 paragrapli 2 . "Every dwellin� unit shall contain a lavatory which, when a water closet is required, shall be in the same room witli saicl water closet . " Chapter 54 . 11 paragraph 3 . "Every dwelling un:it shall contain a room which affords privacy to a person in said room and which is equipped with a bathtub or shower. " �ie further moved that each apartment without a bathroom ir� it be limited to one (1) tenant only. Ayes : Cohen, Sommerdorf, Tieso . Nayes : none. Abstentior.�s : Peake . Motion carried 3 to 0 with 1 abstention. Nlr. Voigt arriveci. 1835 GRAND AVENUE (Raymond J. Plumbo) Rayrnond J. Plumbo continued the appeal of the letter of ttic Building Department dated August 11 , 1969 and concerning a certificate of occupancy for 1835 Grand Avenue . Mr. I31uc reported the findings of the September 1 , 1969 I3uilding llc- partment inspection of 1835 Granci Avenue . - `L - '.)� l U�l�'.l Meetin�; No . I b Mr. Cohen left . Mr. Tieso became acting Chairman. Mr. Tieso moved that the following portions of the St . Paul Legislative Code be waived for the basement apartments �, 13, and C (so designated by the Building Department diagrams clatcci September 1 , 1969) of 1835 Grand Avenue : Chapter 34 . 01 , Chapter 54 . 07 and Chaptez• 54 . 13 (4j - No space in any cellar shall be used for sleeping purposes . Chapter 5 . 02 (1)b - Habitable rooms "shall havc a clear height of not less than seven (7) feet six (6) inches for at least sixty (60) square feet of floor area. " Mr. Tieso further moved that such waiver be granted on the conclitioii that a new window and window well be installed in apartme�it (;, mentioned above, to be the same dimensions and the samc clistancc from the floor as the windows located in apartments �1 ancl I'>, mentioned above . Ayes : Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : none . Abstent� ons : none . Motion carried 4 to 0 . 628 E. IOWA STREET (Russell Hallerbach) The case of Russell Hallerbach to waive the side yard requirement. for 628 E. Iowa Street in appeal of the August 17 , 19G9 letter ol' the Building Department to Russell Hallerbach was contiiiuecl. Mi•. 'I'ieso moved that Section 33 . 04-3b of the St . Paul Legislai:ive Code stating "For a dwelling hereafter erected one (l ) or two (2 ► stories in height , with or without attic, on a lot of forty (40) foot or more frontage, the side yard space shall not bc l.ess than four (4) feet" in order to permit construction of an aciclition at 628 E. Iowa Street. Such waiver is contingen�. upon rccei�>t irom the owner of the adjacent property, Lot 29 Block 4 of llpton Grovc Plat �l , a letter stating that there would be no objections to such an addition. Ayes : Peake , Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt. Nayes : none . �1}�stentioiis : none . I�7otion carried 4 to 0. 516 ST. PETER STREET (Arthur G. Murray - Solomon W. Miller ) Arthur G. Murray and Solomon W, Miller appealed the Nlarch G, IJ��) notice issued by the Building Department to Solomon tiU. Mi.11cr concerning a Certificate of Occupancy for 514-518 St. 1'eter St . - 3 - � .. �>/1. U/6'.) 1�1cetin�; No . l (� Mr. 'Tieso moved that the matter be carried over until September 24 , 1969 in order that the Health Department may inspect the liuildii�g and that Mr. Murray may devise a proposal on how to acconunoelate the Building Code requirement that each apartment at 51� St . Peter Street much have its own bathroom. Ayes : Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt. Nayes : none . ,1��stentio�is : none . Motion carried 4 to 0. 461 HOLLY (Stuart Dittbrenner) Stuart Dittbrenner appealed a notice dated Marc}i 27, lJti9 issuecl to him, by the Building llepartment , concerning a Certiticatc o.l' Occupancy for 461 Holly. Mr. Tieso moved that the appeal to a11ow the third Floor ±o �e habitated be denied. He further moved that the followin�; ite�us be brought immediately into accordance with the St. Paul Le�;is- lative Code : 1 . Enclose the boiler room with a 1-hr, firc rati.n�; , or in lieu thereof, install two sprinkler }ieacls . 2 . Reduce fusing of branch circuits and subfceclers to proper values . 3 . Replace illegal BX in the basement which has no connectors with the proper type wiring and remove the roman wiring from the back liall ancl replace with approved wiring. 4 . Install laundry outlet and cover open junction boxes . He finally moved that a 6 month extension of time be grantecl t� bring all other items , listed in the aforementioned letter clat�cl March 27 , 1969 , into compliance with the St. Paul Legislative Code . Ayes : Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt . Nayes : None. nbsteiitions : none. Motion carried 4 to 0 . 241 WEST GEORGE (Peter P. Kaiser) Peter Kaiser appealed a notice of the Bureau of �lealt}i clatecl May 27 , 1969 indicating that certain improvements are necessazy at 241 West George. 1�1rs . Sommerdorf moved that the following portions of the St . l'au:l Legislative Code be waived for 241 West George until su�h time as 241 West George be sold or the ownership be transt'erred , at which tinte all Housing and Building Code standards 1)G COIIZUI'lll@tl 1J 1 t 11 : - 4 � . �)/.I O/6�) ' Meeting No. 1G . � Chapter 54 . 11 paragraph 1 . "Every dwelling unit shall contain within its walls a room, separate from the habitable rooms , which affords privacy and which is equipped with a water closet". Chapter 54 . 11 paragraph 2 , "Every dwelling unit shall contain a lavatory which, when a water closet is required, shall be in the same room with said water closet. " Chapter 54 . 11 paragraph 3 , "Every dwelling unit shall contain a room which affords privacy to a person in said room and which is equipped with a bathtub or shower. " Ayes : Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso , Voigt. Nayes : none. /lbstentions : none . Motion carried 4 to 0. There being no further business , the meeting was adjouriiecl at 4 :30 p.m. �.�..-,.�..,,o 'u� _ Thomas W. Anderson Recording Secretary _ 5 _ :�UPLICATE TO PRINT6R CITY OF ST. PAUL FoEN�,� ND_�,��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM iRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER nqTE RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed pro- perties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals at the meeting of September 10, 1969, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" , is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Case No. Address 41 1835 Grand Avenue (Raymond J. Plumbo) 45 461 Holly (Stuart Dittbrenner) a�,J'•::i'� � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays � �AV(:i s�6 4 ,.._.. Carlson . , , Dalglish / Approved 19—._ Meredith L, �� Tn Favor Sprafka C, Mayor Tedesco A gainat lt?x "Presi��nt, �y�r�� Y ,.. . �v`3dBy^"re�+:.�u.Y �.��:.�r�:a�u) SS