246204 r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 246204 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � b O 1 69 C�MMISSI�NE DATF �Ct� er 3 � � _� RESOLVID � That the Northern States Power Companq be given ��� permisaion to place, cons�ruct and maintain �►�� ��; � underground electric cables from a point 170' west of the east property line of Paqne Avenue, 10' north of the south property line of Woodward Ave. from this point west for a distance of 15', thence north across Woodward Ave. to the north propertq line as per attached sketch. COUNCILMEN �V 5 1969 • Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ��+ � 196� Dalglish Approved 19— � Meredith � In Favor �— �J � �9f3t1�¢t Mayor Tedesco Against ��.�+�`�.�'°'�`��:' � ....::.� auetis��� NOV � 1969 Mr. Viee Pre�iddat (Yetersl��j �22 NORTH�R��i SYATES F'OWER C0. � � ' r� ELECTRE� a4STRfBUTIOfV DEPT. : j , �G46�� �. ST. PAUL DIVISiON /��':��.�.r- .���5..� �1�--.s�' a �/c__��",c�'c�i� i9�1 _.FS S��10E....,,,,.- -------- ..__.�_______ � ESTiMATE N0, . _ - DAT�,/D_�.,.�f.�- .�,.. Al�9-/F3 3.� `�?V0. SHEET .�.�, / : N . - �0� �->, �.��� � j _ � . Fi.e�" Sr.9>in�J '�• _ i11o: 4 � - , , ., __�_'._.._._� __ _. .a .� ;� �O, . .�'_.-t�'v�uG.0 vti�.���-- �--�---�--.�_--_�.._._.__�:.__.. ��.. . .�C._ �9vE'. 1 a is �7a' � ,, �:. { f �. _ � , � / � � � � � DUlLIf�TS TO r111NT[R � . . . . =� r CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCa N4. ���� ,.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED !Y ��' �a 1�N COMMISSIONEQ CK►F , ��� � �t tlt� �tEl�r� ltat+rs lwrsr Q�eq N �i�a �i��la tr �laN, ��s�at uwi ri�tsiat �uri�t�r�mrt ai�tsie �a�l�s fr� a Mi�tt 170s wa�t �# t�r �qt lrNftt� lit� •! !a� �ir�, 10• rttb �t !b �ttlt �eNst� lia •i 11�N�w►r! Mr�. f� tbi,s Ni�t �u! L�nt a ais:a�a• .! ls*, t.Yara• ..s�ea a�:... wo+�s� �irs. a. .a�. rstb �s�st�► lf.is u �r atEaalwd st�taY,. COUNCILMEN �V 5 � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlgon � 51� Dalglish Approv� � 19— 3i�i�d' Meredith Ta Favor r�te�ae�� � U �y�. Tedesco A�inst ����'�':���'_. /� Mr. Vice Prerld�at (Peterso�) �2� :�