246195 , ORt61NAL TO CITY CLRRK 246195 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO � RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF � ' WH AS, in accordance with the provisions of Section VII B .. of Ordinance No. 6446 of the Salary Formula, a review of the contract of the Bricklayerts Union No. 1, effective October 1, 1969, indicates � � the following hourly rate for the following class of position in Group A : O � � New Indicated � Class Rate ts � � Bricklayer $5. 8� _ 4 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the hourly rate payable to the class listed above in Group A of Section LI of Ordinance No. �i446 is hereby increased from the hourly rate currently in effect to the hourly rate indicated above and i.n accordance with Section VII B of Ordinance No: 6446; and that such hi.gher rate shall become effe¢tive as of November 15, 1969. �pV 5 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yea� Nays c���� �V 51969 Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Favor �ete�rsa�— � ���, Mayor Sprafka d � Tedesco ASainat i� . ��;` ��"���::: Mr. V�ee President (Peteraon) �BL���� ry�V $ 1969 �°� - �.✓, a � � �� � � � JOSEPH J. MITCHELL = JOHN S. HAIDER COMPTROLLER AND 5�����1pAUL � �HIEF EXAMINER AND CIVII SERVICE COMMISSIONER -� DIRECTOR OF PER30NNEL CIVIL SE�� ' ���E BUREAU �f�, THOMAS D. GLEASON ^, � � ,r .._. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ��Y��_` �� OF PERSONNEL Y _ __�....._....._m,..�..... ...,.. .._...._,<' ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 October 21, 1969 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council 34? City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of Section VII of Ordinance No. 6446, the "Salary Formula--Ungraded Di vision", we have reviewed and surveyed the contract of the Bricklayer=s Union No. 1, effective October 1, 1969, pertaining to the class of Bricklayer in Group A in Section II of Ordinance No. 6446, and herewith report our findings. The following is the indicated rate change found for the class of Bricklayer: Present Indicated Rate Rate Bricklayer $5. 38 $5. 82 In accordance with Ordinance No. 6446, these findings are submitted to the City Council and a copy has also been filed for public record with the City Clerk. The ordinance further provides that thereafter the Council shall set a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing the existent wage rate, which hearing shall be not less than ten days nor more than twenty days after such public notice as the Council may deem necessary. After such hearing the Council shall, by resolution, deter- mine the appropriate hourly rate for the �indicated position. Upon receipt of the Council°s determination this Bureau will prepare the proper resolution for the Councilts consideration. Respectfully submitted, JOHN S. HAIDER Director of Personnel cc: Joseph J. Mitchell Harry E. Marshall f����2�,,�p�, by ., Thomas D;��Gleason Asst. Director of Personnel MEMBER . P�b�K P...���.� A..��.��o� �o ��619��� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � •. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NQ,, , � :�_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Wi3E.FEA5, in accordance vcrith th� pravi�iona af Section VII B o£ G�rd.inance No. b446 af the 5alary �armula, a review of t1�e contract c,i the :t3ricklayex�s �tJnion T�o. 1, �ffective (Jctabex 1, IyO9, indicatee the foll.owing houtly �ate for t�� foll�wix�,g claee o£ nosition in 4�roup A : ' New Indicated Cla�� �tate �ricicla�'e� ��• $� I\aw, t�ie.refore, be it ti�.50Lti�I�, that tY�e hourly ra.te payable to the claee 1i�ted �bove ir, Grou� A of Section'�S of C3rdinance No. 6446 ie hereby increaeed from the haurly ra�e eurrently in effect to th.e haurly rate inc�icated above and im �.cco�c�.anee with 5ect�on. VII B r�f Urdr�.nance No. 644�; �.nd that tsu.ch highc;r rate sha�.l become effective aa of Nnvember 15, I9b�. ��`�` :- �'���° COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��k,r��, �w ���� r.s Dalglish Approved 19-- Meredith '� =1n Favor PPtPrsnn � Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco �r',�'��iclen�, B`yt+�ie . � ... .._ .. �Mr. Vic� 1'xesicie:cit (T'ete.r.son) 65 ���Q��� DUP.`;.ICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�LE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 ON ER DATF RESOI,'JLD, 'i'ha�c tl�e Coiznci,I oi' t!�!� �:it�,f aC `:�r:�i�t I="���1. ?�e���e�;� appr�v�s the public notice, a cop�r ��' �ahi^h i.s attaclied hereto anci it�cor- poiat�d. herei.n by reference� and directs the Ci.�,y C].erk �co pu'ralis�� Ll7c samG :�orth*sith in tk�e Le��.l Led�er, tne official newapap�r nf ths Cit� of S�.int Paul. :�;:� : `� • �.��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays . �,� Carison �` i Dalglish Approved 19—._ Meredith _�n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 66 P(JBLTC Nt7t'ICL y`1i.22'�14::T1j: l:Q i::.lY'r'C�].�::Tl �)'� �[7.l'." 4�lL:i�.:�.�. tii� rt'iv� �':«;,) ,^.i ����i�; �.':: :i�. and ���.�r.•�u�.ziL �� �iz°ciin�.nce ;:�'��+1.6, as odnended, o.f ��i.d ^;.�y�, �a�sba.ic no�ic�: is �lez c�t�,y �;iver: t�:at t�r^ Cuunc�.l. has set � h���ir��; or. ove�nb�tr . 196A ,,,�„ t'.��'i >.�':> Y'@ft,vi.�r..1.' 2Y1E.".�'i�..Ti7.� Uil .":£;.�� C��.�.�?y 'f`t7]" �'.tA!a �2':l"1J^�"-:: `�� Ct�2���.�::'".-i�,, �n '.C'C'.V.�$....^.'I :`I� , ,f? �iE'W,�.%�S,,,r ;r, M;,L .f:�'_�..Gt�r'E:Y.'• ��1.`� ):. "�`'�..1:�ij�4Aae.i ! ��.'�;�,r tn�.E:7'ir � ,� i �,ia-,. ?� �.�<(l� � _c.,.. �:. ._��' , f?cto3��r �.l, ��69 'To th+� �c�nar�bl+� �ay�r �sad ���aaraber� a€ th,e City +�c�ww�►�41 3�7 �ity �ail � �t. �'�ul, Pvii�n��rat�► 5�i f�� G�rit�.�s��:s+en: In ac�carda�r�c+� �vitTn the pravisir��� crf ��ctian V'� pf +�rdl���sace �30. fi�i�+b, t�ee "Sai�r� �"'srrnul�•-��ngrad�sd ,'���ls���''. v�e 2�.av+� �ev�ew�sci �nd su�vey�d ��e cvntract of th� ��i�ckl;a�pe�z�'� U�ir�n l�v. �� effect:v� �?ctabess� I, i�6�. per��ic�ir�� t�x th� +�1�►�� �f �ricklay�r �n �rn�x� �. in Sesetion ,'E� af C7r�i��r��e �a. 64�b� am�d �er��lt�i ree�csr� c��r f':a�dfit��ffi. �"her f'vl�ov+w��� �� t�� ia�d�catec� rate ��iat�g� fou�zd far t�� cl�a� r�f T3r�ck.l�y�x: fi'x�a�t�t�t Ir��ic�tted �ate .�at+� D � ������a��►y�� ��. �� ��. �� Ix� accordarsce w��Eh �rdina�n�� T�ica. 64���, ��a.e�re t'i�dfn�s ax� ��bz�it��d to the Gity �rrt��f1 a�d �► �ap�*� k��a also b��n ffte� fa�r puts�ic �+�c�ard �ai.th the Cit� �,:i�xk. '�'h� ord#,�,��nc� turth�r pro�ides th�� th��s�fter t�z� Cnun�it ,�Y�ra►li �r�t � �uh�i� ��ariag for t�►e purp��s� ra�' re�v��wi�►� th� �ac3�t�nfi ,w�.�,� z�a�t�, wk�ich �i�e�erfn� sb�at�. la� s�Qt t��e� t�� ten ��►yg nar r��xor� t�.�r� tw�r�ty dsys �tter ��xch p�t��ic s�c�tic+� �s th� �Coe�nr€1 rnxy de�rx-� r�eceas�ary. Af�ar �r�cl� �SSar�z�� t�e �QUncil ecball. by r��r�lertt��,�. cicter-� �ina the a�propri�at� hv�rly �r�te fox tha� ��►dicat�8 pra,e�t;€a��. Ltp+�n. �rec�ipt of t�,+� �cat�ncil'� �detert�nfr��ti�n Rh�+s Pfure��u wi�l �r�}��re ths �►r�p�r �r�+�ak�tio�a fr�x 4he GoetncYl�r ct�naid+�r��tir�n. �iespactfully at��rnit��sd� �C�'.C�';N 5. �'C,A►�LI:��'� I�fr�e�c�r ra� 1��xsczn�el cc: Jc����ta �. It�itche�I x���y ��. ��►�.�,�1�,/" - �y �rh���: �a. ����8�� Aset. �3#�e�tcrr a£ �'+�rsonnei