246175 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 246I'75 CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�N�i� NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RE O —GENE L FORM VRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE TF WHEREAS, The Great Norfihern Railway Co�apany has requested permission to construct, operate, and maintain control signals on the new Lafayette Road bridge over the tracks and right-of-way of the Great Northern Railway Company; and WHEREAS, The construction and operation of said control signals is a matter of extreme emergency and necessity to said Great Northern Railway Company; and WHEREAS, An Ord i nance C.F. No. 2�F61'j1�4' , grant i ng permi ss i on to said Great Northern Railway Gompany to proceed with the construction, operation, and maintenance of the said control signals has been prepared and introduced to the Council of the City of Saint Paul and wil ) be adopted on IQovember 20,1969 , to be effective eventually on l�ovember 22�19EA; now, therefore, be i t RESOLVED, That pending the said Ordinance becoming effective and in view of the extreme urgency of the request, the CoRanissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and di�ected to issue a permit to the Great Northern Railway Company for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the said control signals on the new Lafayette Road bridge, subject to the same conditions and requirements as set out in the Ordinance, C.F. No. 24617�+ , pending before the Council of the City of Saint Paul , informal approval of said construction, operation, and maintenance of the control signals being hereby given in anticipation of the final adoption of said Ordinance. �EOR�� ; pp�,0� Ass t � , orpora, ��n �.. aU��s � � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays � 4 1�6� Carlson Dalglish proved 19—_ Meredith ��n Favor Peteraon ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �uet�s�€P NOV 8 1969 0 DUPLICATB TO PRIN78R � ^j46�,�(� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �obert F. P�'�8i'8QM COMMISSIONErt DATF WHER�AS� The 6rest No�tharn Rativ�sy Company hes requestead permission tv constru�t, oper�te, �r�d m�int�tin cemtroi signals on the neri Laf�yette l�oad bridge over the tr�cic� +ar�d rightwaf•way of tha Gre�t 1�ortM�ern ttaiiw�oy Cr04qPai1Y s e�t1C� ii�R�A5, Tl�e cor�struction and op�r+ttic+n of' ssid control signals is a metter of extreme e�ergency and neceassity to said 6re+�t North�rn Raiiway � ��ny; and WliEREAS�, Ar� �rd ir►r�r�c� C.�'. Na. 2�+61'��:� � grant t ng permt ss i on to satd 6re�tt Nvrthern Rallway Cc�tap+Nny to proc�ed with tt�a constrs�ctioo, operatton, �ead mainte��nc� of the said contro) sign+�ls t�s been pasepared ar�d introduaed to the Ccauncit of th� �ity o�F S�int Maui and wtll be adapted an p���pber 20,1969 � to be sf f�c t t ve eventus i 1 y on ����. �,l�; nc�w, therefore� be i t , ttESQLd�Q, Th�t p�nding the said Ordtnance be�coa�ing ef�ectivs +�nd in view of th� extreme urgency of the ra�quest� the Caaar�issiciner of Publ ic Works is here�y authoriz�ed and dlrected to issu� a petr�t� to the Great No�ther� It�itway Cc�mpaAy for the canstructiac�, vper�etion, a�d �intenance of the said control signais o� the n�t Lafa�ette !�d bridge� s�b�ect to the same conditions +and require�ne�ts �s sest out in tha Qrdinane�� C.F. No. 2�+6174 � p�ndtnc� betore the Ccuncfi of the Gity of Ssint Peul � inforn�t �pprowl of said cor�struction, oparstian, and a�atntsnance of the wntrol stgnals being hereby g;,ren in anticfpation of ths flnal edoption of sald Ordin�nce. �4.r'� ;� ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson 1�����',;' Dalglish ,j Approver� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka r1 Mayor Tedesco �� A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne O