246164. OR161NA�.TO CITY CLHRK ����(y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ����� j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'. ' CO C RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE TF RESOLVED that applieation �or the transfer of On Sale Liquor and Sunday On Sale Liquor Licenses, issued to The Bella�y Corporation at ?99 University Avenue to James D. Ampey at the same address and his application for Restaurant, Tavern, and Cigarette Licenses at the sa�e location, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that said. James D. Ampey shall comply with all requirements o£ the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, and the License Tnspector pursuant to the Saint Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws before said transfer shall be effective; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that C.F. No. 245191 passed by the City Council on August 13, 1969, te�nporarily suspending all the licenses issued to The Bellamy Corporation at 799 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby rescinded. AP�RO �t� Corporatlw� Coi,nsal Nov � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays IVO� 41969 Carison Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne p�e�.ist�� �OV 8 1969 0 � , . CITY OF'SAIN�` PAUL �� Capital of Minnesota . . � � � � � �e a�t�ckt a u�`ic �a et � p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGEA M. CONWAY, Depaty Commieriener DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Llcense In�peetor October 30� 1969 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul� Minnesota Gentlemen: James D. Ampey is joined by The Bellau�y Corporation in making application for the transfer of OnSale Liquor License No. 7622� expiring January 31� 1970� and Sunday-On-Sale-Liquor License Ho. 8316, expiring December 29� 1969, both issued to The Bellamy Corporation at 799 University Avenue, to James D. �mpey at the same address. Mr. Ampey also makes application for Restauxant, Off Sale Malt Beverage, Tavern, and Cigarette Licenses for the same location. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1964. Prior to this it was a restaurant only from 1951 to z964. Prior to this time, it was a grocery for a number of years. The present licensee� The Bellamy Corporation� has held the licenses since January 1969. Mr. Ampey was employed at the American Hoist & Derriek C�, from June 1964 to Ma.rch 1967� From August 1967 and presently he is employed at the Twin City I3axdwaxe Co. He also was a licensee of a 3.2 establishment at 365 North Western Avenue from September 1968 to March 1969. Very t ruly yours� . / - �7/�it License Inspector � ,__. � � O � ..:..:��,.. ..���.,�� ,-_�a `�,.w...�.«w..�.....::�..�.y... .:._...... ..�..�.:...w�..... .. � ��r.,:L st�.���;' .„ni+�,' 1 '� .« .� � . ,. , w�.✓., a w . . � . ' �' �1.'. ��'- ."1'd'�)i�� . 11 �..:: •,"�w•.�, .,t�rw . nl4r �.�.1 Y l. ✓,.:.11r.i.W�"•uaw'nru�..� :'�''.• ' L�Me.lY4A�A✓��.• 4 .�. � . ... .�A... t . Ha R • • .• �� �.+. � � .. �y�.l�.��. q k,, � ��:. ��i � �: QCCC:�('!£' LUr L��� � i •��,� ,�c�.^.or:zb tc� �'.,��*ox' : -��,,,� >i�y Co��.nc�.l . r.3;,* o F S3i r.0 �'*ttl� ���. o�+3i Ciey I:�11 :'t ..:aZ, ^i;nresc►t� _, � , .�r; ' A. .L , _ ,.f°.:'.��.,r ��a�;,����t that tF�e� City C�uncil of the City og � • ' .,.. �:� 'i� ,,� a;� ...<<: _.::: c:�:;:.:.�:: �ia� �r�;t��f�^r o� �tie �n-aal� liquar lir.�ase � . � [,: .�.'' ...,1..'.:'..�i �.7�y' t.�i� �}�« L�i:�-�J ;���,r;a;9���iu:�l af.l� ,�i{..�. .�'i��.:il �S�J �xtn ��.�.C�l.t.�.�c�.� �L� .. 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October 10, 1969 The Honorable Mayor and City Council of Saint Paul Saint Paul City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention; Mr. Daniel McLaughlin , Gentlemen; I, Elveeda Bellamy, president of The Bellamy Corporation, do hereby respectfully request that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul approve and confirm the transfer of the on-sale liquor license now owned by the Bellamy Corporation and issued to the premises at 799 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, to Mr. James Ampey. I hereby further rescind any previous notices and letters on behalf of - the corporation and directed to the St. Paul City Council regarding the above mentioned liquor license. Yours truly, THE BELLAMY COR Oid vee a Bellamy, President Subscribed and sworn to before me this �o� day of ���� , 1969. • /y� Notar u lic DOROTHY J. NK LWITZ Notary p�blic, Ram y ount , Y Minn, �IY��SSlon �cpire3 Oct.25, 197Q C ITY �F SA INT PAtIL � DEPAR�.'D�NT �' P�JJ$LTC SAFETY LiCTNSE D�TISIdN �t� 9- � � ��� 1. Applxcat3oxi Por ��"� �,��� � � Liaense 2. Na�,� oP appl�tc�tnt � A G 3. Bus�ineas addrea�s � , ' ' 8esi enoe , � � �i .��yr �_ �c.n 4. Tre�de �me, �f ax�y �D � 5. 8etail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail iquor Federal �a� Stam.p )C �ill be uaed. 6. Qn xh�t floor lvasted , f� NYnnber of ra�ns u$ed'�; � � v� 7. Bet�resn what csrosa etreets Wta.iah side of atreet��y{�� 8. Are premiae� now 000upied��Phat busine s Ho�r lvn.g 9. �re premisea naw unooaupied aav long 4a�ant / `���, � ,�;�� Previous use� l� . _ : . 10, Are qau a new oaraer i�,v� Have you beer�. in a e imi.la r bu�i.ne�s bef ore '�Phers � (�� ��� ,,,_�,�.��Lt� YPhen �—� �' c�— I " lo � 11. �re you goixig to operate �his buaineas personally If not, who �ril�. opare�te it 12. Are you iu any 0ther business at the present ti�a v� 13. Ha'v'e there been any complaints a�;ainat your operatian oP thia type of place ✓ 11PPhen ilhere 14. Eave you ev+er had any lieenae revoloed `��'p�hat reaeon �nd date 15. Are qou a aitizen of tha II 'ted Statea Rativ�e Naturalized C�6�. _ �� 16. 1k��re �rere y�u ti�rn. �� J Dat� of birtk T'�c� r��� � . ,.. 17. I am.�inQrried. My (voi.fe'�) (husband t s� namo and addre�s is���C � � `-� (.�t� 4.-c.c� �� 18. (If married female) �r maiden name ia 19. $orr, l,o�.g Iaave yo�a 1i�ved in St. Paul � yi 20. Hav�a you ev�ar been. arreated•�,,,% Violation P w}aat criminal lavr or �rdinanoe� ) ` � � , � � � � � v 21, Are you a re 'e d voter in the Ci�ty of St. l�ul � Yes Nu. _ ....,. (Ane�l�r and oompletely. Theae a �lioations are thorou hZ aheclflad a�d aa falsifioatian �r5.11 be caaae for enialo 22. Aumber oP 3.2 p]aaea �rithin two blooks /�� �,� � 23• Cloaea� into�icating liquor plaoe. � Sale� � i�Pf Sale �- ����� __ _ 24. Neareat Churc:h '� �t�.��ij— Neareat School �1���i 25. Number of buotha Tablea �, Chaira Stools / Q 26. 'il�t o8cup�tian.'hav'e you follox+�d for the p�at five y�ears. (Give namea oP empluy�ers and datea ea employ�ed.) , . 1 . � ��a�' �- � y - -��- � �,� C�, 1 �, ► � � � , 27, Giv�e� �e ana aa�a�saa� o� �►o persons, reaiderrts of St4 I�ul, Ma.nn„ �rho Qan give in.flormatiooa ooncarning youe xame �.. .,w� �aaress � ' ��----,,,�'��,...D �a� . daa�s$ � -- , .�-�_��,�r ' _ _ ,(J � i ture oP pp ican $tata of �inr�saata) c ounty of Rsmeey 3�$ being firat duly s�rorn, depoaes a�cl say� u n �th t he �►� r e� e orega ng sfatement bearing his signature and l�o�ra the aaaitenta th�reof, and hat-the aama ia true� of hia a�m lrnawledgs axcept as to those m�ttera therein at ted upon inform�tion and belief and as to thoae matters he believea them to be true. i ture of �ppliaant blxbsaribed and sworn to before abe thia { ?'"� day af ���, 19�� l N�' r°yy blia, Raa�sey County, , eauta � � �,� My Ccmm►iasion eapires �a. ; " � : - �a�'!� (Note� These atatemant forms are in duplioate. �Both copies must be Pully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Lio�nse Divis iono�� , AFF ID$V IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR � RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR ZICENSE c Re s �rt- Sale �/ License Na� of applicant �� �- Business actdr^es� � "� � � Are you the sols owner of this business? If not, is it a gartnership? cor oration3 �� other� P � {}thera interested in busi.ness, include those by loan of maney, property or otherwi.�ea Itame,_��p�A___. Address Horw --- - , � If a a orporation, give its nama �� ! Are you interes�ad_ in any way in any other Retail Bser or Liquor buainesaR��j as sole awr3.er? � partner? � � Stockholder? �l , ��`'—�-'-ra�"'-� ' , . �therprise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) J �. address of' such buainess and nature of interest in aame /�.�,0 /V � , � �� v- Si ture of applicant State of Minnasota� )sa C ounty of Ftamsey � � - bei.ng first duly aw�orn, deposes and says upon oath tha e has read the £�reg ing affidavit bearing his signmture and knows the contents there of; that the same is true of his awn kn.ov�rledge 9 except as to those �natters therein atated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believea them to be trues S ture of applicant Subsoribed and sworn. to bafore me this ��� day of [7 e�-�Ca`, 19 � ' � ��! Notary Public, Ramsey County, .�Qi.nnesota r�n+� ��11^.�1. My oommission expirea ,,� , 1� , , ,:atA � � � r STA�'E i�' �INNESOTA� � S$ COUNTY 4F RAMSEY being first duly aworn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in connection vvith applica�ion for "�_Sale" liquor license ("�Sa1e" malt bevera�e license� 3.r3. the �ity o� Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaicient of the 5tate of �innesota and has resided therein for �o years9 months, and is na� and has been for the time above mentioned � bona fide resident c�f said State and that he now resides at o� cl .� � �2�v� � Address �� , Minn.e s ota, City or To�+rn � . /�/ � Subsoribed and avrorn to bef'ore me this j3 �ay of b� ��� 19 k� / � �w Notary blio, Ramaey County, o;t-,p,,�„ , ���. . ._ .;f �wlaV►, ::��jtl �_ '':f.e?�� !"fN.':�f. 1�"^i �dy com�ission expires , � ,� ��74 Aon. ii�. S. Carlson Comsr. o! Pnblia Salety Publi� Ss!'ety R7.dg. Dear Sirs Atte� nti�s Mr. Dsni�l I�aLsughlin T�s City Council today infor�s].�y approved the applicatian for th� trsnsler ot On 8a1� Liquor �►ic. l�o. 7622, Sunday On Sale Liquor I.ic. Ao. 8316, at 799 iTttiwrsity Ave., lrom The Bellaaqr Corpore�ti� to Ja�+a D. Am�p�y; A�30 spplicstion o! Mr. Acngey for Reatauran�, Od't 3a1� Mal� Bwerage, Tavern and Cigaxett� Licensea at the seune address. J . . . .. . . , . .. Will you please prepare the customnry reeolutiona cavering this matter? Very tru]y yours, City Clerk ng