246144 - - � 246144
' Connail Y�"ile No..............
Theundersignedhereby propoeeethemal¢ingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City ot 8sint Psul,vis.:
.� :. <
, _ _ �Q nllmv in f41K 1S AAICVIIIC DADIf F.-..� e..��_L..t_.. c�. ._ ��_i_� n� �
Regrade � surface with bituminous material and construct and reconstruct
vrhere necessary concrete curb and gutter, concrete curb and concrete
sidewalk and construct an ornamentai tighting system; also do all incidental
�.brk to complete improvements o� the following streets:
f d r
IVY AVE, rom E ge ton St. to Greenbrier St.
HYACINTH AVE. from Edgerton St.to Arcade St.
: ORANGE AVE, from Edgerton St. to Arcade St.
NAWTHORNE AVE, from Edgerton St. to Arcade St.
ROSE AVE, from Payne Ave. to Arcade St.
GERANIUM AVE, from Payne Ave. to Arcade St.
JESSAMINE AbE, from Payne Ave. to Arcade St.
MA6NOLIA AVE. from Payne Ave. to Arcade St.
COOK AVE, from Payne Ave. to Arcade St.
LAWSON AVE. from Payne Ave. to Arcade St.
' JENKS AVE, fran Payne Ave. to Arcade St.
GREENBRIER ST, from Case Ave. to Ivy Ave.
_ : WALSH 5T, from Case Ave. to Hyacinth Ave.
Regrad � WEIDE ST, from Case Ave. to Hyacinth Ave.
where � Also, regrade S pave and construct and reconstruct where necessary, concrete
side�.va curb, concrete curb and gutter and concrete sidewalk, and construct an
work tc ornamental lfghting system; also do all incidental work to complete improvement
4VY AVE on CASE AVE, from Payne Ave. to Arcade St.
HY�Cit<l Also, regrade � surface with bituminous material the following alleys;
HAtJTH01 The N-S. alley in BLK, l , STONE � MORTONS ADD, from HyacintM Ave. to
' ROSE R� �vy Ave. and the E-W alley in said_BLK:���i fran the N-S alley to 6reenbrier
�����' St. The N-S alley in BLK. 2, STONE � MORTONS ADD, f rom Orange Ave. to
JESSAN� Hyacinth Ave. and the E-W alley in said BLK. 2 from the N-S alley to
MAGNOL Gree�brier St.
, COOK A The altey in BLK. �+, OAKVILLE PARK from Greenbrier St. to Walsh St.
LAWSO;� The Wly N-S alley in BLK. 2, J. R. WEIDES 2N� ADD, from Hawthorne Ave.
JENKS to Orange Ave. , and the E-W alley in said BLK. 2 from the West line of Lot 41
GREENB to the Ely N-S alley.
WALSH The N-S ailey in BLK. 3, STONE 8 MORTONS ADD. from Hawthorne Ave. to
WEIDE Orange Ave, and the E-W alley in said BLK. 3 fro� the N-S alley to Greenbrier St.
� The alley in BLK. 9, OAKViLLE PARK from Greenbrier St. to Walsh St.
Also, The alley in BLK. 8, OAKVILLE PARK fran Walsh St. to Weide St.
curb�, The N-S alley in J. R. MEIDES 3RD ADD, from Maryland Ave. to Hawthorne
orname Ave. and the N-S alle in BLK. 1 J. R. WEIDES 2ND ADD. from Mar land Ave. to
on CA`• Hawthorne Ave. , and the E-W alley in J. R. MIEIDES 3RD ADD, and BLK. 1 , J. R.
WEIDES 2ND ADD, from the N-S aliey in J. R. WEIDES 3RD ADD, to the N-S ailey
Atso, in BLK. 1 , J. R. WEIDES 2ND ADD.
, The N-S alley in BLK. 4, STONE � MORTONS ADD, from Maryland Ave. to
Hawthorne Ave. and the E-W alley in safd BLK. 4 from the N-S alley to
Ivy A� Greenbrier St.
St. The alley in BLK. 10, OAKVILIE PAI�K from Greenbrier St. to Walsh St.
Hyaci� The alley in BLK. 11 , OAKVILLE PARK froFn Walsh St. to Weide St.
Greenl �e alley in BLK. 12, �AKYILLE PARK from Weide St. to Arcade St. (Con't)
The Wly N-Sand,the'E-WLalley in said�BLK? 2��franVthe�West�1 ine� of lot•41
to Orange Ave. , .
to the Ely N-S alley.
The h-S alley in BLK. 3, STONE � MORTONS ADD. from Hawtfiorne Ave. to
Orange Ave, and the E-W alley in said BLK. 3 fr� the N-S alley to Greenbrier St.
Tihe alley in BLK• 9, OAKVILLE PRRK from Greenbrier St. to Walsh St.
The altey in BLK. 8, OAKVILLE PARK from Walsh St. to Weide St.
The N-S alley in J. R. WEFDES 3RD ADD, from Maryland Ave. to Hawthorne
Ave, arsd the N-S alley in BLK. 1 , J. R. WEIDES 2ND ADD. from Maryland Ave, to
Havrthor�e Ave. , and the E-W alley in J. R. WEIDES 3RD ADD, and BlK. 1 , J• R•
WEIDES 2N0 ADD, from the N-S alley in J. R. WEIDES 3RD ADD, to the N-S alley
;n g�K_ i , J, R. WEIDES 2ND ADD.
�'r.�: N-S alley in BLK. 4, S70NE � MORTOSJS ADD, from Maryland Ave. to
Hawthorne Ave. and the E-W alley in said BLK. 4 from the N-S alley to
Greenbrier St.
;i-;e a 1 1 ey i n BLK. 10,
OAiNILi.E PARK fr� Greenbrier St. to Walsh St.
T�e alley in BLK. 11 , OAKVILLE PARK from Walsh St. to Weide St. ��a�,t)
'T�;� alley in BLK. 12. OAKVtLLE PARK from Weide St. to Arcade S*_. _