246143 246143
Counoll File No.............
: Theundersignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpublioimgrrovement by the City oi 8aint Psul�vis.:
Ccande�n i n� and tak i n�_a�..easement i� the 1 apd._n�cessa r�r for�the�s 1 cpes, cuts and f i 11 s, i r�c l udi ng
�i ght of re�nova l of l atera l support._f rom,.sub,j_ect l aad or re�a i ader thereofa oecas i oned bY.eaccsvat i m�;
thereof or construction of slopes„ie�,.the__gradinc�,a�d. surfacin_g, with bite�ari�nous aaaterial the E-W Alle�
in Block 2��COMO�PARK 2ND ADD. fro� t�icford St, to Argylm St. a�d the N-S al ley frorn the E-W ai ley to
31 s t..................o........�ctc�e r........_..............._.......... .... .9.......i�atc�i��:`�=�875)
Dstedthis... ............day og...................................... ... ..... .
........... .................����. ..... ..............._....
---...... -�-Counoilman.
WHER,EA$, A writtea propoesl for the making of the following improvement� vis.s
Condaaning and taki�g a� easea�nt in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including
right of r�val of lateral support from sabject la�d or r�aaaic�der thareo�, occasioned bx��xcavation�
thereof or_.constructicn.of slopes _iaMthe_�radin� a�d surfaclA� with bitaminous aaaterial. the.E-W al.le�
.... .. .... . .. ..... ... ......... ......... .......--•-----....... ................_............ �
in Block 2, COMO_PARK 2ND.A�D. .frc� Oxford St...to Ar�te_St._.and .the_.N-S..al le�r.fres� the E-W al ley tc
. .. .. . .. _...... .......... ..... ..... ........ ....•-- ---... .......... ...........Natcti� St. (6-1875
having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of$aint Paul..............._.........---.._..........._...............-------....................
therefore, be it
RE80LVED, That the Commiesioner of Publia Worke be and ia herebq ordered and direeted:
1. To investigate the neceseity for, or deairability of,,the making of esid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated eost of ssid improvement, and the totai coet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. •
4. To stste whether or no�esid improvement ie asked for on Y,he petition of th�ee�r more owaere.
b. To report upon sll of 4,he goregoing mattere to the �mmieeioner of Finaaoe.
Adopted by the Council............................................Q�T..3.1..1969,
Y�es �t�( ,3 3. �:�
Councilman .Carlson
De1 g 1 i s h APProv►e�....................................................................
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Tedesco •.»•• - _....�.... ... ..._.......
Mr. President Byzrre Msyor.
�000 s-sa �— D
�t�gtis�+E� NOV 8 1969