246134 ORIGINAL TO COUNCIL 246134 r CITYCL6RK CITY OF SAWT PAUL FILE No. � APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY �I�� /����A��� J COMMISSIONE �Iu��� J• T�Bia�'lCi� pyTp October 20, 1969 R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM y FROM � TO DR. CR. 0700-200 Contraetual Services $ 400.00 0700-300 Com�odities 200.00 0712-300 Commoditiea 700.00 0713-200 Contractual S�rvices $ 400.00 0714-200 Contractual Sernices 450.00 0715-200 Contractusl Services aD0.00 0715-300 Comawdities 200.00 0717-200 Contractual Services 853.50 0718-200 Contractual Services 4,567.59 0719-200 Contractual Seswices 2,465.00 0730-100 Salaries 5,500.00 0730-200 Contractual 3ervices 8,483.87 0730-300 �Commiodities 2,173.31 0731-100 Salaries 1,000.00 0732--100 Salaries 1,000.00 0732-200 Contractual Sernices 3,208.09 0750-100 Salaries 2,550.00 0750-200 Contractual Services 1,300.00 0750-300 Commodities 1,200.00 0752-200 Contractual Services 50.00 ' 18 475.68 18 475.68 ,�� � YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS CA�I'1$O[1 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI�OCT 3 � 1969 19 • Dalglish Q�T � � 1969 Meredith � APPROV ED �s IN FAVOR Peterson Sprafka � AYOR OGAINST Tedesco COUNTERSIGNED BY . �'�� CITV COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT � wo t-se �8 ' 246I34 Notice CITY OF ST. PAUL Council File ido. to NIIv'NESOTA � Printer - r' JCOUI�CIL R�SOLL'I'ION 19 RESOL�LD, t:�at the transfers T�rithin funds of the various �ity Dep�rtments heretofore approved i�y trs Cit�- Comptroller, as such transfers of funds as of OCl 3 0 1969. ��-� � � - •�"" are indicated in docurr.ents attached hereto and made a part h�reof by reference, as fully as if the same were set forth fully and completely herein, are hereby approved, copies of the aforementioned also being on file in the of_ fice of the City CZerk and in tre effice of the City Co�,p-troller. � OCT 3 �i 1969 . Adopted by tre Council 19._ • Qf�;�' � � ���� City Ccmptroller Apnroved 19_.,.. - By PU.BLISHc� �Q�( 1 ��� ,