D001221GITY OF SAI11'T PAITL pFFIGE OF TFIE MAYOR ADMINiSTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRAT'IVE ORDER, 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 • 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 No: 1��1 Date: � �� � � WF�REAS, excellence in city government requires a strong commitment ta promote employee excellence, morale, and pride in work, and encouragement to reflect those qualities in empioyees' roles as representatives of the City of Saint Paul. WHEREAS, excellence in city government requires promorion of programs and activities for employee participation to benefit their well-being as a group and as individuals. WHEREAS, excelience in city government requires initiation of programs that enable employees to receive recognition for their dedication and work. WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources - Training and Development Division, supports employee programs developed by the City Employee Services Committee, and is responsible for providing the cost of the programs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Office of Human Resources - Training and Development Division, be authorized to rennburse various vendors for costs incurred in providing the foilowing programs and servaces in 1997; to be paid out of General Fund, Activity 00157: Yeazs of Service Recognition Service awazd pins for 470 empioyees, not to exceed $2700. Breakfast for 200 employees, not to exceed $2500. Honorarium for guest harpist, not to exceed $175. Recognition supplies, not to exceed $200. Public Service Recognition Week Karl Neid Community Service Award supplies, not to exceed $400. - City Empioyee and Family Picnic Supplies and services, not to exceed $3000. - Monthly Employee Recognition Ceremonies Refreshments for recognition ceremonies, not to exceed $500 for year. �PPROVED AS TO FORM � Assis[ant City Attorney , L.-; � Department Aead C\ �`fER� r� v�r'—'�--G/ � � Mministrative Assistant to Mayor ', a V" ���� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: Human Resources ' PERSON & PHONE: Vizard 266-6514 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGETDA BY (DATE) n/a TOTAL k OF SIGNATURE PAGES ALL LQCAT[ONS No.: 40130 W!`` cm courrcic a crrr ct.exx 3 FIN. &. MGT. SERVSCE DIR _ .. . - - - Acnox t�QVes-rEn: Authorization to reimburse various vendors for costs incurred in conducting emgloyee relations and recognition programs in 1997. RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) _PLANN[IZGCAMA�IlSSION ,CIVILSERVICE CAMIvIISSION _CIB COMMI"ITEE _ STAFF DISTRICT COORT SUPPORTS K�FDCH COUNCIL OBJECYIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACCS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUEST[ONS: I. Haz this persoNfvm woz worked under a conhact for this depamnent? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfvm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does Nis Qerson/firm possess a skill not normally Qossessed by any current city empluyee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separate sheN snd attach to green s6eet INITIAITNG PROELEM, LSSUE, OPPORT[JNTI'Y (Who, Whey W6en, W here, Why): In 1997, Human Resources and the City Employee Services Committee aze coordinating several recognition �rograms and employee relafions activities that involve puxchases from various vendors. The programs include �eazs of Service Recognition, Kazl Neid Communiry Involvement Awazd (funding only), the City Employee and Family Picnic, and monthiy Employee Recognition Ceremonies. Costs for the Picnic will be supplemented by nni donations. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: We would be able to continue to offer these recognition programs, which aze valued by City employees. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None -- the funds aze available and budgeted for. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED; APR 2 31991 CiTY CLERK �P€� � � 1997 We would not be able to continue offering employee relarions and recognition programs, wluch employees have come to expect and appreciate and which contribute to employee dedication and excellence of service. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7'RANSACTION: $9�47S.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: � S �INGSOURCE: GBIICI'alFllLfl ACTIVITYNUMBER: OOSS7 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� DA� IN"'"'�n GREEN SHEET 4/10l97 � A`177at./Dn7'E ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMEN7' DII� NUAigER 2 CITY ATTORNEY FOR EUDGET DIR. ROUTII3G _MAYOR(ORASST.) o�Ex ��