246121 OR10lNAL TO CITY CLBRK 24���� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � COMMISSIONE DATF RESOL�TED, Tha� Independent Sehool District #625 be and hereby is granted a permit to install and operate a 61-ear parking facility in con�unction with school aetivi�ies on property located on the north side of Grand Avenue between Carnbridge and Wheeler Streets, more particularly described as follows : Westerly �-6 feet of Lot 3, Lot �#, Block 2, and vacated alley ad�acent, of Elmer & Morrison�s rearrangement of part of Macales�er Park; all in accordance with plans dated Received August l, 1.g69; sub�ect to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, sha11 �r►ake d�ze complianee with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of publie authorities having cognizanee. pCT 3 0 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas lvays OCT 3 0 1969 Carlson Dalglish � pproved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco A gainst � ��� PUBLISI��t� NO� Mr. President, Byrne f_. 1 �',i..y 1'.��..'�Y i. .�. ^. O �`�. �ti;;;�1j�a.�Zi'i t�i?::ifS'� '� BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 101UCOMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 ����,-`��� .� October 22, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the application of Independent School District ��625 for a permit to install a 61-car parking lot on the north side of Grand Avenue between Cambridge and Wheeler Streets . This property is further described as the westerly 46 feet of Lot 3, Lot 4, Block 2, and vacated alley adjacent, of Elmer and Morrison's Rearrangement of Macalester Park. This matter was considered by the Board of Zoning at its scheduled meeting on September 18, 1969. The staff reported that the plans meet the required standards and have received the approval of the Traffic Engineer. Consequently, the Board of Zoning voted 5-0 to recommend approval of this application. Very truly yours, PETER J. MAIETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf ,� �/ � -- � ��� AT B i -l--c���u�-.�-( ,�Ga. � � Z.F. ��6836 - Uu� � ��"�-��-�..� � , .�� �� � �`� '� � �.. . , . City of Saint Paul, l�innesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � . (Please print or type) ' TO THE �NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 96 tbe City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing Y (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No, of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (�) (employees) (��) (pqblic use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking Lot 9$p �tcH To be used in connection with: �cl�q�o1 �tativities � MISCELi,ANEOtTS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-ia 8ef reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capac�.ty of parking area: *Location ��os•th o! �c�e �txr�et (1rlMOSt�d} betxse�n $zot� +�d � �1�d. a�,#tceat to aalmol pY+�srty. Legal D�scriptioa : Lot � w�tsemrealt Block Addition Applicant's Name : ��p,���t �c�tool Di�t�ot * 625 �t. F�1 h�lic Sclton2e Home or Office Address:������ �bqp�; ��, p�=ica, , lbo� 141� C3ty a�d Cou�ty Cou�!�'�i� Phone Number ;g�,�g��8 �, t, < FOR✓BY TFiE APPLICANT, �. ,° ' �' ;, r � ��1 S�r'' /"i�,' ;��/ �� �ri���i ,� � . .. , . . � j` ' ' {I.- . . C/. /',�s �� - _ "L /C�rC�?i��;� 'v ,y� r ` ' i � ( i a � ate, �t �.rp,, ��'�, � , I_ t. -. - ,�J '�� Address :� s� �barv+r '`f �;;��'�"��✓ I��, ��, Phone No.:� i�M sbov+t �'t,�.�#���; When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plaas of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court Aouse, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. aad First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � �� ZONtNG FILE ---- . • .f � �. � . . � . .Y` , ,' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota , APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT . ' (Please print or type) � TO THE I�ONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN+CIL � 96 the City Clerk . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing Y (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks aad capacity: � PARKING LOT for (��� (employees) (�p� (pqblic use) (otber) � (indicate type) Capacity of parkin� lot �� a�� To be used in connection with; icbopl Activ�tlQs ` , ,� MISCELLANEOUS• � •(indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car ' i ' Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Locati,on �/cLool proptrtr- �o►a�h at 6rsa@ Mre. bottr� C�wabM+d�� au� �bee2er �tr�eta. Legal Descriptioa : Lot � ttt�c3�ent Block Additioa Applicant's Name : �n,ctepssd�nt ichoo� �ttstrf.ct A� B26 • at. P�wl 1h�b1i� icLocsl�e Home or Office Addre$s: �po,prt,tltil� /cllool �#rch. Ot�ice /��� �oo� 701, City w'd Coumt� Caurt �i� �L��'; Phone Number :a3S•8258 4 �,. �;: �i� �.:.,% ; �,�, = FOR,I�Y TRB APPLICANT, �n r,, ' %�; � i ���'' „ .. � � � � � t���� ���, �i� i!� rr_. . . � r ���� - Y � ;� .� . e//' . �0 1a' .. - rV' . �N' � .� ,I; � .. �71 •�Y e `4 Ye f+r( ��;4����4 ,r � `/� � . J p Address . � il�ove f{�j'`��'� s"•` ,�ra <a�;..+ Phoae No.: f�e #i �bovs iNhen completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of� the preliminarq lay:�out piaas of the proposed facility with tbe Cfty Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Pau1, Minnesota � Z-3' 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. . 2. Soutb side of Main St. between First and Second St. � Z�N ��G FIL� :.. � �; . :"sy�..: ��� ., f � ..�.._..,..._ , . . . .. . . .. . .....��a.rsi. . ... . . . .... .__ . . .. � � - ' ....._ . � � . ! � ' ��A2D �OF ZJNIN� REPORT AND ACTION September 18, 1969 Pl�t Mtp �11 : � ! � A�tin�, under Le�?islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 i n•issACl Au�;ust 22� 1922 as amendsd to April 6� 1�3G8 6836 ; --- . --------- _ _ __ __. _ _—_------ � I , :'�?:'LICAt�f'f'S NA'•1� , Independent School Diatrict ��625 ' ?. CL�SSIFICATION s t—.I Amendmsnt � App�l � Perniit �4th�r 3 . "URPOSE ; Install 61-car parking lot North of Grand Avenue between Cembrid e end Wheeler Streete � 4. L �CATIOPJ ; g 5. LEC'�P,L DESCRIPTIQN : Weaterly 46 feet of Lot 3, Lot 4, Block 2, and vacated ` alley adjacent, of El�er and Morrison'a Rearrangement , of Macaleater P�rk �>, P;t�SEPlT ZONINGs Commercial , . � "�. PURSUANT TO Zoning Cod� Clupt�r� S�ction: Paraqraph: a . STAFF iNVESTIrATiON t REPORTs Dst•s 9/11/69 Bys GNB , � A. HISTORY: None. ! B. AREA ZONING: The land surrounding the aubject site ie zoned Co�ercial, except � for the land to the north which is za�ed "A" Reaidence. � ' C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Revised plane will ba submitted which will meet all design ,; standsrds. � D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The subject property has a frontage of 102 feet on Grand � Avenue and a depth of 216 feet, resulting in a total area of approximately � 22,032 aquare feet. � E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer approves the plan subject to changes which will be made in t.he reviaed plaea. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is pre�ently a level, asphalt parking lot 6 inches above the street grede of Grand, There ia a 2-foot metal bumper guard running on the west eide of the site. Concrete bumper stopa separate the parking lot � with the playground to the north Which is ad�acent to the aite. i G. AREA CONDITIONS: To the weat of the site ia a single-family residence. To the f south acrosa Grend Avenue ie a concentration of two-story brick multi-family i dwellinge. East of the site is Rasaey Jr. High School, and to the north is [he � school's playground. � Council Letter � 9. ?30ARn ACTION; To R�comm�nd LJ Approval �Denial Dated ' 10/22/69 'loved by; Maietta Ysas Nays Date of i{e3rin�� x Ame9 Seconded by; Gadler Cohan 10/23/69 Danna (Alt) Council Action x Gadlar x Gauger � Secretary' s remarkss x Maietta Date btcPartlin (Alt) Mansur (Alt) LE�AL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET 4n.i.�l.,,:.�.i,,:.,� . . . .. . � ; ��L l.r=r �� � .� - � � � ,- . �;,... �. � - P� RT L AN D � � AVE. . � -�� :� �� �ic,� c� c� � -� o ^ 000� o oo � oo a � o 00 �. `� � � � _ � . � � J � � , � r'l � . W � (,� _ � , . � � ' � .. I , , � , � ` �' . . = e. , '� I Y � _ f `; � �+ � � � � - � - ., � �� � -, a � �� � � i � � c�.. _�a � o c� � .D Q o `� _ � o . �=�� � , � o o � ;-1 0 ' - � �-_ ____.__.� :.�._. . ' ._��" � � � � � ;, S U M M I�" � AV E. � , � �- ' � ,� ��..__�_ _...T_ "�] � 1 � �_�.__., �' � � ,�J � •"_ � �' � � �O O Q � Q .%Ma^A�STER . � ' ' � /�.�Cll..:o. � '� �, f 0 ' ,� �ii,�.fiF � �-J �� � ♦ '� , . � r � • O J ♦ 1 h � � � ' . I l j ��� � �I . ^ . . . . � .� �� i ' 1 �/ � � ' ti f 'Y . ,Q � � �. o � , ¢ o � � � . a �F �-� � ..____�.:..._ta .__L_....,.- r ° s I h � ': � : . . �D . ..; � . G R � IV � c� %�, A ,� ��, ,;� -, � ; ., " '�'''`'� � , L` - � � � '` J , 10 9 9 � • • � W � • � • i ., Cl � n i. �/`� � � I �� � J . ...l�J , C� ;; � � � � ,� � � � � � " � ' ♦ �p � .� ..� ..� �..... �. ... .� Q � { ; ; � •• °w .� � i � c.� �..� � � � � � �,� Q :.. .-. Q Q �o 0 0�0 �ia i� o o � � o o � � �; t,� � �� � �, � 4% ^�n � - - � �� � � • �._.__....__..�_._:_...�1...__ , � ...._ _ _ _. .._ `� • . -• . . . . . . . � � � . ,. .�. L�,i'i`- �� � �� . . . . . . . ' � ��� { ,; A�PLICA�T Independent 5chool Dist. �625 LEGEND � �V RP�SE Install 61-car parki�g lot LAN� VSE � O ONE-FAMILY . PRESENT ZONINC� �omn►er�ia� -�- TWO-FAMILY �Y THREE-FAMILY PETITION SlGNERS - , FOUR-FAMtLY � � MULTI-FAMILY . t s83� � � �COMMERCIAL � FILE No. N4RrH n n INDUST�RIAL " � � � v VACANT s � • 9/11/69 Sf. Pcul Plannins 6oard, Date. � Property under considsrotion : . , .,.�,.._.,�.,,at.a._:,x,l�.n..�. c.��_:,v ..,.. .��:" ' . , _...:1i'��_�i�.. .....s.Axi5�:_".flt�tt�..:.�:h,.i'....'x.1t'..,ruM:ApE•%a�._�a�ti �r�'t''ks�Ci��.^,i1i..tfr�,nx,u.,,F.. ..r . . <. :_�,d,..�,. . , . _. , , MINtITES OF PUBLIC HSAItING BgFORE T'f� BQARD OF 20NING ON Thursday, Septembez 18, I969 at 2 p4M, Present: I�ssrs, Am�e�, Gaagez, Gadler and Psaietta of the Board and Messrs. Browa aad Sorensan aad Mrs, Irish of the staff. INDBPSNDENT S+CHOOL DIS'PBICT � 625 s Aa application for a 61 car parking lot oa property loca�ed os� the north side a�iE Gsa�d Aveaue betweea Cambridge sad Whe�ler Streetso Mro Soxeason reported that the plaas meet the required sta�ndazds and l�ave beaa� approved by the Txaf�ic Eagin�er. Mre Maietta moverl fo� �pprc�va�,, nnotion seeoaded by Mr, Gadlex asnd ca�ried unanimously, Submi�ted byt Colouel Soz�;nsoa Rohest Lo Ames Chair�mman -14- r ' s . I , Ramsey Junior High Proposed Parking Lot WiY Legal Description: �. 46' of lot 3, lot 4, block 2, and vacated alley adjacent of Elmer and Morrison's Re- arrangement of Macalaster Park. Z C)NlNG FiLE � s �+ � _ ' , / � City ot Saint Paul, Minnesota �' C� . AFPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT c� '� / (Please print or type) � �j TO THE I�DNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ` % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota `� � � \ / remodel or reconstruct an existing �/ Application is hereby made to �� � (cross one out)� �� , y � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: X� PAFiKING LOT for (�c�}�t�����g� (employees) (�,��� (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 61 autos To be used in connection with: School Activities � MISCELI,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location �School property- North of Grand Ave. between Cambridge and Wheeler Streets. Legal Description : Lot See attachment Block Addition Applicant's Name : Independent School District # 625 St. Paul Public Schools Home or Office Address: Consulting School Arch. Office Room 701, City and County Court House Phone Number �223-5156 FOR/BY TI� APPLICANT, ' � � ���� (S gn� re (date) Address . Same as above Phone No.: Same as above �9hen completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of tbe preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � • City Clerk ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL . MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 bctober 10, 1969 File X776, Page You are hereby aotified that a public hearin� will be held in the Couttcil Cha.mbers of the City Hall and Court Houae ia the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on October 23, 1969, ou the applicatioa of the Independent School Diatrict �625 for a permit to iastall a 61-cax parkiag lot on the �iesterly 46 feet of Lot 3, a�d su�a�ect to alleq Lot 4, Block 2, and vacsted slley adjacent, Elmer and Moxrison's RearrangemeAt of Macalester Park. The property is located on the north side of Grand Avenue between Cembrid�e aad WheeZer Streete« For further infoxmation contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Cou4oerce Building or Celeph�aas 223-4151. JAMES J, DALGLISH Co�nissioner of Fiaaace O