246114 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 24�1� !_� r ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. ��` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �"E � OU I UTI�JN—GENERAL FORM � , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE "L DAT� � � f� ���IEREAS� Ghapter 705 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1g65 provides for the conversion of Special School District No. 2 to Independent School Distriet No. 625; and WI3E REAS� Chapter 488� Laws of Minnesota for 1g67, Regular Session� which law amends Laws of ig59, Chapter 690� Section 3r as amended by Laws of Minnesota for 1g61, Ghapter 349� Laws of 1963, Chapter 72g� and Laws of 1965, Ghapter 659! reads, in part: "The said City� for the purpose of providing moneys for the payment of its severance pay obligations under any sueh ordinanee� hereby is authorized and empowered� by resolution of its Gouncil� in addition to all other powers possessed by said City and in addition to and in excess of any limitation. upon the amount it is otherwise authorized by law to le vy as taxes� to levy taxes annually not exceeding in any one year an amount equal to 40�100 of one mill upon each dollar of the assessed valuation thereof for public schools, upon all taxable property in said City� exclusive of moneys and credits� which taxes as levied shall be spread upon the tax rolls� and all eollections thereof shall be paid into the treasury of said City� therein to be allocated "*� therefor and to be disbursed and expended by said City in pay- ment of any such public school severance pay obligations and for no other purpose. '� ; now� therefore� be it � a �. � � RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Paul� that �, it hereby approves the sum of �100,706.64 for severan.ce pay for �' � employees of Independent School District No. 625� and he reby Q levies a tax for 1970 in the amount of �101 �714.00� ineluding C ; . estimated shrinkage; and be it �.' . FURTHE R RESOLVED� That in accordan.ce with Ghap ter 32� Laws �� of Minnesota for 1g67, Extra Session� as amended� this le vy is certified with the understanding that portions thereof will be finaneed by rebates from the State of Minnesota from excise and other taxes imposed by the aforesaid statute as a replace— ment of sums which would otherwise be levied against real an d personal property; and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � O OR16IyA TO CITY CLERK 24�1�� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Auditor is hereby re- quested to spread such tax levy as a separate item in its tax rate and to report same as a separate item in each tax settlement to the City of Saint Paul; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Comptrolle r of Saint Paul is hereby directed to establish a separate and distinet trust fund aecount to which all tax settlements are credited and from which all payments shall be charged; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED� That the City Council hereby direets its City Glerk to forthwith certify ,this tax levy resolution to the Gounty Auditor of Ramsey County and a copy of the same to Independent School District No. 625. OCT 2 9 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays -��--- �� � � 1969 Dalglish , Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor � A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �►�:,��� n�ov � tss� 0 O�tc►ber 29, 1969 Independent Sc44vl 1'�.atria� No. 625 � 6th Floo� City Hall ' `'�` � � 1 Gentlemen: f� / �. The City Council direct�d m�� �en 'u the a►ttaehed cert3Pied copy of Counail F'il� No. 2�b71 o ed tod�y, being the taac levy Por severanee pe;y.fa�;-emplO of Independent sehool District Ro. 62�. ,/;,�'"- `�,� / Very tsul�y your�f ��' Citq Cierk ng \�_.�_�_. °�._�,�' october 29, 19!�9 Hon. Tht�nas K�lley Cbunty Auditor Caa.rt Hause Dear Sir; The City Council d3rected s�nd the a�tached certified copy of Council Fi].e No. 2�+6 , ed today, b�ing the t�ac levy f'or s�veranae p�empl of Indep�ndent School District Na. 625. Very truly yours, City C1erk ng