246069 ` f . �(7UN F LE NU. ��CO�� CI . BY • FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter ot 8pea i ng, w i den i�g and extend i na NORTH PARK 0R i VE f�ow Ruth St�eet to tl�e Mest 1 i Ae of the Esst � of tl�e MortMvest � of Sect imA 2; �c�+r�sh i p 28� Ranges 22, to a widtb of 60 feet by coE+daNniAg and taki�g for strest perr�oses tMe lands described as follc�+s: A strip of land 30 feet ip aidth ic� the East � of the North�rsst � of Section 2 Towaship 28, Rae�ge 22, fro� Ruth Str�et to the west 1 ina of the East � of tlae tlortM+est � of said Sectio� 2, 1riAg �oatberly and a�jaceAt to tha Soatherir line of llortb Park Drive as platted in Bisanz Broth�rs Battle Cre�k Terrace No. 2. (6-1827) under Preliminary Order 2���� , approve�l January 22, 1969 , Sapte�er 16, 1969 Intermediary Order 3�5605 , approved , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully considered the eame; therefore� be it RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the preciae nature, extent and kind of im- � provement to be mede by the eaid Citq ie D��iA9, widenlag aRd extending NORTN PARK �RIYE fro� RatM Straet to the Vest Tin� of ths Esst � of the Morthaest � cf Sectio� 2, Tav�sl�ip 28, Rapge 22, to a v+idtl� of 6� faet by coada�aing and takiAg for st��et purposss the Isnds described as follows: A strip mf �a�a 30 �e�t iA width in tt�e Eaat � of the ilorthwest � of Secti� 2, Towasbip 28, Range 22, fro� Ruth Street to the west line of the East � of th• North�rest � of said Sectiba 2, � lytng sonth�riy and adjac�nt to the Southerly li�� o� North Park Drive as plattad in �isanz Brothers Battla Creek Terrace No. 2. (6-1827) � and the Council hereby ordere eead improvemente to be made. ; RE60LVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or easemente therein be snd the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriate,d and condemned for the purpoee of mnking eaid improvemente, via.: @pe�ing, widening and extandiag NORTM PARK DRIVE frvw Rutt� Str�t to the W�st lina of the East � of tha Northwest � of �Saction 2, Tawnsbip 28, Raag� 22� to s width of 60 feat �� cendemning sn� tsking for street pvr�ses the laa�s described as foliows: A slrip of la�d 30 feet in width in th� East � of the Northwest � of Section 2, TaNasbi� 28, Raage 22, f ra� Rutl� Straet to the v�ast 1 i ae of� the Esst � of the Norttwrest } of sa i d Sect i ot� 2, lytag southerly snd adjaceat to the Soat��rly liae of North Park Drtve as plstted ia Bisaqz Broth�r Battle Creek TerracaR No. 2, (�-1�27� R.FSOLVED �URTHEft, That the Commissioner of ub ic orka be and ia hereby inetructed and ' directed to prepare plane and epecificatione for eaid improvement, and the proper city officiale are hereby ,; suthorised and directed to proceed with the making of eaid improvement in accordaace therewith. Adopted by the Counc�i OCT 2 8 1969 __z� C�GT 2 � �969 c�ty c�er . Approved_ , 19 Mayor. Councilmen: "� Carlson '� Da1g1 ish P�16L1SHEf� �(QV �- 19�� . y ✓ l0�(K1Gi0l6�X Sprafka Meredith ' � � Peterson � �d�.,..� ' ,f Mr. President, gyrne'�J v 0 � . � % �3� 8' , �� . ��. .. �„� OFF ICE OF THE COMM I SS IONER OF PUBL IC WORKS 24�6 �- ��62 ze���,��, 05 :.; ��� .�, � �`'?�� �q � REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �. , j�� RE � ��69 .�� 2460s9 �:; tC DE E`�VE� �' ! 4`_' �'T. p `" � ;� ly'IN� F ��'� �_� ;�.n cE � `�`�` ;: � ��'b�,'�`' .lan. 28 19 69 ..�;�;.,_.-.4_�--...�� . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. P�ul : The Commissioner of Public Works� having had under consideratio� the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 2418'l+� approved Ja�. 22- �g 69 relative to Open, �iden and extend NORTH PARK DRIVE fro� Ruth St. to the West line of the East �r of the Nbl � of Sec. 2, Town- ship 28, Range, 22, to a Nidth of 60' by conde�oning and taking for street purposes tl�e land described as follows: A strip of land 30' in width in the East � of the NMl � of Section 2, Township 28, Range 22, frow Ruth Street to the west line of the East ��of the NM � of said Section 2, lying southerly and adjacent to the southe�ly ne o r ar r�ve as p a e n sanz ros. a e ree errace o. G-1827 ✓ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein. hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost the�eof is $ 2. A plan, profi )e or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and ma de a pa r t he reof. 3. Initiated by the Corrmissioner of Public Works 4. Improvement is asked for upo� petitio� ��! • ommissioner of u c W � � � � � �, �,. • BOARD OF � �^ �'� z�� �.AMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS o�F'�E ' ! OF TNE CLERK gTAT� OF MiNNESOTA TNOMAQ J. KBLLBY CouNrv Auo�roa TtioMas R. BYRN[ ARTNUR T. G19BON! CMAIwMwN ('sFORG[ A. HARDENBBRGFI JONN E. DAUBN6Y 132 COURT HOUSE ROY P. NADHAU SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA MRB. DONA{.D M. D6 COURCY ED $ALVERDA 53102 October 14, 1969 Mayor Thomas R. Byrne Council, City o€ St. Paul Gentlemen: Re: File 17407 File 17417 File 17368 The Board of Ramsey County Commissioners respectfully requests your Aonorable Body to lay over hearings scheduled before your Honorable Body at 10:00 0' clock a.m, on October 14, 1969, in the matter of the advisability of pro- ceeding with preliminary order 244147 and preliminary order 244146 proposing to condemn and take an easement incidental to the opening of North Park Drive from the West line of the East � of the Northwest � of Section 2, Township 28, Range 22 to Ruth Street. Also on the advisability of proceeding with preliminary order 244262 proposing to construct sanitary sewer in North Park Drive from Hazel Street to Ruth Street. Also on the advisability of proceeding with preliminary order 241841 proposing to open, widen and extend North Park Drive as described above. The Board of Ramsey County Commisaioners was advised on October 13, 1969 that the Jofnt City County Land Committee recommends in effect that Ramsey County dedicate to the City of St. Paul that portion of the County Battle Creek Park affected by the opening of North Park Drive, and wishes an opportunity to con- sider thfs proposal. Yours very truly, THOMAS J. KELLEY, County Auditor i � By J D. Swan, Executive Secretary JDS:hr ^�� � � � � � � � � G � � � � 0�� �" 1969 _ MAY�J9�'S ���ICE � };OiO P.M, .f. 7?S , oct. ��, 1�6g Hon. Thoma.s R. Byrne Mayor City Hall Dear Sir: Attached for your approval are - inai r ers (Council File Nos, 2�4<�g, 246070, 24b071 and 7 ertaining to the imp�ovement on N�rth Par 'v�, i �•aere passed by the City Council toda,y. � Ver,y truly yours, Ci�y Cl�z`li AU/ng - —•— '_ ^ — A — — — — — — —�l�'= �'"' ———� ^_ - ..� 3r✓/' �.. — _..... — ——�3°.1_ �2.06 /do.o y= :.�o ._%- �'.-. ' — . — —. . - I 30 � iR0.02 'i . . ' ^ � . � J � 4 � 0 . I � � r. . . 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