246063 OR161N�1L TO CITY CLBRK ���1� . CITY OF ST. PAUL OOE NCIL NO. � � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED� That the following estimated appropriation in the Comptrollerts Estimated Budget for 1970 be increased as follows : Charter Fund 11 — Add a new Activity ��ti, Rate Specialist—Gas and Electric� Expense Code 484 — Reimbursement of Emergency Expense� �6,606.00� and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That in the Financing Schedule� the item Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes Within Limitation-- Increased Valuations, be increased by an amount of �6,606.00; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the prior Resolution of this Council� Council File No . 246043� heretofore adopted� is hereby superseded and can.celled. F� PPRO� � 1�SSt- Ca�D��� . QCT 2 4 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ()CT 2 4 19� CarLson _ Approved 19—_ � Meredith �n Favor Peteraon ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne pUBL1SWE� N�� 1 ���� O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �4���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVT�D, That the followin� estimated appropriation iii the Comptroller' s Estimated I3udget for 1y70 be increased as follows : Charter Fund 11 - .�dd a new nctivity :lJ�'�?, Rate S�ecialist-Gas and �lectrie, �xpense (:ocie �f84 - Reimbursemenl� of i.mergency ;�:�pense, �6,606.00; and be it I+'T?�t.TII�I� R�SOLV::�, Th�t in the Financing �chedule, the item Real �state and Personal Property Taxes �dithin Limitation-- Increased Valut�tions, Ue increased by an amount of �6,�06.00; and be it FUItTIi�.:R }3LSOLVLD, Tht�t the prior Reso luti on o� th is Counc il, Council File No. 246043, heretofo re �,dopted, is hereby superseded and e�rzce7.led. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council��� � ' '� 19— Yeas Nays '��'�r � „ , ; Carlson � (...{..` _���}� �,\ Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka � � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne G5