246058 Orlsinal to City Clerk • • • � • � ' � ORDINANCE 24s�58 �` COUNCIL FILE NO �/ � � ` PRESENTED BY �� � `z'h � �i'.�. ��-�-- ORDINANCE NO.— � � An ordiAance granting permissioa to the City of Yest Saint Paul to co�struct, oparate ar�d mair�tai� a storm sew�er i� portioAS of Annapolis Street, Kar�sas Avenue a�d Yyo�aing Street. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for tbe preservation of the pdblic peace, healtt� and safety. TI�E COUNCIL OF THE CITY aF SAINT PAUI DOES ORGAIN: SECTION 1 That per�ission aad anthority are hereby given to the City of 'Mest Saint Paul , !linAesota, tc cc�nstruct, oparate ac�d a�ai�tain at their expense a pnb 1 i c s torai sewer i� po�t i ons of Anr�apo 1 i s Street, Kae�sas Aveaus and � Yyomi�g Street witlain thd Cit�r of Saint Paul , Minnesota, as described in the City of tiest St. Paul �s pians and specif jcations �arked STORFI SE1dEER DISTRICT N0. 5, dated Juc�e 10, 1969, copies of said plans and specifications so marked and op f i 1 e i n the off i ce of the Depart�aen t of Pub i i c lbrks. Tbe locatioa is described ge�erally as folloas: - Begiqning generally at the intersectio� af Wallc�er Street and /� � Anr�apolis Street run�i�g easteriy aloag Ar�napolis Street to the �' ic�tersectio� of Kansas Avenue, thea cio�theriy alo�g Kansas Aver�ue to the tntersection of East Yyomi�g Street, aad then easte�ly along East Vyo�aipg Street approximately 300 feet to a ,�u�ction with an existing City of Saint Paul stora� sew�r. The cost of the ac�ainistration, engipeering and inspectioa. sball be acconnted for under Depart�ent of Publ ic 1�brks ProJect Nw�ber S-1�09. SECTION 2 Tt�at the Coara i ss ioner of Pub 1 i c ibrks i s hereby author ized to i ssae a permit to the City of Mest Saint Paul for the coastructioc�, operatio� a�d �a i Atec�ar�ce of the sa i d pab 1 i c stora� se�er upon and subj ect to the following provisioc�s, ter�s apd conditions: a. Tbat said per�ittee shall construct said public storm sewer at its or� expense and in acco�dac�ce with the pta�s and specifications on file with the Bepart�ent of Pubiic I�brks, whicl� plans and specificatioas are sub,ject to the approval of the Commissio�er ef Public ldorks prior to caa�ae�ace�ent of coastraction; b. That said permfttee shall notify the Coastruction Engipeer of the �epart�nt of Publ ic Works �en the construction starts ar�d notify tlie sa�e said Constr�ction Engineer v�er� project bas beea caapleted to ailoa for a final iaspectioa. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish y�6yi�f�Id Spraf ka In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Atteat: City Clerk Ma, r �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Oe3alnal to City Clerk ° � • � � �' � ORDINANCE 24fU58 s� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � Page 2 c. That said per�ittee sball properlq p�otect all excavatiops, both day and nigbt, so as to avoid all dan�age or injury to persons or property; aAd shail p�operiy backfill and resto�e tt�e lac�dscape aad roadbeds to the satisfactio� of tiae Co�issior�er of Publ ic i�brks and . at its sole cost ac�d expense; d. That said permittee shail , de�ring tbe ter� of tbis penait, restore a�d �epair all prope�ty, MhetWe� pwblic or private, dapaged or which m�y be da�aged due to tl�e coc�structioa, operation, maiwtenar�ce or presence of the s toraa sewear prov i ded for bere i�; e. T�at said permittee shatl f�arnish the Depart�aent of Public 1�brks "as �c�i lt" ptans of the stor� sewer upor� cos�pletion of co�struction; , r1 ��� f. Tbat said per�ittee agrees to �aaiptain and operate tbe storm seti+er at its sole cost and expense, and sbalt notify the Chief Ec�gineer of the Departaieut of Public Morks prior to maki�g any repairs; g. That said peraaittee shall use the storaa seaer solely for stor�n hrater drainage purposes; h. Tl�at said per�ittee shall i�diately, after farnisbing and ic�stalling sewer, restore City of Saint Paul streets tfl a stage of re- constrection that will alloa safe traffic flow and swbsequs�t safe snow plowing ar�d sanding or salting operations; i. That said permittee expressly agrees a�d uc�dertakes to tully indemr�if�r, bold hara�less and defend tl�e City of Saint Paal , its agents, officers and e.�ployees from any and all daraages, clai�s, losses, Judg- ments, snits or expenses arising owt of or occasioaed by the coastruction, operatioa or waintenance of t�e stor� sewer within t�e li�its of tbe City of Saint Paul; j. That said permittee sball not proceed to constrwct the storu� sew�er unlsss and until said per�ittee shall have fiully cc�plied with tbe p�ovisio�s regarding insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Paul , Depart�aeat cf Public Wbrks Specificatians for Street aad Sewer Constrnction, dated April l, 1959, Section nur�bered 1.44 of said specifications, as a�ended, applicable to contractors. Por the purpose of this ordinance, tbe aforesaid section of said specificatio�s, c��bered 1.44, as ae�ended, sbali be read as though the word "per�ittee" was substituted fot the word "contractor", wMerever the saa�e,appears t� th� aforesaid Sectioa 1 .44, as a�ended. .Said Section 1.44, as aaaended, of the Specifications for Street a�d Sew�er Co�struction in tbe City of Sair�t Paul is l�ereby i�corporated herein by reference as fully a�ad as Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah y1,61'1�.�Il1 Sprafka In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Tedesco Mr. Preaident (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By o���cis,c�� • � • ` " � ORDINANCE 246058 �' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /_�'�r—' Page 3 caapietely as if set fortt� berein verbatim. Proof of co�pliance with provisiops of tt�e aforesaid section shall be in suc� for� as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paui mar direct and the docu�ents reqa�ired by the aforesaid Section 1 .44 shali , after snbwission to the Corporation Counsel , be filed in tbe office of the Comptroller of the Citr of Saiat Paul ; k. That said permtttee st�all allow the City of Saint Paul to furnish, install and pay far catch basi�s at Kansas Avenue and Yyomiag Street i�tersection to the Vest Saint Paul stor�a sevaer upo� proper notice, at no cost due from Saint Paul to liest Saipt Panl ; 1 . That said per�ittee shail re�ove tl�e se+Mer or part thereof in such �an�er as �is satisfactory to the Coa�aissioner of Publ ic Morks � whenever the City Cou►�cil of Saint Paul shall so order. ; ��\ sECTIOM 3 That this permission and autbority shall be deea�ed for its operative effect upon the acceptance of the same and the concnrrence thereof evider�ced by resoletion passed by tl�e governing body af the City of irest Saint Paul and ti�e f i i i�g of a certif ied copy of t�e sama witb the City Clerk not later t�an thirty (30) days after the official publication of this ordinance. SECTION 4 This is a� e�erge�cy ordina�ce rer�dered necessary for the preservation of the pablic peace, bealth ac�d safetr. SECTION 5 This ordiAance shall take effect apd be ir� force upon its passage, appr�a 1 .and p�b 1 ica t i on. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council NOV 12 1969 Carlson ����� In Favor Sprafka � Meredith (, Against Peteraon Tedesco r. President (Byrne) A v d: ��� � Z ig�. AP At st• City lerk Mayor �� rrri approved Corporation Counsel By ����SHED N�v �� . j + E��� �- � O�RDIN � � CE _ ; COUI�CIL Ff#�N4._... _ PRESENTF� BY :ORDINANCE NO / 2' � �� ���N��� � � � � � �� '� ��� ���'#� , �. � � � � � �M1�� � � �� . �� . �. .. : � � �r �.��r����.r� '�►�� � �� : �� �,. � �� �' "�II�..l;� �' ��4� �I�t : . . . . ��'�1 �� ���.� ������� �� �. � ������ � . �� ��Mi� _ � , _ , ���M�NN�it � ��� � � �;, `�,.� � ; � hM , ° M�i ��Mll�. � .._,.. ,���� �Ni . +� �i[�t �': . . . - �=�r��rMM ��� +1� �i►#�� ; _ _ ���� � � ��� �� � � � ���#wrf � ���t ��!�r � _ ����. ��� �-���� . � � � .��1���:y � �� .� � ��� �� � � ��� ����� � ���� ' � � � a�� �� ���� � � ��� . . :��� ��� . , :� ��� ����► ��. � �► � � � � ��� � � � �"�"'��► �-�����, . � :� � �� ��� �� �� �� � � � �� : � � ���� . - � � � � � ���.� � � , � � �'�� � . �ur► �i�1rw�� ��#�i � ; �w��,. .: rt �� r�' ��1r1� 11�,, � +�r� �!!; �►��� �!' � , ���t � ir�r � 1� : . � � '� s+�1 �wr �N� +��► ���� .: � �► # +r1 ��I�la� � �irr ����r � ���� ����������� ��� ��� � � ��� � +�' � �� ��t�r. Yeas ` Councilmen Nays, Paseed by the Counci) Carleon D lish Tn Favor �����h�� _ A�a�n�t Petereon : Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) APPsoved: Atteet: City Clerk Mayo.r �� ,. Form appxoved Corporatioa Counsel By �� ,.:\ �.�� . . � ^ .. . '�q �, � . . . .. . . . � .- � ., . ��7..1 ,`�I .. . . . t� : °� - O�RDI1\1' � �`�,.CE � . � , � _ - �������.,�� FRESEN7'� BY ' : ORDtNANCE.N0 , ,. ,. � � . . . . . . �.`� • �� '.i�v,� �.�. 5 ' J, _ � . . 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Cit�► Clerk _ ' yor . �� , ' Form appraned Corpo�afi,ion Co�eel By . , , _ �; : __ � �tir� ' '�, .� ���` � �O ',R I��I �T �� �' �`� . � _ , �, � . . a ����.��:� : �W�'i`IT� , ` i �',«x r��x�/'�� . F .,,/ � .. `��L' � � Q�'i���,r�r.��, . , � : . . . , � , . , . , -- . , . . . , . . .. ,. . .. ..� r. . . . , _, i .. . . .,.. . . � . . . �, .,.. . ., � . . ` . � . � .��. . 1 � t.^ . . . , . . . . . _ . . _ . - � . .. • ` ' . , _ � . ,.. � � . . �r - � . .. � � ., , , . .. ,. . 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N� �t+�l�r��� +�1i��=��::� �� ; � ) , , ��►, . � � ����� .�.. ������.t. �.�i.i,`:�s���� �n�3 �:Zr�.i'1 i"�.i'5�.���• . . �. . . . . . . ' � . ' ' . .. . � . . '. j' � ... . . . .. . . . . , . . . . � . . -'iV � . � . . . � + .. . . , . . . . . .. . • . 1. ` � . .� � � . .. i , . ..;, : . .. ! ' . . . ' �, .. , . . . . �.. . . .,..., . . . . � . �: . . , :� . � . � , , �I � . . . . � . � � . . ' . J� ... .. � . . . �. i.. . ... ' .. 1 . � ; ' ^ . . ' . . . `, ._ ' . � . ' .. . . � ' . .. . � � . � j� . � •�,' . , � �� �..��- � �.. ., .� . � - � . . . . �.. � . I �� . . � . . . .. . . . . � . . . . ', . . . : . . . . NOV 12 �I� Yeaa Councihnen Nays F�seed b�the C�a.wer�il' ,� CmtLon r . . Tn Favor ���� . ��er�ith . , .� Aga�net _ Pete�eun Teaesco , NOV 1:2 19�9 , Mr. President (Byrne) APproved: Atteet s : City Clerk Msyor _ �� �erm approv�d �orpor�ltion �ouneeI By Ist � � � Ol`( . ' ' ' • 2nd � n � � Laid over to 3rd and app �` —Adopted � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �CCarlson Dalglish �Dalglish Meredith �`�,Meredith Peterson ��"Ot�t�1 �eterson Sprafka �rafka Tedesco � desco �e � Mr. President Byrne �. President Byrne O