246056 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. 246oc56 . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U CIL RF,,S9LU ION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City Officials axe hereby authorized and directed to execut� on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul an application to the S,and Commission�r of Ramsey County fbr the conv�ya.nce of �ertain tax forPeited lands described as folloyrs: Sub�ect to Lawson Avenue and Westminster Street, that part lying south of the north alley line extended easterly as platted in Brookvale 2nd Ad.di�ion of the f'ollowi.ng: The east 50 feet of the north 165 feet of Lot 19, Plat of West 2_ of N.W. � of 5ection 29, and the S.E.,�—, of the A.E.� of Seetion 30, Township 29, North, Range 22 West, of 4th Principal Meridian. Note: Comanorill,y c�.11ed "Hoyt's Out Lots." for use by the City of St. Paul for alley purposes. l OCT 2 4 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��T � �+ �196� ��;ah _� � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco �� A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ��16LISHEg NOV I ,9�� O ; .��{ � o �� . • � B UA.Ii T3 O i' ` )T�.���81� �o V 1\•i 1 �Oi��l�/1�t��I�N�Y�i�7 . OFFICE � OF THE CLGRK STATI: O1� AZIN1hIl:SOTA THOMAS J. KELLEY , � COUNTY AUDtTOR THOMAB R. BYRNE ARTHUR T. GIBPONS � . CFIAIRMAN � GEORGE A. HARDENBERGH � k - JOHN E. DAUBNEY . 132 COURT NOUSE ROY P. NADEAU SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA MRS. DONALD M. DE COURCY ED SALVERDA 55102 � � _ 3 i i t � i November 5, 1969 � . � Refer to County Board Fi1e 434-219 � i � � Commissioner of Taxation ! i Centennial Building , � St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 . � Dear Sir: � k" � Forwarded herewith is an application of the City of St. Paul for conveyance ' of tax forfeited land described as: Subject to Lawson Avenue and Westminister � Street, that part lying south of the north alley line extended easterly as platted in Brookvale Second Addition of the following: The east 50 feet of � the north 165 feet of Lot 19, Plat of West ; of Northwest '� of Section 29, and t R the Southeast 1; of the Northeast 4 of Section 30, Township 29, North, Range 22 West, of 4th Principal Meridian; which is needed for right of w3y for ; alley purposes. This application was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on November 3, 1969 as evidenced by the Certified copy of the resolution of the Board of County Commissioners attached to the aforesaid application, ' If this application meets with your approval, will you please forward the State Deed to Thomas J. Kelley, County Aaditor. Yours very truly, THOMAS J. KELLEY, County Auditor sy J. D. Swan, Executive Secretary JDS:hr Attach. CC:�rry Marshall, City Clerk �� � Y � �� � � 2����� QUAUAUPLICAYE TO DEPARTMEN7 � ' CITY OF S7. F'AUL FOENCIL N�. OF�ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT60N--GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER _. DATF F��ti��<��':�3, �:'s�:t� t:::. };r���.� Ci�y C3�:�:�����s €��� L���'�y e.�z�3z�.;.��w��, �:�d d:i��ti4L�. uc� ef�.�c�at� ca�. �=c�:�.�"' c-�' fi,�se C�i3 c�S `.-���._�� I��.:3. �n a�a�3.�t����.c�� '�J '�i13� �+v� Lv���:`J.�]��.�114-L� �+.(, i�iC?:?iu�� 4�ii:i4� d«�'b l�(l� ��'dsF�tP�%�C:t�:,C�.�a V.6 �r�...4 4wA:.t ' ��{ gG2'Z"4;LCi�'� �.U�:d•v^ i%�?``,-G3:C�L� '°t�S �C�.4�..£:Y=1:;i �3.3�?�C.'C'�'i �'i0 �r�';I u�33 il u?€:�.':3.��.. is3�r.� IiE?S�i:a L7.Yi.i�C.�� �L.y'i:°,"(i� ��'s�.�"i �'"ta`'I,I`'4 �f.l..:�;, S�.�e1V� .�.7.}. �::'Q ta':�%L'!:� a:1�{�f �.�ra;s �.':.�4�3�1.:..}:'i.� '��c�,y�r'.�'.�L�{ �,,�j �i n`1.xy:t .S � -t,....- .3� �"f:3 �9�?-.�.��J� �73s UdiV 1C3�8_.�.J..,�.I:Aa° bR�. .d.G3 v v.•.4 S� �..�.£�;..t��4-�»., � 1 e G-`c:Li"w'ti �{� A�ci:'i. i:`� ��::''3 T?'J"l'�i'�4�.��j �e L''`.'`.i £�w �.:�3ie .�.j� ��:'.�.v C��' �T�v'�G � t?fl' �i.�'i. 1�, Cix'f'.i kiGS1.{J'.�.'•i? i;j! ix«:� ��.� nt'.�..�Ci,►jj ��:� C,Y"t�� �:•K�.�y CJ�� . �E."�'r:^��.�:3 ,j�g '`;;:12'��'`s�.'� r';.?s �.t::��'4ila �f�:.,�}Ga c'.? j:��f;f e7�' �i't:�'3 . . _ ; At :., . `-�..��.. � > • . . r�_�:�.. ° ' ,.°t�_ t � Y3L.L��1 �� .i � •� I:t3LC. C...: ''"E�.,� �:.�,�.e.� �„�y"� S �:;..t L:�v�:s.'� f�� tiM� L3 t�c Ca%;� r:�' ��. Pata3. �L�w �.�.�J �tt��-a:;�as. �t a� � �= 1��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciI 19— Yeas Nays r ,:_- �-, Carlson �,,��,,; � r: ;�'';.� x,.::��i -�3alglish----• Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �?".��0 _ ' R � a 'Uepac'•i�,nent of Taxation F'orrn No. 92 �`� � ��e� A�PL I CAT I ON QY GOY�Rf�P•1EPJTAL SUQD i Y I S I CN FGR COt�VEYAF9CE OF TAX-FORFE I TED LAt�DS Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision I. In tlie Matter of the Application .:ut1;�l Y ullF.r�� or_ Cit;,� of 5aint Paul a Governmental Stibdivision, for a ���� ��/,���m �`�� �"�� Conveyance of Certain Lands. f�'g 'a;'�a �•��`' Comes now_ tha City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation and alleges: (Name of subdivision) 1. �nat applicant is a �a�__a Municipal corporation in Ramsey County� State of '� � � Minnesota ' • � 2. Tr,at (t,)_ at�ached hereto is a resolution of the Cit Council of the City of Saint Paul autY:.orizin� acquisi_tion of land hereinafter described. 3. That there is situated in the County of R��eY ,'certain tax-forfeited 3anu descri'�ed as, f��le�ss: (^) Subject to La.wson Avenue and Westrninster Street, that part lyin� south o£ the north ell.e.y line extended easterly as platted in Brool.vale 2nd Addition of the fo7lowing: The east 50 feet of the north 165 feet of Lot 19, Plat of West ; of N.kl.� of Section 29, and the S.E.t, of the N.E,�, of Section 30, Township 29, North. Ran�e 22 West, of 4th �,� _Principal bleridian. Note: Cor�monly called "Hovt's Out Lots". . . a sai an s are unimproved, and lie within the alley ri ht of way of Brookvale 2nd Addition 5. That applicant desires to obtain said land for the following purposes and reasorrs: (e) alley purposes Wherefore applicant prays that said lands be c�nveyed to it for the use stated herein. . � � . ..' .. _ ' _ . . "By Mayor l° ' � a a � -%�-� /� �' - its Cit Clerk STATE OF AiINNESOTA ) ) s s. COUNTY OF ��Se:� ) Thor,�as Ro Byrne and Harry E. Marshall each being first duly sworn, depose and say, each for himself, that they are respectively the Mayor and City Clerk of tne_ . City of Saint Paul 3 that they have read the foregoing application and know the ntents thereof; and that the matters stated • therein are true. fs C /i r __ �,,���-..- �� /�.,f-�' .� Subscribed c}-sworn to be ore me thi� , r.�: _ . _ -. . ., day of � �'- � , lg� r � r.i- - r .. - �^.,. //�%%� L��,�� � 2�/f.11= � nl� , ._: , . � ,. f :l c �' `� �2.J Notary Public,_ �`� ��"t�� Cotinty, Minn. My Commission Expires �~�_,, • l t �� (a) State facts relative to le�al organization. Ib) State facts showing authorizatio❑ of acquisition of land hereinafter described, by resolution of governing body or by voters, as the case may require, attaching copies of resolutions, if any. (c) Show name of Go�ernmental Subdivision in which land is situated. (d) Describe ❑ature of lands, use of surrounding property and ot6er similar facts. le) Give statemeut as to the specific use to be made of such lands. ,� _ , � RESOLUTION OF COUtJTY BOARD UPON APPLICATION WHEREAS the Cuunty Board of �a���s�Y County, Minnesota, has examined into the allegations of the application oF_C=��J Ci :'�. �uu�. � dated �='f•o �94 1��9 � 19_, for the conveyr�nce of certain lands therein described; now, . Therefore, be it resolved by the County Board or R�nsey co,�ty, Minnesota, that i* �:-~?ba approves said application and recommends that the same be �ranted. County Board of said County. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF Ran1S�� � of �� vT• �. S.Vran �epui,�r � coumty auditor and clerk of the County Board �-'�°� County, biinnesota, hereby certif� that I have compared the foregoing copy of resolution of the County Board of said county with the original record thereof in the minutes of the proceedings of said board at a meeting duly held NOV 3� 196 g � 19 , and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said resolution was duly adopted by said board at said meeting. I further certify that the application referred to in said resolution is hereto attached. Witness my hand and seal this 3 day of ��0������°r ___.__ , ig 6Q , ho: =s �, Ke�.ley, Cci_nty �iuc':itor B�r �,�a ti� I�ep �T County Auditor and Clerk of the County Board. - F""��?�' County, Minnesota. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION St. Paul, Minn., - 19 Upon due consideration of the within appli�ation it is ordered that the same be and it is hereby GRr1NTID REJECTED. Commissioner of Taxation By