03-951Council File # �3 - q51 Green Sheet # 205951 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 19 1 2 WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Justice awarded an Intemet Crimes Against Children (ICAC} Grant to the 3 City of $t. Paul, Police Deparhnent; and 4 5 WHEREAS, a supplemental budget of $400,000 was received for the ICAC grant for the period of May 1, 2000, 6 through December 31, 2004; and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, a 2003 financing and spending plan needs to be established £or supplemental grant funds used in 2003; and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $78,999 in eacess o£those estimated in the 2003 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2003 budget: CURRENT BUDGET 436 - Special Projects-Police FINANCING PLAN: 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Children 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants in Aid 23 Total Changes to Financing 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 SPi�NDING PLAN: 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Children 0111 - Full-Time Permanent Salaries 0251 - Transportation 0252 - Lodging-Meals 0253 - Reg:stration Fees-Out of Town 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0857 - Computer Equipment >$5,000 142,766 78,872 5,239 10,130 1,595 993 23,607 0 CHANGES 78,999 � 32,000 4,000 8,000 8,000 8,500 9,900 8,599 AMENDED BUDGET 221,765 110,872 9,239 18,130 9,595 9,493 33,507 8,599 34 Total Changes to Spending � 35 36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2003 budget. 37 Benanav Bostrom Coleman Yeas Absent Requested by Department of: PO�1CC � Approval Adopted by Council:Date: // ��? p� By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: .'orm � Approved by City Attorney: for Services: � WIlliamFinnev 292-3588 INITIATED I G 9/11/03 No. 205951 iNmnuon're .--'-..--°-.. - •- . -• , �� V "�.. ASAP �3 trtrnrraaxEv ' f. �_"�������' � �. �twwcuLSERVICESdR_ ��i � + NL�YOR�ORASSLSTAIR� `J TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQUESTED �CLERK �FPUWCINLSERYIACRG �M1MAN RIGHfS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the attached council resoluuon es[ablishing a 2003 finazicing and spending for the supplemental Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Grant received. LION AppfoVe (A) Of REJEtt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRIIGB MUST ANSWER TME YOLLOW �n[i ¢uts � iuns: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrad for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personmrm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Does fhis person�rm possess a sMf( not normally possessed bY any curren[ cRy employee� YES NO 4. Is Ihis person/firm a targeted vendof+ YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet The U.S. Department of Jusrice awazded an ICAC Grant to the City of St. Paul, Police Department. A supplemental budget of $?00,000 was received for the ICAC gant for the period of May I, ZOOQ through December 31, 2004. A 2003 financing and spendi, g plan needs to be established for the supplemental grant funds used in 2003. (Attached is a copy of the grarn awazd) Ability to continue the ICAC Task Force. �C I � � 2��� �9�� ���V��V�� Nene. � IF NOT APPROVED Inability to use supplemental ICAC grant funds 2warded. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $7$ ,999.00 FUNDING SOURCE Federal Grant OGT � � 2003 CO�7IREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUYIBER 436-34056 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 0 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office ofComptroller Washingmn, D.C. 20531 Mr. Williarn Finnry Chief of Potice 15 Wcs[ Kcllogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Refaence Grznt Number. 2000.MGCX-KO?2 Dear Mc Finncy: 1 am pleased to info[m you that my office has approved the foltowing budget ca[egorics for the aforcmrntioned ¢rant award in the cott ca[egories idrntifted bclow: Category PERSONNEL FRMGE BENEFITS TRAVEL EQUIPMENT SUPPLlHS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTUAL OTHER TOTAL DIRECT COST INDIRECT COST TOTALPROIECTCOST Federai Punds Appro�ed: Non-Federal Sharc: PRIOR BUDGET SUPPLEMEMAL BUDGET S3I0,446 S207,975 586,223 S62 _02 545.037 327,?25 EO 58,599 512,360 58.470 gp SO 516.520 58.460 561.227 577.069 5531.813 5400.000 5p 50 sssi.s�s saoo.000 5417.501 5400,000 5114,3I2 SO TOTAL SS I 5,421 $148,4?5 572,26? SS,599 520.83U SO 524,980 S13S.296 S9i I.S I3 50 S9i1.813 SS17.SOI 5114,312 A o3-a51 03-a51 ti.S. Department of Sustice Office oflustice Progrzms Office of Comptroikr R'ashington, D.C. 20531 If you F�avc quations regarding this awazd, ptease contacr. Progcam Questions, Chris Holloway, Program Managu at Q@) 305-9838: and - Financial Quations, the Office of the Comp[rollcr, Customer Servitt Cen[cr(CSC) at (800) 458-0786, or you may wntact the CSC at askoc@ojp.usdoj.gov. � CongraNlations, and we look forward to working wi[h you. �,� Cynthia 1. Schwimer Comptrolicr U.S. DEPARTMEM OP JUSTICE . OFFICE OE J[ISTICE PROGRA.NS " ? Office of Jwenile , '` �''�--^' Justice and Detinquencp ` ` Prevention _ , I. RECIPIEM NAME ANO ADDftESS Qncludfng Zfp Code) Cm of $a�nc Pau1 Cooperative Agreement a. AwARD'.UNBER: z000-MC-CX-KO?2 PAGE 1 OF 3 ISWCaKelloggBOUlevmd S.PROIECTPERIOD:FRO\t OS/012000 TO IJ31200i , SainoPaul,MlI551@ BUWETPERIOD.FROH OS/OIR000 TO 123i:?OOi fi.AWARDDiTE 0&9]2003 �,]AfT10N IAGRANTEEIRSNENDORNO �8.SUPPIE�IEhTNUMBER , Supplemrnul 416005521 ' 2 9.PREVfOUSAWARDA�fOUNT Sal].501 3 PROfECT77TLE 10 AMOUh'TOFTHISAWARD 5400.000 , FY?OWOIIDPD�scmvmnaryCon[inuanenRegrems-Chdd Pm�ettion 11 TOTALTwARD 581],SUI I I] SPEC[ALCONDITIONS I THE ABOVE GRAM PROIECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ' ON THE ATfACHED I PAGE(5). I3 STANTORY AUTHORiTY FOR GRANT TM1is pro�ett is supporsd undcr Consol�Aamd Appmpnaamns Rcsoluuon. ?00} �p�bLc Uw 108-]7 � IS METHODOFPAYMENT PAPRS __ "' _ _'_" "___ —___—'—____—_—__'_ _ __ —__ — AGENCYAPPROVAL — — GRANTEEACCEPT.4NCE — I6TYPEDNAMEANDTITLEOPAPP0.0VMGOIPOFFICIAL ISTYPEDVqMEANDTITLEOFAUTHORIZEDGRANTEEOFfICiAL UcFonhl DamcLc Mdlim Fnncy ChrcfatPoLcc A.e¢um A�wmcy Gcncnl 1; SIGNATURE OF APPROVMG OJP OPFICIAL �y, "� I '�`x�{LA,WL- � �__ �/ � AGENCY USE 0��1 :0 ACCOUNTINGCLASSIiIGTIONCODES zi »(�J FlSCAL FUND BU� DIV \'E.iR CODE ACT OFC ftEG SU� POS15 A�IOUNT \ C MC ]0 UU OU +OOUW O1P FOR]i �0002 (REV S�BI) PRE`/IOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE O1PFOft}iJ0002(REV a-88) RECIPIENT OFFICIAI 19A DATE 03 -a51 63��51 _ � , ,�� r�: 0.5. DEPAATMEM OF NSnCE OPFICE OF NSTICE PROGRAMS Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency ;. Prevention � PROJECTNUF{gER 2000-MC{X-KO?2 AWARD CONTINUATIO` SHEET Cooperative Agreement AWARDDATE 0&7??003 SPEC/AL COND7770NS PdGE ? OF 1 1. The recipient agrees [o comply with the financial and adminisaative requiremenc5 set fonh in [he curtcnc cdition of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. ?. The recipirnt acknowledges that failure [o submit an acceprable Equal Employment Opportuniry Ptan (if recipient is required [o submit one pursuant ro 28 C.F.R. Section 42302), Nat is appro��ed by the ORm for Civil Riehrs, is a viola[ion of rts Certified Assuranccs and may ¢sult in suspcnsion or tertnination of fundine, until such time az the ttcipient is in compiiance. 3. 7'F�e recipicnt agrees to comply with the organizational aud�t requimments of OMB Cirwiar A-I33. Audirs of Swtes, Loca( Govemments, and Non•Profit Organizations, as Porther described in �hc curtrn[ edi[ion of [hc OIP Financial Guide, Chaptcr 19. 4. Prior to the cxpcndimre of confidcnqal funds, thc rccipicnt and any submcipirnts aeree to sign a ccrtification indica[ing that he or she hu ¢ad, undeatands, and agrees ro abide by ail of the conditions penaining to confidential Pond ezpenditures as sct forth in the O1P flnancial Guide. 5. The recipien� shali submit semiannual progress reports. Progress repons shall be submi¢ed a�ithin 30 days after the end of the reponing penods, wh�ch are June 30 and December 31. (or the Ide of the award These rcpons e�ill be submitmd in an original and one copy, and mailed ro the same address mdmared m the Special Co�dmon reeardmg F�nancial Reports. 6 The recipient agrees to submit quanerly financial reports on Standard Fortn SF 269A These reporB w�ill be submi« ed within 45 days after the end of the calendar quarter, and a final report is duc I20 days i'ollavme the end of the award penod. The reports shall be submitted to the Office of Jusnce Programs. OfTice of the Comptrolkc Atm: Control Desk, Room 5303, S I0 7th Sncet, N W.. N'ashington. D C 20531 -. Approval of lh�s award does noe mdicate approval o(any consultum rate m zrcess o(5350 per day. A dzta{led justiPication mus[ be submured ro and approved by the Office of Just�cc Pwerams IOJP) proeram o�ce pnor to obhganon or expendieure of such funds. S The Project Director and key program peronnel designated in the applicanon shall be repiaced oniy for compelhng reasons and w�th the concurrence of O1P. OJP wiil noI unreasonably w¢hhold concurtence All successors to key personnel must be approved, and such approval �s contingent upon submission of appropnaic �nformation. mcluding, but not hmited to, a resume. Changes in ofher proerum personnel reqwre enly notificat�on to OJP and submission of resumes, unless otherwise designated m the award document � The recipient agrees to comply with the ICAC Task Porce Program Standard-, a> estabi�shed by the ICAC Task Form Adv�sory Board and approved by O11DP. !U The recip�ent agrees to tbrward reports of ICAC Task Force Program ititon[hly Pcrformance �teasures to tne OJ1DP-designated site. OfPFOR,�(-00U2(ftEV 4-BB) b3-�51 - - ` f�=. U.S. DEPARTMEM OF NST[CE OFFICE OF 1VS7ICE PROGRAMS : O�ce of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency � Prevention ! PROJECE NUMBER 2000-MCLX-K0:? AK'ARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperative Agreement AwARDDATE 08/1>_�?003 PAGE 3 Of 3 . SPEClAL COND?lONS I L The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Pre�rn[ion has dected to enter into a Cooperative Agreement rather than a grtnt with the recipient. This decision retleccs the mutual interes[ of [hc rccipicnt and OJ1DP in the opemtion . of the project az well at the anticipated Ievel of Federal involvcment in this project. OUDP's patticipatory role in the ' projcct is as follows: a. Review and approve major work plans, including changes to such plans, and key decisions pertaining co project opeations. � b. Rcvicw and approve major project gcneated documents and materiais used in thc provision of project services Provide guidance in signiFcant project planning mtttings, and panicipate in project Sponsored t2ining events or canfercnca. 12 The gantee agrees [o designa[e one policy and/or command level individual u the rcgional task force repraentative to the ICAC Tazk Force Board. This Designa[ion must be in writing and forw•ardcd ta O1JDP for review and approval within ninery days of award. O1PPOft�t10W,?(REV 4-fl81 03 -95� � �`- �^ .S. DEPARTMENY1➢FJUS77CE GRANT MAI�AGER'S �iEMORANDUM, PT. I: I OFFICEOFNSTICEPROGRAMS PROJEC'f SUMMARY F : �; ;�,,,.,,,. Office of Juvenile . . Cooperative Agreement ' e....� Justice and Delinquency- PROhcr wu�+aER � , Prevention ; 20oo-+�c-cx-KO+_a P�GE i oF i ; Th�s Proiett is supporteC under Cortwlidamd AOC�priauo� Rcsoiution. 2003 (PUbLC [a�� 108-1) I STAFPCOMAC7(Name&¢kpMnenumber) 2.PROlECTDIRECTOR(Famc,addms3mlepM1aircnumber) ' Chris Holloway Amy M. Brown . RO?) JOi-9838 ' Rarvch Md Grano \tam4a IS W�n Kelloyq Boulevard ' ' SvntPauI,MNS510_' ' , (6A�292-350] � 7a TRLEOFTHEPROGRAM i FY200701JDPDiurtnoiuryConnnua�ionProgmms-ChddPro¢cuon I 4 TITLE OF PROIECT i �, F}"2003011DPDiscmtionaryConemuauonPrognms-ChildPromcuon '� 5 NdME&ADDRESSOFGRANTEE , O�vo(SamtPaul � IiWaaKdloggBoulcvard Smm Paul, MN 551@ 1 PROGRAM PERIOD FftOM OS/012000 9 AMOUNTOFAWARD S JW.000 TO 171J 1200a II SECONDYEAR'SBUDGET 13 Thi1RD YEAR'S BUDGETPERIOD 36. PO�iS CODE (SEE MSTRUCTIONS ON REVE0.SE) 6. NAME & AORESS OF SUBGRANTEE _ '--' _' _ " ' _ _ "_ . . _' 8 BVOGETPERIOD FROM 0501,?OW TO i?1120W --_ ___"__—"_ __ __ ___"_ 10 DATEOFAWARD os, i vzooa I: SECOUDY"EAR'S86'DGETAUOU\7 la TNIRD yEAR'S BVDGET AMOUNT IS SUhIM11pRYDESCRIPTIONOFPROIECT(SCCmsvrvcnononrcvcrul Thc FY 1998 Jusucc Appropnanons Act, PubLc law 105-119 awAonzed S2 S milLOn w OJ1DP m snmulac �c ucauun of Sva¢ anJ lucal 6o cnfmccmrn� cybcr umu w invcs�igam chiidmxual cxpioimuon" by oRcnders us�ng Ne Inmmn or onimc commumiauom ¢chnuluyy O11DP Jevcluped the ICAC Task Forte Program w assist Sum anJ Ixal lax rnfosemeno agenun io acqwm �he nne»�n Anowledye. eywomen�, and per> nncl msuurccs w prcvrnt mmrd¢t. or mvcsnga¢ ICAC oRcnus InFYt996,mnayrncies(IstTieOrwervedlCACTaskForcecooperzv.cageemems SubxquentannualfunJmyhmaliouM(urtheexpansiunufvhciG�C pmynm tu gmw w 36 TasA Forccs OJPFORSIA0002�REV 4-88) UMSr this pm�-un, tlieu agrnc�cs sme as rcgiaul sourccs otpm�rn�ion. edup�ion, and �n.xwgam<eapertiu �o po.idc acuvancc u pa�rn� �eac�ers.lax rnfarcemen� and W+a professio�uls waking on chld virnminuon �ssua. Uvng OJ1DP fvnds, Ne Sc Paul Policc Dcpaztmrn[ will cuwnue w atablish a mNii-agency, multi- duuP��^an' R�W� w��a� �tT�^us W� u cwnposcd o(Gdenl. S�a¢, and Iocal larv eofartemnu agrnric and cbild Welhrc mganvauons m: p conduct mcme and O�oy���e IGC �n.�ezngauo�u: 2� dc.xlop a pmrntian ed�cazion p�ogvm:3) avblish a�e maregemrn� rys¢m:6) develop standard'¢ed for in�m�rnq �cfrnals. and 51 incras< forens. and invcsc8ative capaciry �Ivough the acqwsiwn of syecuhzed mining and equipmrnc CNCF a3-q5l .� . U.S. Department of Jus[ice ; t� - Office of Justice Programs .. '•,,,.�,w � ' O�ce ofJuvenile Justice and Delinquencv Prevention fihshmgmn. D.C. 10531 Memorandum To: Official Grent Fite From: Donn Davis, OJJDP NEPA Coordinator Subjec[: Categorical Exclusion for City of Saint Paul The recipient agrees to assist OJJDP to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other related federal environmental impact analyses requirements in the use of these grant funds either directly by the recipient or by a subrecipient. Accordingly, prior to obligating grant funds, the gran[ee agrees to first dete[mine if any of the following activities will be related to the use of the grant funds and, if so, to advise 07JDP and request fuRher NEPA implementation guidance. Recipient understands [hat this special condition applies to its activities whether or not they are being specifically funded with these grant funds. That is, as long u the activity is being wnducted by the recipient, a subrecipient, or any [hird parry and the activity needs to be undertaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition must first be met. The activities covered by this special wndihon are: a. new constcuction; b. minor renovation or remodeling of a property either (a) lisred on or eligible for listing on the Na[ional Register of Historic Places or (b) located within a 100-year flood plain; c. a renovation, lease, or any other proposed use of a building or facility that will either (a) result in a change in its basic prior use or (b) significanNy change its size; and d. implementacion of a new program involving the use of chemicals och�r than chemicals that are (a) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activity and (b) traditionally used, for example, in office, household, recreational, or education emironments. D.� - y�i