246046 � Oniainal to City Clerk �. ., , � ' ORDINANCE �' COUNCIL FILE NO "" "'���� � �� PRESENTED BY � Z��'2� ORDINANCE NO �� An ordinance granting permission and authorit;� to the Ramsey County Historical Society to install and maintain a historic marker in front of the old Federal Courts Building in the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDIAN: SECTION 1 That permission and authority are hereby granted,:to Ramsey County Historical Society to install and maintain a Yiistoric marker in �'ront of the old Federal Courts Building. SECTIOTvT 2 That the Commissioner of Public ��orks is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Ramsey County Historical Society for the installing and maintaining of said historic marker upon i�s compliance �vith the following terms and conditions: l. That permittee shal.l install the historic marker in strict complianee and conformity with the plans and specifications approved by the Department of Public �+'lorks, and in a location approved by the said department. 2 . That permittee shall reimburse the Department of Public �Vorks for its supervision and inspection and pay the costs of publication of this ordinance. 3. That permittee sha�l install and maintain the historic . marker at its own cost and �xpense. 4. Said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers, and employees from any and all damages, claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of whatsoever nature arising out of or by reason of this permission and authority, and by reason of the continued presence and existence or removal of said historic marker. 5. That whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its resolution, shall determine the discontinuance and removal of said historic marker necessary in the public interest and accordingly order the discontinuance and removal of the same from said location, the said historic marker shall be discontinued and removed from the sub-� ject public sidewalk area, ZNhich public sidewalk area shall be re- stored by the permittee at the permittee' s sole cost and expense. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk May �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ♦ OriQin81 to City Clerk Y � �� O �RDINANCE 24�0�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 6. The said �ermittee shall � within twenty (20) days after the passa�e of this ordinance file a v;�ritten acceptance thereof with the City C1erk. S�CTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, a.pproval and publication. Page 2 . NOV 12 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson � Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith b .l Peterson v A gainst Sprafka Tedesco N�� � �' 196� Mr. President (B Ap ved: — A at Ci Clerk M r �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �a�.is�E� NOV ].5 1969 ' ' Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE `��"����' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /' � An ordinance ;ranting permission and authority ta the Ramsey County Historical �ociety to install and maintain a historic marker �n front of the old Pederal Courts I3uild3.ng in the City of Saint Paul. TH�. CDUNCIL 0�' THE CTTY Or SAINT PAUL DOES OR.DIANs SECTION 1 That permission and authority are hereby gran�ted to Ramsey County 1-i3.storical SociQty to instalZ and maintain a historic marker in�front of the old Federal Courts Building. SECTIOPJ 2 Tha�t the Commissioner of Public VJorks is hereby authorized to issue a permi� to �amsey Count3� Historical SociEty for the installin� and maintain�.ng of said historic marker upon its compliance �vith the following terms and conditions: 1. That permittee shall install the historic marker in strict compliance and cdnformity with the plans and specifi�ations appr�ved by the Department of Public �rJorks. and i.n a location approved by �he said departmen�. 2 . That permittee shall reimburse the Department of Public �"=orks for its �upervision and inspection and pay the cast� of publication of this ordina,nce. 3. That permittee shall install and ma.intain the h�storic ma.rker at its own cost and expense. �. Said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully inder�nify and hold harmless the City of Saint Faul, its agents, officers, and employees from any and all damages, claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of whatsaever nature arising out of or by reason of this permission and autharity, and by reason of the continued presence and existence or removal of said historic marker. ,5. That whenever the Council of th� City af Saint Paul, by its resolution, shall determine the di.scontinuance and removal of 4aid historic marker necessary in the public interest and accordingly order the discontinuance and removal of the same from said location, thE said historic ma.rker shall be discontinued and removed from the sub-� �ect public sidewalk area, wh3.ch public sidewalk area sha11 be re- stored by the permittee at the permittee• s sole cost and expense. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish 1Vleredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dnplicate to Prtnter ORDINANCE ���'����' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ���� 6. The said permittee shall, within twenty {20) days after the passage of �his ordinance file a written acc�ptance thereof with the City Clerk. s�,c�czo�v 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage� approval and publication. Page 2. ��� � � ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson `.� Dalglish Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka Against Tedesco ^°��'�,:,'. _ . , Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: Approved: _ City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By 3aint Paul, Minnesota November 17,1969 To the Honorable, the City Cc�zneil Sair�t Paul, l�innesots �entl�e�: We, the �dersigned, do hereby aceept �nd agree to �bide by all the terma and condition� oY Council File Ko. 2�+6046, beitzg Ordinance �o. 14321, adopted by the Council on Iiovember 12, 1969. RAMSEY: Cf�Jl�TY AISTORICA� SOCIET7C � SY �� � ��; � , /�ry�,� 7. � ,,C.� Cl-� �i<�. � November 17, 1q69 Ramsey County Historical Society 2097 W. Lexpenteur Ave. St. Paul� Minnesota Gentlemen: We enclos� a copy o�' Ordinanc . 1�3 anting you permission and authority to install and ma i istori� m�,rker in �ront of the old Federal Courtg Buildin he City o! saint PauZ; also bill in the sum oP $$]. . r cost oP publieation of this ordinanae. We call yawr specia ttentian t agraph 6 of 5ection 2 which requires the Pilin� sn�cc�pta e of th� terme o�' this ordin�nce. The acceptance must �iled i is oPPice, Rcx�m 386� City Hall, within 20 er the ardinance on Navemb�r 12, iq6g. If not s ed, the ordinanCe becane� void. Very truly yours, City Glerk ng '�� I st ,L;� t-I'' .- , 2nd ( L' J � Laid over to 3rd and app � _...Adopted j� � �, Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson `Carlson Daiglish ,�, Dalglish Meredith 2�!�Ol�� �Meredith Peterson �eterson Sprafka � �prafka Tedesco 'Tedesco � � Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O