246041 � 24�,0�1 (�NALsTO CITY CLERK x CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. Y �. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I S51 ON E DATF Whereas , The Charter Commission has submitted to the City �Council a proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, therefore, be it Resolved, That a special election is hereby ordered to be held in ths manner provided by� law, in said �ity of Saint Paul, Minnssota, on the gth day of December i969, for the purpose of submitting to the eleetors of said City the question of r�tifying �.nd adopting the proposed amendment to the Charter submitted by said Charter Commission; and be it Further Resolved, That the special election sh�ll be held in the 160 Election Precincts of the 12 Wards of said C3ty at the pZaces named in the »List of Polling Placeat� on file in the Office of the City Clerk and CoYarnissioner of Re�;istration; and be it F'urther Resolved, That for the following precincts the election shall be held at the plaees designated outside their precinct boundaries in accordance wi.th Section 203.08 of the Election Laws of the State of Minne so ta: Ward 1, Prect. 3 - Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Ward 1, Prct. 10 - New Harrison School Ward 7, Prct. 3 - St, Joseph�s Academy Ward 7, Prct. 12 - Hill School Ward 7, Prct. 13 - Central High School Ward 8, Pret, 8 � St. Agnes School Ward 9, Prct. 2 - Riee 3t. Library Ward 11, Pret. 25 - Groveland Pk. School; and be it Further Resolaed, That the �ity Clerk is hereby ordered anci directed to cause t he full text of said proposed amendment to be published as required by law onc� a week for two weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in. �he City of Saint Paul, which newspaper sha11 have an aggregate regular paid circulation of at least twenty�five thousand copies and which newspaper sha.11 be printed and published in t he City of Saint Paul, viz : The St. Paul Dispatch, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—__ Holland __jn Favor Meredith Mayor Peteraon Against Tedesco � 1�:�rs,�� 11r� � P:t f �':��+L. Mr. Preaident, Byrne �' p.�S[. v.J:'!iCiu�lU'fl �C�UC4�3E) � I OY�I�INAls�TO CITY CLBRK , . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�,._���� ,• ; . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF the cost thereof to be paid out of the Lleetion Expense Fund of the General F�Znd; and be it Further Resolved, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give notice of said election in the manner provided by law, and that the registration records on file in the Bureau of Registration and Elections of the City Clerk�s Office shall be used as provided by law; and be it Further Resolved, Tha.t the City Clerk is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to equip the said polling places and for such purpose the City Clerk is hereby authorized to engage the necessary labor and skill and purc}aase necessary tools and material, the cost and expense of the same to be paid out of' the Election Expense Account of the General Fund; and be it Further Resolved, That the City Clerk be and he hereby 3.s authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necessary supplies required for the said elections, the costs thereof to be paid out of the Election �:xpense Account of the General Fund; and be it Further Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to prepare the necessary printing, stationery and election aupplies, the cost thereof, together with all the expense of said election, to be paid out of the �lection Expense Account of the General Fund; and be it Further Resolved, That the persons nam�d on the list on file in th.� '�Certification of Eleetion Judges'� binder in the Office of the City Clerk and �ornmissioner of Registration are hereby appointed Judges of Election in said precincts in Compliance with Seot�:�203.21 of the Election Laws of the State of Minnesota; and be it Further Resolved, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give such notiee and do whatever else is necessary for the submission of $aid proposed amendment at said election in the manner prescribed by law; and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Peterson A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O 'OIr16INAL•TO CITY CLERK 24�0�1 �; ` CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL N�,. .�; . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I SSI O N EIL DATF Further Resolved, That the �ity Clerk shall prepare a ballot statin� ths aforesaid question �n the manner prescribed by law; and be it Further Resolved, Tha.t the City Clerk is authorized to purchase and provide the necessary supplies, labor and material and to do wh�.tever else is necessary for such special election, the cost thereof to be charged to the Election Expense Account, Gharter Fund 19, said fund to be rei�bursed f'rom Activi�y �961 of Charter Fund 35• OCT 2 3 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � '�+�' 2 � ��,�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Holland � Tn Favor Meredith � Peterson a Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �1'�I�iE� OCT 2� i��� O � � ` `� � �j �� ' . � , SAINT PAUL CHARTER COMMISSION October 17 , 1g6g To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council : There is herewith transmitted to the Council a proposed Charter Amendment adopted by unanimous vote of the Saint Paul Charter Commission at a duly called special meeting on Friday, October 17, 196g. This amendment was adopted at the unanimous request of the Mayor and the City Council in an effort to meet the financial needs of the City as outlined by testimony at public hearings and from the Mayor and Council which indicate a financial emergency in 1970. The Commission recognizes that in order to meet the financial emergency detailed by such testimony, any charter amendment must be approved and implemented in the year 1969, if the revenue provided is to be available in time to restore proposed cuts in the 1970 Budget. There has been no opportun- ity to explore all possible Charter approaches to the City revenue problem and, therefore , no effort on the part of the Charter Commission to meet any more than the anticipated emer- gency for 1970 and 1971. The Charter Commission believes it is the responsibility of the Mayor and the Council to work out in advance of the elec- tion details of an income tax ordinance and the uses to which the revenue from such an ordinance will be put. The Charter Commission further believes it is the responsibility of the Mayor and the City Council to info rm the voters of the need for the revenue to be derived by this amendment and the tax permitted under it . Respectfully submitted, � � , ����� a;� ohn F. Whitcomb, Chairman Saint Paul Charter Commission � � . , . The St. Paul Charter is amended by adding a new section after Section 201 . 2 to read as follows : Section 201.2a. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 201. 2, the Council is hereby authorized to provide by ordinance for the levy and collection of an income tax for the years 1970 and 1971 whi_ch shall be a surtax in an amount not to exceed 10�0 of the income taY paid by a ;axpayer to the State of Minnesota and which tax shall be collected by the State Tax Department for the City pursuant to a joint powers agreement between ttie State and the City under Minnesota Statutes 1967 , Section 471 . 59, as amended, which agreement shall be in form acceptable �o tlie Commis sioner of Taxation of the State of Minnesota. Any such ordinance shall not be subject to referendum. Said amendment shall become effective upon approval by 51% of those voting on the issue . . ' , . �. . �� t- a` ' . ' v 'T � SAINT PAUL CHARTER COMMISSION october 17, 1969 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council : There is herewith transmitted to the Council a proposed Charter Amendment adopte�d by unanimous vote of the Saint Paul Charter Commission at a duly called special meeting on Frid ay, , Octobe'r 17, 1969. This amendment was adopted at the unanimous request of the Mayor and the City Council in an effort to meet the financial needs of the City as outlined by testimony at . public hearings and from the Mayor and Council which indicate a financial emergency in 1970. The Commission recognizes that in order to meet the financial emergency detailed by such testimony, any charter amendment must be approved and implemented in the year i969, if the revenue provided is to be available in time to restore proposed cuts in the 1970 Budget. There has been no opportun- ity to explore all possible Charter approaches to the City revenue problem and, therefore, no effort on the part of the Charter Commission to meet any more than the anticipated emer- gency for 19'70 and 19'71. The Charter Commission believes it is the responsibility of the Mayor and the Council to work out in advance of the elec- tion details of an income tax ordinance and the uses to which the revenue from such an ordinance will be put. The Charter Commission fu rther believes it is the responsibility of the Mayor and the City Council to info rm the voters of the need for the revenue to be derived by this amendment and the tax permitted under it. � Respectfully submitted, , �.��� r2��. v��, � . ����_ "'� . ohn F. Whitcomb, Chairman Saint Paul Charter Commission i' � � , ' A .� I ♦ . . The St. Paul Charter is amended by adding a new section after Section 201.2 to read as follows : Seetion 201.2a. Notwithstanding the provisions of Seetion 201.2, the Council is hereby authorized to provide � by ordinance for the levy and collection of an incouie tax tor the years 19?0 and 1971 whicll shall be a surtax in an amount not to exceed 10f of the income taY paid b� a �;axpayer to the .State of Minnesota and which tax shall be collected by . the State Tax Department for the City pursuant to a joint � powers agreement between the State and the City under Minnesota Statutes 1967, Section 4'71�. 59, as amended, which agreement shall be in form acceptable �o the Commis sioner of Taxation of the State of Minnesota�. Any such ordiilance shall not be subject 'to referendum. Said amendment shall become effective • upon approval by 51f of those voting on� the issue . � . .� UUPLICATE TO PRINTER �(,��Q� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � S'� " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4'• COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Whereas, The Charter Co�rt3.as3.on has �ubmitted to the City Council a propased amendment to the Charter of t�he City of Saint Paul, a copy of which is attached herstp and made a part hereof, therefore, be it Resolvc�el, `�at �. apecial election is her�by ordered to be held in the manner provided by law, in sr�id City of Sain�t Paul, Minnesota, on tha 9th day of December 1969, f'or ti�.e purpo�e of aubmitting to the electors of said City the question of ratifying and adopting th� proposec� amendment to �he Charter submitted by said Charter C omm3.s s i on; and b�. i t F'urther Resolved, Th,at the special election shall be held in the 1.00 Flecti.on Pracincts of the 12 Wards of said City at t�ie places n�zned in the 'tList of Pollin�; Places�t an file in the Office of the City Clerk and Commissianer of Re�istration; and be it Furtner Resolved, 'I.'hat Par the fdxlowin� precincts the Ql.�etion shall be h�ld at tYz.e ;�lA�as de�i;nated outside tr�si.r precinct boundaries in acc��:raance �,�r th S�ation 203.0�3 �f.' t�ie Election Laws of the Str�.te of i�tinnesot�. : Ward I, Prec�. 3 - (3ur Redeemar Lutheran Ghurch Ward 1, Pret. 10 - New �arrison, School Ward 7, Prct. 3 - St. J'osephrs Academg Ward 7, Prct. 12 � I�i11 �chool Ward 7, Prct. 23 - ��ntral Hi�h Sehool Ward 8, Frct. 8 - "t. A�n�s School Ward 9, .Prcic. 2 - Hice St. Library Ward 11, Prct. 2� - Groveland Pk. Sehool; �n<a be it F'urther Resolved, Tha.t the City Clerk :is '.:�c�r�b� o.r�a.�r�c� �.nd directed to cause the f'�all �ext of said propos��. �.:r�ri�.�ment to be published as required by law once a +week for two weeks in a newspaper of general circul�.�3an in the City of Saint �'�a�1., �atiz�icl~�. n.�;��Qz�<��er shall h�.ve an aggregate re�u].ar paid circulatior� af at le�st twenty-five thousand copies �n.d which newspaper shall be printed and published in t he City of Saint Paul, viz : The St. Paul Dispatch, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �O UUPLICATP.TO PRINTER ��l^��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL Na. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTfON=--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT� the cost thereaf to be paid out of the Election �'xpense Fund of the General Fund; and be it Further F�esolved, That the Ci*y Glerk is hereby ordered to give notice of said eZac�ion in tho manner pravidsd by law, and that the registraticn records on f:ile in th� ;3�reau of ft�;istration �znd �lections a�' the City C1ark�s Of'fi�u w��a11 �L: ���ed as provided by 3.aw; and be it �'urther Resolved, That the City C1erk is hereby authorized, empowered and di�.•ected to �quin the saici pvlli.n� pl�ces anc� f'or su�h pur�ose the City C1ar7� is �ieraby authorizad ta en��.�;e the necessary labor �.nd skill and purcht�,se necessrzry toals anci materie�l, the cost and expense of the s�.me to be paid out of the Flection Fxpense Account of the General Fund; and be it �,irther Resolved, That thp C3.t� Clerk be and he h�reby is authorize� �zn� �zrect�d ta purcha.se and provide tY�e neaessary supplies required f�r �hc� s�.i�. e].ections, the costs ther�o� to be ��,id �ut af the �'lecti.on Exp�nse ?�ccount o�' �he G�ner�.l �'und; �.nd be �t 1� Fur�:;ar Resolvec3„ 'i'h�t the �arop�r C3.t,y officers ar� hereby authorized anc� directed co �repare the neaessary printin�, stationery and election sup,pli�s, i:ha cos�: thereof, tQ�ether �ri.t�i all tho expense of said elea�ion, to be pa.id out of �h� i°lecti�r. ?'����n�� Acec�unt of the General F�uxid; anc� be it Furtl2ar Rssolv�d, `I''nai th�; persans narn�:d or the list �n �'ile in �� "Cert3fication af �lection Jud�es'� binder in t?^e Office of the City Clerk and Commissa�oner of Registration are herebg appointed Judges of Election in said precincts in GornpZi��n.e� ��rith. �eei.on 203.21 of the Flecti�on Laws of tre State o�' Minne�sota; and be it Further Resolved, T'h.at the �ity G1erk is ��rc�b� �ut;?�oriz�d and directed to �iv� �uch natice and do whatever else �.s nac�ssary for the submission of said proposed amendment at said election in the manner prescribed by law; and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Holland __jn Favor Meredith Mayor Peterson A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �b5 DUPLICATP TO PRINTER � f:y R��� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL N�,, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF F'urther Resol.v�ed, That the City C1erk shall prepare a ballot str��ing the aforesaid question �n the manner prescribsd bg law; and be it FSurthe� ?2esolved, That th� Cit�y Clerk is authnrized to purchase and provide ths n�cessarg r3U.nj"'Z�"^ 9 1a'�or and material and to do whatever else is nece��ary f'or such special electior�, the cost thereof to be charged to the �lection Expense Account, Ch,arter Fund 19, said fund to be reimbursed. from Activ�.!:y 0961 0�' �t�.�.rter Fund 35. f � " k��� �s k+''".° . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - `'�s Carlson Dalglish � � Approved 19—__ Holland '� Tn Favor Meredith Peterson �, Mayor Tedeaco � Against Mr. President, Byrne O