246038 �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � 2���C�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � �� � COMMISSIONE DATF YHEREl1S, Section 18.02C of H3naesota atatute� 1965 a�thorize� municipalities, 3ncluding the G3ty of Saint Panl, whea recommendation therefor has been rece3ved by such City from the �om�issioner of Agri- cult�re of the State of Minne�ota, to appropriate money for the coa- trol of insect pe+�ts, plant di�sease�, bee d3seases, and destr�ctive or nuisaace ani�als; and MHEREAw, Such letter dated October l5, 1969, addressed to the Honorable Thc�as R. Byrne, l�ayor af S�3nt Paul, ha8 been received fro� Mr. xobert W. Carl�on, Com�is�ioner, Minnesota D�partmeat of Agricul- ture, approving the City's plan and program with respect to con�rol of Dutch elm disea�e; and YHEBEAS, Sectioa� 18.022 of �Iinnesota Statutes 1965 f�trther provide+s that in order to defray the cost of the aforement3oned actir- ities th� City may levy a special tax of not �o �xceed txc nills in s�ny year in excess of its 6harter millage 13mitation, mut not in any event of more than �0¢ per capita, with an ameadmea� which further provides that if, b��auBe of the prevalence of Dutch cslm ali:e�.se, th� Citq of Saint Paul is unable to defray the cost of coatrol activities authorized by this section of Kinne�ota Statutea with the limits se� by this subdiv3�ion, the 1ie�its �et by this subdivi�ion are increased to 4 �ills, but not in any event more than x1.0� per capita; now, therefore, be 3t BESOLVED, '�hat the Gouacil of the City of Sa3,nt Paul heraby de- termine� that within the aforeaaid lie�itation a budget of x184,897 �� recommended by the �ommis+aioner of Parks and 8eareation and P�b1ic Building� is hereby approved aad adopted by the Council, and the Coun- cil hereby levie� a t�.x in the amo�nt of Y205,739, 3ncluding shrinkage in the amouat cf �2,03?, and a reserve fund of �18,805;�`and be it FIIRTHBB R�SOLV�D, That the County Auditor is h�reby request�d to spread such tax levy s�s a �eparate item in said City'�s tax rate, and to report the same as a separate itear in each tax se�tle�ent to the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�C1GT 2 3 1969 19— Yeas Nays ���-� � � �969 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson Sprafk2 Mayor �Against Tedesco O�r� 2 5 ��s� Mr. President, Byrne ���5�� �i:'�'; i.�:.;.: ,'�ssL :rrp�.rai.�n ��is�e� � �p , . . . ,��� O �p BUREAII OF PARKS AND FORESTRY, 1224 N. Lexington, 55103, Phone 489-1606 ��CI •e •e e�O o e e • e e o o e o e e o 0 0 o e o • o� e e e o 0 o e o 0 0 • o o e e e e e e o e e o e e o e a O e e e e o o e e e a• e o � s• October 3, 196g To: Bernard L. Edmonds. Superintendent of Parks A, Fo Sterk, Assistant Superintendent of Parka From: Lloyd A, Burkholder, City Forester Subject: 1970 Dutch Elm Disease Control Program Cost . . a . . . e e e o e o o . a . . e e e e . e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dutch elm disease contiaues to be an sver-increas9.ng threat to St. Paul's elm tree population. This fatal and highly coramunicable disease increased from 55 confirmed diseased trees in 1968 to 163 confirmed cases in 1969. An additional 60 elm trees, growing wild on park properties along the Missisa- ippi River and showing disease symptoms, have been marked for winter removal and destruction. Dutch elm disease is caused by a fuagus and as yet no cure has been found. It can be controlled only by preventing infection of trees, and the fact mu�at be s�ressed that without control, the pattern of disease is exploeive in an upward spiral - more dying elms, more beetles, more infections - in a rapidly iacreasing ratio. St. Paul can continue to expect inereased elm losses. Factors influencing the rate of increase are: l. Failure of many St. Paul residents to realize the importance of elimin- ating sources of elm bark beetle breedin� materia�l from their proper- ties. Each year, elm survey inspectors must issue between 500 and 600 condemnations on dead elm trees, cut elm wood or brush, or elm stumps. which have tight bark adhering to them. These serve as potestial or actual sources for the breeding of elm bark beetles which transpiit the causative fungus. 2. The high population density of elm trees in St. Paul, and their closs proximity to one another. St. Paul has 57,520 boulevard elms, 5,200 elms in developed parks and golf courses, and 25,828 private property elms. Of the ?7,750 boulevard trees lining our streets, 57,5�0 ��4�) are elm trees. 3. Iacreased sources of infestation in the thousands of elms growing wild along the rivers and other undeveloped areas which are iaaccessibleefor good sanitation control procedures. 4. �te can expect that restrictions placed on the use of DDT will hamper chemieal control effortso The effectineness of DDT as a chemical coa- trol for the Eurcapean and native elm bark beetles is not in dispute; however, its use is becoming more and more controversial. -1- F St. Paul's Dutch elm disease control program as such is designed to hold their iacreased elm losses from reaching epidemic proportions, and allow for a controlled transition of elms to a more diversified plantin� of other spe- cies. The pro�ram must be flexible and offer alternatives to meet the dif- fering needs within the control area. New methods of control are being tested and are reported from time to time in various publications, as though the elm prablem has been solvede How- ever, as of now, the only proven and practical method of control is the same method we have been usiag - intensified to meet our present situation. This imcludes prompt detection and remonal of diseased trees; elimimation of all possibl� beetle breeding material; a discriminate spring application of methoxychlor in areas of disease incidence; and the use of root graft con- trol where necessary. I. SURVEY Purpose � To detect actual or potential sources of breeding sites of � elm bark beetles and trees suspected of Dutch elm disease. 1. Provide for an early spring and continuous summer sys- tematic citywide surveys for diseased elms, dead and/or dying elms, and cut elar wood on public and private prop- erties. 2. Provide for rechecks and complianee of condemnation no- tices issued to private ownerse Collected samples from suspect trees are sent to the State Department of Agri- culture laboratory for testing. 55•44 square miles - three 2-man crews. Labor - 3 tree trimmers - total 24 months e .eo.oee. . a. �18,790v00 3 Park Aide II - total 250 days. . e .. . . .ovo.oe . 3,180,00 Equipment-(Operating Cost) 3 pickup trucks - total 400 dayso. ..ovevo.ee . e 2,000.00 O�re�r_head -Supervision, typing, mailing, records, forms, etco , . .e.... .eee..e .veaoe .oe .o .vova . oe 4�800.00 Total oevoe . > eesoee > ° e . eeee . 00< . aaoo .e . . voeooaveoeesevoo $28,770000 -2- II. SPRAYING ANID ROOT GRA��' CONTROL Purpose - To provide chemical protection of healthy elm trees in areas of incidence in such fashion that disease carryix�� beetles will be destroyed before they inoc- ulate the trees, and treatment where necessary to prevent spread of disease by root grafts. Materials - 20 - 50 �allon drums (1,000 �als. ) Methoxychlor @ �3.00 per gale e .va ... .e .< .. e..eve� 3,000.00 30 galse Vapam @ $3.60 per gal. ee. .ee.... ..e .. .. 108000 Labor � '3 tree trimmers � tOt.A�. 75 days •oeeee �e �e •eoe�� e z�70���� 6 groundsmen - total 154 days . .vo . ... e.o .o ... . . e 5,250.00 Ec�ui�ment - (Operating cost) 3 Roto-Mist Sprayers - total 480 hours a .e .. .ee.. 1,840.00 3 pickup trucks - total 480 hours .a . e. ee. .e .. .o. 300.00 Total . . ...... . o ... a .e. .e .a .ee. e. 000e. 00e. .... .. e.eoso. .ee.� 13,198.00 III. SANITATION Pur�ose - To provide for the prompt removal of diseased trees and the elimination of all possible beetle breeding material on public properties. Breeding sources of elm bark beetles are: le Elms dead or dying from any cause whatsoever. 2e Dead and broken elm branchese 3e Cut or fallen elm wood with tight barke Labor - 1 foreman - total 26 weeks eee .o °ee. . vosoe ° oe . °oo� 5,292.00 Aerial Tower Crew 2 tree trimmers - total 104 weeks avo .e .. . e .aoo.. 18,�70,00 1 groundsman - total 52 weeks ooeevoeeee° 000 . o.ee 8,916v00 2 truck drivers - total 78 weeks ° o° eoee> oo . . vao. 12,633v00 1 park aide - total 26 weeks voaa . e.° 000e . evo >o .o 2,756000 Cliarbin�Crew and Stump Re�aovals 3 tree trimmers - total 52 weeks e .aeoee > .. o .oa. e 9,385•00 3 �roundsmen - total 52 weeks o ... ee .e.osovo . .ee . 8,916.00 1 truck driver - total 26 weeks avoe. oseeevee .eee 4,211.00 _3_ � Equipment - (Operating cost) Aerial truck, Prentiss Loader, bruah chipper., chipper truck, tandem truck, stump chipper, vacuum truck, dump truck, power saws ... ..... ... ... � 24,500.00 Removal of 125 dead or dying elms by general trimming crews, charged to Dutch elm disease ($80 per tree) .............. ...... ....... ...... . .. 10,000.00 Bulldozer contracting for brush disposal land fill at Hidden Falls Park ... . ....... . .. ...... 6,000.00 _.__ Total .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. ° ee < . < .. e . . . .. . . e . . . . . .... .. . . . . .. . . .. $111,379•00 Iv. ADDITIONAL E�UIPMENT 1 Aerial Tower ............ ................ .... .... 17,000.00 1 Tandem Truck ............. • •......... ........ .... 13,000.00 2 Chain 5awg ........ ..... .... ........:..... . .... 550.00 Stumper teeth, ehipper bladea, BSW �'i��.A� and parta •������i������������� �����• �Q�0��0 . ........ Toeai . . .... . . . . . . . . . e . . . .. ..e . . e .� .. . . . . ... . . .. .. ... .. . . .... � 31,550.00 SUMMARY �- I. - Survey .. . ... . .. .. ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . .. . .. .. . . $ 28,770.00 II. Chemical Controls . .. .. .. .. ....... .................. . .. 13,198.0� III. Saaitation ........... ............. . ................ . .. 111�3?9.00 IV. Additiona�. Equipment ..•...........••.................. 31�550•00 V. Reserve Futtd .. . ..... . . ..... ........ ....... ............ 18.��.00 Grand Total . . . . . ... . . . .. .. .. ... . .. ... . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . ... $243,702.00 City Population 313,411 Control program cost per eapita •59 Reserve �tnd� �06 .65 per capita � �4- . s ` PARK DEPARTMENT, CITY OF STo PAUL, MINNESOTA 196g DUTCH ELM DISEASE REPORT (As of Septearber 29-1969> O o e O O O o o O O e O O a o 0 0 o e O o 0 0 o O o O o o O O O o O o O O o O O e O O O I� SURVEY 275 Samples Taken 163 Positive Samples 33 Negative Samples 3 Verticillium ?2 Dothiorella 4 Heavy Sooty Mould Condemnations City Property Other Pro�erties 58 Positive Cases 105 Positive Cases 225 Dead or Dying Elms 112 Dead Elms 60 Ax Survey - wild elms 211 Cut Elm wood piles 141 Elm Stumps IIa SANITATION Z83 Condemned elm trees removed 1,797 Elm trees received special sanitation with removal of dead woodo IIIv SPRAYING 3,413 Elms received a dormant spray application -Fall 1,660 elms -Spring 1,75 elms 3, 13 Total 26 Locations treated for root graft control Disease Incidence in Ste Paul Year No. of Pos. Cases 1961 0 . e o . . o o . . . e e v . o . o e 1 1g62 . . o . . o . . . . o o e a . . e e > o 1963 . . o e . e . o e e a e e a . . o . 0 8 1964 . o e . o e . . o . o e . o o e a . . 3 1965 0 . . e . . > e o e o 0 0 0 o e e e e 2 1966 e , . . , e a o e e e o > e e e o . . 8 1967 . a . e . . e . . . . . o 0 0 . . e e 8 1968 . ° o . o . vao . o . aova . e > 55 1969 0 . . o o e . . . . e o o a . e e a o 163 a Butch Elm Disease Summary: 1. SURVEY � $ 28,770.00 2. CHEMICAI, CONTBOL5 13,198.00 3. SANITATION 111,379.00 4. ADDITIONAL EQIIIPMENT 31,550.00 5. RESERVE FUATD . 18 L805.OQ Total Budget (Appropriation) $ 203,702.00 Shrinking Fund 2,0�7.00 Tax Levy � 205,739.00 ��TY POP�TLATION 313,411 CONTROL PROGR,�M COST PEI� CAPITA .59 RESERVE FIIND .06 � .65 PER CAPITA oct. 23, 1969 Hon. Thamas K�lley County Aud3toar Court House `----� Dear Sir: /— � , � , Attached her�to is a certified copy � Cour�ci File No. 2�+6038 adopted tod�y, requeeting you to s� e,d a t evy in cor�ectian with the con�ral oP Autch elm dise�s in t ity o� Saint Pa,ul' as m�ore full,y set out in the resolut`.�o . �' ---��``� ��� Very truly youre, � �� '. � �I � ; ' City Clerk � � ,�--� � �� , : I'��� ��;; k , � r ` /, V R �"�....__� � �-._.._��