246022 . 24so�2 ORIOINAL TO COUNCIL NO• ��*����K CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE � APPROPRIATION TRAPISFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER �HARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY _ � �'�`_Y _ COMMISSIONE DATF 19 R E S O L V E , 7H� T THi� FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABL,E DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROV[DED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WH[CH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. Detention & Corrections Authority 0871-100 Woodview - Salaries 4,000.00 0871-200 " - Contractual 4,000.00 0872-100 Totem Town - Salaries 300.00 0872-800 " " - Equipment 300.00 YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS �;� ��, 1969 C�ZSOTl ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� -19 • Dalglish - � � � 1��� Meredith APPROVED �` ' �s _ �IN FAVOR Peterson Sprafka J A MAYOR GAINST Tedesco /��/_//f COUNTERSIGNED BY � �--ll ' � � CIT COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT 1969�� � � PUBLiSHE� OG� 2 � �„-. � --- --- _. ._ . r �46022 Notice CITY OF ST. P9UL Council File i�?o. to NIIv'�ESGTA r, � Printer ' COUI4CIL R:,SOLL�'ION 19 RESOL��D, t::at the transfers T�ithin funds of the various �ity De.p�rtments . ' heretofore ar�proved rr,� the Cit;- Comptroller, as suc:� transfers of funds as of OCT 2 2 1969 axe indicated in documents attached hereto arxl made a part h�reof by reference, as fully as if the same were set forth fully and completely herein, are hereby approved, copies of the aforementioned also being on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk and in tha office of the City Ccmptroller. ��� �� �� Adopted by the Council 19_ Cit Ccm troller ��� `� �� �.�'�i'� Y P Approved 19" By � PuB�isFi�� QCT 2 5 1969