03-944CITY Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized 2 and directed to request SCORE state recycling grant funds from 3 Ramsey County in the amount of $551,217 in 2004, for support of 4 the citywide curbside and multi-famil� recycling collection 5 programs conducted under contract with Eureka Recycling and 6 Macalester Groveland District 14 Community Council; AND 7 8 FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order to expand collection service in 9 2004 to weekly two-stream collection of recyclables with 10 plastic bottles (all fibers in one bin and all rigid containers 11 in another bin), the City Recycling Service Fee in 2004 shall 12 be $24 per unit in residential buildings with one to three 13 units; and $16 per unit in residential buildings with four or 14 more units, and condominiums, for support of the citywide 15 curbside and multi-family recycling collection programs 16 conducted under contracts with Eureka Recycling and Macalester 17 Groveland District 14 Community Council. 18 19 2a z� 22 23 24 25 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved b��I�i�yor: �ate �� Council File # ��' L'l�"l RESOLUTION Green sheet # 106420 1� PAUL, MINNESOTA `�L- --_ \Z By: �" 4�' Fo Approved by City Attorney By: �jcSG� U-C..�'1 Appx,ove� Ay Mayor for SubmYFS�on to CgRncil ! / r f / ! n // By: Adopted by Council: Date 1,_�.��__� /\'2 G.L� D@PARTMEM/OFRCF'JCOUNCIL ATEINITIATED v, � �� , rub��� wo�� 9-22-2003 GREEN SHEET NO. 10 •" CqNfACT PERSON & PHONE IIJITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE — a. R1C1{ PBLSOD 266-6122 �� �OEPAR"fMENr DIR � CI7Y COUNCIL NUb1BERPoR QCITYATTORNEY � CITYCLERK .� MUS'�BEONCAUNCILAGENDABV(DA'fE� HOUfING �BUDGEfDIRECTOR � FlNSMGT.SERVICESDIR rv IZ/IIO3 ORDER O�YOR(ORASSIST Oe FMSA¢amfvg TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATUFiE� t�ASSOC�ATE _ 2QDEPARTMEMA � ACT70N RE�UESTED Resolution setting Ra:ycling Service Fee in 2004, at $24 per unit in residential buildings with one to three units; and $16 per unit in residential buildings with four or more units, and condominiums; and requesting $551,217 SCORE grant funds; for support of curbside and multi-family recycling collection programs under contracts with Eureka Recycling and Macalester Crroveland District 14 Co mmunity RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprwe (A) or Fleject (R) PERSONAI SEHVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLANNINGCAMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 7_ HasthispersoNfirtneverworkeduntleraconhactforthisdepartmentt CIBCOMM�rtEE _ YES NO �� , 2 Has this persoNfirm ever been a cify employEe? - — — YES NO _ oi57aici cOUNCi� — 3. Does this persorUfirm possess a skill not normall �� y possessed by any current ary employee? SUPPORTSWNICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and altaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WHY). ' Joint Powers agreements between City and Ramsey County for county collecfion of recycling service fee on behalf of city and SCORE funds are in place. � ADVANTAGESIFAPPPOVED. City will expand service in 2004 to weekly two-stream collection of recyclables with plastic bottles (all paper , in one bin and all rigid containers in another bin), resulting in a projected increase of 3,000-4000 tons collected per year. ' OISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � � None ocr u ;� �ao� �;C('1' AT�T�€��1�" DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: City could not expand recycling services in 2004 as planned. ��� ��� �,���� ��o�� OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $2 750 000 COST/REVENUE BUUGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) VES No FUNDING SOURCE SOlid WaStO arid RP.CyCllrig Fuild ACTIVITY NUMBER 324�1 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Joint Powers Agreements with Ramsey County cover 100 percent of the costs of the recycling program.