245986 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK 2459�6 " CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ° OUNCIL �O UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � t.J . COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 275(a) of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has submitted to the City Comptroller a report showing the total cost of sprinkling, oiling, and flushing to be in the amount of �985,000.00, and a copy of such report has heretofore been delivered to the County Auditor of Ramsey County, together with a certification of sprinkling, oiling and flushing rates; and WHEREAS, In said report, pursuant to the provisions of said Section 275(a) of the City Charter, said amount of �985,000.00 is reflective of the requisite assessment for sprinkling, oiling and flushing of City streets and public ways as nearly as the same can be ascertained, in front of lots or parcels of land fronting on said improvements ordered sprinkled, oiled or flushed by the Council during the year 1969; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the assessment for sprinkling, oiling and flushing, as nearly as can be ascertained, in front of lots or parcels of land fronting on said improvements ordered sprinkled, oiled or flushed during the year 1g69, in the amount of �985,000.00, is hereby approved; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to deliver to the County Auditor of Ramsey County a certified copy of this Resolution. QPR°v� U�Se\ G 0 P�.�<. CP�Q°cat�o� OCT 21 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��7- 21 1969 Carlson Dalglish / Approved 19— Meredith " Tn Favor � �'�Il 1 Sprafk2 �IQf!'/� Mayor Tedesco -�-Against .. ,,,.�,.,�-�e ege; z: �` ,� ����t, `�� `'') Mr. Vfce President ( e eraon PU�LISHFO �CjT �� �<7�3� �� qUADRUPLICAT6 TO D�ARTMRNT 24598� t CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �i���� ��'�+ � �� ��#Y����� �� s�Qt�O� ����� �t �� �b�rtos of t�wr C#i�r of 8ii�tt Pasl t�ur C�si�sioa�rr af P�tblls �orka l�t� ntDri t t�d tef t�a C!�j► C�ptere�l�r � s'�lpert a�orl,� ti�r to t�►1 �t oi �rprtakl�� ailt�, eu�as tix�ht� to 4o ia tb! +��st Q!' �9eS�000.�, �t�d � �r�r ei � r+�#�rt �a►� 'lu�rs+�el+�rs ir� d�1 it�sra� to t� �o�nt�r httiit�r of l�anr�r C.�nnqr�r, f►o�+�t�� witl� • e�r�liieratir�i o! sprini�2las, eili� aal� i3�hi� rw��s; a�i �'HEB�, Ia s��d t��t�ri, �urauutt � t�r �l�er►�,��,+� ot Mid 8.�tieo 873te) �t t�Ae cit�r c�r��r, ..is ..�rwt +�t �9��,o0C�.oct i, ret3�ti� ot t�r+s r�sq�itit� ss��sa��t �o�c spsinklio�, oi]�i� aa�i tl�sl�i� ot Cit� •tr�+r�a �sd p��i• �rr a� nr�rl' a� ths �rsa +� D� a�e�rt�ined, in fron� �f l�ts o�r �ar�i�i oi' la�M fr+�atia,f ait Mid f�►s�or+�ria� os�d��i rpri�lN, vi1�A or #1tisL►�d b� tha �o�il Q�qr'i� t�!!� �►�at 19bq; �te�, thsTlta�xwt, � ii �1�OL�r* tdst t�a usa�uat !or rpri�i�, eili� ud ilv�t�i. as ��ws�l� as oru[ Dt ss�rtai��d, !a tro�t oi lo�• or �ata�l• +�t lar�ri tsoatis� oa oaia i.sprroY�t�tta� �rd�r�t •p�risiclyd, oil�d or llu�liwd �urf� tb� rssr 1�i69, ip t� �t of �48�►,0�1.f�0, i• hsr�DT �►Pp�rdt�; Ds it �'tTR't'�'�� ��t��.Yt�, �hat th� City CI�rY ls h�r�dy dir�v�mci to d�1�Y�r to tiu Co�ty At�tit►mr of �taru��► Cv�ty a e�sttfl�d +�opy' oi t�ti• Re�lution. �T 21 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � OCT 21 196g CarLson � Dalglish �� Approved 19.— Meredith _�� Favor $ate�ae�r--- O S�,rafkz. Mayor Tedesco ASainst :::�.. � �:. •,�,�,�;�i�l Mr. Vice Presideat�(Peterson) °�� Oct. 21, 19h9 Iion, Thomas Kelley County 4u�itor ;--- C�urt House �\ Dear Sir; The City Cauncil directed mc t cnd you attached certiPied ctapy of Conncil Fi1.e N�. 2�+5� dppted toc�ay, pertaining �o the assessment :Por sprinkling, oilin�nd f shing, during the year 1969, in the amount of $g�i��000, a \ , re Pull;,r set out therein. � � � � \ Very truly yours, \ � / / f City Cler►� n� ��"�-� `\.._....�-'' ,� %�� I � � � � .�.� i '°-----�