245984 ORIGINAI�f0 CITY CLHRK 2459,g[� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U C � R OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF � RESOLVED, That the proper City Officials axe hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul an application to the Land Co�aissioner of Ramsey County for the conveya.nce of certain tax forfeited lands described as follaw�s: Except the west 58 feet; Block 13, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition for use by the City of St. Pa.ul for park and recreation purposes. OCT 21 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��T � � �9f� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Q Tn Favor / Eeter�-- Sprafka /at/A� Mayor Tedeaco —�Against ��,��ii���::::�:"`� PU�tISHED QCT 2 5 1969 Mr. Vice Yresic�ent (Yetersou) � � , �30�Rn or . a`�'Sy� �_. � 7 ��1�"Y�E Y ClJ'F V 1\� 1 ��J�17�1�������� OFFICE S1ATE UI" MINNLSOTA OF THE CLERK THOMAg J, KELLEY THOMA9 R. BYRNE ARTHUR T. GIBBON3 � COUNTY AUDITOR . . �. � GMAIRMAN F_ GEORCiE A. HARDENBER6H � JOHN E. DAUBNEY F20Y P. NADEAU 132 COUR7 HOUSE . MRS. DONALD M. DE COURCY ED SALVERDA SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA � � � • 55102 � a i i ; s' � . � November 4, 1969 E Refer to County Board File 434-218 � � � � � � i Commissioner of Taxation Centennial Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 • Dear Sir: Forwarded herewith is an application of the City of St. Paul for conveyance of tax forfeited land described as: "Except the west 58 feet Block 13, Anne E. Ramsey's Addition" which is needed for the development and construction of a park and recreation site. This application was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on November 3, 1969 as evidenced by the certified copy of the resolution of the Board of County Commissioners attached to the aforesaid appli- cation. If this application meets with your approval, will you please forward the State Deed to Thomas J. Kelley, County Auditor. Yours very truly, THOMAS J. KELLEY, County Auditor By J. D. Swan, Executive Secretary JDS:hr Attach. ' � CC: arry Marshall, City Clerk � , �, `; � . , . j � � ; i � � , ; �� (;(i iJ iI C.I l. �p`�y . �. ,. . . . , .. . . ,.,�_ FILE t Y V.�_ ::r,. _ Grf�f:..,� OF T'Ff� C11"Y CLERI: Y. CC�Uh�:�.?!. f:E��uLU�'f4h'---C�NLi�iL FOf:P�I �V�'`ti�`�. ����1�. PRF.SEtlT[D GY ,,,.�.�a COF.SPAISSIUN[R —_ DAT �i'^"�w Yz�� ----- - � � . '�','� �c .. y .� ,..., � �.. . • , �. ..:a -.. ..� . .�� . !,, r . y, p r: -� t� !' �#t'°,,, �' �`D� '•• ? � ,�w !b. � � �..�..�.�., s..t�..:,.J 9 :, �., L .�.c V. t/..4 F+L.:.. �...•v sJ.;..�....:> .:.. a �..t L. E.:'....�`�`;,�y ..�� l�: �.:lY'.i.t,f�..� ' . �.ti', ,•��,! •i�°.:� t�rr�:::-,,.e �� 1• ,,.,�� � �.��,v� � °•;�' �' r'u:.2�4 F�:t,3. �:� � . .�..1';4:r u.. 1;�...�..f. 2. �i.+. t� < 1.r��i✓ � L.. a. 4��yj t�.�G���..:i L:� 4..}.�. ..�S :"r>t c [' �....�:� '� .'!.} '1!-.'�`1 1'�- � l'� Jl.� � . 3,'.' �.�. . ._u. .�' _ C-� s _.ry E;C.•,S:'1ir� .t'Jw' i:,aw�. (°:�::`d�';y'f%:Cti�.' t.� C'.�3. G"4'�«?.:� :r:�.'^.� ��:'""3�.G�i;:.':.� �.._�i:.:�.`.7� C��'`.>'t":�.'",�i.2.:L:"'��. �'� �C3�.�.s.N:)a: � � . �:'Z Jt.4.,�.y �..a, f', "+.ar.t.• �•'t a.'-`.Gf�i 4.' _ �i'�.:;.{`i .J 3.'..w 4.� ,�.:.]v�'if ,�9 fl '^;y��:' g .t�r 1. . � , Y;'t3;;� .'r''..�. 5;;�� �Y� :� �...�Z£$4�ry.,;� �3�° tc��: t�y i:��e E: ��;{ ;.-� :�-�. �a�.i. z"c:��� ;�;�t,.. �sJ�3 a•�v�°c��w�i��3 ���. ,;;:��:. . � �� � �A ' °.� V.R.,. `r„� �.a + d.a . R , - - y �5'�.`�. r9��' .� -, ., , c , .. � ._ .� �� i'�;s��:� a-.j � � � _� ,�, - ; �,� �,��� _.�_- s �a_ � _�aet ��c e:£ .��� (,c3 . ���!>�.+V� J�' ���"� � �� ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by tfie Council 19— Yeas Na3's . �- ;�:- �: � �t;�:� Carlson -�:__',:., ; :°, � s,.-�1 Dalglish Approved 19�_ ' Meredith —1n Favor P�.tar.soxi— Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco j"Mr Preaident,�Byrne . .. l��Y'. �►�l�+l Y�:._�.....v:.0 �i c.�.,taJi:� . ' �65 ,l , u� !�epartmFnt of Taxati.on Forni No. 9`l. APPL I CATIO�� [3Y GQVERi���1�:�d7AL SU[3U I`J I S I C; FOR COI�V�Y%�dCE UF TAX—FORFE I TED LAt�DS Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 232.01, Subdivision I. ,�, � �r �+t�t�� In the liatter oP Lhe Application '����`� Of ['i-t,ar nf' �� Pc1.LL�. ��� �� ��2�� a Goveriimental �abdivision, for a ��` Conveyance of Certain Lands. , `�„� cot��es now The City of St. Paul� a municipal corporation and alleges: (Name oY subdivision) i. Tnat applicant is a (a) m�icipal corporation in Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. 2. That (b)�.dched he.reto is a resol.ution of the City C.oun�i] of the Gitv of St. Paul fo.r. ac�uisition of the ]and hereinaft�r described 3. That there is situated in the County of Ramse.y � certain tax-forfeited land described as follows: (c) Except the west 58 feet; B].ock 13, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition 4. �t,at said lands are (ct)�e�essary and desirab e for development of a park and recreati.on site. 5. That a�,plicnnt desires to obtain said land for the following purposes and reasons: (e) dPVP.IO�ment and ennGt.ri�e+,inn nf t�ark anc� rPrrwai-.inn �;+o VYherefore applicant prays that said lands be conveyed to it for the use stated herein. . Gi of St. Paul - By ��.+��'! , A h ayor . . � and _ �-v� /� �,�L� its City erk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) s s. CQUNTY OF R�sey ) Thomas R. Bvrne and Harry E. hiarshall each being first duly sworn, depose and say, eACh for himself, that they are respectively the Mavor ana. Cit.y Clerk of the Cit.y of St. Pa,ul ; that they have read the foregoing application and know the contents thereof; ///a���nd that the matters stated therein are true. / ' � �� � �- / r� �l� Subscribed� d swor to before me thisy��7 L< day o f C�����✓�' , 19� � (� � , �' �--� � Notary public, .� County� biinn. My Commis si on Expiras�. ,J� , „ ,,, „ ,, , , . _. `�, . ��.� l,J..�'i�i�$iJ1 �%:f.��...+ r.P�'��. .^..J� 1�`�'S. (a) State facts relative to le�al organization. ^c Ib) State facts showing authorization of acquisition oP land hereinafter described, by resolutiou of governing body or by voters, as the case may require, attaching copies of resolutions, if any. (c) Show name oY Governmental Subdivision in which land is situated. (d) Describe nature of lands, use oY surrounding property and oiher similar lacts. (e) Give statement as to the specific use to be made oY such lands. ... . . ' - ., RESOLUTION OF COUNTY BOARD UPO� APPLICATION W'HIItEAS the County Board of Kamsey county, Minneso a h�s ex�u d into the allegations of the applicatio:� of Clty Of S't. j�2=�1], dated ���' 17� 1� � 19_, for the conveyance of certain lands therein described; now, Therefore, be it resolved by the County Hoard of_ Ra.7►1S�Y County� biinnesotA, that it hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be _ �ranted. � County Board of said County. STATE 0'_ ';:I\NESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KamsCY � � _ � . ,.._ � - I� J.- D. Swan, Deputy � , county auditor and clerk of the County Board of RarnG�� County, Minnesota, hereby certif� that I have compared the foregoing copy of resolution of the County Board of said county with the original record thereof in the minutes of the proceedings of said board at a meeting duly held 9 N o'� � i q 6 y � 19 � and that the same is a ',true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, urxi that said resolution was duly adopted by said board at said meeting. I further certify that the application referred to in said resolution is hereto attached. Wi tness my hand and seal ,this_��day of � �!p o� � 19 69 ThOMAS J. KELLEY . . C Auditor and Clerk of the County Board. , By Deputy �� R3TRSC County, Minnesota. II OFFICE OF THE COj4riISSIONER OF TAXATION St. Paul, Minn., 19 IJpon due consideration of the within application it is ordered that the same be and it is hereby GRANTID REJECTED. Commissioner of Taxation ' By ___-_— , { � F S : � � +