245975 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK f��Q�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N�,. � v . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LzC�ts� Co1��r� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE DATF Qctober 21# 1969 RESOLVED: That Application K�14301 for the '�ransfer of �n Sale I,iquor License No. 7549, E�Piring January 31, 1970, issued to the Park Larqes! Inc. at 616 C�mo Avenue, be and t�he same is hereby transferred to S�dale� Incorporated at the same address. ON SALE LTQ,UOR ESTABLISHMENT `i'x.ANSFER (Licensees� - Informally approved by Council October 9� 1969 pGT 21 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �,.r 21 1969 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith f� Tn Favor -�– C� +o,.��- Sprafk� �B�q� Mayor V A gainst Tedesco ,:o:����� ��: �x.�?��.. .:' Puet�st+�� OGT 2 5 196g� iV�r. �'i;ee Preeidrat (Petecefln) �� �� t C..� =. � 59' 7 S ���•�� CITY OF ST. PAUL f ' APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE � � Application No Name of Applican � .�� ' Ag .__ _� _•�.�._ � .. . .... ... .... _.._....._...__......... �_�..�...�._..........�.. _...... � .__ . . . ........ ......_ _-- �--- ftesidence Address....._�°..1..�.....�,��:�... _..:. '__.�u`._.��...��.................. Telephone No..y.��7.-...F.�..��..1 Areyou a citizen of the United Statea?_._._...._.. _.�l_...-----_...._._.._...._..._....-•----__.._..._---........__._.........._................_.._..................._._...._._ Have you ever been engaged in operating saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? .....---...�1"�.�...D........................................._..._..._............._...___-•------.._.....__..__.._._..........----.._..._....__._....._........._...._......._.............._...._....__---.......__....._.....__...._....._ Whenand where 7......................._----....----........._.._...._._._.........._..._...._...__..................................................._..._....._....__.__._---�-- ._ If corporat' �give name�d neral p�e of corporation.--•-:•---.----..____...______._..__...._................_....�.._......_...._..._..___ : , ,p� . ._......._._._...._ _.. ..__...-.......,�<,�....---.- ... ......� ._.._.__�........__._._._._..__...__........_...........__........_..._.._..._._._ ._._._______ . __ . ....,�-� Whenincorporated?......_._.._...._...._----_...._.._.__.._._____.....__._..._.._................._..._._....___------•...._.__...._..._....___......._...._.........._...._..._.... _..__�___ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters Yor club members?....._.._..._.._....._...._ __..............._. Howmany members?......................._._.__...._.._......_...._.._.__.._...._...._........_ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . . . . . . .,. . '�t�..�.......-.. ..�..��.,�u�'`r�r�-�.'�d�y7`_.....�..___._. .._..�^.........._._�j_._ �.-��,���r_~/���...�� �.. ......... . ..... .. _.�����....�...�............-..��«�-...........�...._..._ .......-------_....s�- - - --�����....���� � ��� Na e and add sses of Sto l�olders: � �`�... .:��...�7�,�.��.�-.''`_.":..::....�..__..__.._._____.... s.��- ---- -----------�-�,���_��.�f��.�.�i/� _ __..._..._ ` � i ,, „ ii ... ...........:... ....�...... . ..............:........._...---......_---_.._--�--�--_..._......__..1.G..—_........-�---��-......_............._...t......-•--�•-------_...._...._...._...__...............-----•--`�`-��.�_ . .•-••-•-...........••-.....••-•••••••_-••-•...._....._...._._._..._•••_••- ................••••••••.... .. . ........_. _........••••-••..... ._................_.._ . _..... • ....._.. .......,,. � .z�� Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known....... `- � -�� - � �• .. ........... .._.... ...................--�--....._..� Number Street Side Between What C oss Stree'ts Ward 6 / �o ' (` ,l-��� �l�G�� ' il1�GG� �' : �� L.�a/ . . . � • : : : y�, � How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured alo�,n'g/streets) ?.....��,/.�......_.._.._........._..._...., How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?..........,l.��Y....._._...._..................._..___.._....._..._...._...._.._...__.. _...._ How many feet from close blic o parcehial grade or high :chool ( easured along streets) ?�!�l..�::�......... � . �) y Name of closest achool...._- --�.. . ............/l.����?•...Y.......��`:¢7.:?�..........._........__...._...._...._................_...._...._........_..... How are premises classified und Zoning Ordinance?.....�....................................................................__.._...._.---_..�..__.-----_.__...._...._..._......._ . _....................___...................-�--�-•------...--�- -- -• ,,, On w hat ftoor located?................:...s'�✓.-•.... ..��. --. ... ..._......---....... ....._..._.............-�-��,�� Are remises owned b ou or leased..���..If leased ive n N Y Y � • ----��-• � ame �f �wne�..-�-•----_..._. ................_�....._....._.... Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?.......................................................................••---..........._......_._......................_...._................_.-•-•--•---•--.............---•--._.------ Ifhotel, seating capacity mai� din' rnom?....._...__.......�................................................................•----_...._..----..............----._....._----.....•_-------...._........._ Give trade na��e-------------- ----GZ:�.---/���--------------�----------------------------•-----�------------•- , ----�----------••----------•---••-------- -------�--------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ......... ......,,,.,, ... ............................._....� ._.__...._ .._ _......---........_�_._..._.....--�--_._...................._.........._...._...._.........._._...__.._._.._.. . y � .�-1.' ................................� ...(.'......:....._...�.�..���?�......._. -��......................._���C�L�.._.._..._�_.._---__.._....................__..._._....._ ..........................._......................_.......-�-�---.._.......------__...__.._...._.........--�----�--..._......_...............................................__................................_.._----..._............_............................................ ............. .............. ............................................................�-�--......................................__.............._...._.......---.................-�---._..........----�-�--...............-�---._...._.............---........._-----..__ (The informatioa above mnat be given for hotela and reatauranta which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooma in hotel?................._..w.-:................._........_................_...._---......_.............._................_._......_...._.---.............._..__.._._...._...... _ Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)...._..._.—.::......._....._........_.._........____......__..._..__...._.........._..._...__.___ Give na and addresses of tt�,ree bu�iness referenc •___._ .. mes} , _ , _....... ._�... ...._...._.........._.._..._.........--.................__ � � . .._ 1 �._�:?�'�x��c.�' ��n� �- . rrf ' U�-��.._..._..._....... .�` �.�....�!'E�7....���...`.cML/� ....._..._� _�_._.1......��/��Ge.°�dt�.. ...._:.:.._.._......_..._........__..._..._......_.._..-••........_.•••••-_ 2 _ ,,.. . _. ._. .. � __ ...... ._..._ .........._. ... _..._ ......._._......-•-.._...._...._....__.._................•-•••••-•••••--__ s.. .�..�.-_�...?�.���'._..��..�.���_ ��.����-!�.�....�:�____._..._... ._____...._...._.........._.........._........... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORP08ATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE COR,PORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE � sTA� oF�nvrrESar�, COUNTY OF R.AMSEY, sa. ...._._..... . bein8 lirat dn1Y s�►orn. deposea and says that he has read the foregoing application and lrnows the contents thereof�and that the same ia true to the beat of his knowledge, information and belie�. Subscribed and awoi+n to before me thia.._.._...._._...__.day of___..._.�.._.._....____ 19 ........._.__....._..._..._.._....__._...__ _.. _..._ Notary Public, Ram$ey County, Minn. My commission expires....._....--•--.__.__....___..._...__.._.__ STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, gg' S r.-:e--.._..._.__...._.._.._..__. .._being 8ret duly sworn, _._.........._...._.._...._..._...._...._...._....._.._...`.�_ . _._._—..---_._._..---•-- ---.. deposes and says tha�.......�_1!� thp ••��!�'e'�. of....._...._..._...._...�..._..�.......�...:�._..---_.�.--- ...._...._...._.._..___._.._. .._____..� ,a corporation; that............................._...........��..—.._..:..._.....haa read the foregoing application and knows the contenta thereof,and that the saine is true to the best of..........._...._....��..._..........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the seal af8xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was aigned� aealed and eze- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Boaxd of Directors, and said application and the execution thereaf is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. . �� .........�..-- ..----.._.... _�'� ��...���-� .�� Subscribed and sworn to before me this.................�_....._....day of..._---��•--•-----_.._.._..19� _...__........._.7_.__.... . .�--- - -- --------__......_.. . - - ---. No Public, ftamsey Cou , Minn. My commission expirea....__.._...._._..__....___...._ ,. . - - , r^ ,n. f: __, ,� � .�. i. '