245965 . _. _ _ ;,�.
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COUNCIL FILE N0. � �`�����'"
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By �
File No L � �
E In the Matter of �
• -- __-_-.._---- _----- ----------------__ __---- --__ _-___--.-- -
-- -- . . - - - �
��Rs radin an
$ g d surfacing with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and
gutter, concrete curb, concrete sidewalk, concrete driveways, an ornamental light- '
iag sqstem, and do all other work which is necessary and incidental to co�plete
F - said i�provements on the follawing streets: G1904
Aurora Ave. from Oxford St. to Victoria St.
� guller Ave. from Lexington Pkwy. to Victoria St. �?j
- Carroll Ave. fram Oxford St. to Avon St.
` Iglehart Ave. from Lexington Pkwy, to Avon St.
� Hague Ave. from Lexington Pkwy, to St. Albans St.
� Laurel Ave. fram Lexington pkwy, to Grotto St. -��
s Ashland Ave. from Lexington Pkwy to Grotto St.
;: Oxford St. from Selby Ave. to Concordia Ave.
� Chatsworth St. fram Summit Ave. to University Ave. � �
r Milton St. from Summit Ave. to Hague Ave.
� Milton St. from Marshall Ave. to Central Ave.
t Fisk St. from Iglehart Ave. to Carroll Ave. �
� Avon St. from Marshall Ave. to Concordia Ave.
k. i ,Grotto St. from portland Ave. to Hague Ave. �
� ; Grotto St. from Selby Aee. to Marshall Ave. ;
�: . j
� �: iag syszes, ana ao att oLner worx �inicn is necessary ana Zncidentat �o caa}�teLe .
�� ,r' said i�provemeats on the follawing streets : G1904 ` '+
� � Aurora Ave. from Oxford St. to Victoria St. "
� '` Fuller Ave. from Lexington Pkwy. to Victoria St. '.?
� Carroll Ave. froBn Oxford St. to Avon St. `.�
�� Iglehart Ave. from Lexington Pkwy. to Avon St.
flagae Ave. fro� Lexington Pkwy. to St. Albans St . ,
I.aurel Ave. from Lexington Pkwy. to Grotto St. ,
Ashland Ave. from Lexington Pkwy to Grotto St.
Oxford St. fram SeZbq Ave. to Concordia Ave.
Chatsvorth St. froffi Summit Ave. to University Ave.
Milton St. from Su�mit Ave. to Hague Ave.
1�lilton St. fram Marshall Ave. co Central Ave.
Fisk St. from Iglehart Ave. to Carroll Ave.
" Avon St. from Marshall Ave. to Concordia Ave.
Grotto St. from Portland Ave. to Hague Ave.
6rotto St. from Selby Ave. to Marshall Ave.
-- _ _ . -----�----o --- --
Y� Carison Nays
�Jalglish Approved OC+T 2 1 196�
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�„�;rafka n Favor
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..� a�,�_}_4�[� J y puBttst+�� OCT 2 5 1969
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Mr. Vice Yr�xd�nt (Yetor�oa)
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' � Auqust 21 , 1969
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre-
liminary order of the Council known as Council File No.
apprvved 19 relative to thm Varimws la�provm�ent
� �
proposed for Contract �'A", Swani t Un i vers i ty Renewal Area, 6-19�f4
and having investigated the matters and things refexred to therein. hereby
� 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1 ,�52,859•00
2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attache
and made a part hereof, ���, r��
�4� ;;�
3, Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works "'
4. Improvement is asked fo� upon petition
Commi ssi oner of ub i W s
`T' � ,�'l'�G.:,1 '
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IGHARD A. SCHNAR '�. �:r y„ ��:��r� ;,� c��» � �,�w� 9��,s
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'+�� ,a • . .. �� . .: t�, v7 ���iy �P�14Y f� �
� � � �, Capital of Minnesota ��` �: �" "` �� � ' ��` �
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, ; �`����a�-- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOttKS : , � � � � � � „ � "` � �` � ` '�
'•� � ' ; '��$ � 234 City Hall & Court House bS[02 �� r ..�� ,'�f�,�� �
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��' ���,'�'���w � `„,� ftOBERT F. PETERSON � :P � � ; �'��F-��� .�.�,��� ,�
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September 22, 1g69
Honorable James J. Dalglish '
Commissioner of Finance
City of St. Paul
(S t reet s &� S i dewa 1 ks) `
Dear S i r:
I transmit revised preliminary estimate of cost for the various improvements
proposed for G-1904A, Summit-University Renearal Area (Streets & Sidewalks) •
G- 19046, Summit-University Renewal Area (Alleys) will follow some time this
1 . Street Construction $1 ,014,063.12
(Includes 12% Eng. & 2% Insp. )
" 2. Sidewalk Construction 193, 172.24
(lncludes 12% Eng. & 2% Insp. ) '
3. Driveway Construction 53,989.�+4
(Includes 12% Eng, & 2% Insp. )
4. Total $1 ,261 ,225.80
To Be Assessed 306,400.00
Local Improvement Funds 13,065.�+3
Urban kenewal Qond Funds 9[�.� ��6�.3�
Please delete from the original Preliminary Order the following:
"And Construct sewer service connections".
Yours very truly,
RFP/JS/bp Robert F. Peterson
cc; Richard Schnarr Commissioner of Public Works
Richard Wheeler
.}ames Sch�•�a rtz '
Grege Beckett
Joseph Mitchell
Marshall Anderson, HRDA •
' � " �y�`�ir' "�.. 'x s.ss�� , 4 a'-, , . . i�v"+`�
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��v;;+RICHARD , ; "' �q - . � �w,���,, ,� „n�\
... CHIEF N 6'ISNE RNARR C I T Y� O F S A I N � P A U L .. • ��DEpUTY�'�,L�"p��Q1��N R�"�'� �`�,
*� = x=� Capital of Minnesota , � � �� ��`£ � � ._�,�,
R . � -
234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ' '
,; �:
R.OBERT F. PETERSON � ' , "' ; � .:sx
,_• .: : . -;>, > , : , , , . . -
, Commissioner ° ' ` ' '
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September 1 J, 196� � ��� �( . �=� I
����G 4� '
y h1r. r�oy Bredahl
� .a�..../C.J
Valuations Qureau
;e; Summit-University Renewal Area
Uear i°tr. 8redahl : � -
The following �re estirnated construction costs for streets and sidewalks
in the Surnmit-University Area Contract C- 1 ;o4 n. All casts include 12%
engineering and 2io inspection,
1 . Streets
�`'otal Cost (i ncl ud i ng Curb �.,� GuYter, Removal of those
trees effecte:l by t�e street ard se���r �,NOrk) - $1 ,014,Q63. 12.
Tor:�l 1 inear fee o�F/stree� (3� �t, wide) to be constructed -
34,3 2 0, C �.� Nl,��t� �
_ Cost per linear foot af street - Y2��.55
2. Curb anc� Cutter
T�t«1 �os r (i nc 1 u��:l i r,g ,°,e�7ova 1 of o�d cu rb} - $�19,785.85.
Total iinear feet to be constructed - 64,292. � «:Z ��
t,ost per ' ir�ear� fco,*. �L�,�7
�. � iae��,;� � 1-:.
Tot<,l cos t (i nc' ud i nc� o l c� s i dewa l !<. remova l & remova l of those '
t rees effecteci by t;�e �ya 1 !c) - $131 ,725. t ; ' �% /
T�tal 1 i near i eet to be construcfed(5 ft. �Ni de) - 34,257 � �`' ,�`'`"'���'
Cosfi per 1 i nf�ar root - $5.3� �
TE;e above i-i c,�.;res i nc 1 ude G 1 1 s i c1e���a 1 E: cons t ruct i on. The cos ts Por va r i ous
t y p e s �r e =:��s i�c;1 1 o�-,i s :
_ Y
;. , ,.,��c
: r` `� � - � � � ' �
, . .
'�:c;-� �a 1 `, ' �Ja 1 k Spec i a 1 Wa 1 kway System
Total Cost �'�+��.,''��' , �4 $40,896.99
Linear Feet ��: ,"=�? 5,021
Cost per Lin. Ft. $4. ? 1 $8. 14
4. Dr i vea�ays & Al t ey A�;�;c,a:h<��
Tota 1 COS t _ � r•n 1 �
$�; ,�.��, + +
Total Number - 2`;7_
Total Area - ���C^ Sq. Yd.
Cost per Drive���ay - `�21�' .24
i.ost per Sq. Y'd. - � l i . �2
5. tiJater Servi ce Connect i ons �•�i l i. not be a part of th i 5 Contract.
They wi 1 1 be i r;stal �ed by t;�e i;;ater Department and wi 11 not
be assessed. (There �;-i i 1 on';� be p�rl�aps 5 or so) . •�
b. There �„iill be no sev�er service connections .
Please furnish me ���ith the estim�:e� costs recoverable by assessments as
you obtain them. ir you need any additional figures, contact me on Ext.
4'o�.rs truly,
\ �
_�, _ . , ;
, �. _
,!a�ans !:1. Stahnke
; �:h i i c '�;lorb:s Tech. l I ! o
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MINNESOTA Page 1 of 2
113 Court House 55102
October 3, 1969
File L300, Page
Notice is hereby givmn that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
will hold a public hearing in the Council Chaabera of th� City Hall
and Court Houae at 10;00 a.m. , on October 21, 1969, on the sdvisabi:�ity
of proceeding with Preliniaary Order 245275, approved August 19, 19b9,
vhich proposes to:
Regrade and surface vith bituminous material and construct concrete
curb and gutter, concrete curb, concreta aideiralk, concrete driv�Ways
an ornamental lighting gyatem, and do all other work Which is necesaary
and incideatal to coaplete said improvenenta on the felloving streets;
AITRORA AVENUS from Oxford St. to Victoria St.; FOLLER AVBIitTE from
Lexington Pk�r, to Oictoria St. ; CARROLL AVBNUE from Oxford St. to
Avon St. ; IGLEHART AV6I�ETE fros Lexingto� Pkwy. to Avon St. ; HAGUB
AVBIitIE fros Lexington Pkwy. to St. Albans St. ; LAUREL AVENUE frcm
Lexington Pk�►. to Grotto St.; ASHLAND AVEIiiTE fro�s Lexiagton Pkwy. to
Grotto St. ; OXFORD STREBT from Selby Ave. to Concordia Ave.; CHATSW(fRTA
STREBT from Sumoaft Ava. to Univeraity Ave.; MILT0�1 STREIET from Sumsit Ave.
to Hague Ave.; MILTON STRELT from ![arshall Ave. to Central Ave.; FISK
STRSET from Iglehart Ave. to Carroll Ave. ; AVON STREE? fro` 1�arahall.
Ave. to Concordia Ave.; GROTTO STxEET froai Portland Ave. to flague Ave. ;
GROTTO STREET frvm Selby Ave. to I�iarshall Ave.
The improv�ments listed abov� are inclnded in Contract "A" of the
Sua�it-Univeraity Renewal Area.
The estimated total cost for these improvementa is $1,S�i1,250.00 to
be financed as follors;
Urban Reneval Funda $1,241,785.00
Local Inprovenent Funds 13,065.00
Estimat�d Propertq Asaesament 306,�400.00
Total Eatie�ated Cost $1,561,250.00
' Page 2 of 2
The property asaeasm�nt is based on Che fallo�wing e�timsted rates:
Street Improvementa - Regrade ai►d eurfac� x�ith bituoinous material and
constxuct concrete curb and gutter
A and B Residential
(1 and 2 family dwellings) $5.00 per a�aeaaabLe foo�
C Residential (nultipl� dvellings, apart-
ments, etc.), Comercia2 and Industrial $7.50 per a�ssssable foot
Sidewalks - Conatruct and reconstruct, vh�re nece:sarq, 5 foot vidtli
A and E Residential 41.60 per assessable foo1:
C Residential, Cc�ercial and Induatrial $3.20 per aasessable foot
Nata: Rates for other vidth sidewalk: will b� proporti�nat�ly adjuA�ed.
Drivevays $4.50 per square yard
If you rish d�tailed infor�ation r�garding the proposed i'prov�a�snto,
yon are invited to mtet with the t�achnical advisors in the Council
Chaubers, Third Floor, in the City Hall and Conrt Hcuse on the fo1lc�Wing
'Tuesdar - Qctober 14, 1969 - 7;04 p.m. to 9sOQ p.m.
Thursday - October 16, 1969 - 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.e�.
Saturdaq - October 18, 1969 - 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.�s.
Should anq of the above times not confors to your schedule, addition�l
appointsents may be made as time permita, by calling 22.3-4139 for
construction information or 223-4730 for asseae�snt inf�riasation.
Casnis�ioner of Finance