245960 Orl�lnal to Cit9 Clerk ►' ` ORDINANCE 24596� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �?`" �/�/ �\�-�� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fi.xing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, 11 approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAtNT PAUL DOE5 ORD.AIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section II, under the heading "Special Employments", the following lines: 11Clubhouse Man $5. 00 per single gaxne event-- $7. 00 per doubleheader" "Gateman 2. 50 per single game event-- 3. 50 per doubleheader" "Groundcrewman 1. 50 per hour or 3. 00 per, single game event-- 4. 00 per doubleheader" "Groundskeeper 1. 65 per hour or 10. 00 per single game event-- 15. 00 per doubleheader" "Head Gateman 5. 00 per si.ngle game event-- 8. 00 per doubleheader" "Head Ticket Seller--5tadium 6. 00 per si.ngle gaxne event-- 8. 00 per doubleheadert' "Head Usher--Stadium 4. 00 per single game event-- 5. 00 per doubleheader" "Matron--Stadium 3. 00 per single game event-- 4. 00 per doubleheader" "Public Address Announcer 5. 00 per single game event-- 7. 00 per doubleheader" "Scoreboard Operator 5. 00 per single game ev�nt-- 7. 00 per doubleheader" "Ticket Seller--Stadium 4. 00 per single game event-- 5. 00 per doubleheader" "Usher--Stadium 2. 50 per single game event-- 3. 50 per doubleheader" Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. N�V 4 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson � Dalglish Meredith � In Favor Peterson Q Against Sprafka Tedesco ��� � l��g . dent (BGys�e) � A ro _ Atte pp � City Cl k � �� ..� F in approved Corporation Counsel By � PUBLISHE� {�QV � i969 Daplieate to Printer , ���9".J'o ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��—'�``h An oxdia�;anc� amending C�rdinanca lt�o. b446, �r�titled: '�An admini�trative orc�in�.nce fiaxi�g the carxs- p�+n�atioz� rates of cert�iu city poe�ftio�� ax�.d emplayrn�nts, " approved 3anuary Z3, 1Q25, aa arnended. THE CC3UNCIL t7F THE CiTY` OF �AIP3T P.A,UL DQE�.S OIinAIN: Sectio�. 1. That f�rdxna,�c� No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and th� aame is her�by further amead�d by ineerting in Sectioa iI, tu►de�' the hea.dxug r�SpeCial Ernplt�yrnextte"� the foliowing liar�es: ��Clubhouse Man $5. UQ p�r �in�le game event-- �7. DO per doubi�header" ►'Caternar3 2. 50 per eingle game event-_ 3. 50 per doubleheaclep" "�'rroundcrewxnan 1. 50 per hour �or 3. 00 per �ingle ga�re event-- 4. 0 0 pe ar daubleheade r r' "Groundekeeper 1. b5 per h.our or 1Q. UO per �iagle ga�n�e ever�t-- i�. 00 ge r doubleheader" rrHead �'rat�man 5. UU per 83.ag�e ga.me event-- $. OU per doubleheader'r '�Head Ti�ket Se11er-�5tadiurn b. QO per siagle gaxne evex�t-- 8. t�0 pex doub�leheadertr "Head t3sher--Sta.dium 4. Op per eingle game event-� �. 40 pe� doubleheacler" "Matro��-5tadic�m 3. t30 per a�gls �ame event-- , 4. 00 per doubleheader" "Publi� Addre�s Anno�ncer �. �U per single game event-- ?. 40 per doubleheader" "Scnreboa�rd Oper�ator �. CIO p�r �i.�g�e ga�ne �vent«�- '�. 00 per doubleheader" "Tfcket Seller--�ta�iur.� 4. 00 per �ing�e �a�e event-- S. Of? per doublehea.der�' ��Usher--Stadxum 2. �t� per si�tgl� game event-- 3. 5(? per doubleheader" 5ectinn 2. This card%nauce shall tat�e effect and be i.n force thixty days after it� pa�e�a�e, apprnvai, and publicatiar�. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ��.���R � �.9��� Carlson s'J Dalgliah �� In Favor Meredith Peteraon C� Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) �`'` '° - e,,,,...,.,ea. J ����/�'�..,' _:.. i `'�[' ��V This ordinanceestablishes the rates of pay for the titles shown, which are being added to the titles under the heading "Special IEmployments". I st ' L' �� � � � 2nd � � � Laid over to 3rd and app--S�r�._._Adopted � ' ' 1 Yees Nays eas Nays Carlson �Carlson Dalglish , � Dalglish Meredith �459�0 �Meredith Peterson �eterson Sprafka � �Sprafka /I V Tedesco �Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O