245947� +
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File No. 17�►19
In the Matter_of _ �
_�_._._.T- . _ —— _ _ __ . __..w __ ._- _ �_-,. �.,.�. ., :_ __ - -
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' �
' Condemnin� and taking for the C1V1� Cen�er Parki.ng Ramp a.17. of Lot 7 and '
those paxts of Lots 3, ZE, 5 and 6, Auditor's Subdivision ;No. �+4, St. Pau1,' i
Minn. , and those parts of Lots l, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Bloek 24, Rice and
� � Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, t;ogether with those portions of Ryan' ,�
Avenue and Eagle Street vacatied or to be vacated bounded by the foLlowing ��
,_ �
described lines: �i
� Beginning at the point of intersection of the south easterly �
� line of Lot 3, Auditors Subdi�ris�En No. 44, with a line drawn
parallel to and 100 feet scutherly from the survey line of
underl Kellogg Boulevard, sa.id survey line being 2 feet southerly of �
the center line of the north roadway of Kellogg Boulevard; �
Th thence westerly along said parallel lirie to a point 123.g4
upon t: feet wes-terly of the point of intersection of said line with '
1. the southerly extension of the center l.ine of Auditorium � ���
is here Street; thence on a curve to the right radius 88Q feet to
' 2, its point of intersection with a line. 30 feet southeasterly
and parallel to.. the center line of the F.�cchange-Kellogg Bau�e�tard
� ~ Ramp as constructed, and showi� on Publ'ic Works Department„� `� �,
Bureau of Bridges, Plan of Kellogg BouletiT�,rd, Market Stre��1 to
�� Seven Corners, Sheet 71, Drawer 106 dated May, 1936; then��
- southwesterl alon said
y g parallel line to its point of inter- ,
section with the center line of Eagle Street as extended _ ',
northwesterly; thence southeasterly along_ said c'enter line of '
_--- Eagle Street to the point of intersection with the easterly +
line of Lot 2, Bloc?i 33, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Sai.nt '
Pau1 extended northerly; thence southerly along said extended
� easterly line to the southerly line of Eagle Street; thence
southeasterly along said southerly line of'Eagle Street to
�t� the most e�.sterly corner o� �aid Block 33; thence in an easterly
direction to the most southerly corner of Zot 7, Auditor's '
�' Subdivision No. 4�; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly �
line of said Lo-t 7 to the,.north easterly corner': of said Lot 7
tihence in an easterly direction to the most sou�herly corner of
, Lot 4, I�uditcr's Subdivis-ion No. 44; thence northeasterly along
� the southeasterly line of said lot �- to its point of intersection
Ho� � ��i�h the southeas�erly line of Lot 3, ��uditor's-'Subdivision No.
- �� �+Z•, tnence northeasterly along said scuzheasterly line of I,ot 3,
hea Audizor's Subdivis�.on No. �+4 to the point of beginnin�.
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Yeas rra�s (�C'I' 15 196g �
�.�ti90t1 AAProved
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PeterSOti _�� Favor '
�edbSt7Q-- � Mayor
� „ �Yrne Aga.inst PUe�ISHE� OCT 18 1969
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